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18124.A.D.A Mighty Wind
A Tribe Of ToffsAbbot, RussAbsolutely Fabulous
Alberto Y Lost Trios ParanoiasAlberts, TheALF
Aliens, The (Pop)Allen, WoodyAmazing Mr Smith, The
Ames Brothers, TheAmin, IdiAndrew Dice Clay
Apache IndianArnau, BrendaArnee and the Terminaters
Arnold, StanAsh, LeslieAskey, Arthur
At Last The 1948 ShowAtkinson, RonAtkinson, Rowan
Austin PowersAyres, PamBackshelf Dog
Bad NewsBaker, Hylda & Mullard, ArthurBall, Lucille
Ballantyne, DavidBanana Splits, TheBanks, Dr. Murray
Barker, LesBaron, SandyBarr, Roseanne
Barron Knights, TheBarton Brothers, TheBates, Blaster
Batt, MikeBaxter, StanleyBeano, The
Beavis & ButtheadBell & SpurlingBell, Benny
Bennett, AlanBennett, BillyBentine, Michael
Berg, GertrudeBerman, ShelleyBernhard, Sandra
Big LebowskiBiggins, ChristopherBiggun, Ivor
Bill & BenBlack Lace (UK)Blackburn Bryan & Reeves Peter
Blanc, MelBlassie, FreddieBlow Fly
Bo SelectaBoardman, StanBob Kerr's Whoopee Band
Bob McFadden & DorBob The BuilderBorg, Brita
Bowen, JimBowman, DonBozzio Levin Stevens
Braden, BernardBrambell, WilfridBrand, Jo
Brand, OscarBrand, RussellBrooks, Mel
Brother Lees, TheBrown SauceBrown, Charlie
Brown, JanetBrown, Roy ChubbyBrownsville Banned
Bruce SpringstoneBruce, LennyBrush, Basil
Bryan, DoraBuchanan, JackBuchwald, Art
Buckley Hill, PeterBuddy Odor Stop, TheBunny, Bugs
Burland, SaschaBurnham, BoBurns, George
Callow, SimonCameron, AndyCannon & Ball
Cantor, EddieCapitol RecordsCaramba
Carlin, GeorgeCarman, PaulCarrey, Jim
Carry OnCastle, RoyChacksfield, Frank
Chad KroegerChaplin, CharlieChase, Chevy
Cheeky GirlsChipmunks, TheChippington, Ted
Christie, DavidCleese JohnCohen, Myron
Colbert, StephenColder, BenCollis, Ronnie
Coltrane, RobbieComedy Players, TheComic Relief
Comic Strip, TheCommentators, TheCoogan, Steve
Cook, PeterCook, Peter & Moore, DudleyCool Bananas
Cool, PhilCooper, TommyCorbett, Harry H.
Corbett, RonnieCourtneidge And HulbertCowan, Joel
Coward, NoëlCox, CourtneyCrawford, Michael
Crazy FrogCrazy Gang, TheCribbins, Bernard
Crystal, BillyDad's ArmyDaffy Duck
Dainty, BillyDana, BillDangerfield, Rodney
Daniels, BillyDavies, FreddieDavies, Windsor
Davies, Windsor & Estelle, DonDe Niro, RobertDellwoods, The
Derek And CliveDesmond, LorraeDiamond, Barry
Digance, RichardDisley, DizDisney, Walt
Dodd, KenDoug Anthony All StarsDouglas, Jack
Dr DementoDr. SeussDrake, Charlie
Duke Of Hazards, TheDUNN, CLIVEDurante, Jimmy
EAVEdd 'N' BenEddington, Paul
Ellis, VivianElton, BenEmery, Dick
Enfield, HarryEverage, Dame EdnaEverett, Kenny
Fabulous Poodles, TheFallon, JimmyFantoni, Barry
Fascinating AidaFat And FranticFat Boys
Fat LesFawlty TowersFayne, Tony
Feldman, MartyFelix, MikeFenton Stevens, Michael
Ferguson, CraigFielding, NoelFields, W.C.
