70s rock

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'B' Girls, The
(60s), Icarus(60S), Leviathan(70'S), Bullet
(70'S), Rabbit(70S), Airwaves(70S), Blackstone
(70S), Factory(70S), Fancy(70S), Fluff
(70S), Hug(70S), Octopus(US), Metropolis
(US), Warlock? & The Mysterians[Bradleys], Buster
[Punk], Zorro100% Proof21st Century Schizoid Band
2nd Vision34.A.D.
779.30 FlyA Band Called George
A Band Called OA Foot In ColdwaterA&M Records
A's, TheAaron-Shears, DelAbrahams, Mick
Abramson, RonneyAbsalom, MikeAC6
AceAcme AttractionsAerial
AffinityAfriqueAfter The Fire
Agony BagAgrati, DonAim
Ainley, CharlieAirey, KeithAirmail
Aka The Max Demian BandAkkerman, JanAlabama State Troupers
Alan Parsons Project, TheAlbatrossAlberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias
Alexander, SteveAlexander, WillieAlfalpha
Algy Lord GrayAlkatrazzAllan, Davie
Allen, DaevidAllen, PeterAllens, The
Allman Brothers BandAllman Joys, TheAllman, Duane
Allman, GreggAlmond, JohnnyAlquin
Alrune RodAmazing Rhythm Aces, TheAmazonas
AmazorbladesAmbergrisAmboy Dukes, The (US)
Ambulators, TheAmericaAmerican Blues
American FlyerAMERICAN GYPSY (PROG)American Standard Band
Amon DüülAnarchic SystemAncient Grease
Anderson Bruford Wakeman HoweAnderson Harley & BattAnderson, Al
Anderson, CarlAnderson, IanAnderson, Jade
Anderson, JonAnderson, MillerAndromeda
Andy FraserAndy Summers & Robert FrippAnge
Angel (Kiss)Angel (Sweet)Angel City (Rock)
Angels, The (Oz)AngieAngier, Guy
Ant, AdamAnthem (70S)Antony, Miki
Any TroubleAnyone's DaughterAppaloosa
ArcArcher, RonAreas, Jose 'Chepito'
ArizonaArmageddon (70s)Arnold-Martin-Morrow
ArroganceArt BearsArtful Dodger (70'S)
Arthurs, AndyArtzi, ShlomoArzachel
Ash (1970s)Ash Ra TempelAshley, Steve
Ashton Gardner & DykeAshton, MarkAshton, Tony
Ashton, Tony & Lord, JonAshworth, RichardAsleep At The Wheel
AsterixAstral NavigationsAstronauts, The (Punk)
Atlanta Rhythm SectionAtlantic Crossing Drum & PipeAtlantic Records
AtlantisAtollAtomic Rooster
Aubrey SmallAudienceAudsley, Mick
Aunt MaryAustralian CrawlAutomatic Man
Axe (70s)Axe (Rock)Axiom (Oz)
Axis (NWOBHM)Ayers, KevinB.Z.N.
Baba, MeherBabe RuthBaby Grand (70s)
BachdenkelBack Seat DriverBack Street Crawler
Bad CompanyBad Habits, TheBadge & Company
BadgerBagatelleBaker Gurvitz Army, The
Baker, GingerBaker, MickeyBalderdash
Balin, MartyBallantyne, DavidBallard, Russ
Bamble BBand, ApatchiBand, The
BanditBangBanger, Ed
Banks, PeterBapBarden, Gary
Bardens, PeterBarefoot JerryBarflies
Barish, JesseBarlow, RandyBarre, Martin
Barrett, SydBates, BillyBatio, Michael Angelo
Battin, SkipBaumann, PeterBeano
BearfootBears, TheBeau
Beaver & KrauseBeck, Bogert & AppiceBeck, Jeff
BeckettBeckett, PeterBedford, Chuck
BedlamBeggar's OperaBela, Fleck
Belew, AdrianBell, ChrisBell, Eric
Bell, GrahamBell, MaggieBells, The
BenBennett, Cliff & Rebel RousersBenno, Marc
BennyBerger, MichelBerline, Byron
Berté, LoredanaBest Of BritishBethnal
Betts, DickeyBetty JoeBetween
Bevan, BevBig BerthaBig Boy Tomato
Big Brother & The Holding Co.Big CarrotBig Daisy
Big HairBig In JapanBig Johns Rock 'n' Roll Circus
Big SleepBig StarBig Wah-Koo, The
Big WheelBilbo BagginsBill & Taffy
Billion Dollar BabiesBillmus, TrevorBilly Beethoven
Binky Baker & The Pit OrchestrBinziBirtha
Bishop, ElvinBishops, The (70s)Bismuth
BitchBitter Blood Street TheatreBitter Suite
BizjoeBlack Cat BonesBlack Country Communion
Black Oak ArkansasBlack WidowBlack, Sam
BlackberriesBlackfootBlackley, Alan
Blackmore's NightBlackwater JunctionBlair Emry
Bliss Band, TheBlodwyn PigBlonde On Blonde (60s)
Blood Sweat & TearsBloomfield, MikeBloomfield, Mike & Kooper, Al
Bloomsbury Set, TheBloontzBlue Bishops, The
Blue CheerBlue FloydBlue Goose
Blue Ridge Rangers, TheBlue RoseBlue, David
BluebeardBlues Band, TheBlunder, B.B.
Blunt InstrumentBodyBoetcher, Curt
BogartBogart (German)Bolan, Marc
BombayBonarooBond & Brown
BonesBonham, DelBonnet, Graham
Bonnie BramlettBonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, TheBoomerang
Boone, DanielBoones FarmBordersong
Borland, AdrianBox Of FrogsBox Tops, The
BoxerBoylan, TerenceBoyzz, The
Bozzio Levin StevensBrainBrainbox (Focus)
BrainticketBram StokerBram Tchaikovsky
BranBrandsteder, RonBrass Monkey (70s)
Brave BeltBreadBreeze
BrendonBrett Marvin And The ThunderboBrewer & Shipley
Brewers DroopBrides Of Funkenstein, TheBrinsley Schwarz
British Blues Quintet, TheBritish LionsBrock, Jim
Broken HomeBromberg, DavidBrood, Herman
Brooker, GaryBrooks, BernieBrooks, Elkie
Brooks, TerryBrothBrothers
Brown, ArthurBrown, BusBrown, Friday
Brown, Pete (Jazz)Brown, Pete (Piblokto)Brown, Toni
Browne, DuncanBrowne, JacksonBrowne, Thomas F.
