| | 'B' Girls, The |
(60s), Icarus | (60S), Leviathan | (70'S), Bullet |
(70'S), Rabbit | (70S), Airwaves | (70S), Blackstone |
(70S), Factory | (70S), Fancy | (70S), Fluff |
(70S), Hug | (70S), Octopus | (US), Metropolis |
(US), Warlock | ? & The Mysterians | [Bradleys], Buster |
[Punk], Zorro | 100% Proof | 21st Century Schizoid Band |
2nd Vision | 3 | 4.A.D. |
77 | 9.30 Fly | A Band Called George |
A Band Called O | A Foot In Coldwater | A&M Records |
A's, The | Aaron-Shears, Del | Abrahams, Mick |
Abramson, Ronney | Absalom, Mike | AC6 |
Ace | Acme Attractions | Aerial |
Affinity | Afrique | After The Fire |
Agony Bag | Agrati, Don | Aim |
Ainley, Charlie | Airey, Keith | Airmail |
Aka The Max Demian Band | Akkerman, Jan | Alabama State Troupers |
Alan Parsons Project, The | Albatross | Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias |
Alexander, Steve | Alexander, Willie | Alfalpha |
Algy Lord Gray | Alkatrazz | Allan, Davie |
Allen, Daevid | Allen, Peter | Allens, The |
Allman Brothers Band | Allman Joys, The | Allman, Duane |
Allman, Gregg | Almond, Johnny | Alquin |
Alrune Rod | Amazing Rhythm Aces, The | Amazonas |
Amazorblades | Ambergris | Amboy Dukes, The (US) |
Ambulators, The | America | American Blues |
American Flyer | AMERICAN GYPSY (PROG) | American Standard Band |
Amon Düül | Anarchic System | Ancient Grease |
Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe | Anderson Harley & Batt | Anderson, Al |
Anderson, Carl | Anderson, Ian | Anderson, Jade |
Anderson, Jon | Anderson, Miller | Andromeda |
Andy Fraser | Andy Summers & Robert Fripp | Ange |
Angel (Kiss) | Angel (Sweet) | Angel City (Rock) |
Angels, The (Oz) | Angie | Angier, Guy |
Ant, Adam | Anthem (70S) | Antony, Miki |
Any Trouble | Anyone's Daughter | Appaloosa |
Arc | Archer, Ron | Areas, Jose 'Chepito' |
Arizona | Armageddon (70s) | Arnold-Martin-Morrow |
Arrogance | Art Bears | Artful Dodger (70'S) |
Arthurs, Andy | Artzi, Shlomo | Arzachel |
Ash (1970s) | Ash Ra Tempel | Ashley, Steve |
Ashton Gardner & Dyke | Ashton, Mark | Ashton, Tony |
Ashton, Tony & Lord, Jon | Ashworth, Richard | Asleep At The Wheel |
Asterix | Astral Navigations | Astronauts, The (Punk) |
Atlanta Rhythm Section | Atlantic Crossing Drum & Pipe | Atlantic Records |
Atlantis | Atoll | Atomic Rooster |
Aubrey Small | Audience | Audsley, Mick |
Aunt Mary | Australian Crawl | Automatic Man |
Automatics | Autopilot | Aviary |
Axe (70s) | Axe (Rock) | Axiom (Oz) |
Axis (NWOBHM) | Ayers, Kevin | B.Z.N. |
Baba, Meher | Babe Ruth | Baby Grand (70s) |
Bachdenkel | Back Seat Driver | Back Street Crawler |
Bad Company | Bad Habits, The | Badge & Company |
Badger | Bagatelle | Baker Gurvitz Army, The |
Baker, Ginger | Baker, Mickey | Balderdash |
Balin, Marty | Ballantyne, David | Ballard, Russ |
Bamble B | Band, Apatchi | Band, The |
Bandit | Bang | Banger, Ed |
Banks, Peter | Bap | Barden, Gary |
Bardens, Peter | Barefoot Jerry | Barflies |
Barish, Jesse | Barlow, Randy | Barre, Martin |
Barrett, Syd | Bates, Billy | Batio, Michael Angelo |
Battin, Skip | Baumann, Peter | Beano |
Bearfoot | Bears, The | Beau |
Beaver & Krause | Beck, Bogert & Appice | Beck, Jeff |
Beckett | Beckett, Peter | Bedford, Chuck |
Bedlam | Beggar's Opera | Bela, Fleck |
Belew, Adrian | Bell, Chris | Bell, Eric |
Bell, Graham | Bell, Maggie | Bells, The |
Ben | Bennett, Cliff & Rebel Rousers | Benno, Marc |
Benny | Berger, Michel | Berline, Byron |
Berté, Loredana | Best Of British | Bethnal |
Betts, Dickey | Betty Joe | Between |
Bevan, Bev | Big Bertha | Big Boy Tomato |
Big Brother & The Holding Co. | Big Carrot | Big Daisy |
Big Hair | Big In Japan | Big Johns Rock 'n' Roll Circus |
Big Sleep | Big Star | Big Wah-Koo, The |
Big Wheel | Bilbo Baggins | Bill & Taffy |
Billion Dollar Babies | Billmus, Trevor | Billy Beethoven |
Binky Baker & The Pit Orchestr | Binzi | Birtha |
Bishop, Elvin | Bishops, The (70s) | Bismuth |
Bitch | Bitter Blood Street Theatre | Bitter Suite |
Bizjoe | Black Cat Bones | Black Country Communion |
Black Oak Arkansas | Black Widow | Black, Sam |
Blackberries | Blackfoot | Blackley, Alan |
Blackmore's Night | Blackwater Junction | Blair Emry |
Bliss Band, The | Blodwyn Pig | Blonde On Blonde (60s) |
Blood Sweat & Tears | Bloomfield, Mike | Bloomfield, Mike & Kooper, Al |
Bloomsbury Set, The | Bloontz | Blue Bishops, The |
Blue Cheer | Blue Floyd | Blue Goose |
Blue Ridge Rangers, The | Blue Rose | Blue, David |
Bluebeard | Blues Band, The | Blunder, B.B. |
Blunt Instrument | Body | Boetcher, Curt |
Bogart | Bogart (German) | Bolan, Marc |
Bombay | Bonaroo | Bond & Brown |
Bones | Bonham, Del | Bonnet, Graham |
Bonnie Bramlett | Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, The | Boomerang |
Boone, Daniel | Boones Farm | Bordersong |
Borland, Adrian | Box Of Frogs | Box Tops, The |
Boxer | Boylan, Terence | Boyzz, The |
Bozzio Levin Stevens | Brain | Brainbox (Focus) |
Brainticket | Bram Stoker | Bram Tchaikovsky |
Bran | Brandsteder, Ron | Brass Monkey (70s) |
Brave Belt | Bread | Breeze |
