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18124.A.D.A Mighty Wind
A Tribe Of ToffsAbbot, RussAbsolutely Fabulous
Alberto Y Lost Trios ParanoiasAlberts, TheALF
Aliens, The (Pop)Allen, WoodyAmazing Mr Smith, The
Ames Brothers, TheAmin, IdiAndrew Dice Clay
Apache IndianArnau, BrendaArnee and the Terminaters
Arnold, StanAsh, LeslieAskey, Arthur
At Last The 1948 ShowAtkinson, RonAtkinson, Rowan
Austin PowersAyres, PamBackshelf Dog
Bad NewsBaker, Hylda & Mullard, ArthurBall, Lucille
Ballantyne, DavidBanana Splits, TheBanks, Dr. Murray
Barker, LesBaron, SandyBarr, Roseanne
Barron Knights, TheBarton Brothers, TheBates, Blaster
Batt, MikeBaxter, StanleyBeano, The
Beavis & ButtheadBell & SpurlingBell, Benny
Bennett, AlanBennett, BillyBentine, Michael
Berg, GertrudeBerman, ShelleyBernhard, Sandra
Big LebowskiBiggins, ChristopherBiggun, Ivor
Bill & BenBlack Lace (UK)Blackburn Bryan & Reeves Peter
Blanc, MelBlassie, FreddieBlow Fly
Bo SelectaBoardman, StanBob Kerr's Whoopee Band
Bob McFadden & DorBob The BuilderBorg, Brita
Bowen, JimBowman, DonBozzio Levin Stevens
Braden, BernardBrambell, WilfridBrand, Jo
Brand, OscarBrand, RussellBrooks, Mel
Brother Lees, TheBrown SauceBrown, Charlie
Brown, JanetBrown, Roy ChubbyBrownsville Banned
Bruce SpringstoneBruce, LennyBrush, Basil
Bryan, DoraBuchanan, JackBuchwald, Art
Buckley Hill, PeterBuddy Odor Stop, TheBunny, Bugs
Burland, SaschaBurnham, BoBurns, George
Callow, SimonCameron, AndyCannon & Ball
Cantor, EddieCapitol RecordsCaramba
Carlin, GeorgeCarman, PaulCarrey, Jim
Carry OnCastle, RoyChacksfield, Frank
Chad KroegerChaplin, CharlieChase, Chevy
Cheeky GirlsChipmunks, TheChippington, Ted
Christie, DavidCleese JohnCohen, Myron
Colbert, StephenColder, BenCollis, Ronnie
Coltrane, RobbieComedy Players, TheComic Relief
Comic Strip, TheCommentators, TheCoogan, Steve
Cook, PeterCook, Peter & Moore, DudleyCool Bananas
Cool, PhilCooper, TommyCorbett, Harry H.
Corbett, RonnieCourtneidge And HulbertCowan, Joel
Coward, NoëlCox, CourtneyCrawford, Michael
Crazy FrogCrazy Gang, TheCribbins, Bernard
Crystal, BillyDad's ArmyDaffy Duck
Dainty, BillyDana, BillDangerfield, Rodney
Daniels, BillyDavies, FreddieDavies, Windsor
Davies, Windsor & Estelle, DonDe Niro, RobertDellwoods, The
Derek And CliveDesmond, LorraeDiamond, Barry
Digance, RichardDisley, DizDisney, Walt
Dodd, KenDoug Anthony All StarsDouglas, Jack
Dr DementoDr. SeussDrake, Charlie
Duke Of Hazards, TheDUNN, CLIVEDurante, Jimmy
EAVEdd 'N' BenEddington, Paul
Ellis, VivianElton, BenEmery, Dick
Enfield, HarryEverage, Dame EdnaEverett, Kenny
Fabulous Poodles, TheFallon, JimmyFantoni, Barry
Fascinating AidaFat And FranticFat Boys
Fat LesFawlty TowersFayne, Tony
Feldman, MartyFelix, MikeFenton Stevens, Michael
Ferguson, CraigFielding, NoelFields, W.C.
