
The world Condemns the Beatles

The scandal that was breaking in the American bible belt states spilled over into the international arena. Despite protests from the group and the UK who were fiercely loyal to the band, world leaders and governments commented or banned the band & their music.

South Africa: Piet Myer of the South African Broadcasting Corporation temporarily banned Beatles records from being played and noted that "The Beatles arrogance has passed the ultimate limit of decency. It is clowning no longer."

Even years later, after the group had broken up, John Lennon's albums were still banned from South African radio, although Paul McCartney's and George Harrison's music could be broadcast

Spain: Three radio stations immediately bans the airing Beatle records.

Holland: One radio station bans the airing of Beatle records.

There was one world leader who was not jumping on the John Lennon is a heretic bandwagon - the Pontiff who said:

John's remarks were made "off-handedly and not impiously...the protest the remark raised showed that some subjects must not be dealt with lightly and in a profane way, not even in the world of beatniks."

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