Brendon | Brett Marvin And The Thunderbo | Brewer & Shipley |
Brewers Droop | Brides Of Funkenstein, The | Brinsley Schwarz |
British Blues Quintet, The | British Lions | Brock, Jim |
Broken Home | Bromberg, David | Brood, Herman |
Brooker, Gary | Brooks, Bernie | Brooks, Elkie |
Brooks, Terry | Broth | Brothers |
Brown, Arthur | Brown, Bus | Brown, Friday |
Brown, Pete (Jazz) | Brown, Pete (Piblokto) | Brown, Toni |
Browne, Duncan | Browne, Jackson | Browne, Thomas F. |
Bruce, Jack | Bruford, Bill | Bruno Basta |
Bryant, John | Buckley, Tim | Buckwheat |
Budd, Harold | Buddah | Buddy Odor Stop, The |
Buffalo, Norton | Buffet, Jimmy | Bull, Sandy |
Bullock, Hiram | Bundt, Michael | Bunk Dogger |
Buoys, The | Burdon, Eric | Burnett, J Henry |
Burnette, Billy | Burnette, Rocky | Burnin Red Ivanhoe |
Burnin' Red Ivanhoe | Burning | Burns, Eddy |
Burrito Deluxe | Bus Boys, The | Business (Power Pop), The |
BUSTER BROWN (70S) | Butts Band | Bux |
Byford, Biff | Bygraves, Anthony | Bygraves, Max |
Byrds | Byron, David | Byzantium |
Cadd, Brian | Cadillac, Vince | Cado Belle |
Cain, Jeffrey | Cale, J.J. | Cale, John |
California Guitar Trio, The | California, Randy | Calvert, Robert |
Camel | Camera 3 | Cameron, Ken |
Campbell, Phil | Can | Canned Heat |
Canned Heat & Hooker, John Lee | Capaldi, Jim | Capitol Records |
Captain Beefheart & Magic Band | Captain Beyond | Captain Video |
Caravan | Cargoe | Carillo |
Carlisle, Jim | Carmen, Eric | Carmen, Phil |
Casablanca | Casby, Freddy | Cashman & West |
Cashman, Pistilli & West | Caspi, Matti | Castle, Mike |
Cate Bros | Catfish (Oz) | Catherine Philip |
Cats Eyes | CBS Records | CCL |
Celebrated Artists Band | Centaurus | Centipede |
Chain | Chalkitis, Harris | Chamberlain, Cathy |
Champlin, Bill | Change (Glam) | Chantilly Lace |
Chapman, Michael | Chapman, Roger | Chappelle, Helen |
Charge (Blues) | Charisma | Charisma Records |
Charles, Bobby | Charles, Ronnie | Charlie |
Chase | Chaser | Chater, Kerry |
Cheek | Cheetah (Rock) | Chemical Alice |
Chequered Past | Chestnutt, Vic | Cheynes |
Chicago Blues Reunion | Chicken Shack | Child, The |
Chilliwack | Chilton, Alex | China [70s] |
Chopyn | Christenson, Terry | Christian |
Christiansen, Bjorn | Christie, John | Christine Perfect |
Christmas, Keith | Christopher Milk | Chunky, Novi & Ernie |
Churchill, Chick | Chyna | Cipollina, John |
Cirkus | City | City Boy |
CJ3: Crimson Jazz Trio | Claggers | Clancy |
Clapton, Eric | Clark, Gene | Clark, Louis |
Clarke, Allan | Classic Rock | Clayton, Obie |
Clayton, Paul | Clean Living | Cleaners From Venus, The |
Clemons, Clarence | Cliff Jackson & The Naturals | Climax |
Climax Blues Band | Clive Pig And The Hopeful Chin | Clover |
CMU | Coast Road Drive | Coastwatchers, The |
Cochise | Cohen, David Bennett | Cohen, Leonard |
Colaiuta, Vinnie | Cold Blood | Cold Comfort |
Coleman, Gary B.B. | Colonel Bagshot | Colosseum |
Colosseum II | Coltrane, Chi | Commander Cody |
Company | Company, Carriage | Coney Hatch |
Continuum | Cooder, Ry | Cool Bananas |
Cooper Brothers | Cooper, Dana | Copeland, Ruth |
Copperhead (John Cipollina) | Cops, The | Corkscrew |
Coronados, The | Cortinas, The | Cosmic Eye |
Cotton, Roger | Coulam, Roger | Coulson Dean McGuinness Flint |
Counterfeit Stones, The | Country Funk | County, Harlan |
Cousins, David | Coven | Cowboys International |
Cowsill, the | Cowsills, The | Cox, Billy |
Cox, Paul | Coxhill, Lol | Coyne, Kevin |
CQN | Crack, The | Crawler |
Crazy Horse | Creach, Papa John | Creedence Clearwater Revival |
Creep, The | Cressida | Crew, The |
Crewsy Fixers, The | Croce, Jim | Crooked Oak |
Crosby, David | Crosby, David & Nash, Graham | Crosby, Stills & Nash |
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Cross & Ross | Cross, David |
Crossfires | Crow | Crowbar |
Crowcuss | Crumley, Pat | Crunch |
Crush (70s) | Crushed Ice | Cryer |
Cuby + Blizzards | Cuddly Toys | Culpeper's Orchard |
Cunico, Gino | Curly, Alexander | Curtis Knight Zeus |
Curved Air | CUS | Czukay, Holger |
D'Albuqerque, Michael | D.N.V. | Da Hool |
Dada | Dalla, Lucio | Daltrey, Roger |
Dan The Banjo Man | Dance With A Stranger | Dandelion Records |
Daniel, Godfrey | Daniels, Charlie | Danny King's Mayfair Set |
Dansette Damage | Danta | Darien Spirit |
Daring, Mason & Stahl, Jeanie | Dark | Darling (70s) |
Darrow, Chris | Dave Bishop & The Apostles | Dave Warner's From The Suburbs |
Davey, Alan | David & Sylvain | David And Goliath |
Davies, Dave | Davies, Ray (Kinks) | Davies, Ron |
Davis, Clifford | Davis, Darlene | Davis, Jesse 'Ed' |
Davis, Sal | Davis, Sandy | Davis, Spencer |
Davis, Tim | Dawe, Tim | Dawson, Julian |
Day Of Phoenix | Dazzle | De André, Fabrizio |
De Groot, Keith | De Young, Cliff | De-Sykes, Stephanie |
Dead End Kids | Deadbeats, The | Dean, Roger |
Decca | Dee, Brian | Delaney & Bonnie |
Delirium | Demian | Demick & Armstrong |
Demob | Denjean, Claude | Derek And The Dominos |
Des Barres, Michael | Descloux, Lizzy Mercier | Desmond, Andy |
Detective | Detroit | Diamond Reo |
Diamond, Dyan | Dib Cochran & The Earwigs | Dickens |