Firesign Theatre, TheFirm, The (Pop)Fitzgerald, Patrik
Flanagan & AllenFlanagan, BudFlanders & Swann
Flights Of The ConchordsFoffo SpearjigFonz, The
Fools, TheFox, ReddFraggles, The
Frank Fish And The FinsFreberg, StanFred Bison Five, The
Freshies, TheFriends (TV)Frinton, Freddie
Frost, DavidFrye, DavidG, Ali
G4Gamble, EdGervais, Ricky
Giddens, RhiannonGiggettyGilbert & Sullivan
Gladiators, The (Wrestling)Gleason, JackieGlee
Glums, TheGoffe, RustyGoldblum, Jeff
Goodall, HowardGoodies, TheGoodman, Dickie
Goodwin, KenGordon The MoronGrace, Brendan
Grandad's ArmyGreen, SethGreer, Michael
Grenfell, JoyceGroenewoud, Raymond Van HetGrumbleweeds, The
Gruppo SportivoHalo Of FliesHancock, Sheila
Hancock, TonyHandley, TommyHanna-Barbera
Harding, MikeHarris, BaronHarris, Keith & Duck, Orville
Harris, PhilHarris, RolfHarry Secombe
Hawn, GoldieHeeBeeGeeBees, TheHenderson, Dickie
Henderson, FinisHendra, Tony & Ullett, NickHenry, Lenny
Hertner, RobHicks, BillHill, Benny
Hilton, ParisHinge & BracketHoffnung, Gerard
Holloway, StanleyHolman, RogerHoly Modal Rounders
Horne, KennethHorrocks, JaneHot Leg
Howard, BillHowerd, FrankieHudd, Roy
Humphries, BarryHung, WilliamHunter, Tommy
Idle, EricIngle, RedIrving, George S.
JackassJackie & The CommutersJackson, Jack
James, CliveJames, SidneyJaxon, Half Pint
Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh PrinceJeeves & WoosterJerky Boys, The
Jim DavidsonJoans, John PaulJoe Cole
Jonas Brothers, TheJonathan And Darlene EdwardsJonathan King
Jones, Jimmy (Comedian)Jones, SpikeJudge Dread
Kane, HelenKatz, MickeyKay, Peter
Kaye, DavyKeith Richards Orchestra, TheKelly (TV) Frank
Kelly OsbourneKing, TheKitter, Roger
Krankies, TheLaurel & Hardy (Comedy)Laurels, The
Laurie Lingo And The DipsticksLawrence, VickiLeague Of Gentlemen (Comedy), The
Leary, DennisLEBOWITZ, D.J.Lee Evans
Lee, StewartLegendary Pub Singer, TheLehrer, Tom
Leningrad CowboysLewie, JonaLewis, Joe E.
Lewis, TedLiam LynchLillie, Beatrice
Lipman, MaureenLittle BritainLittle, Syd & Large, Eddie
Liverpool Scene, TheLloyd, MarieLonely Island, The
Lord BuckleyLos Del RioLowe, Arthur
Luhrmann, BazLumley, JoannaMabley, Moms
Mack, BillyMacLaine, ShirleyMaclean And Maclean
Maclean, DonMagic Roundabout, TheMaguire, Sean
Mambo KurtManning, BernardMarks, Alfred
Maron, MarcMarshall, JimmyMartha Davis (Jazz)
Martin, MillicentMartine, RayMarx Brothers, The
Marx, GrouchoMarx, HarpoMason, Jackie
Master Singers, TheMatthews, JessieMax 'N' Gal (The Brothers Gonad)
Maxwell, Chas & CarolMC CashbackMC Hammer
MC Miker G & Deejay SvenMcCall C.W.McCann, Terry
McCulloch, BruceMcDowell, PaulMcGinn, Matt
McGough, RogerMcKenzie, Bob & DougMeader, Vaughn
Melville, AlanMercado, MikeMerton, Paul
Messenger, MelindaMichaels, MarilynMighty Absalom
Miki & GriffMiles, BernardMiller, Max
Milli VanilliMilligan Cook Miller SellersMindless Self Indulgence
Mitchell, WarrenMoe Bandy & Joe StampleyMonroe, Charlie
Montalban, RicardoMontanas, TheMonte, Lou
Monteith, KellyMonty PythonMoore, Dudley
Morecambe & WiseMorris Minor & The MajorsMorris, Johnny
Morris, LibbyMr BeanMr Oizo
Muggeridge, MalcolmMull, MartinMullard, Arthur
MuppetsNail, JimmyNapoleon XIV
National LampoonNeerlands Hoop In Bange DagenNeil
New MonkeesNewhart, BobNichols, Mike & May, Elaine
Nicol, HectorNo Way SisNoël, Paulo
Not The Nine O'Clock NewsNutty Squirrels, TheO'Brien, Conan
O'Connor, TomO'Donnell, RosieOddie, Bill
Old Pete & John ChristieOpsahl & LindstedtOtway John
Page, PattiPaine, JacksonPalin, Michael
Pam And The Paper ClipsParlophonePat & Mick
Patrick & EugenePatterson, Les SirPenrose, Charles
Percival, LancePerfectoPeters Sisters, The
Pigsty Hill Light OrchestraPiltdown Men, ThePlod, P.C.