Firesign Theatre, TheFirm, The (Pop)Fitzgerald, Patrik
Flanagan & AllenFlanagan, BudFlanders & Swann
Flights Of The ConchordsFoffo SpearjigFonz, The
Fools, TheFox, ReddFraggles, The
Frank Fish And The FinsFreberg, StanFred Bison Five, The
Freshies, TheFriends (TV)Frinton, Freddie
Frost, DavidFrye, DavidG, Ali
G4Gamble, EdGervais, Ricky
Giddens, RhiannonGiggettyGilbert & Sullivan
Gladiators, The (Wrestling)Gleason, JackieGlee
Glums, TheGoldblum, JeffGoodall, Howard
Goodies, TheGoodman, DickieGoodwin, Ken
Gordon The MoronGrace, BrendanGrandad's Army
Green, SethGreer, MichaelGrenfell, Joyce
Groenewoud, Raymond Van HetGrumbleweeds, TheGruppo Sportivo
Halo Of FliesHancock, SheilaHancock, Tony
Handley, TommyHanna-BarberaHarding, Mike
Harris, BaronHarris, Keith & Duck, OrvilleHarris, Phil
Harris, RolfHarry SecombeHawn, Goldie
HeeBeeGeeBees, TheHenderson, DickieHenderson, Finis
Hendra, Tony & Ullett, NickHenry, LennyHertner, Rob
Hicks, BillHill, BennyHilton, Paris
Hinge & BracketHoffnung, GerardHolloway, Stanley
Holman, RogerHoly Modal RoundersHorne, Kenneth
Horrocks, JaneHot LegHoward, Bill
Howerd, FrankieHudd, RoyHumphries, Barry
Hung, WilliamHunter, TommyIdle, Eric
Ingle, RedIrving, George S.Jackass
Jackie & The CommutersJackson, JackJames, Clive
James, SidneyJaxon, Half PintJazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
Jeeves & WoosterJerky Boys, TheJim Davidson
Joans, John PaulJoe ColeJonas Brothers, The
Jonathan And Darlene EdwardsJonathan KingJones, Jimmy (Comedian)
Jones, SpikeJudge DreadKane, Helen
Katz, MickeyKay, PeterKaye, Davy
Keith Richards Orchestra, TheKelly (TV) FrankKelly Osbourne
King, TheKitter, RogerKrankies, The
Laurel & Hardy (Comedy)Laurels, TheLaurie Lingo And The Dipsticks
Lawrence, VickiLeague Of Gentlemen (Comedy), TheLeary, Dennis
LEBOWITZ, D.J.Lee Evans Lee, Stewart
Legendary Pub Singer, TheLehrer, TomLeningrad Cowboys
Lewie, JonaLewis, Joe E.Lewis, Ted
Liam LynchLillie, BeatriceLipman, Maureen
Little BritainLittle, Syd & Large, EddieLiverpool Scene, The
Lloyd, MarieLonely Island, TheLord Buckley
Los Del RioLowe, ArthurLuhrmann, Baz
Lumley, JoannaMabley, MomsMack, Billy
MacLaine, ShirleyMaclean And MacleanMaclean, Don
Magic Roundabout, TheMaguire, SeanMambo Kurt
Manning, BernardMarks, AlfredMarshall, Jimmy
Martha Davis (Jazz)Martin, MillicentMartine, Ray
Marx Brothers, TheMarx, GrouchoMarx, Harpo
Mason, JackieMaster Singers, TheMatthews, Jessie
Maxwell, Chas & CarolMC CashbackMC Hammer
MC Miker G & Deejay SvenMcCall C.W.McCann, Terry
McCulloch, BruceMcDowell, PaulMcGinn, Matt
McGough, RogerMcKenzie, Bob & DougMeader, Vaughn
Melville, AlanMercado, MikeMerton, Paul
Messenger, MelindaMichaels, MarilynMiki & Griff
Miles, BernardMiller, MaxMilli Vanilli
Milligan Cook Miller SellersMindless Self IndulgenceMitchell, Warren
Moe Bandy & Joe StampleyMonroe, CharlieMontalban, Ricardo
Montanas, TheMonte, LouMonteith, Kelly
Monty PythonMoore, DudleyMorecambe & Wise
Morris Minor & The MajorsMorris, JohnnyMorris, Libby
Mr BeanMr OizoMuggeridge, Malcolm
Mull, MartinMullard, ArthurMuppets
Nail, JimmyNapoleon XIVNational Lampoon
Neerlands Hoop In Bange DagenNeilNew Monkees