Bruce, JackBruford, BillBruno Basta
Bryant, JohnBuckley, TimBuckwheat
Budd, HaroldBuddahBuddy Odor Stop, The
Buffalo, NortonBuffet, JimmyBull, Sandy
Bullock, HiramBundt, MichaelBunk Dogger
Buoys, TheBurdon, EricBurnett, J Henry
Burnette, BillyBurnette, RockyBurnin Red Ivanhoe
Burnin' Red IvanhoeBurningBurns, Eddy
Burrito DeluxeBus Boys, TheBusiness (Power Pop), The
BUSTER BROWN (70S)Butts BandBux
Byford, BiffBygraves, AnthonyBygraves, Max
ByrdsByron, DavidByzantium
Cadd, BrianCadillac, VinceCado Belle
Cain, JeffreyCale, J.J.Cale, John
California Guitar Trio, TheCalifornia, RandyCalvert, Robert
CamelCamera 3Cameron, Ken
Campbell, PhilCanCanned Heat
Canned Heat & Hooker, John LeeCapaldi, JimCapitol Records
Captain Beefheart & Magic BandCaptain BeyondCaptain Video
Carlisle, JimCarmen, EricCarmen, Phil
CasablancaCasby, FreddyCashman & West
Cashman, Pistilli & WestCaspi, MattiCastle, Mike
Cate BrosCatfish (Oz)Catherine Philip
Cats EyesCBS RecordsCCL
Celebrated Artists BandCentaurusCentipede
ChainChalkitis, HarrisChamberlain, Cathy
Champlin, BillChange (Glam)Chantilly Lace
Chapman, MichaelChapman, RogerChappelle, Helen
Charge (Blues)CharismaCharisma Records
Charles, BobbyCharles, RonnieCharlie
ChaseChaserChater, Kerry
CheekCheetah (Rock)Chemical Alice
Chequered PastChestnutt, VicCheynes
Chicago Blues ReunionChicken ShackChild, The
ChilliwackChilton, AlexChina [70s]
ChopynChristenson, TerryChristian
Christiansen, BjornChristie, JohnChristine Perfect
Christmas, KeithChristopher MilkChunky, Novi & Ernie
Churchill, ChickChynaCipollina, John
CirkusCityCity Boy
CJ3: Crimson Jazz TrioClaggersClancy
Clapton, EricClark, GeneClark, Louis
Clarke, AllanClassic RockClayton, Obie
Clayton, PaulClean LivingCleaners From Venus, The
Clemons, ClarenceCliff Jackson & The NaturalsClimax
Climax Blues BandClive Pig And The Hopeful ChinClover
CMUCoast Road DriveCoastwatchers, The
CochiseCohen, David BennettCohen, Leonard
Colaiuta, VinnieCold BloodCold Comfort
Coleman, Gary B.B.Colonel BagshotColosseum
Colosseum IIColtrane, ChiCommander Cody
CompanyCompany, CarriageConey Hatch
ContinuumCooder, RyCool Bananas
Cooper BrothersCooper, DanaCopeland, Ruth
Copperhead (John Cipollina)Cops, TheCorkscrew
Coronados, TheCortinas, TheCosmic Eye
Cotton, RogerCoulam, RogerCoulson Dean McGuinness Flint
Counterfeit Stones, TheCountry FunkCounty, Harlan
Cousins, DavidCovenCowboys International
Cowsill, theCowsills, TheCox, Billy
Cox, PaulCoxhill, LolCoyne, Kevin
CQNCrack, TheCrawler
Crazy HorseCreach, Papa JohnCreedence Clearwater Revival
Creep, TheCressidaCrew, The
Crewsy Fixers, TheCroce, JimCrooked Oak
Crosby, DavidCrosby, David & Nash, GrahamCrosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungCross & RossCross, David
CrowcussCrumley, PatCrunch
Crush (70s)Crushed IceCryer
Cuby + BlizzardsCuddly ToysCulpeper's Orchard
Cunico, GinoCurly, AlexanderCurtis Knight Zeus
Curved AirCUSCzukay, Holger
D'Albuqerque, MichaelD.N.V.Da Hool
DadaDalla, LucioDaltrey, Roger
Dan The Banjo ManDance With A StrangerDandelion Records
Daniel, GodfreyDaniels, CharlieDanny King's Mayfair Set
Dansette DamageDantaDarien Spirit
Daring, Mason & Stahl, JeanieDarkDarling (70s)
Darrow, ChrisDave Bishop & The ApostlesDave Warner's From The Suburbs
Davey, AlanDavid & SylvainDavid And Goliath
Davies, DaveDavies, Ray (Kinks)Davies, Ron
Davis, CliffordDavis, DarleneDavis, Jesse 'Ed'
Davis, SalDavis, SandyDavis, Spencer
Davis, TimDawe, TimDawson, Julian
Day Of PhoenixDazzleDe André, Fabrizio
De Groot, KeithDe Young, CliffDe-Sykes, Stephanie
Dead End KidsDeadbeats, TheDean, Roger
DeccaDee, BrianDelaney & Bonnie
DeliriumDemianDemick & Armstrong
DemobDenjean, ClaudeDerek And The Dominos
Des Barres, MichaelDescloux, Lizzy MercierDesmond, Andy
DetectiveDetroitDiamond Reo
Diamond, DyanDib Cochran & The EarwigsDickens
