M   | M'Boup, Abdou   | M+M   |
M, Bobby   | M-80   | M-Beat   |
M-Beat feat Jamiroquai   | M-D-Emm   | M-Factor   |
M-People   | M. Frog   | M. Nageswara Rao   |
M. Taos Amrouche   | M.A.F.I.A., Junior   | M.A.N.D.Y   |
M.A.R.R.S.   | M.A.S.S.   | M.B.   |
M.C. And His Great Googa-Mooga   | M.C.Boob   | M.D.C.   |
M.E.F.F.   | M.G. & The Escorts   | M.N.O.   |
M.O.D.   | M.O.D. (David Essex)   | M.O.P.   |
M.S. Subbulakshmi   | M//R   | M:   |
M0   | M2M   | M3   |
M83   | Ma Cherie For Painting   | Ma$e   |
Ma, Yo-Yo   | Ma, Yo-Yo & Ax, Emanuel   | Maajun   |
Maal, Baaba   | Maal, Baaba & Seck, Mansour   | Maan, Gurdas   |
Maanam   | Maazel, Lorin   | Mabel   |
Mabel Joy   | Mabern, Harold   | Mabley, Moms   |
Mabon, Willie   | Mabsant   | Mabuchi, Yuko   |
Mabuse, Sipho   | Mac Attack   | Mac Band   |
Mac Gayden   | Mac, Tah   | Macabra, Força   |
Macabre   | Macabre, Danse   | MacAlpine, Tony   |
Macari, Glo   | Macarthur Park   | MacArthur, James   |
MacArthur, Neil   | Macbeth, David   | Macc Lads   |
Maccabees, The   | Macchi, Egisto   | MacColl, Ewan   |
MacColl, Ewan & Seeger, Peggy   | MacColl, Kirsty   | Macdonald, Aimi   |
Macdonald, Aimi & Carroll, Ron   | MacDonald, Amy   | MacDonald, Gavin   |
MacDonald, Jeanette   | MacDonald, Jeanette & Eddy, Ne   | MacDonald, Keith   |
MacDonald, Marie   | MacDonald, Ralph   | MacDougall, Sarah   |
MacDowell, Edward   | Maceo & The Macks   | Macero, Teo   |
MacGowan, Shane   | Macgregor, Mary   | Mach 7   |
Machetazo   | Machiavel   | Machinations   |
Machine (JPN)   | Machine (US)   | Machine Gun Feedback, The   |
Machine Gun Fellatio   | Machine Gun Kelly   | Machine Head   |
Machine, Civilisation   | Machine, Minuit   | Machinedrum   |
Machinefabriek   | Machinery Hall   | Machines   |
Machito   | Macho   | Machucambos, Los   |
Macias, Enrico   | Macintyre, Colin   | Mack, Billy   |
Mack, Bunny   | Mack, Craig   | Mack, Freddie   |
Mack, Lonnie   | Mack, Sheelah   | Mack, The   |
Mack, Warner   | Macka B   | MacKampa, Jordan   |
Mackay, Andy   | MacKay, Bruce   | Mackay, Duncan   |
Mackay, Rabbit   | Mackel, Billy   | Mackell, Joanne   |
Mackenzie Jet Combo, The   | MacKenzie, Billy   | MacKenzie, Gisele   |
Mackenzie, Judy   | Mackenzies   | Mackey Feary   |
MacKintosh, Iain   | Mackintosh, Ken   | Macklemore   |
MacLaine, Shirley   | Maclean And Maclean   | Maclean, Bryan   |
Maclean, Don   | Maclean, Dougie   | Maclennan, Dolina   |
MacLeod, Bobby   | MacLeod, Doug   | MacLeod, Jim   |
MacLeod, John   | MacLeod, Pete   | Macleod, Robert   |
MacLiammoir, Michael   | MacManus Gang   | MacNee & Blackman   |
Macnee, Patrick   | MacNeil, Flora   | MacNeil, Rita   |
MacNeill, Finlay   | Macon, Uncle Dave   | MacPherson, Bruce   |
MacPherson, Donald   | MacPherson, Fraser   | MacRae, Gordon   |
Macrae, Josh   | Mactatus   | MacTavish, David   |
Macve, Holly   | Mad Caddies   | Mad Capsule Markets, The   |
Mad Cow Disease   | Mad Daddys   | Mad Donna   |
Mad Hatters, The   | Mad House   | Mad Jocks & Englishmen   |