Dicky Hart And The Palpitation | Diodes, The | Disturbed [70s] |
Dixie Dregs | DJM Records | Dobro, Jimmy |
Doc Thomas Group | Doctor Father | Doctors Of Madness |
Dodgers, The | Dog Soldier | Dog, Uncle |
Don Harrison Band, The | Donahue, Jerry | Donovan |
Doobie Brothers, The | Doors | DOORS |
Dorset, Ray | Doucette | Douma, Danny |
Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch | DP's, The | Dr John |
Dr. Teleny's Incredible P.I.O. | Dr. Z | Dragon |
Dragons (70S) | Drake, Nick | Dream Academy, The |
Dream Police | Dreams (70s) | Driftwood (Psyche) |
Drops, Scarlet | Druid | Drumbo |
Drummond, Pete | Dschinn | Ducks Deluxe |
Dude | Duffo | Duffy |
Duffy (Prog) | Duke & The Drivers | Duke Jupiter |
Dumbells | Dummer, John & April, Helen | Duncan, Gary |
Duren, Van | Dust | Dylan, Bob |
Dzyan | Eagle | Eagles |
Earth & Fire | Earth And Fire | Earthbound (Prog) |
East Of Eden | East, Chris | Easter, Mitch |
Eastwood | Eavis, Michael | Eckstein, Gary & Beger, Meny |
Edgar Broughton Band, The | Edge, Graeme | Edward Bear |
Edward H. Dafis | Eel Pie All Stars | Egan, Joe |
Egan, Walter | Egg | Egg Cream |
Einstein Arik & Levy Shem-Tov | Einstein, Arik | Elastic Band, The (60s) |
Electric Dolls | Electric Flag, The | Electric Light Orchestra |
Electric Samurai | Element Of Crime, The | Elharar, Dudu |
Elijah | Ellis | Ellis, Matthew |
Ellis, Steve | Elmo & Patsy | Elton Motello |
ELTONJ | Elvin Bishop Group, The | Emergency |
Emerson Lake & Palmer | Emerson, Keith | EMI Records |
England | England Dan & John Ford Coley | England's Glory |
English, Scott | Enid, The | Eno, Brian & Byrne, David |
Entwistle, John | Epileptics, The | Erazerhead |
Eroc | Eruption (German) | Esposito, Tony |
Esprit De Corps | Ethel The Frog | Etheridge, John |
Everyday People (70s) | Executives | Exits, The |
Exploding Seagulls | Explorers, The | Expose [Rock] |
Expressos, The | Fabulous Poodles, The | Fagen, Donald |
Faith, Gentle | Falconer, Roderick | Family |
Fanny (70s) | Fanny (90s) | Farner, Mark |
Farquahr | Farr, Gary | Farren, Mick |
Fat Grapple | Fat Mattress | Faust |
Fawn, Charlie | Feder, Don | Felt [70's] |
Fergus | Fessor's Session Boys | Fiddler, John |
Fields (70s) | Finch (Dutch) | Fingerprintz |
Fingertips | Finlayson, Willy | Finnigan, Mike |
Fire (70s) | Firebird (70s) | Firefall |
Firm, The (Rock) | Fishbaugh, Fishbaugh And Zorn | Fisher, Matthew |
Fisher, Morgan | Five Dollar Shoes | Five Man Electrical Band |
Flame (US) | Flaming Ember, The | Flash (70s) |
Flash Cadillac | Fleetwood Mac | Fleetwood, Mick |
Fletcher, Guy | Flick, Vic | Flint (Rock) |
Flock | Flowers, Herbie | Flowers, The |
Fludd | Fluff | Fluff (Rock) |
Fly On The Wall | Flying Burrito Brothers, The | Focus |
Fogerty, John | Fogg | Foley, Ellen |
Food, Electric | Foodband | Forbert, Steve |
Ford, Dean | Ford, Lita | Forever More |
Form, The | Forman, David | Formerly Fat Harry |
Foster Brothers, The | Foster, Mo | Fotomaker |
Four Kings, The | Fox, The (Prog) | Fox, The (Psyche) |
Fraction | Frame | Framus Five, The |
Franc, Peter | Frank Fish And The Fins | Frank, Stanley |
Fraternity Of Man | FRE | Free (Rock) |
Free Energy | Freedom, The | Freeman, Dave |
Freeway | Freiberg, David | Frenzy (Pop) |
Frenzy (Rock) | Freres Farago, Les | Fresh (1970s) |
Fresh Meat | Freshmen | Frey, Glenn |
Friedman, Dean | Friendly Enemies | Friendship Train |
Frijid Pink | Fripp, Robert | Froggatt, Raymond |
FRost, Boz | Frumpy | Fruupp |
Fumble | Fun 4 | Fungus (70s) |
Furey, Lewis | Fusion Orchestra | Fuze |
Fuzzy Duck | Gabor, B.B. | Gadd, Steve |
Gags | Gaines, Steve | Galadriel |
Galdston & Thom | Gale, Arlyn | Gallagher And Lyle |
Gallagher, Rory | Gallery | Galliard |
Gamma | Gangsters, The | Garbo's Celluloid Heroes |
Garcia, Jerry | Garfield | Garfunkel, Art |
Garner, Gigi | Garo | Garthwaite, Terry |
Gasolin' | Gasoline Band, The | Gass, The |
Gates, David | Geduldig Und Thimann | Gentle Giant |
George K Band | George, Lowell | Geronimo Black |
Gerrard, Denny | Ghost, The (70s) | Giants (70s) |
Gibbons, Billy F. | Gibney, Eamon | Gidea Park |
Giggles | Gilbert, John | Gilder, Nick |
Giles, Giles & Fripp | Gilgamesh | Gillan Glover |
Gillespie, Dana | Gillis, Brad | Gilmour, David |
Ginger Ale | Gingerbread | Ginhouse |
Gizmo | Gladstone | Glass Torpedoes |
Glasses, Vinylize | Glastonbury | Glaxo Babies |
Glencoe | Global Village Trucking Comp | Gloomys, The |
Gloria Mundi | Gnidrolog | Goblin |
Goffin, Louise | Going Red | Golden Earring |
Goldie & The Gingerbreads | Goliath | Golliwogs, The |
Gomm, Ian | Gong | Gonzalez |
Good Earth, The | Good Old Boys, The | Good Rats |
Goodthunder | Goose Creek Symphony | Gorham, Scott |
Gorillas, The | Gov't Mule | Gracious! |
Grainger, Gary | Grand Funk Railroad | Grand Hotel |
Grandmothers, The | Grass Roots, The | Grateful Dead |
Gravy Train | Gray, Mal | Greasy Bear |
Great Jones | Great Society | Great Uncle Fred |
Green, Danny | Green, Ian | Green, Peter |
Greene, Arlan | Greene, Ted | Greenslade |
Greenslade, Dave | Greenway | Gregson, Clive |