Dicky Hart And The PalpitationDiodes, TheDisturbed [70s]
Dixie DregsDJM RecordsDobro, Jimmy
Doc Thomas GroupDoctor FatherDoctors Of Madness
Dodgers, TheDog SoldierDog, Uncle
Don Harrison Band, TheDonahue, JerryDonovan
Doobie Brothers, TheDoorsDOORS
Dorset, RayDoucetteDouma, Danny
Dozy, Beaky, Mick & TitchDP's, TheDr John
Dr. Teleny's Incredible P.I.O.Dr. ZDragon
Dragons (70S)Drake, NickDream Academy, The
Dream PoliceDreams (70s)Driftwood (Psyche)
Drops, ScarletDruidDrumbo
Drummond, PeteDschinnDucks Deluxe
Duffy (Prog)Duke & The DriversDuke Jupiter
DumbellsDummer, John & April, HelenDuncan, Gary
Duren, VanDustDylan, Bob
Earth & FireEarth And FireEarthbound (Prog)
East Of EdenEast, ChrisEaster, Mitch
EastwoodEavis, MichaelEckstein, Gary & Beger, Meny
Edgar Broughton Band, TheEdge, GraemeEdward Bear
Edward H. DafisEel Pie All StarsEgan, Joe
Egan, WalterEggEgg Cream
Einstein Arik & Levy Shem-TovEinstein, ArikElastic Band, The (60s)
Electric DollsElectric Flag, TheElectric Light Orchestra
Electric SamuraiElement Of Crime, TheElharar, Dudu
ElijahEllisEllis, Matthew
Ellis, SteveElmo & PatsyElton Motello
ELTONJElvin Bishop Group, TheEmergency
Emerson Lake & PalmerEmerson, KeithEMI Records
EnglandEngland Dan & John Ford ColeyEngland's Glory
English, ScottEnid, TheEno, Brian & Byrne, David
Entwistle, JohnEpileptics, TheErazerhead
ErocEruption (German)Esposito, Tony
Esprit De CorpsEthel The FrogEtheridge, John
Everyday People (70s)ExecutivesExits, The
Exploding SeagullsExplorers, TheExpose [Rock]
Expressos, TheFabulous Poodles, TheFagen, Donald
Faith, GentleFalconer, RoderickFamily
Fanny (70s)Fanny (90s)Farner, Mark
FarquahrFarr, GaryFarren, Mick
Fat GrappleFat MattressFaust
Fawn, CharlieFeder, DonFelt [70's]
FergusFessor's Session BoysFiddler, John
Fields (70s)Finch (Dutch)Fingerprintz
FingertipsFinlayson, WillyFinnigan, Mike
Fire (70s)Firebird (70s)Firefall
Firm, The (Rock)Fishbaugh, Fishbaugh And ZornFisher, Matthew
Fisher, MorganFive Dollar ShoesFive Man Electrical Band
Flame (US)Flaming Ember, TheFlash (70s)
Flash CadillacFleetwood MacFleetwood, Mick
Fletcher, GuyFlick, VicFlint (Rock)
FlockFlowers, HerbieFlowers, The
FluddFluffFluff (Rock)
Fly On The WallFlying Burrito Brothers, TheFocus
Fogerty, JohnFoggFoley, Ellen
Food, ElectricFoodbandForbert, Steve
Ford, DeanFord, LitaForever More
Form, TheForman, DavidFormerly Fat Harry
Foster Brothers, TheFoster, MoFotomaker
Four Kings, TheFox, The (Prog)Fox, The (Psyche)
FractionFrameFramus Five, The
Franc, PeterFrank Fish And The FinsFrank, Stanley
Fraternity Of ManFREFree (Rock)
Free EnergyFreedom, TheFreeman, Dave
FreewayFreiberg, DavidFrenzy (Pop)
Frenzy (Rock)Freres Farago, LesFresh (1970s)
Fresh MeatFreshmenFrey, Glenn
Friedman, DeanFriendly EnemiesFriendship Train
Frijid PinkFripp, RobertFroggatt, Raymond
FRost, BozFrumpyFruupp
FumbleFun 4Fungus (70s)
Furey, LewisFusion OrchestraFuze
Fuzzy DuckGabor, B.B.Gadd, Steve
GagsGaines, SteveGaladriel
Galdston & ThomGale, ArlynGallagher And Lyle
Gallagher, RoryGalleryGalliard
GammaGangsters, TheGarbo's Celluloid Heroes
Garcia, JerryGarfieldGarfunkel, Art
Garner, GigiGaroGarthwaite, Terry
Gasolin'Gasoline Band, TheGass, The
Gates, DavidGeduldig Und ThimannGentle Giant
George K BandGeorge, LowellGeronimo Black
Gerrard, DennyGhost, The (70s)Giants (70s)
Gibbons, Billy F.Gibney, EamonGidea Park
GigglesGilbert, JohnGilder, Nick
Giles, Giles & FrippGilgameshGillan Glover
Gillespie, DanaGillis, BradGilmour, David
Ginger AleGingerbreadGinhouse
GizmoGladstoneGlass Torpedoes
Glasses, VinylizeGlastonburyGlaxo Babies
GlencoeGlobal Village Trucking CompGloomys, The
Gloria MundiGnidrologGoblin
Goffin, LouiseGoing RedGolden Earring
Goldie & The GingerbreadsGoliathGolliwogs, The
Gomm, IanGongGonzalez
Good Earth, TheGood Old Boys, TheGood Rats
GoodthunderGoose Creek SymphonyGorham, Scott
Gorillas, TheGov't MuleGracious!