Mad Lads, The (60s)   | Mad Lads, The (90s)   | Mad Max   |
Mad Professor   | Mad River   | Mad Scene, The   |
Mad Season   | Madaction   | Madam X   |
Madame X   | Madasun   | Madball   |
Madcarson   | Madcon   | Madder Lake   |
Madder Rose   | Maddern, Victor   | Maddox Brothers, The   |
Maddox, Rose   | Maddox, Rose & Glenn, Glen   | Maddslinky   |
Made In England   | Made In Japan   | Made In London   |
Made In Sweden   | Madelaine   | Madeline Bell   |
Madelyne   | Madeon   | Mader   |
Madhouse   | Madhouse (1970s)   | Madina Lake   |
Madison   | Madison (UK)   | Madison Avenue   |
Madlib   | Madness   | Madonna   |
Madoo   | Madore, Michel   | Madredeus   |
Madrigal (Folk)   | Madrigal (Rock)   | Madrugada   |
Mads, The   | Madura   | Madvillain   |
Mae   | Mae, Jenny   | Maegan   |
Maelov & Patteson   | Maerz, Marion   | Maestoso   |
Maestro Fresh-Wes   | Maestro's All Steel Band, The   | Maffay, Peter   |
Maffia Mr Huws   | Mafia, The   | Mag & The Suspects   |
Mag, Sheer   | Magaloff, Nikita   | Magazin   |
Magazine   | Magazine, Mojo   | Magazzini Criminali   |
Mageean, Jim   | Magenta (Folk)   | Magenta (Pop)   |
Magenta [Christina Murphy]   | Maggat   | Maggie & Terry Roche   |
Magic   | Magic Accordions Of Adriano, T   | Magic Affair   |
Magic Band   | Magic Bus   | Magic Bus (70s)   |
Magic Bus (Prog)   | Magic Carpet   | Magic Castles   |
Magic Christians, The   | Magic Gang, The   | Magic Hour   |
Magic Kids   | Magic Lady   | Magic Lanterns, The   |
Magic Michael   | Magic Mixture   | Magic Moments   |
Magic Muscle   | Magic Mushroom Band, The   | Magic Notes, The   |
Magic Numbers, The   | Magic Pie   | Magic Roundabout   |
Magic Roundabout, The   | Magic Sam   | Magic Slim   |
Magic Theatre, The   | Magic Touch   | Magic Valley   |
Magicdrive   | Magick Heads, The   | Magik Markers, The   |
Magik Roundabout   | Magma   | Magna Carta   |
Magna Charta   | Magnapop   | Magnard, Alberic   |
Magness, Clif   | Magnet   | Magneta Lane   |
Magnetic Fields, the   | Magnetic Man   | Magnetic North Pole   |
Magnetics, The   | Magnetize   | Magneto   |
Magnetophone   | Magnificents, The   | Magnitude 9   |
Magnog   | Magnolia   | Magnolia Electric Co.   |
Magnolia Jazz Band   | Magnolia Siege   | Magnolias, The   |
Magnum   | Magnum Bonum   | Magnum Force   |
Magnus   | Magnus, Teddy   | Magnusson, Jakob   |
Magoo   | Magpie Salute, The   | Maguire, Clare   |
Maguire, John   | Maguire, Leo   | Maguire, Sean   |
Magus   | Magyar Symphonic Strings, The   | Maharis, George   |
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi   | Mahatma   | Mahatma X   |
Mahavishnu Orchestra, The   | Mahavishnu Project, The   | Maher, Ashley   |
Mahlathini   | Mahler, Gustav   | Mahmood, Talat   |
Mahoaney, Skip   | Mahogany   | Mahogany   |
Mahogany (Rock)   | Mahogany Blue   | Mahone, Austin   |
Mahoney Johnnie   | Mai Tai   | Mai, Ella   |
Maia, Tim   | Maid Of Ace   | Maid, Delta   |
MaidaVale   | Maiden Sidney   | Maiden Theatre Group, The   |