Greta Van Fleet | Griffin (US) | Griffin, James |
Grill, Rob | Grimmett, Steve | Grimms |
Grinder Switch | Grisman, David | Gronenthal, Max |
Gross, Henry | Grossman, Steve | Grosvenor, Luther |
Groucutt, Kelly | Groundhogs, The | Growl |
Gryphon | Guardian | Guercio, James William |
Guess Who, The | Guillotine | Guitar Techniques |
Guitarist Magazine | Gunn, Trey | Guns & Butter |
Guru's, The | Gurvitz, Adrian | Gygafo |
Gypsy | Gypsy Love | Hackamore Brick |
Hackensack | Halfbreed | Hall, Jimmy |
Hamill, Claire | Hamilton Streetcar | Hammill, Peter |
Hammond, Albert | Hannibal | Hanoch, Shalom |
Hansson, Bo | Happy Daze Crew | Happy The Man |
Hard Meat | Hardie, Sebastian | Hardin & York |
Hardin, Eddie | Harlequin | Harlequin Mass |
Harless, Sandy | Harley Quinne | Harley, Steve & Cockney Rebel |
Harmonium | Harper, Roy | Harris, Don 'Sugarcane' |
Harris, Johnny | Harrison, George | Harrison, Mike |
Harry Tait Five, The | Harry Toledo And The Rockets | Hart, Mickey |
Hart, Mike | Harvest Label | Harvey, Don |
Harvey, Richard | Harvey, Tina | Haskell, Gordon |
Haslam, Annie | Hate | Havenstreet |
Havermans, Cyril | Hawkins, Ronnie | Hawkwind |
Haworth, Bryn | Haycock, Pete | Haystacks Balboa |
Hayward, Justin | Hayward, Justin & Lodge, John | Haze |
Hazzard, Tony | Head East | Head Machine |
Headpins | Heads Hands & Feet | Headstone |
Headwaiter | Heartwood | Heaven (70s) |
Heavy Metal Kids | Hector (Glam) | Hellhound |
Hello | Hello People | Hello Sailor |
Helm, Levon | Helmerson, Anders | Help |
Help Yourself | Hendrix, Jimi | Henley, Don |
Hensley, Ken | Henson | Here And Now |
Hero's | Het Pandorra Ensemble | Hewitt, Garth |
Hiatt, John | High Broom | High Mountain Hoedown |
High Numbers | Hill, Rocky | Hillage, Steve |
Hiller, Mitch | Hillman, Chris | Hills, Alias Billy |
Hills, Chris | Hine, Rupert | Hines, Tim |
Hinkley, Tim | History Of Rock, The | Hoenig, Michael |
Hog Heaven | Hogan's Heroes | Hokus Poke |
Holden, Randy | Holder, Ram John | Holien, Danny |
Hollies | Holloway, Ross | Hollywood Brats, The |
Hollywood Crestas | Hollywood Stars, The | Holmes, Jake |
Holmes, Rupert | Holt, Ashley | Holy Mackerel |
Holy Moses!! | Holy Mountain | Hombré |
Home | Hometown Band, The | Hook, The |
Hookfoot | Hooky | Hoola Bandoola Band |
Hopkins, Nicky | Hopper, Hugh | Horrorcomic |
Horslips | Hot Hits | Hot Tuna |
Hotel | Hounds | Hour Glass, The |
Houseshakers, The | Howe, Steve | Howl The Good |
Hudson Brothers, The | Hues Corporation, The | Hughes, Garry |
Hull Alan | Humble Pie | Hummingbird |
Humphrey, Paul | Hungry Chuck | Hunt & Turner |
Hunt, The | Hunter | Hunter, Carol |
Hunter, Ian | Hunter, Robert | Hunter, Steve |
Husband, Gary | Hush (Australian) | Husky |
Hustler (70s) | Hydra | I Drive |
I Jog & The Tracksuits | I Pooh | I Profeti |
Ian, Janis | Ibis | Ibis (Swedish) |
Ides Of March, The | Idle Race | Ignerents, The |
Iguana | Il Guardiano Del Faro | Illinois Speed Press |
Illusion (Relf) | Incredible String Band, The | Inga Rumpf |
Ingland, Brian | Inner City Unit | Inner Sleeve (70S) |
Innes, Neil | Intelligents, The | International Submarine Band |
Ireland, John | Iris, Donnie | Iron Butterfly |
Iron Cross | Iron Virgin | Ironhorse |
Island Records | Isle Of Wight | It's A Beautiful Day |
J. Geils Band, The | J.C. | J.D. Short |
J.J. Band | Jabberwock | Jack The Lad |
Jack, Ballin' | Jackie Lynton Band, The | Jackson Hawke |
Jackson Heights | Jacno | Jade (70s) |
Jade Warrior | Jagger, Chris | Jake |
James Gang, The | Jameson, Nick | Jap, Philip |
Jarman, Geraint | Jasmin-T | Jason Crest |
Jasper Wrath | Jawbone | Jeep |
Jeff Britton & The Spitfires | Jefferson Airplane | Jefferson Starship |
Jeffreys, Garland | Jenkins, Karl | Jericho |
Jericho Jones | Jermz, The | Jeronimo |
Jerusalem | Jet Bronx & The Forbidden | Jethro Tull |
Jigsaw (Oz) | Jigsaw (UK) | Jim & Ady |
Jimmy Campbell | Jimmy Edwards And The Profile | JJG |
Jo Jo Zep And The Falcons | Jo Mama | Jo'burg Hawk |
Jobriath | Jobson, Eddie | Jody Grind |
Joe Soap | Joel Scott Hill, John Barbata, | John & Phil Cunningham |
John Dummer Blues Band, The | John G. Perry | John Lawton |
John Spencer's Louts | John The Revelator | John Verity Band |
John's Children | John, Aleksander | John, Andrew |
John, Clive | Johnny G | Johnny Thunders Heartbreakers |
Johns, Mark | Johnson, Robert (70s) | Johnston, Tom |
Johnstone, Davey | Jon St. James | Jones Gang, The |
Jones, Gloria | Jones, Rickie Lee | Joplin, Janis |
Jordan, Lonnie | Jordan, Steve | Josef K |
Joseph, Marcus | Joy Of Cooking | Joyce McKinney Experience |
Judas Jump | Juicy Groove | Juicy Lucy |
Jumbo (Italian) | Jump, The | Jungle Juice |
Jupp, Mickey | Kala | Kalinich, Stephen John |
Kansas Hook | Kantner, Paul | Karas, Paul |
Karat | Karen Novotny X | Karthago |
Kat, Krazy | Kate | Katydids |
Kaveret | Kay, Ted | Kayak |
Kaye, Kaplan | KBC | Keats |
Keef Hartley Band, The | Kelly, Jonathan | Kelly, Matt |
Kelly, Peter D. | Keltner, Jim | Kendrick, Graham |
Kent, Paul | Kenton, Rik | Kerruish, John |
Kevin Short And His Privates | Key Largo | KGB |