Grainger, GaryGrand Funk RailroadGrand Hotel
Grandmothers, TheGrass Roots, TheGrateful Dead
Gravy TrainGray, MalGreasy Bear
Great JonesGreat SocietyGreat Uncle Fred
Green, DannyGreen, IanGreen, Peter
Greene, ArlanGreene, TedGreenslade
Greenslade, DaveGreenwayGregson, Clive
Greta Van FleetGriffin (US)Griffin, James
Grill, RobGrimmett, SteveGrimms
Grinder SwitchGrisman, DavidGronenthal, Max
Gross, HenryGrossman, SteveGrosvenor, Luther
Groucutt, KellyGroundhogs, TheGrowl
GryphonGuardianGuercio, James William
Guess Who, TheGuillotineGuitar Techniques
Guitarist MagazineGunn, TreyGuns & Butter
Guru's, TheGurvitz, AdrianGygafo
GypsyGypsy LoveHackamore Brick
HackensackHalfbreedHall, Jimmy
Hamill, ClaireHamilton StreetcarHammill, Peter
Hammond, AlbertHannibalHanoch, Shalom
Hansson, BoHappy Daze CrewHappy The Man
Hard MeatHardie, SebastianHardin & York
Hardin, EddieHarlequinHarlequin Mass
Harless, SandyHarley QuinneHarley, Steve & Cockney Rebel
HarmoniumHarper, RoyHarris, Don 'Sugarcane'
Harris, JohnnyHarrison, GeorgeHarrison, Mike
Harry Tait Five, TheHarry Toledo And The RocketsHart, Mickey
Hart, MikeHarvest LabelHarvey, Don
Harvey, RichardHarvey, TinaHaskell, Gordon
Haslam, AnnieHateHavenstreet
Havermans, CyrilHawkins, RonnieHawkwind
Haworth, BrynHaycock, PeteHaystacks Balboa
Hayward, JustinHayward, Justin & Lodge, JohnHaze
Hazzard, TonyHead EastHead Machine
HeadpinsHeads Hands & FeetHeadstone
HeadwaiterHeartwoodHeaven (70s)
Heavy Metal KidsHector (Glam)Hellhound
HelloHello PeopleHello Sailor
Helm, LevonHelmerson, AndersHelp
Help YourselfHendrix, JimiHenley, Don
Hensley, KenHensonHere And Now
Hero'sHet Pandorra EnsembleHewitt, Garth
Hiatt, JohnHigh BroomHigh Mountain Hoedown
High NumbersHill, RockyHillage, Steve
Hiller, MitchHillman, ChrisHills, Alias Billy
Hills, ChrisHine, RupertHines, Tim
Hinkley, TimHistory Of Rock, TheHoenig, Michael
Hog HeavenHogan's HeroesHokus Poke
Holden, RandyHolder, Ram JohnHolien, Danny
HolliesHolloway, RossHollywood Brats, The
Hollywood CrestasHollywood Stars, TheHolmes, Jake
Holmes, RupertHolt, AshleyHoly Mackerel
Holy Moses!!Holy MountainHombré
HomeHometown Band, TheHook, The
HookfootHookyHoola Bandoola Band
Hopkins, NickyHopper, HughHorrorcomic
HorslipsHot HitsHot Tuna
HotelHoundsHour Glass, The
Houseshakers, TheHowe, SteveHowl The Good
Hudson Brothers, TheHues Corporation, TheHughes, Garry
Hull AlanHumble PieHummingbird
Humphrey, PaulHungry ChuckHunt & Turner
Hunt, TheHunterHunter, Carol
Hunter, IanHunter, RobertHunter, Steve
Husband, GaryHush (Australian)Husky
Hustler (70s)HydraI Drive
I Jog & The TracksuitsI PoohI Profeti
Ian, JanisIbisIbis (Swedish)
Ides Of March, TheIdle RaceIgnerents, The
IguanaIl Guardiano Del FaroIllinois Speed Press
Illusion (Relf)Incredible String Band, TheInga Rumpf
Ingland, BrianInner City UnitInner Sleeve (70S)
Innes, NeilIntelligents, TheInternational Submarine Band
Ireland, JohnIris, DonnieIron Butterfly
Iron CrossIron VirginIronhorse
Island RecordsIsle Of WightIt's A Beautiful Day
J. Geils Band, TheJ.C.J.D. Short
J.J. BandJabberwockJack The Lad
Jack, Ballin'Jackie Lynton Band, TheJackson Hawke
Jackson HeightsJacnoJade (70s)
Jade WarriorJagger, ChrisJake
James Gang, TheJameson, NickJap, Philip
Jarman, GeraintJasmin-TJason Crest
Jasper WrathJawboneJeep
Jeff Britton & The SpitfiresJefferson AirplaneJefferson Starship
Jeffreys, GarlandJenkins, KarlJericho
Jericho JonesJermz, TheJeronimo
JerusalemJet Bronx & The ForbiddenJethro Tull
Jigsaw (Oz)Jigsaw (UK)Jim & Ady
Jimmy CampbellJimmy Edwards And The ProfileJJG
Jo Jo Zep And The FalconsJo MamaJo'burg Hawk
JobriathJobson, EddieJody Grind
Joe SoapJoel Scott Hill, John Barbata,John & Phil Cunningham
John Dummer Blues Band, TheJohn G. PerryJohn Lawton
John Spencer's LoutsJohn The RevelatorJohn Verity Band
John's ChildrenJohn, AleksanderJohn, Andrew
John, CliveJohnny GJohnny Thunders Heartbreakers
Johns, MarkJohnson, Robert (70s)Johnston, Tom
Johnstone, DaveyJon St. JamesJones Gang, The
Jones, GloriaJones, Rickie LeeJoplin, Janis
Jordan, LonnieJordan, SteveJosef K
Joseph, MarcusJoy Of CookingJoyce McKinney Experience
Judas JumpJuicy GrooveJuicy Lucy
Jumbo (Italian)Jump, TheJungle Juice
Jupp, MickeyKalaKalinich, Stephen John
Kansas HookKantner, PaulKaras, Paul