Maidza, Tkay   | Mail, Snail   | Main   |
Main Attraction, The   | Main Ingredient, The   | Main Source   |
Main T Posse   | Main T. Possee, The   | Maine, The   |
Maineeaxe   | Maines Brothers, The   | Mainframe   |
Mainhorse   | Maini, Joe   | Mainieri, Mike   |
Mainland   | Mains Ignition   | Mainsqueeze   |
Mainstream   | Mainstream (70s)   | Mainstreet   |
Maiovvi, Antoni   | Mairena, Antonio   | Mairena, Manuel   |
Maisonettes, The   | Maiuko, Theresa   | Majenta   |
Majestic Singers, The   | Majestics (Funk), The   | Majestics (TV), The   |
Majesty   | Majeure   | Majid, Sheila   |
Majjestee's   | Major Accident   | Major Force West   |
Major Matt Mason   | Major Organ And The Adding Mac   | Major Problems   |
Major Setback Band, The   | Major Surgery   | Major T   |
Major, Bruno   | Majority Of One   | Majority, The   |
Majors, Kristy   | Majors, Lee   | Majors, The   |
Makadopoulos   | Makaton Chat   | Make Do And Mend   |
Make Good Your Escape   | Make Them Suffer   | Make Up   |
Make War   | Make-Up, The   | Makeba, Miriam   |
Makem, Sarah   | Makem, Tommy   | Maker   |
Maker, James   | Maker, Widow   | Makers, Melody   |
Makers, The   | Makin' Time   | Makin, John   |
Makitsis, Andy   | Makowicz, Adam   | MAL-ONE   |
Mala   | Malachi   | Malachia   |
Malachy Doris Ceili Band   | Malajube   | Malamini Jobarteh & Dembo Kont   |
Malaria!   | Malcolm's Interview   | Malcolm, Carl   |
Malcolm, Carlos   | Malcolm, George   | Malcom Ryan   |
Malcuzynski, Witold   | Maldere, Pieter Van   | Maldini   |
Maldoon, Curtiss   | Male   | Male Bonding   |
Male Nurse, The   | Male Nurses   | Maleras, Emma   |
Malév   | Malevolence   | Malevolent Creation   |
Malfeitor   | Malibu   | Malibu (Reggae)   |
Malibu Stacey   | Malice   | Malice (US Band)   |
Malicorne   | Malik, Anu   | Malik, Zayn   |
Malin, Jesse   | Malkine, Sonia   | Malkmus, Stephen   |
Malkuth   | Mallan, Peter   | Mallard   |
Mallinder, Stephen   | Mallory Knox   | Mallory, Michel   |
Malloy, Mitch   | Malloy, Victor   | Malluka   |
Malmkvist, Siw   | Malmsteen, Yngwie   | Malo   |
Malo, Raul   | Malone, Debbie   | Malone, Marcus   |
Malone, Tom   | Malone, Wil   | Maloney, Bunny   |
Maloney, David   | Maloney, Vince   | Maloo   |
Malopoets   | Malta   | Maltese, Matt   |
Malvo, Anthony   | Mama Lion   | Mama Scuba   |
Mama Tick   | Mama's Boys   | Mama's Pride   |
Mamas & Papas, The   | Mamas Barn   | Mambo Kurt   |
Mambo Taxi   | Mamie Van Doren   | Mamiffer   |
Mamiya, Takako   | Mammal   | Mammal (Electro)   |
Mammath   | Mammoth   | Mammoth Grinder   |
Mammoth Penguins   | Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard   | Mammut   |
Mammut (70's)   | Mamode IV, Reginald Omas   | Mamou Cajun Band, The   |
Mampi Swift   | Mamuthones   | Mamzelle, Batti   |
Man   | Man & The Echo   | Man 2 Man   |
Man Doki   | Man From Delmonte, The   | Man From Missouri   |
Man From U.N.C.L.E.   | Man Jumping   | Man Klan   |
Man Like Me   | Man Man   | Man Mountain   |
