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Click here for more info about 'Shugo Tokumaru - Port Entropy'Click here for more info about 'Shugo Tokumaru - Port Entropy'

SHUGO TOKUMARU Port Entropy (2010 UK 12-track CD album - Shugo Tokumaru is a Tokyo-born songwriter and until now, little known outside his home country. His fourth album 'Port Entropy' [his first album for UK audiences], and perfectly displays his uplifting pop nous, creating technicolour tapestries of dreamwoven sounds. Beginning with a 45 second instrumental intro 'Platform', we're instantly transported into Shugo's weird and wonderful world, a patchwork of sounds ranging from glockenspiels and banjos, to flutes and horns mixed with electronics beeps and bleeps, that lies somewhere between folk pop and a computer game. The range of songs on 'Port Entropy' is striking, from the catherine wheel of-a-tune 'Lahaha' to the beautiful piano and theramin laced ballad 'Linne'. Previously released as a single in Japan and recently remixed by Deerhoof, 'Rum Hee' is perfect example of his knack for a catchy melody as well as his idiosyncratic arrangements, featuring whistles, bells and the occasional animal sound thrown in for good measure. Starting off with a quiet acoustic strum then building to an epic crescendo, it leaves the listener feeling exhilarated and beautifully bamboozled. The album is littered with similar highlights, from the harmonica ditty 'River Low', the percussive tangy clang of 'Drive Thru', to the grin-enducing chirpiness of 'Malerina', the grandfather clock immersion of 'Orange' and the intoxicating sparkle of new single 'Tracking Elevator' it's clear a significant new talent has been unearthed in Shugo. With twists and turns a plenty, 'Port Entropy' is an album full of gems to be treasured) more...
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Click here for more info about 'Shugo Tokumaru - Port Entropy'Click here for more info about 'Shugo Tokumaru - Port Entropy'

SHUGO TOKUMARU Port Entropy (2010 UK 12-track vinyl LP - Shugo Tokumaru is a Tokyo-born songwriter and until now, little known outside his home country. His fourth album 'Port Entropy' [his first album for UK audiences], and perfectly displays his uplifting pop nous, creating technicolour tapestries of dreamwoven sounds. Beginning with a 45 second instrumental intro 'Platform', we're instantly transported into Shugo's weird and wonderful world, a patchwork of sounds ranging from glockenspiels and banjos, to flutes and horns mixed with electronics beeps and bleeps, that lies somewhere between folk pop and a computer game. The range of songs on 'Port Entropy' is striking, from the catherine wheel of-a-tune 'Lahaha' to the beautiful piano and theramin laced ballad 'Linne'. Previously released as a single in Japan and recently remixed by Deerhoof, 'Rum Hee' is perfect example of his knack for a catchy melody as well as his idiosyncratic arrangements, featuring whistles, bells and the occasional animal sound thrown in for good measure. Starting off with a quiet acoustic strum then building to an epic crescendo, it leaves the listener feeling exhilarated and beautifully bamboozled. The album is littered with similar highlights, from the harmonica ditty 'River Low', the percussive tangy clang of 'Drive Thru', to the grin-enducing chirpiness of 'Malerina', the grandfather clock immersion of 'Orange' and the intoxicating sparkle of new single 'Tracking Elevator' it's clear a significant new talent has been unearthed in Shugo. With twists and turns a plenty, 'Port Entropy' is an album full of gems to be treasured) more...
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Alternative artists: Tokumaru, Shugo


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