KaratKaren Novotny XKarthago
Kat, KrazyKateKatydids
KaveretKay, TedKayak
Kaye, KaplanKBCKeats
Keef Hartley Band, TheKelly, JonathanKelly, Matt
Kelly, Peter D.Keltner, JimKendrick, Graham
Kent, PaulKenton, RikKerruish, John
Kevin Short And His PrivatesKey LargoKGB
Kick (70S Rock), TheKiddywinksKillermeters, The
Kilminster, DaveKincadeKind Hearts And English
King CrimsonKing Earl Boogie BandKing Harry
King HarvestKing, CaroleKing, Paul
King, RickyKingdom Come (70s)Kingdom Come (80s)
Kingdom Come (Arthur Brown)KingfishKinks
KirbyKirkland, EddieKirwan, Danny
Knight, BrianKnighton, ReggieKnox
KongasKooper, AlKooymans, George
Korner, AlexisKortchmar, DannyKossoff, Kirke, Tetsu & Rabbit
Kossoff, PaulKrackerKrajewski, Seweryn
Krieger, RobbyKubinec, DavidKulick, Bruce
L.A. ExpressL.A. JetsLa Seine
Ladder, TheLadyLaflamme, David
Laing, CorkyLaing, ShonaLake
Lake, GregLane, Jimmy D.Lane, Ronnie
Lankchan, HipLanzetti, BernardoLarson, Nicolette
Last ExitLast Man In EuropeLate Show, The
Lavie, AricLaw, TheLe Roux
Leary, TimothyLee Riders, TheLee, Alvin
Lee, JohnLeer Brothers, TheLeese, Howard
Legacy Of LiesLegendLegends (Jazz)
LegsLegs DiamondLeigh, Andrew
Lennon, JohnLeno, SamLeon, Craig
Les IrrésistiblesLesley, MikeLet It Rock
Let's ActiveLeviathanLew Lewis Reformer
Lewd, TheLiarLiberty Records
LifeLight Of The WorldLighthouse
Lightning RaidersLimeyLimit (70s), The
LimousineLindisfarneLindley, David
Lindop, RobertLinhart, BuzzyListen (70s)
Little Bob StoryLittle FeatLittle John (70S)
Little River BandLittle VillageLiverpool Express
Liverpool Scene, TheLivgren, KerryLivingston Taylor
Livingstone, J.C.Lloyd, CarolLloyd, Ian
Lloyd, RichardLloyd-Langton, HuwLoadstone
Lockwood Top Vander WidemannLocoLocomotiv GT
LocomotiveLodge, JohnLoggins & Messina
Lone StarLong HelloLong Tall Ernie And The Shaker
Long Tall ShortyLooking GlassLord, Benny
Los 5 Del EsteLos DiablosLost Gonzo Band, The
Lothar And The Hand PeopleLove ChildrenLoving Awareness
LRDLuciferLucifer's Friend
LucyLulu Boys, TheLumley, Robin
Lupu, RaduLuthaLuv Machine
Lynne, JeffLynton, JackieLynyrd Skynyrd
M. FrogM.O.D. (David Essex)Mabsant
MacArthur, NeilMachinationsMachines
Mack, LonnieMackay, RabbitMacPherson, Bruce
MacTavish, DavidMadder LakeMade In Japan
Madrigal (Rock)Magic Bus (70s)Magma
Magna CartaMahavishnu Project, TheMallard
Mama LionMama's PrideMamzelle, Batti
ManMan DokiMan Raze
MandalabandMandrake Paddle SteamerManfred Mann's Earth Band
MannakornMannoia, FiorellaMaran, Mike
MarcusMarcus Hook Roll BandMarina Del Rey
Marino, Frank & Mahogany RushMark Williamson BandMark, Jon
Mark-AlmondMarkstein, StapleyMarriott, Steve
Mars, JohnnyMarsupilamiMartin And Finley
Martin, DaveMartin, TradeMartyn, John
Mas, CarolyneMashmakhanMason Proffit
Mason, DaveMason, NickMasterswitch
Matadors, The (R&R)Matching MoleMatheson, Andrew
Matthew & The MandarinsMatthews Southern ComfortMatthews, Ian
Max WebsterMay BlitzMay, Nick
May, PhilMayall, JohnMaze (US)
MC5McAuley, JackieMcCafferty, Dan
McCartney, PaulMCCOOL, FYNNMcCormick, Gayle
McCulloch, DannyMcCulloch, Jimmy & White LineMcDonald & Giles
McDonald, IanMcGee, ParkerMcGilpin Bob
McGinlay, KevinMcGuinn & HillmanMcGuinn, Clark & Hillman
McGuinn, RogerMcGuinness FlintMcKendree Spring
McKenna Mendelson MainlineMcKuen, RodMcLauchlan, Murray
McLean, DonMcLelland, SandyMcNabb, Ian
McPhee, Tony 'T.S.'McVie, ChristineMcVie, John
Meadows, MarkMeal TicketMedicine Head
MedusaMeisner, RandyMelody Maker
Melton, BarryMemoriesMemphis Bend
MerlinMerrell And The ExilesMerriboys, The
Merritt, MaxMerryweather, NeilMessina, Jim
Micare, FranklinMice, TheMichael Stanley Band
Michaels, GordonMichaels, HillyMichaels, Lee
Michigan RagMick Dorey And The SirensMick Fleetwood Blues Band, The
Mickey & The HeartbeatsMidnight FlyerMidnight Sun
Mighty 'EmMike Corbett & Jay Hirsh With MIKEOLD
Miles, BuddyMilk 'n' CookiesMill Valley Bunch
Miller, Frankie (Rock)Miller, LarryMilwaukee Coasters, The
MirabaiMitchell, JoniMitchell, Mitch
Mixtures, TheMob (Funk), TheMohawk, Essra
Mom's Apple PieMongrel (70s)Monkman, Francis
Montanas, TheMontgomery, JamesMoody Blues, The
Moon, KeithMoonkyteMoonlighters, The
MoonriderMoorcock, MichaelMoore, Anthony
Moore, MatthewMoore, TimMoraz, Patrick & Bruford, Bill
Morgan, DaveMorningMorningstar