Man Must Die   | Man Or Astroman   | Man Overboard   |
Man Parrish   | Man Raze   | Man Upstairs, The   |
Man With No Name   | Man With The Golden Horn, The   | Man, Mountain   |
Man, Primitive   | Man, Radioactive   | Man, Yawning   |
Man-Tecka   | Mana   | Manafest   |
Manak, Kuldip   | Manasseh   | Manasseh Meets The Equalizer   |
Mance, Junior   | Mancha, Steve   | Manchester City FC   |
Manchester CWS Band, The   | Manchester Mob, The   | Manchester Orchestra   |
Manchester Utd FC   | Manchester, Melissa   | Manchie & The Coolers   |
MANCHILD   | Manchild   | Mancini, Henry   |
Mancrab   | Mancrab   | Mancuso, Gus   |
Mandalaband   | Mandalay   | Mandarin   |
Mandel, Harvey   | Mandel, Johnny   | Mandel, Mike   |
Mandel, Róbert   | Mandiano, Sara   | Mandingo   |
Mandingo Griot Society   | Mandisa   | Mando Diao   |
Mandragora   | Mandrake   | Mandrake Memorial, The   |
Mandrake Paddle Steamer   | Mandré   | Mandrell, Barbara   |
Mandrill   | Mandy Moore   | Mane, Gucci   |
Maneaters   | Maneige   | Måneskin   |
Manfila, Kante   | Manfred Ehlert's Amen   | Manfred Mann's Earth Band   |
Mangan, Dan   | Mangelsdorff, Albert   | Mangesh, Nitin   |
Mangeshkar, Hridaynath   | Mangeshkar, Lata   | Mangione, Chuck   |
Mangione, Gap   | Mango, Green   | Manhattan Jazz All-Stars, The   |
Manhattan Jazz Quintet   | MANHATTAN JAZZ SEPTETTE, The   | Manhattan Love Suicides, The   |
Manhattan Transfer, The   | Manhattans, The   | Mania   |
Maniacs   | Maniacs   | Manic MCs   |
Manic St Preachers   | Manicured Noise   | Manifesto   |
Manifold, Keith   | Manigua, La   | Manilla Road   |
Manilow, Barry   | Manish Boys   | Manitoba   |
Manitou   | Manix (Fr)   | Manix (UK)   |
Manjrekar, Dilip   | Mankato   | Mankind   |
Mankind   | Mann, Aimee   | Mann, Barry   |
Mann, Carl   | Mann, Charles (Country)   | Mann, Charles (Soul)   |
Mann, Geoff   | Mann, Herbie   | Mann, John   |
Mann, Lorene   | Mann, Manfred   | Mann, Roberto   |
Mannakorn   | Manne, Shelly   | Mannheim Chamber Players, The   |
Mannheim Steamroller   | Manning, Barbara   | Manning, Bernard   |
Manning, John   | Manning, Linda   | Manning. Jr, Roger Joseph   |
Mannish Boys   | Mannoia, Fiorella   | Mannutza, Luca   |
Mano Negra   | Manone, Wingy   | Manouches, Les   |
Manowar   | Manricks, Jacam   | Manring, Michael   |
Mansano, Joe   | Mansell Chorale, The   | Mansell, Frank   |
Manset, Gerard   | Mansfield, Jayne   | Mansfield, Keith   |
Mansfield-Allman, Ingrid   | Mansions   | Mansions, Mini   |
Manson, Charles   | Manson, Jeane   | Manson, Shirley   |
Mansun   | Mansur, Mallikarjun   | Mantar   |
Mantaray   | Manteca   | Manteca, Larry   |
Mantic Ritual   | Manticore   | Manticore’s Breath   |
Mantis, Lord   | Mantle, Doreen   | Mantler, Michael   |
Mantles   | MANTON, BOB   | Mantovani   |
Mantronix   | Mantus   | Manuel & His Music Of The Mts   |
Manuel, Ian   | Manufactured Romance   | Manusardi, Guido   |
Manyeruke, Machanic   | Manyika, Zeke   | Manzanera Mackay   |