Newhart, BobNichols, Mike & May, ElaineNicol, Hector
No Way SisNoël, PauloNot The Nine O'Clock News
Nutty Squirrels, TheO'Brien, ConanO'Connor, Tom
O'Donnell, RosieOddie, BillOld Pete & John Christie
Opsahl & LindstedtOtway JohnPage, Patti
Paine, JacksonPalin, MichaelPam And The Paper Clips
ParlophonePat & MickPatrick & Eugene
Patterson, Les SirPenrose, CharlesPercival, Lance
PerfectoPeters Sisters, ThePigsty Hill Light Orchestra
Piltdown Men, ThePlod, P.C.Pookiesnackenburger
PositivaPotter, Ivor D.Precocious Brats
Preston, Don (Keyboards)Prima, Louis & Smith, KeelyPryor, Richard
Quentin, CarolineRainbow [George & Zippy]Rainbows
Ramel, PovelRandall, AlanRandall, Tony
Randall, Tony & Klugman, JackRaye, MarthaRed Dwarf
Redbone, LeonRedington, AmandaRednex
Reeves & MortimerReeves, DelReeves, Vic
ResidentsRhoades, DarrylRick Dees & His Cast Of Idiots
Ricky Livid And The Tone DeafsRivers JoanRob & Fab
Robbins, KateRoberts, PaddyRobin, Alen
Robinson, TonyRobson GreenRodiguez, Paul
Rogers, TedRoman, MurrayRoot Boy Slim
Rose, BiffRose, Monica & Green, HughieRoss, Jack
Rowan & MartinRuben And The JetsRude, Rodney
Rushton, WilliamRussell, AnnaSabbath, Hack
Sadowitz, JerrySahl, MortSanders, Ed
Sands, ShirleySanford & SakerSanity Clause
Sayle, AlexeiSecret Policeman's Ball, TheSellers, Peter
Senator BobbySerendipity Singers, TheSesame Street
Seville, DavidSeville, DavidSFX
Shag Connors & The Carrot CrunShatner, WilliamShearer Harry
Sherman, AllanShuttleworth, JohnSimpson, Bart
SimpsonsSims, JoanSkinner, Frank
Smeck, RoySmith And JonesSmith, 'Legs' Larry
Smith, MelSmith, Whistling JackSmothers Brothers, The
Snakeman ShowSo Solid CrewSouth Park
Sovine, RedSpazztic BlurrSpinal Tap
Spitting ImageStandley, JohnnyStang, Arnold
Starr, FreddieSteel PantherStephenson, Pamela
Steptoe & SonStern, HowardStewart, J.J.
Strunk, JudStuttering JohnSutton, Lee
Swanic YouthSwinging Erudites, TheSykes, Eric & Jacques, Hattie
Tarbuck, JimmyTati, JacquesTaylor, Doug
Taylor, JeremyTayshus, AustenTemperance Seven, The
Temple City Kazoo OrchestraTerry Dactyl And The DinosaursTewson, Josephine
That Was The Week That WasThe GoonsThomas, Terry
Thompson, BobbyTiny TimTomlin, Lily
Tomlinson, RickyTopolTrimmer & Jenkins
Turn, StarTwo Ronnies, TheUllman, Tracey
Unwin, StanleyUstinov, PeterValentino, Bobby
Van Dusen, GeorgeVarious-Music Hall & VarietyVasconcellos, José
Venables, TerryVernon Haddock's Jubilee LoveliesVersnel, Hans
Vian, BorisWall, MaxWallace, Ian (60s)
Walter MatthauWangford, HankWarren, Rusty
Watts, ReggieWedlock, FredWeinrib, Len & Jameson, Joyce
Weird Al YankovicWelch, EdWicked Willie
Wild WallyWilliams, CharlieWilliams, Kenneth
Williams, RobinWilliamson, BobWilliamson, Shaun
Wilson, FlipWilson, Kevin BloodyWilson, Meri
Wilson, RichardWinos, TheWinslow, Michael
Winters JonathanWinters, Mike & BernieWisdom, Norman
WomblesWood, VictoriaWoodbury, Woody
Wooley, ShebWoolley, ShepWorld, The
Wright, SteveWright, StevenWurzels, The
Yetties, TheYin & YanYoung, James (Comedy)
Young, James (Irish)Youngman, HennyZappa Plays Zappa
Zappa, FrankZappa, Moon Unit

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