Morris, GerryMorrison, JimMorrison, Van
Mose JonesMoses, JamieMother Earth (60S)
Mother GongMother HenMotivation
MottMott The HoopleMottau, Eddie
MountainMountain ChildMove, The
Moving SidewalksMr Big (UK)Mu
MudcrutchMuldaur, MariaMumma Bear
Mungo JerryMurphy, ElliottMurray, Phil
MushroomMushroom RecordsMusic Asylum, The
MutantesMutter SlaterMX-80 Sound
Mycroft, TimMyofistMyrth
Mystic SivaMythosN.W.10
Nagle, RonNariz, WazmoNash, Graham
Nasty PopNatchbandNational Health
Natural GasNatural MagicNautyculture
Naylor, JerryNektarNelson, Tracy
NervebreakersNeuNeutrons, the
New Cactus Band, TheNew CrossNew Heavenly Blue
New Musical ExpressNew Riders Of The Purple SageNew York Rock & Roll Ensemble
Newman, DennyNewman, RandyNewman, Tom
Newmark, AndyNewton Howard, JamesNice, The
Nicholson, HughNick Carter (Piano)Nick Simper's Fandango
Nicks, StevieNicky & The DotsNicky James
NicoNicol And Marsh's Easy StreetNiedecken, Wolfgang
NightNightingale, AnneNightshade
Nile, WillieNits, TheNitty Gritty Dirt Band
No DiceNoakes, RabNoguchi, Goro
NomadiNorman, LarryNova
NovalisNovato Frank BandNRBQ
NutzNyro, LauraO'Brien, Deke
O'Donnell, JoeO'Keefe, DannyO'List, David
O.W.L.Ocasek, RicOccasionally David
OceanOcean, HumphreyOff The Wall
Offenbach (Rock)Ogan, Gary & Lamb, BillOgerman, Claus
Old And In The WayOld GoldOldham, Andrew Loog
Omartian, MichaelOmartian, Michael And StormieOn The Air
One The JugglerOne Way TicketOpal Butterfly
Orange PeelOrchestra LunaOrient Express
Original Sound Track, TheOrion The HunterOrkestra
OsibisaOskar, LeeOtis, Shuggie
Out Of DarknessOutcastsOutlaws, The (US)
Outsiders (Punk), TheOverlord (Punk)Owen, Ray
OZ MagazineOzoOzzie
P.F.M.P.P. & The PrimesPablo Cruise
Pacific EardrumPack, The (Punk)Page & Plant
PagliaroPainterPalmer, Tom
PanPanama Limited Jug BandPapa Nebo
Paranoids, TheParis (70s)Parker, Alan
Parker, GrahamParks, MichaelParks, Van Dyke
Parlour Band, TheParrish & GurvitzParsons, Gene
Parsons, GramParton, DesmondPatto
Patton, RobbiePavlov's DogPavone, Rita
Pearcy, StephenPeckers, ThePeddlers, The
Pell Mell (German)Penetrators (Garage Rock), ThePenn, Dan
Pense, LydiaPentagramPentangle, the
People (UK)Persip, CharlesPeter, Paul & Marty
PetraPets (70'S), ThePezband
Ph.D.Phase FivePhillips, Glenn
Phillips, ShawnPhilwit & PegasusPhoenix (US)
Pick, SvikaPickett, CourtlandPickett, Nick
Pickford, PixPie, RandyPierre Henry & Spooky Tooth
Pierre Moerlen's GongPilotPinder, Michael
Pink Fairies, ThePink FloydPink Mice, The
Pinkees, ThePistolPlainsong
Planets. The (Steve Lindsey)PlayerPluto (70s)
PocoPoint BlankPointed Sticks
Polite ForcePolydor RecordsPomeranz, David
Poor-Mouth, ThePop, ThePopulation
Porcaro, MikePork Dukes, ThePortraits
PositivaPot LiquorPotter, Nic
Pousette-Dart BandpragVECPratt & McClain
Pratt, AndyPreskett, GrahamPreston, Don (Keyboards)
Pretty MaidsPretty Things, ThePRH
Principal Edwards Magic TheatrPrine, JohnPrior, Maddy
Prism (Canadian)Private Eye (Rock)Private Lines
Pro-Ject Audio SystemsProblem ChildProcol Harum
Profits, TheProgressProphet
ProudfootProvidencePublic Foot The Roman
PuhdysPulsarPulver, Judi
Pumphouse GangPunchin' JudyPure Prairie League
Pursey, JimmyPVC2Qango
QuangoQuantum JumpQuatermass
Quatro, MichaelQuicksand (70s)Quicksand (Prog)
QuicksilverQuicksilver Messenger ServiceQuiet Melon
Quiet WorldQuillQuinaimes Band, The
QuintessenceQuintet TheRabbit
Racing CarsRadiator (70s)Rafferty, Jim
RagnarökRainbow, ChristopherRalphs, Mick
Ram JamRamasesRambow, Philip
Randall, ElliottRandomsRandy
Randy Pie & FamilyRankin, CaseyRare Amber
Rare BirdRaspberriesRatchell
RavenRavenscroft, RaphaelRavitz, Yehudith
Raw MaterialReactRead, Mike
Reading Festival, TheRecord CollectorRecord Players, The
Records, TheRed (Progressive)Red Line Explosion
Red Sox, TheRedding, NoelRedwing
Reed, Cale & NicoReed, LouReekers, Edward
RefugeeRenaissanceRenbourn, John
Rentals [70S], TheReparataReR Megacorp
Rescue Co. No. 1ResidentsResistance, The
ResonanceReunionRex Barker And The Ricochets
Reynolds, BarryRhinoRhoades, Darryl
Rhodes, EmittRhythm Butchers, TheRice-Milton, Terry
Rich FeverRichard And The TaxmenRichards, Digby
Richards, RandyRichards, TurleyRichman, Jonathan
Richmond, DannieRick DankoRiff-Raff
Rivers, JohnnyRivits, TheRivvits, The