Manzanera, Phil   | Manzanza, Myele   | Manzel   |
Map Of Africa   | Map Room, The   | Mapangala, Samba   |
Maphis, Joe   | Maple, U.S.   | Mapleoak   |
Maps   | Maps & Atlases   | Mar-Keys, The   |
Mara   | Mara, Tommy   | Marabunta   |
Marah   | Marais, Marin   | Maran, George   |
Maran, Mike   | Marathon   | Marathon (70s)   |
Marathon (90s)   | Marathonmann   | Marauders, The   |
Marbaker   | Marble Index, The   | Marbles, The (00s)   |
Marbles, The (60s)   | Marbuk   | Marc And The Mambas   |
Marc Et Claude   | Marc Seaberg   | Marc, Sylvin   |
Marcelli, Andrea   | Marcello, Benedetto   | Marcello, Kee   |
Marcels, The   | March Hare, The   | March Of Anger   |
March Violets, The   | March, Peggy   | Marchan, Bobby   |
Marchetti, Walter   | Marcia & Lloyd   | Marcia Blaine School For Girls, The   |
Marciano, Roc   | Marcians, The   | Marclay, Christian   |
Marco V   | Marconi, Via   | Marconic   |
Marcos Resende & Index   | Marcos Valle & Stacey Kent   | Marcovicci, Andrea   |
Marcus   | Marcus Hook Roll Band   | Marcy Jo And Rambeau, Eddie   |
Marcy Playground   | Mardel, Guy   | Mardi Gras   |
Mardie, Montt   | Mardin, Arif   | Mardis, Bobby   |
Mardones, Benny   | Mardous, The   | Marduk   |
Marea, Desire   | Mareeko   | Maresca, Ernie   |
Margherita, Master   | Marginal Man   | Margo And The Marvettes   |
Margolin, Bob   | Margulis, Charlie   | Mari Boine Persen   |
Maria And Margo Hellwig   | Maria, Ida   | Maria, Tania   |
Maria, Vera   | Mariachi Brass, The   | Mariachi Miguel Dias   |
Mariani, Dom   | Marianne And Mike   | Mariano, Charlie   |
Marías, The   | Maribou State   | Marid   |
Marie & The Wildwood Flowers   | Marie Et Les Garcons   | Marie Frank   |
Marie, Donna   | Marie, Kelly   | Marie, Teena   |
Marienthal, Eric   | Marietta   | Marigold's, Dr.   |
Marigolds, The   | Marijata   | Marillion   |
Marilyn   | Marilyn Manson   | Marilyn Middleton-Pollock   |
Marimba Chiapas   | Marimba Hermanos Paniagua   | Marimba Orquesta   |
Marimberos, Los   | Marin, Pedro   | Marina & The Diamonds   |
Marina Del Rey   | Marine   | Marine Girls   |
Marine Life   | Marine Research   | Marinella   |
Mariner's Children, The   | Marines The   | Marini, Marino   |
Marino   | Marino, Frank & Mahogany Rush   | Marino, Joe   |
Mario   | Marion   | Marionette   |
Marionettes   | Marionettes, The (90s)   | Marisa   |
Marisa Tomei   | Marismeños, Los   | Mariza   |
Marjorie Fair   | Mark B & Blade   | Mark Burgess & The Sons Of God   |
Mark Burgess & Yves Altana   | Mark Four, The   | Mark Kelly's Marathon   |
Mark Le Gallez   | Mark Leeman Five   | Mark Nevin   |
Mark Oh   | Mark Porkchop Holder   | Mark Stewart And The Maffia   |
Mark Williamson Band   | Mark, Jon   | Mark, Louisa   |
Mark-Almond   | Markay, Barbara   | Markham, Pigmeat   |
Markie Biz   | Markopoulos, Yannis   | Markowitz, Marky   |
Marks, Alfred   | Marks, Cory   | Marks, Guy   |
Markstein, Stapley   | Markusfeld, Alain   | Marky Mark   |
Marky Ramone & The Intruders   | Marl, Marley   | Marley, Damian   |