Kick (70S Rock), The | Kiddywinks | Killermeters, The |
Kilminster, Dave | Kincade | Kind Hearts And English |
King Crimson | King Earl Boogie Band | King Harry |
King Harvest | King, Carole | King, Paul |
King, Ricky | Kingdom Come (70s) | Kingdom Come (80s) |
Kingdom Come (Arthur Brown) | Kingfish | Kinks |
Kirby | Kirkland, Eddie | Kirwan, Danny |
Kite | Klaatu | Knebworth |
Knight, Brian | Knighton, Reggie | Knox |
Kongas | Kooper, Al | Kooymans, George |
Korner, Alexis | Kortchmar, Danny | Kossoff, Kirke, Tetsu & Rabbit |
Kossoff, Paul | Kracker | Krajewski, Seweryn |
Krieger, Robby | Kubinec, David | Kulick, Bruce |
L.A. Express | L.A. Jets | La Seine |
Ladder, The | Lady | Laflamme, David |
Laing, Corky | Laing, Shona | Lake |
Lake, Greg | Lane, Jimmy D. | Lane, Ronnie |
Lankchan, Hip | Lanzetti, Bernardo | Larson, Nicolette |
Last Exit | Last Man In Europe | Late Show, The |
Lavie, Aric | Law, The | Le Roux |
Leary, Timothy | Lee Riders, The | Lee, Alvin |
Lee, John | Leer Brothers, The | Leese, Howard |
Legacy Of Lies | Legend | Legends (Jazz) |
Legs | Legs Diamond | Leigh, Andrew |
Lennon, John | Leno, Sam | Leon, Craig |
Les Irrésistibles | Lesley, Mike | Let It Rock |
Let's Active | Leviathan | Lew Lewis Reformer |
Lewd, The | Liar | Liberty Records |
Life | Light Of The World | Lighthouse |
Lightning Raiders | Limey | Limit (70s), The |
Limousine | Lindisfarne | Lindley, David |
Lindop, Robert | Linhart, Buzzy | Listen (70s) |
Little Bob Story | Little Feat | Little John (70S) |
Little River Band | Little Village | Liverpool Express |
Liverpool Scene, The | Livgren, Kerry | Livingston Taylor |
Livingstone, J.C. | Lloyd, Carol | Lloyd, Ian |
Lloyd, Richard | Lloyd-Langton, Huw | Loadstone |
Lockwood Top Vander Widemann | Loco | Locomotiv GT |
Locomotive | Lodge, John | Loggins & Messina |
Lone Star | Long Hello | Long Tall Ernie And The Shaker |
Long Tall Shorty | Looking Glass | Lord, Benny |
Los 5 Del Este | Los Diablos | Lost Gonzo Band, The |
Lothar And The Hand People | Love Children | Loving Awareness |
LRD | Lucifer | Lucifer's Friend |
Lucy | Lulu Boys, The | Lumley, Robin |
Lupu, Radu | Lutha | Luv Machine |
Lynne, Jeff | Lynton, Jackie | Lynyrd Skynyrd |
M. Frog | M.O.D. (David Essex) | Mabsant |
MacArthur, Neil | Machinations | Machines |
Mack, Lonnie | Mackay, Rabbit | MacPherson, Bruce |
MacTavish, David | Madder Lake | Made In Japan |
Madrigal (Rock) | Magic Bus (70s) | Magma |
Magna Carta | Mahavishnu Project, The | Mallard |
Mama Lion | Mama's Pride | Mamzelle, Batti |
Man | Man Doki | Man Raze |
Mandalaband | Mandrake Paddle Steamer | Manfred Mann's Earth Band |
Mannakorn | Mannoia, Fiorella | Maran, Mike |
Marcus | Marcus Hook Roll Band | Marina Del Rey |
Marino, Frank & Mahogany Rush | Mark Williamson Band | Mark, Jon |
Mark-Almond | Markstein, Stapley | Marriott, Steve |
Mars, Johnny | Marsupilami | Martin And Finley |
Martin, Dave | Martin, Trade | Martyn, John |
Mas, Carolyne | Mashmakhan | Mason Proffit |
Mason, Dave | Mason, Nick | Masterswitch |
Matadors, The (R&R) | Matching Mole | Matheson, Andrew |
Matthew & The Mandarins | Matthews Southern Comfort | Matthews, Ian |
Max Webster | May Blitz | May, Nick |
May, Phil | Mayall, John | Maze (US) |
MC5 | McAuley, Jackie | McCafferty, Dan |
McCartney, Paul | MCCOOL, FYNN | McCormick, Gayle |
McCulloch, Danny | McCulloch, Jimmy & White Line | McDonald & Giles |
McDonald, Ian | McGee, Parker | McGilpin Bob |
McGinlay, Kevin | McGuinn & Hillman | McGuinn, Clark & Hillman |
McGuinn, Roger | McGuinness Flint | McKendree Spring |
McKenna Mendelson Mainline | McKuen, Rod | McLauchlan, Murray |
McLean, Don | McLelland, Sandy | McNabb, Ian |
McPhee, Tony 'T.S.' | McVie, Christine | McVie, John |
Meadows, Mark | Meal Ticket | Medicine Head |
Medusa | Meisner, Randy | Melody Maker |
Melton, Barry | Memories | Memphis Bend |
Merlin | Merrell And The Exiles | Merriboys, The |
Merritt, Max | Merryweather, Neil | Messina, Jim |
Micare, Franklin | Mice, The | Michael Stanley Band |
Michaels, Gordon | Michaels, Hilly | Michaels, Lee |
Michigan Rag | Mick Dorey And The Sirens | Mick Fleetwood Blues Band, The |
Mickey & The Heartbeats | Midnight Flyer | Midnight Sun |
Mighty 'Em | Mike Corbett & Jay Hirsh With | MIKEOLD |
Miles, Buddy | Milk 'n' Cookies | Mill Valley Bunch |
Miller, Frankie (Rock) | Miller, Larry | Milwaukee Coasters, The |
Mirabai | Mitchell, Joni | Mitchell, Mitch |
Mixtures, The | Mob (Funk), The | Mohawk, Essra |
Mom's Apple Pie | Mongrel (70s) | Monkman, Francis |
Montanas, The | Montgomery, James | Moody Blues, The |
Moon, Keith | Moonkyte | Moonlighters, The |
Moonrider | Moorcock, Michael | Moore, Anthony |
Moore, Matthew | Moore, Tim | Moraz, Patrick & Bruford, Bill |
Morgan, Dave | Morning | Morningstar |
Morris, Gerry | Morrison, Jim | Morrison, Van |
Mose Jones | Moses, Jamie | Mother Earth (60S) |
Mother Gong | Mother Hen | Motivation |
Mott | Mott The Hoople | Mottau, Eddie |
Mountain | Mountain Child | Move, The |
Moving Sidewalks | Mr Big (UK) | Mu |