RoadRoberts, PaulRobertson, Robbie
Rock FolliesRock Island LineRock Workshop
Rocker's RevengeRocket From The TombsRockets, The (Rock)
Rockey, PalmerRockfield ChoraleRockicks
Rockin' HorseRockman, WaltRockoko
Roden, JessRodgers, PaulRoedelius, Hans-Joachim
Rogers, Roy (Blues)RogueRolling Stone
Rolling Stones, TheRômeRoogalator
Rose, BiffRoses Are RedRoss, Alan
Ross, DrewRotary ConnectionRoth, Arlen
Rothwell, LindaRough DiamondRough Riders
Rowdies, TheRowe, BobRoxy
Roxy MusicRoy St. JohnRSO Records
Rubber Band, TheRuben And The JetsRubettes, The
Rubinoos, TheRuffner, MasonRumour (New Zealand), The
RumplestiltskinRunaways, TheRundgren, Todd
RunnerRuphusRush, Tom
Ruskin Spear, RogerRussell, LeonRustic Hinge
Rutles, TheRuts D.C.Ruts, The
Saatchi, PhilSacrificeSadista Sisters, The
SadisticsSaharaSahm, Doug
Salford JetsSallon, PhilipSanders, Ric
Sanderson, DannySandy CoastSantana
Santana, JorgeSantos, LarrySargeant, Bob
Sarofeen And SmokeSassafrasSaturnalia
Saunders, MerlSavage ProgressSavage Rose, The
Savoy BrownSawyer BrownSawyer, Ray
Sax ManiaxScaggs, BozSchaffer, Janne
Schenkel, CalSchnitzler, ConradSchoolgirl Bitch
SchungeScopeScot, Colin
Scott, AndyScott, BonScott, Tom
ScreamsScroungerSeals & Crofts
Seals, DanSeathroughSeatrain
SeawindSebastian, JohnSecond Coming, The (60s)
Second OpinionSecret Policeman's Ball, TheSegarini, Bob
Sembello, MichaelSensational Alex Harvey BandSeven Ages Of Man, The
Seventh WaveShadow mannShadowfax
ShakaneShakespeare, WilliamShane, Stephen
Shanghai (Mickey Green)Shapes, TheSharks, The
Shazam!Sheena & The RokketsShelby
Shelter, JimmeShepherds Bush Comets, TheSherbet
SheshetShillingford MillShoe Suede Blues
ShoesShooterShorrock, Glenn
Short, BrianShow Of Hands (Prog)Shrink
Shwn Wodw!Sievey, ChrisSilver Metre
SilverheadSimmons, JeffSimmons, Mickey
Simms Brothers BandSimms Brothers Band, TheSimon & Garfunkel
Simon, PaulSimon, Plug & GrimesSimpson, Steve
Sims, Frankie LeeSinceros, TheSindelfingen
Sinfield, PeteSiouxSir Douglas Quintet
Sir Henry (& His Butlers)Sir Lord BaltimoreSiren
SiriusSirkel & Co.Sisters
Sitting BullSkip BiffertySky (70s)
SkybandSlow ChildrenSlow Fade
SlowboneSlowloadSluggers, The
Smile (US)Smiley, BrettSmirks, The
Smith Perkins SmithSmith, 'Legs' LarrySmith, Ethel
Smith, Steve (Journey)Smither, ChrisSmoker, Joel
SnafuSneakersSnivelling Shits, The
Society, CaféSoft HeapSoft Machine
Soft MountainSolid Gold CadillacSon Of A Gun
Sons Of ChamplinSons Of Champlin, TheSons Of Heroes
SorcerySore Throat (Power Pop)Sore Throat (Rock)
SoundsSouth, JoeSouther Hillman Furay Band
Souther, John DavidSouthern ComfortSouthern Pacific
Southern, AlSouthroad ConnectionSouthwind
Space (Tremeloes)Space ArtSpace Opera
Space RitualSpaghetti Head (70s)Sparrow
Speed LimitSpencer, JeremySpheres
SpiderSpin (Dutch)Spirit
Spirit Of John MorganSpiro GyraSpitballs
SpiteriSpontaneous CombustionSpooky Tooth
Sports, TheSPPSpreadeagle
Spyro GyraSquad, FlyingSquire, Chris
SRTSt. Clements WellsSt. Louis Hounds, The
Stack WaddyStackridgeStadium Dogs
Staffell, TimStainless StealStanley Steamer
Stanshall, VivianStar Sounds OrchestraStarcastle
StardriveStarland Vocal BandStarr, Ringo
Starr, RubyStarry Eyed And LaughingStates, The
Staymer, HansSteamhammerSteel Mill
Steel RiverSteeleye SpanSteely Dan
SteeplechaseSteinberg And KellyStephenson's Rocket
SteppenwolfStereotypes, TheSteve Gibbons Band, The
Steve Miller Band, TheStevens, CatStewart, Al
Stewart, Dave & Gaskin, BarbarStill Life [70s]Stills, Stephen
Stills-Young Band, TheStillwaterStokes, Simon
Stone AngelStone AxeStone Fury
Stone The CrowsStoneboltStoned Circus
StonedelightStonegroundStooges, The
Story, TheStrange DaysStrapps
Strawbs, TheStrayStray Dog
Street NoiseStreet Talk (NZ)Streetboy
StrifeString Driven ThingStud
Stuermer, DarylStuffStukas
Stukas, TheSue & SunnySugarloaf
Suicide Commandos, TheSullivan, MichaelSummer Wine
SunchariotSunday FunniesSunny Jim Band
Sunshine (PTH)Sunshine On The WorldSupa, Richard
SupernautSupersister (70s)Surprise Sisters, The
Sutherland Brothers & QuiverSutherland, IainSwan, Black
SweathogSweet ThursdaySwegas
Swift, JonathanSwindells, SteveSylvain Sylvain
Sylvester's Juke BoxSylvester, TerrySyreeta
Table, TheTaggettTaï Phong
Taj MahalTakayuki, InoueTalbot, Billy