Marley, Ky-Mani   | Marley, Rita   | Marley, Stephen   |
Marley, Ziggy   | Marli   | Marlin   |
Marlin, Lene   | Marling, Laura   | Marlon 'Madman' Mitchell And T   |
Marlow, Robert   | Marlowe   | Marmaduke Duke   |
Marmalade, The   | Marmarosa, Dodo   | Marmion   |
Marmozets   | Marnie   | Marnie, Helen   |
MAROON   | Maroon 5   | Maroondogs   |
Maroons   | Maroons [Hip Hop]   | Maroto, Sebastian   |
Marouani, Didier   | Marquis, Brian   | Marr, Hank   |
Marrakesh   | Marriage, Left-Handed   | Marriages   |
Married Monk, The   | Marriott, Steve   | Marrow, Esther   |
Marrow, Lee   | Marrs, Steve   | Mars   |
Mars (Metal)   | Mars F. Wellink   | Mars Melissa   |
Mars Red Sky   | Mars, Bruno   | Mars, Johnny   |
Mars, Vic   | Marsala, Joe   | Marsalis, Branford   |
Marsalis, Ellis   | Marsalis, Wynton   | Marschmellows   |
Marsden, Bernie   | Marsden, Gerry   | Marseille   |
Marsh Jean   | Marsh, Carl   | Marsh, Lola   |
Marsh, Michelle   | Marsh, Nick   | Marsh, Sally Ann   |
Marsh, Warne   | Marshal, Gary   | Marshall Doctors   |
Marshall Hain   | Marshall Jefferson   | Marshall Tucker Band, The   |
Marshall's Party   | Marshall, Al   | Marshall, Alexis   |
Marshall, Amanda   | Marshall, Dominic J   | Marshall, Field   |
Marshall, Herta   | Marshall, Jack   | Marshall, Jimmy   |
Marshall, John   | Marshall, Joy   | Marshall, Keith   |
Marshall, Larry   | Marshall, Laurie   | Marshall, Lyn   |
Marshall, Melanie   | Marshall, Meri D.   | Marshall, Mike & Anger, Darol   |
Marshall, Owen   | Marshall, Tony   | Marshall, Tony Joe   |
Marshall, Wayne   | Marsicans   | Marsupilami   |
Martay 'N' DBM   | Martay, MC   | Martell, Lena   |
Martell, Ray   | Martell, Tony   | Marten, Billie   |
Martens, Alfred   | Mårtenson, Lasse   | Marter, Johnny   |
Marterie, Ralph   | Martha & The Muffins   | Martha Davis (Jazz)   |
Martha's Vineyard   | MarthaGunn   | Marti Pellow   |
Marti Webb   | Martian Dance   | Martika   |
Martin And Finley   | Martin And The Brownshirts   | Martin Circus   |
Martin Degville   | Martin Linda   | Martin's Magic Sounds   |
Martin, Andy   | Martin, Benny   | Martin, Bill   |
Martin, Billie Ray   | Martin, Bobbi   | Martin, Carrie   |
Martin, Chris   | Martin, Claire   | Martin, Dave   |
Martin, Dean   | Martin, Derek   | Martin, Eric   |
Martin, Frank   | Martin, Freddy   | Martin, George   |
Martin, Horace   | Martin, Jacki   | Martin, Janis   |
Martin, Jim   | Martin, Jimmy   | Martin, Juan   |
Martín, Juan   | Martin, Lucy   | Martin, Marilyn   |
Martin, Mary   | Martin, Millicent   | Martin, Moon   |
Martin, Nicholas   | Martin, Nicole   | Martin, Patrick D.   |
Martin, Ray   | Martin, Ricky   | Martin, Scott   |
Martin, Skip   | Martin, Steve   | Martin, Tony   |
Martin, Trade   | Martina Topley Bird   | Martindale, Wink   |
Martine, Ray   | Martineau, Alice   | Martinelli, Giovanni   |
Martinez, Angie   | Martinez, Hirth   | Martinez, Melanie   |
Martinez, Nancy   | Martinez, Nigel   | Martinez, Pepe   |