Mudcrutch | Muldaur, Maria | Mumma Bear |
Mungo Jerry | Murphy, Elliott | Murray, Phil |
Mushroom | Mushroom Records | Music Asylum, The |
Mutantes | Mutter Slater | MX-80 Sound |
Mycroft, Tim | Myofist | Myrth |
Mystic Siva | Mythos | N.W.10 |
Nagle, Ron | Nariz, Wazmo | Nash, Graham |
Nasty Pop | Natchband | National Health |
Natural Gas | Natural Magic | Nautyculture |
Naylor, Jerry | Nektar | Nelson, Tracy |
Nervebreakers | Neu | Neutrons, the |
New Cactus Band, The | New Cross | New Heavenly Blue |
New Musical Express | New Riders Of The Purple Sage | New York Rock & Roll Ensemble |
Newman, Denny | Newman, Randy | Newman, Tom |
Newmark, Andy | Newton Howard, James | Nice, The |
Nicholson, Hugh | Nick Carter (Piano) | Nick Simper's Fandango |
Nicks, Stevie | Nicky & The Dots | Nicky James |
Nico | Nicol And Marsh's Easy Street | Niedecken, Wolfgang |
Night | Nightingale, Anne | Nightshade |
Nile, Willie | Nits, The | Nitty Gritty Dirt Band |
No Dice | Noakes, Rab | Noguchi, Goro |
Nomadi | Norman, Larry | Nova |
Novalis | Novato Frank Band | NRBQ |
Nutz | Nyro, Laura | O'Brien, Deke |
O'Donnell, Joe | O'Keefe, Danny | O'List, David |
O.W.L. | Ocasek, Ric | Occasionally David |
Ocean | Ocean, Humphrey | Off The Wall |
Offenbach (Rock) | Ogan, Gary & Lamb, Bill | Ogerman, Claus |
Old And In The Way | Old Gold | Oldham, Andrew Loog |
Omartian, Michael | Omartian, Michael And Stormie | On The Air |
One The Juggler | One Way Ticket | Opal Butterfly |
Orange Peel | Orchestra Luna | Orient Express |
Original Sound Track, The | Orion The Hunter | Orkestra |
Osibisa | Oskar, Lee | Otis, Shuggie |
Out Of Darkness | Outcasts | Outlaws, The (US) |
Outsiders (Punk), The | Overlord (Punk) | Owen, Ray |
OZ Magazine | Ozo | Ozzie |
P.F.M. | P.P. & The Primes | Pablo Cruise |
Pacific Eardrum | Pack, The (Punk) | Page & Plant |
Pagliaro | Painter | Palmer, Tom |
Pan | Panama Limited Jug Band | Papa Nebo |
Paranoids, The | Paris (70s) | Parker, Alan |
Parker, Graham | Parks, Michael | Parks, Van Dyke |
Parlour Band, The | Parrish & Gurvitz | Parsons, Gene |
Parsons, Gram | Parton, Desmond | Patto |
Patton, Robbie | Pavlov's Dog | Pavone, Rita |
Pearcy, Stephen | Peckers, The | Peddlers, The |
Pell Mell (German) | Penetrators (Garage Rock), The | Penn, Dan |
Pense, Lydia | Pentagram | Pentangle, the |
People (UK) | Persip, Charles | Peter, Paul & Marty |
Petra | Pets (70'S), The | Pezband |
Ph.D. | Phase Five | Phillips, Glenn |
Phillips, Shawn | Philwit & Pegasus | Phoenix (US) |
Pick, Svika | Pickett, Courtland | Pickett, Nick |
Pickford, Pix | Pie, Randy | Pierre Henry & Spooky Tooth |
Pierre Moerlen's Gong | Pilot | Pinder, Michael |
Pink Fairies, The | Pink Floyd | Pink Mice, The |
Pinkees, The | Pistol | Plainsong |
Planets. The (Steve Lindsey) | Player | Pluto (70s) |
Pluto (UK) | PM | POC |
Poco | Point Blank | Pointed Sticks |
Polite Force | Polydor Records | Pomeranz, David |
Poor-Mouth, The | Pop, The | Population |
Porcaro, Mike | Pork Dukes, The | Portraits |
Positiva | Pot Liquor | Potter, Nic |
Pousette-Dart Band | pragVEC | Pratt & McClain |
Pratt, Andy | Preskett, Graham | Preston, Don (Keyboards) |
Pretty Maids | Pretty Things, The | PRH |
Principal Edwards Magic Theatr | Prine, John | Prior, Maddy |
Prism (Canadian) | Private Eye (Rock) | Private Lines |
Pro-Ject Audio Systems | Problem Child | Procol Harum |
Profits, The | Progress | Prophet |
Proudfoot | Providence | Public Foot The Roman |
Puhdys | Pulsar | Pulver, Judi |
Pumphouse Gang | Punchin' Judy | Pure Prairie League |
Pursey, Jimmy | PVC2 | Qango |
Quango | Quantum Jump | Quatermass |
Quatro, Michael | Quicksand (70s) | Quicksand (Prog) |
Quicksilver | Quicksilver Messenger Service | Quiet Melon |
Quiet World | Quill | Quinaimes Band, The |
Quintessence | Quintet The | Rabbit |
Racing Cars | Radiator (70s) | Rafferty, Jim |
Ragnarök | Rainbow, Christopher | Ralphs, Mick |
Ram Jam | Ramases | Rambow, Philip |
Randall, Elliott | Randoms | Randy |
Randy Pie & Family | Rankin, Casey | Rare Amber |
Rare Bird | Raspberries | Ratchell |
Raven | Ravenscroft, Raphael | Ravitz, Yehudith |
Raw Material | React | Read, Mike |
Reading Festival, The | Record Collector | Record Players, The |
Records, The | Red (Progressive) | Red Line Explosion |
Red Sox, The | Redding, Noel | Redwing |
Reed, Cale & Nico | Reed, Lou | Reekers, Edward |
Refugee | Renaissance | Renbourn, John |
Rentals [70S], The | Reparata | ReR Megacorp |
Rescue Co. No. 1 | Residents | Resistance, The |
Resonance | Reunion | Rex Barker And The Ricochets |
Reynolds, Barry | Rhino | Rhoades, Darryl |
Rhodes, Emitt | Rhythm Butchers, The | Rice-Milton, Terry |
Rich Fever | Richard And The Taxmen | Richards, Digby |
Richards, Randy | Richards, Turley | Richman, Jonathan |
Richmond, Dannie | Rick Danko | Riff-Raff |
Riot | Ritzi | Rivendell |
Rivers, Johnny | Rivits, The | Rivvits, The |
Road | Roberts, Paul | Robertson, Robbie |
Rock Follies | Rock Island Line | Rock Workshop |
Rocker's Revenge | Rocket From The Tombs | Rockets, The (Rock) |