Talley, JamesTamouzTangerine Dream
Tanned LeatherTanner, MarcTarney & Spencer
Tarry, MichaelTasavallan PresidenttiTaste
Tate, TroyTattoo (70S)Tawna
Taylor, DickTaylor, TotTea
Teacher's PetTearjerkers, TheTeaze
Tedesco, TommyTelephoneTelescope
Tempchin, JackTemperance Movement, TheTempest
Tempus FugitTen Wheel DriveTen Years After
Terje, Jesper & JoachimTerra CottaTerry & The Pirates
Test, ZZZTexas Tornados, TheThe Last Resort
Thee ImageThieves (1970S)Third World War
Thomas, B.J.Thomas, Creepy JohnThomas, Ian
Thomas, JeffThomas, MickeyThomas, Ray
Thompson, BarbaraThompson, LindaThompson, Richard
Thompson, RobbinThoughts And WordsThree Dog Night
Three Man ArmyThree, PageThreshold Label
ThundertrainTiger, ShabbyTillison, Roger
TimeTime WastersTin Huey
Tiny AliceTitanicToad
Today's PeopleToe FatTom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tomita, IsaoTommy Talton, Bill Stewart, JoTommy Tutone
TomorrowToni Brown & Terry GarthwaiteTonight
Tonto's Expanding Head BandTonton MacouteTontrix
ToolsTop Of The PopsTop, Janik
TorontoTorrance, RichardTotally Outta Hand Band, The
Touch (70s)Toussaint, AllenTownshend, Pete
Townshend, SimonToy (Belgian)Toy Planet
Toyah & FrippTraceTrack Records
TractorTrafficTrammps, The
TrampolinTrash (70s)Trashmonk
Travis (70s)Travis, PaulTrax
TreasureTreatment, SteveTregger, Yan
Tremblers, TheTrepte, UliTriana
Tribes, TheTricksterTrifle
Trigger (70'S Rock)Trigger (70S)Trillion
Trimmer & JenkinsTriumphTrooper
Troops, TheTropea, JohnTrower, Robin
Trower, Robin & Bruce, JackTruckaway, WilliamTrucker, Mother
Trucks, DerekTrukTubes
Tucker, TanyaTucky BuzzardTulsa
Tunes, CrabTureck, RosalynTurner, Ike & Tina
Turner, Joe LynnTurner, NikTurner, Pierce
Turtle, HenryTurtles, TheTwink
TycoonTyla GangTyla, Sean
U.K.Ugly's, TheUncle Jim's Music
UnicornUnited Sons Of AmericaUnivers Zero
UppUrge, TheUtopia (German)
Utopia (US)V, FormulaValves, The
Van Der Graaf GeneratorVan Der Linden, RickVan Leer, Thijs
Van Zant, JohnnyVander, ChristianVanilla Fudge
Vannelli, GinoVanovsky, ZalmanVariation
Various - Rock & MetalVarious - Soul & FunkVarious Artists
Various-Cars & Motor SportsVarious-Doo-Wop & VocalVarious-Hip Hop & Rap
Velline, Robert ThomasVelvet OperaVelvet Underground
Velvet, BlackVenigmasVerheyen, Carl
Vertigo LabelVeziVigrass & Osborne
Vincent, JamesVinegar JoeVineyard
Vipers, The (70s)Visconti, TonyVitale, Joe
VoizVoyagerWackerman, Chad
Wackers, TheWagner, DavidWagon, Chuck
Waits, TomWake, TheWakeman, Oliver
Wakeman, RickWalker, Jerry JeffWalker, Les
Walker, SammyWall, AlwynWallace, Ian
WallensteinWaller, MickyWallis, Larry
WalrusWalsh, JoeWammack, Travis
WandoWarhorseWarm Dust
Warsaw PaktWashington Flyers, TheWasted Youth
WaterWaters, RogerWaybill, Fee
Wayne, CarlWeaver, PattyWeb, The
Webb, SusanWebber, AJWeeks, Willie
Weir, BobWeisberg, TimWelch, Bob
Wells, CoryWendroff, MichaelWerewolves
Werner, DavidWerner, MaxWest Keith
West, AlbertWest, Bruce & LaingWest, Leslie
West, NashvilleWestbrook, MikeWet Willie
Wetton, JohnWha-KooWhale, Satin
Wheater, TimWhite Lightnin'White Noise
White PlainsWhite WitchWhite, Alan
White, KieranWhite, TamWhite, Trevor
Whitlock, BobbyWhitmore, IainWhitren, Jaki
Whitten, DannyWhoWigwam (Prog)
Wild Thing, TheWild TurkeyWild Wally
Wilde ThreeWilding/BonusWildlife
Williams, MoonWilliams, Paul (US)Williamson, Robin
WindmillWinds Of ChangeWinkies, The
Winter, EdgarWinter, JohnnyWinters Brothers Band, The
Winwood, SteveWirtz, MarkWizard's Convention
WizzardWood, ChrisWood, Hayden
Wood, RonnieWood, RoyWood, Ted
Woody Woodmansey's U-BoatWoolfson EricWorld Service
World, TheWRAXWright, Bernard
Wright, GaryWright, RickWright, Stevie
Writing On The WallWXPNWyatt, Robert
WyomingX CertificateXhol Caravan
XPPYachtsYakety Yak
Yamashta, StomuYamashta, Winwood & ShrieveYamasuki's, The
Yellow Payges, TheYellowjacketsYes
YESYESYo Ho Wah 13
You (Punk)Youlden, ChrisYoung Rascals, The
Young, BobYoung, Jesse ColinYoung, John (Greenslade)
Young, NeilYoung, RoyYoung, Steve
Youngbloods, TheZacchaeusZakatek, Lenny
ZaoZappa Plays ZappaZappa, Dweezil
Zappa, FrankZazou, HectorZee
Zelkowitz, GoldieZero (70s)Zevon, Warren
Ziggy Byfield And The BlackheaZipps, TheZon
ZooZZ TopZzebra

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