Martinez, Sabu   | Martinho Da Vila   | Martini Henry Rifles, The   |
Martini, Mia   | Martinique   | Martinis, The   |
Martino, Al   | Martino, Miranda   | Martino, Pat   |
Martinu, Bohuslav   | Martire   | Martland, Steve   |
Marton, Sandy   | Martroo   | Marty & Elayne   |
Marty Friedman   | Martyn Ford Orchestra   | Martyn, John   |
Martyn, John & Beverley   | Martyn, Joseph   | Martyr   |
Martyrdöd   | Marusha   | Marvel   |
Marvelettes, The   | Marvelous 3   | Marvels, The   |
Marvin & Johnny   | Marvin Pontiac   | Marvin The Paranoid Android   |
Marvin Welch & Farrar   | Marvin, Hank   | Marvin, Lee   |
Marx Brothers, The   | Marx Trukker, The   | Marx, Groucho   |
Marx, Harpo   | Marx, Richard   | Marxman   |
Mary & Harvey Kershaw   | Mary Beats Jane   | Mary Datchelor Girls' School   |
Mary Jane Girls   | Mary Lee Kortes   | Mary Mary   |
Mary McCaslin & Jim Ringer   | Mary McKee & The Genesis   | Mary Miller & Saratoga Freeway   |
Mary My Hope   | Mary Onettes, The   | Mary Queen Of Scots   |
Mary, Miss   | Maryetta & Vernon Midgley   | MaryMary   |
Mas, Carolyne   | Mas, Jeanne   | Masada, Sheveks   |
Masai   | Masakatsu, Takagi   | Masaki, Matsubara   |
Masami Okui   | Masaru Imada Trio +2   | Mascagni, Pietro   |
Mascots, The   | Mascott   | Masefield, John   |
Masekela, Hugh   | Maserati   | Masetti, Glauco   |
Mash!   | Mash, The   | Mashina   |
Mashmakhan   | Mashonda   | Masi, Alex   |
Masini, Marco   | Mask   | Maslak, Keshavan   |
Mason   | Mason City Men's Club   | Mason Jennings   |
Mason Proffit   | Mason, Barbara   | Mason, Barry   |
Mason, Bill   | Mason, Dave   | MASON, GILLY   |
Mason, Glen   | Mason, Harvey   | Mason, Jackie   |
Mason, James   | Mason, James [50s]   | Mason, Mary   |
Mason, Nick   | Mason, Rod   | Mason, Steve   |
Mason, Sylvia   | Masonna   | Masqualero   |
Masquerade   | Masqueraders, The   | MASS   |
Mass (4AD)   | Mass (German)   | Mass (Punk)   |
Mass (US)   | Mass Extension   | Mass Gothic   |
Mass Order   | Mass Production   | Massacre   |
Massada   | Massage, Jomi   | Massappeal   |
Massara   | Massari   | Masselos, William   |
Massenet, Jules Émile Frédéric   | Masser, Michael   | Massiel   |
Massien, Hugo   | Massiera, Jean-Pierra   | Massive   |
Massive Attack   | Massive Ego   | Massive Wagons   |
Massivo   | Masso, George   | Mastedon   |
Master   | Master C & J   | Master Jay & Michael Dee   |
Master Musicians Of Bukkake   | Master Musicians Of Jajouka   | Master P   |
Master Singers, The   | Master's Apprentices   | Master's Hammer   |
Masterboy   | Mastermind   | Mastermind, Dr.   |
Masterminds   | Masterminds, The   | Masterplan   |
Masters At Work   | Masters Family, The   | Masters In France   |
Masters Of Reality   | Masters Of The Universe   | Masters, Gerald   |
Masters, Mark   | Masters, Sammy   | Masters, Valerie   |
Masterson, Adam   | Masterson, Valerie & Tear, Robert   | Mastersounds, The   |
Masterswitch   | Mastersystem   | Mastiff   |