PookiesnackenburgerPositivaPotter, Ivor D.
Precocious BratsPreston, Don (Keyboards)Prima, Louis & Smith, Keely
Pryor, RichardQuentin, CarolineRainbow [George & Zippy]
RainbowsRamel, PovelRandall, Alan
Randall, TonyRandall, Tony & Klugman, JackRaye, Martha
Red DwarfRedbone, LeonRedington, Amanda
RednexReeves & MortimerReeves, Del
Reeves, VicResidentsRhoades, Darryl
Rick Dees & His Cast Of IdiotsRicky Livid And The Tone DeafsRivers Joan
Rob & FabRobbins, KateRoberts, Paddy
Robin, AlenRobinson, TonyRobson Green
Rodiguez, PaulRogers, TedRoman, Murray
Root Boy SlimRose, BiffRose, Monica & Green, Hughie
Ross, JackRowan & MartinRuben And The Jets
Rude, RodneyRushton, WilliamRussell, Anna
Sabbath, HackSadowitz, JerrySahl, Mort
Sanders, EdSands, ShirleySanford & Saker
Sanity ClauseSayle, AlexeiSecret Policeman's Ball, The
Sellers, PeterSenator BobbySerendipity Singers, The
Sesame StreetSeville, DavidSeville, David
SFXShag Connors & The Carrot CrunShatner, William
Shearer HarrySherman, AllanShuttleworth, John
Simpson, BartSimpsonsSims, Joan
Skinner, FrankSmeck, RoySmith And Jones
Smith, 'Legs' LarrySmith, MelSmith, Whistling Jack
Smothers Brothers, TheSnakeman ShowSo Solid Crew
South ParkSovine, RedSpazztic Blurr
Spinal TapSpitting ImageStandley, Johnny
Stang, ArnoldStarr, FreddieSteel Panther
Stephenson, PamelaSteptoe & SonStern, Howard
Stewart, J.J.Strunk, JudStuttering John
Sutton, LeeSwanic YouthSwinging Erudites, The
Sykes, Eric & Jacques, HattieTarbuck, JimmyTati, Jacques
Taylor, DougTaylor, JeremyTayshus, Austen
Temperance Seven, TheTemple City Kazoo OrchestraTerry Dactyl And The Dinosaurs
Tewson, JosephineThat Was The Week That WasThe Goons
Thomas, TerryThompson, BobbyTiny Tim
Tomlin, LilyTomlinson, RickyTopol
Trimmer & JenkinsTurn, StarTwo Ronnies, The
Ullman, TraceyUnwin, StanleyUstinov, Peter
Valentino, BobbyVan Dusen, GeorgeVarious-Music Hall & Variety
Vasconcellos, JoséVenables, TerryVernon Haddock's Jubilee Lovelies
Versnel, HansVian, BorisWall, Max
Wallace, Ian (60s)Walter MatthauWangford, Hank
Warren, RustyWatts, ReggieWedlock, Fred
Weinrib, Len & Jameson, JoyceWeird Al YankovicWelch, Ed
Wicked WillieWild WallyWilliams, Charlie
Williams, KennethWilliams, RobinWilliamson, Bob
Williamson, ShaunWilson, FlipWilson, Kevin Bloody
Wilson, MeriWilson, RichardWinos, The
Winslow, MichaelWinters JonathanWinters, Mike & Bernie
Wisdom, NormanWomblesWood, Victoria
Woodbury, WoodyWooley, ShebWoolley, Shep
World, TheWright, SteveWright, Steven
Wurzels, TheYetties, TheYin & Yan
Young, James (Comedy)Young, James (Irish)Youngman, Henny
Zappa Plays ZappaZappa, FrankZappa, Moon Unit

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