Rockey, Palmer | Rockfield Chorale | Rockicks |
Rockin' Horse | Rockman, Walt | Rockoko |
Roden, Jess | Rodgers, Paul | Roedelius, Hans-Joachim |
Rogers, Roy (Blues) | Rogue | Rolling Stone |
Rolling Stones, The | Rôme | Roogalator |
Rose, Biff | Roses Are Red | Ross, Alan |
Ross, Drew | Rotary Connection | Roth, Arlen |
Rothwell, Linda | Rough Diamond | Rough Riders |
Rowdies, The | Rowe, Bob | Roxy |
Roxy Music | Roy St. John | RSO Records |
Rubber Band, The | Ruben And The Jets | Rubettes, The |
Rubinoos, The | Ruffner, Mason | Rumour (New Zealand), The |
Rumplestiltskin | Runaways, The | Rundgren, Todd |
Runner | Ruphus | Rush, Tom |
Ruskin Spear, Roger | Russell, Leon | Rustic Hinge |
Rutles, The | Ruts D.C. | Ruts, The |
Saatchi, Phil | Sacrifice | Sadista Sisters, The |
Sadistics | Sahara | Sahm, Doug |
Sailcat | Saint-Preux | Salamander |
Salford Jets | Sallon, Philip | Sanders, Ric |
Sanderson, Danny | Sandy Coast | Santana |
Santana, Jorge | Santos, Larry | Sargeant, Bob |
Sarofeen And Smoke | Sassafras | Saturnalia |
Saunders, Merl | Savage Progress | Savage Rose, The |
Savoy Brown | Sawyer Brown | Sawyer, Ray |
Sax Maniax | Scaggs, Boz | Schaffer, Janne |
Schenkel, Cal | Schnitzler, Conrad | Schoolgirl Bitch |
Schunge | Scope | Scot, Colin |
Scott, Andy | Scott, Bon | Scott, Tom |
Screams | Scrounger | Seals & Crofts |
Seals, Dan | Seathrough | Seatrain |
Seawind | Sebastian, John | Second Coming, The (60s) |
Second Opinion | Secret Policeman's Ball, The | Segarini, Bob |
Sembello, Michael | Sensational Alex Harvey Band | Seven Ages Of Man, The |
Seventh Wave | Shadow mann | Shadowfax |
Shakane | Shakespeare, William | Shane, Stephen |
Shanghai (Mickey Green) | Shapes, The | Sharks, The |
Shazam! | Sheena & The Rokkets | Shelby |
Shelter, Jimme | Shepherds Bush Comets, The | Sherbet |
Sheshet | Shillingford Mill | Shoe Suede Blues |
Shoes | Shooter | Shorrock, Glenn |
Short, Brian | Show Of Hands (Prog) | Shrink |
Shwn Wodw! | Sievey, Chris | Silver Metre |
Silverhead | Simmons, Jeff | Simmons, Mickey |
Simms Brothers Band | Simms Brothers Band, The | Simon & Garfunkel |
Simon, Paul | Simon, Plug & Grimes | Simpson, Steve |
Sims, Frankie Lee | Sinceros, The | Sindelfingen |
Sinfield, Pete | Sioux | Sir Douglas Quintet |
Sir Henry (& His Butlers) | Sir Lord Baltimore | Siren |
Sirius | Sirkel & Co. | Sisters |
Sitting Bull | Skip Bifferty | Sky (70s) |
Skyband | Slow Children | Slow Fade |
Slowbone | Slowload | Sluggers, The |
Smile (US) | Smiley, Brett | Smirks, The |
Smith Perkins Smith | Smith, 'Legs' Larry | Smith, Ethel |
Smith, Steve (Journey) | Smither, Chris | Smoker, Joel |
Snafu | Sneakers | Snivelling Shits, The |
Society, Café | Soft Heap | Soft Machine |
Soft Mountain | Solid Gold Cadillac | Son Of A Gun |
Sons Of Champlin | Sons Of Champlin, The | Sons Of Heroes |
Sorcery | Sore Throat (Power Pop) | Sore Throat (Rock) |
Sounds | South, Joe | Souther Hillman Furay Band |
Souther, John David | Southern Comfort | Southern Pacific |
Southern, Al | Southroad Connection | Southwind |
Space (Tremeloes) | Space Art | Space Opera |
Space Ritual | Spaghetti Head (70s) | Sparrow |
Speed Limit | Spencer, Jeremy | Spheres |
Spider | Spin (Dutch) | Spirit |
Spirit Of John Morgan | Spiro Gyra | Spitballs |
Spiteri | Spontaneous Combustion | Spooky Tooth |
Sports, The | SPP | Spreadeagle |
Spriguns | Spring | Springfield |
Spyro Gyra | Squad, Flying | Squire, Chris |
SRT | St. Clements Wells | St. Louis Hounds, The |
Stack Waddy | Stackridge | Stadium Dogs |
Staffell, Tim | Stainless Steal | Stanley Steamer |
Stanshall, Vivian | Star Sounds Orchestra | Starcastle |
Stardrive | Starland Vocal Band | Starr, Ringo |
Starr, Ruby | Starry Eyed And Laughing | States, The |
Staymer, Hans | Steamhammer | Steel Mill |
Steel River | Steeleye Span | Steely Dan |
Steeplechase | Steinberg And Kelly | Stephenson's Rocket |
Steppenwolf | Stereotypes, The | Steve Gibbons Band, The |
Steve Miller Band, The | Stevens, Cat | Stewart, Al |
Stewart, Dave & Gaskin, Barbar | Still Life [70s] | Stills, Stephen |
Stills-Young Band, The | Stillwater | Stokes, Simon |
Stone Angel | Stone Axe | Stone Fury |
Stone The Crows | Stonebolt | Stoned Circus |
Stonedelight | Stoneground | Stooges, The |
Story, The | Strange Days | Strapps |
Strawbs, The | Stray | Stray Dog |
Street Noise | Street Talk (NZ) | Streetboy |
Streetheart | Streetwalkers | Stretch |
Strife | String Driven Thing | Stud |
Stuermer, Daryl | Stuff | Stukas |
Stukas, The | Sue & Sunny | Sugarloaf |
Suicide Commandos, The | Sullivan, Michael | Summer Wine |
Sunchariot | Sunday Funnies | Sunny Jim Band |
Sunshine (PTH) | Sunshine On The World | Supa, Richard |
Supernaut | Supersister (70s) | Surprise Sisters, The |
Sutherland Brothers & Quiver | Sutherland, Iain | Swan, Black |
Sweathog | Sweet Thursday | Swegas |
Swift, Jonathan | Swindells, Steve | Sylvain Sylvain |
Sylvester's Juke Box | Sylvester, Terry | Syreeta |
T-2 | T-Rex | T-Slam |
Table, The | Taggett | Taï Phong |
Taj Mahal | Takayuki, Inoue | Talbot, Billy |