Mastodon   | Maston   | Mastreechter Staar, De   |
Masuo, Yoshiaki   | Mata, Billy   | Matador & Fay   |
Matadors, The (R&R)   | Matadors, The (Reggae)   | Mataja, Branko   |
Matalon, Zack   | Matata   | Matatsch, Heike   |
Match   | Matchbook Romance   | Matchbox   |
Matchbox 20   | Matches, The   | Matching Mole   |
Mate, Bodgers   | Maté, Philippe   | Material   |
Material Issue   | Mates Of State   | Matfield And The Pond   |
Math And Physics Club   | Mathematiques Modernes   | Matheson, Andrew   |
Mathews' / Wilson / Doonan   | Mathews, Mat   | Mathews, Rick   |
Mathews, Ronnie   | Mathias, William   | Mathieu, Mireille   |
Mathis, Country Johnny   | Mathis, Johnny   | Maths   |
Mathus, Jimbo   | Matias, Ivan   | Matic 16   |
Matisyahu   | Matlock, Glen   | Matmos   |
Matranga, Jonah   | Matrix   | Matrix, The   |
Matsubara, Takafumi   | Matsuda, Yasuko   | Matsui, Kazu   |
Matsui, Keiko   | Matsumoto, Hidehiko   | Matsumoto, Tak   |
Matt And Kim   | Matt Bianco   | Matt Darey   |
Matt Pond PA   | Mattafix   | Mattea, Kathy   |
Matteoni, Guy   | Matter Babies, The   | Matter, Gray   |
Matterhorn Project   | Matteson, Rich   | Matthew   |
Matthew & Peter   | Matthew & The Mandarins   | Matthew McConaughey   |
Matthew Sawyer And The Ghosts   | Matthews Brothers, The   | Matthews Southern Comfort   |
Matthews, Al   | Matthews, Carl   | Matthews, Cerys   |
Matthews, David   | Matthews, Dennis   | Matthews, Eric   |
Matthews, Ian   | Matthews, Jean   | Matthews, Jessie   |
Matthews, Joe   | Matthews, Julie   | Matthews, Milt   |
Matthews, Onzy   | Matthews, Randy   | Matthews, Scott   |
Matthews, Summer   | Matthias, John And Ryan, Nick   | Matti Caspi & Sasha Argov   |
Mattiel   | Matuška, Waldemar   | Matukis, Jerzy   |
Matumbi   | Matys Bros., The   | Matz, Peter   |
Mauboy, Jessica   | Maughan, Susan   | Maupin, Bennie   |
Mauriat, Paul   | Maurice & Mac   | Maurice & Noble   |
Maurice & Walter   | Maurice Price Big 'T' Band   | Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs   |
Maurizio   | Mauro Teho Teardo   | Mauro, Efumu   |
Maus, John   | Maus, Mau   | Mavericks, The   |
Max   | Max 404   | Max Collie's Rhythm Aces   |
Max D Barnes   | Max Houliston And His Scottish   | Max Q   |
Max Splodge   | Max Tundra   | Max Webster   |
Max, Ava   | Maxayn   | Maxfield Parish   |
Maxim   | Maxima   | Maximillian, D.   |
Maximo Park   | Maximum Balloon   | Maximum Effect, The   |
Maximum Joy   | Maxine   | Maxwell   |
Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis   | Maxwell, Chas & Carol   | Maxwell, Peter   |
Maxwell, Robert   | Maxx   | May Blitz   |
May, Billy   | May, Brenda   | May, Brian   |
May, Brian   | May, Dent   | May, Derrick   |
May, Imelda   | May, Lisa   | May, Mathilda   |
May, Nick   | May, Phil   | May, Raymond   |
May, Simon   | Maya Jane Coles   | Mayall, John   |
Mayall, Rik   | Mayana   | Mayas, Los   |
Maybe Dolls   | Mayberry, Lauren   | Maybes? The   |
Maybeshewill   | Mayday   | Maye, Lee   |
Maye, Marilyn   | Mayer, John  |