Talley, James | Tamouz | Tangerine Dream |
Tanned Leather | Tanner, Marc | Tarney & Spencer |
Tarry, Michael | Tasavallan Presidentti | Taste |
Tate, Troy | Tattoo (70S) | Tawna |
Taylor, Dick | Taylor, Tot | Tea |
Teacher's Pet | Tearjerkers, The | Teaze |
Tedesco, Tommy | Telephone | Telescope |
Tempchin, Jack | Temperance Movement, The | Tempest |
Tempus Fugit | Ten Wheel Drive | Ten Years After |
Terje, Jesper & Joachim | Terra Cotta | Terry & The Pirates |
Test, ZZZ | Texas Tornados, The | The Last Resort |
Thee Image | Thieves (1970S) | Third World War |
Thomas, B.J. | Thomas, Creepy John | Thomas, Ian |
Thomas, Jeff | Thomas, Mickey | Thomas, Ray |
Thompson, Barbara | Thompson, Linda | Thompson, Richard |
Thompson, Robbin | Thoughts And Words | Three Dog Night |
Three Man Army | Three, Page | Threshold Label |
Thunderboots | Thundermug | Thunderthighs |
Thundertrain | Tiger, Shabby | Tillison, Roger |
Time | Time Wasters | Tin Huey |
Tiny Alice | Titanic | Toad |
Today's People | Toe Fat | Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers |
Tomita, Isao | Tommy Talton, Bill Stewart, Jo | Tommy Tutone |
Tomorrow | Toni Brown & Terry Garthwaite | Tonight |
Tonto's Expanding Head Band | Tonton Macoute | Tontrix |
Tools | Top Of The Pops | Top, Janik |
Toronto | Torrance, Richard | Totally Outta Hand Band, The |
Touch (70s) | Toussaint, Allen | Townshend, Pete |
Townshend, Simon | Toy (Belgian) | Toy Planet |
Toyah & Fripp | Trace | Track Records |
Tractor | Traffic | Trammps, The |
Trampolin | Trash (70s) | Trashmonk |
Travis (70s) | Travis, Paul | Trax |
Treasure | Treatment, Steve | Tregger, Yan |
Tremblers, The | Trepte, Uli | Triana |
Tribes, The | Trickster | Trifle |
Trigger (70'S Rock) | Trigger (70S) | Trillion |
Trimmer & Jenkins | Triumph | Trooper |
Troops, The | Tropea, John | Trower, Robin |
Trower, Robin & Bruce, Jack | Truckaway, William | Trucker, Mother |
Trucks, Derek | Truk | Tubes |
Tucker, Tanya | Tucky Buzzard | Tulsa |
Tunes, Crab | Tureck, Rosalyn | Turner, Ike & Tina |
Turner, Joe Lynn | Turner, Nik | Turner, Pierce |
Turtle, Henry | Turtles, The | Twink |
Tycoon | Tyla Gang | Tyla, Sean |
U.K. | Ugly's, The | Uncle Jim's Music |
Unicorn | United Sons Of America | Univers Zero |
Upp | Urge, The | Utopia (German) |
Utopia (US) | V, Formula | Valves, The |
Van Der Graaf Generator | Van Der Linden, Rick | Van Leer, Thijs |
Van Zant, Johnny | Vander, Christian | Vanilla Fudge |
Vannelli, Gino | Vanovsky, Zalman | Variation |
Various - Rock & Metal | Various - Soul & Funk | Various Artists |
Various-Cars & Motor Sports | Various-Doo-Wop & Vocal | Various-Hip Hop & Rap |
Velline, Robert Thomas | Velvet Opera | Velvet Underground |
Velvet, Black | Venigmas | Verheyen, Carl |
Vertigo Label | Vezi | Vigrass & Osborne |
Vincent, James | Vinegar Joe | Vineyard |
Vipers, The (70s) | Visconti, Tony | Vitale, Joe |
Voiz | Voyager | Wackerman, Chad |
Wackers, The | Wagner, David | Wagon, Chuck |
Waits, Tom | Wake, The | Wakeman, Oliver |
Wakeman, Rick | Walker, Jerry Jeff | Walker, Les |
Walker, Sammy | Wall, Alwyn | Wallace, Ian |
Wallenstein | Waller, Micky | Wallis, Larry |
Walrus | Walsh, Joe | Wammack, Travis |
Wando | Warhorse | Warm Dust |
Warsaw Pakt | Washington Flyers, The | Wasted Youth |
Water | Waters, Roger | Waybill, Fee |
Wayne, Carl | Weaver, Patty | Web, The |
Webb, Susan | Webber, AJ | Weeks, Willie |
Weir, Bob | Weisberg, Tim | Welch, Bob |
Wells, Cory | Wendroff, Michael | Werewolves |
Werner, David | Werner, Max | West Keith |
West, Albert | West, Bruce & Laing | West, Leslie |
West, Nashville | Westbrook, Mike | Wet Willie |
Wetton, John | Wha-Koo | Whale, Satin |
Wheater, Tim | White Lightnin' | White Noise |
White Plains | White Witch | White, Alan |
White, Kieran | White, Tam | White, Trevor |
Whitlock, Bobby | Whitmore, Iain | Whitren, Jaki |
Whitten, Danny | Who | Wigwam (Prog) |
Wild Thing, The | Wild Turkey | Wild Wally |
Wilde Three | Wilding/Bonus | Wildlife |
Williams, Moon | Williams, Paul (US) | Williamson, Robin |
Windmill | Winds Of Change | Winkies, The |
Winter, Edgar | Winter, Johnny | Winters Brothers Band, The |
Winwood, Steve | Wirtz, Mark | Wizard's Convention |
Wizzard | Wood, Chris | Wood, Hayden |
Wood, Ronnie | Wood, Roy | Wood, Ted |
Woody Woodmansey's U-Boat | Woolfson Eric | World Service |
World, The | WRAX | Wright, Bernard |
Wright, Gary | Wright, Rick | Wright, Stevie |
Writing On The Wall | WXPN | Wyatt, Robert |
Wyoming | X Certificate | Xhol Caravan |
XPP | Yachts | Yakety Yak |
Yamashta, Stomu | Yamashta, Winwood & Shrieve | Yamasuki's, The |
Yellow Payges, The | Yellowjackets | Yes |
YES | YES | Yo Ho Wah 13 |
You (Punk) | Youlden, Chris | Young Rascals, The |
Young, Bob | Young, Jesse Colin | Young, John (Greenslade) |
Young, Neil | Young, Roy | Young, Steve |
Youngbloods, The | Zacchaeus | Zakatek, Lenny |
Zao | Zappa Plays Zappa | Zappa, Dweezil |
Zappa, Frank | Zazou, Hector | Zee |
Zelkowitz, Goldie | Zero (70s) | Zevon, Warren |
Ziggy Byfield And The Blackhea | Zipps, The | Zon |
Zoo | ZZ Top | Zzebra |