new wave

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(US), Metropolis1, Part1919
2+2=521 Guns (Ska)45'S, The
AbwärtsAccessAccidents, The
Acme AttractionsAfter The FireAgony Column
All Fall DownAltar Boys, TheAlternative TV
AnnabasApostles (Punk), TheAriel (70s)
Armisen, FredArrows (80S), TheArtery (80s)
Arto/NetoAshworth, RichardAstronauts, The (Punk)
Attempted MoustacheAtticAzar Swan
B-52's TheBaby BuddhaBack To Zero
Badowski, HenryBarfliesBasement 5
Big HairBig In JapanBig Supreme, The
BimBirthday Massacre, TheBlacklock, Kelvin
Blade, AndyBlast Furnace & The HeatwavesBlatz
Blazing Apostles, TheBlitz Krieg Zone 2020Blue Way
Blunt InstrumentBogey Boys, TheBohana Mouse Band, The
Bok BokBolshoi, TheBone Symphony
Bone, RichardBoomtown Rats, TheBorg, The
Box Of ToysBoyfriends (70s), TheBoys From The East
Boys, ViagraBrainbox (Rock)Brains, The
Briggs, BrianBrodyr-Y-FfinBron Area
Brood, HermanBrothers Of CraigBuell, Bebe
Buggles, TheBulletsBumble & The Beez
Burns, EddyCads, TheCall
Camera 3Camera Obscura (Punk)Camp Sophisto
CardiacsCaroline KChapter House, The
ChargeChart, TheCheek
Children, Brian'sChin-ChinChoir (80S), The
Choir InvisibleChordsCigarettes, The
CinecydeClass WarClassics, Minor
Clockhouse, TheCold DanceCollective Horizontal
Colonel Elliott & The LunaticsConflictConspirators
Cosmic ThoughtsCott, GerryCowboys, London
CrassCrazeCrazy House
Cretones, TheCrocodile TearsCry, The
CymbalsDancing Did, TheDangerous Girls
Dark, JohnDarling (70s)Dave And The Mistakes
Dave Bishop & The ApostlesDayshiftDead Beats (Punk)
Dead Fingers TalkDeadbeats, TheDeath Of Lovers
Deborah And The Puerto RicansDecoy Men, TheDelta Five
DemobDeVille, MinkDiaframma
Dial, Tony & Silouette TheatreDiamond, DyanDifference, The
Dige, SallyDirect ActionDirt
Disco DickDisco VolanteDNA (US)
Doctor Mix And The RemixDodgems, TheDogbones, The
Dogma Cats, TheDormannuDrab Majesty
Dragons (French Punk)Drift.Drug Squad, The
Du BlondeDuart, JohnDub War
Easton, ElliotEdge (New Wave), TheEffect, Domino
Egyptian Hip HopElanø BEllis, John
Emerson, AvalonEpileptics, TheErsatz
EskatonEssential BopEthereal And The Queer Show
European ToysExecutivesExits, The
Exploding SeagullsExplosives, TheExpressos, The
Eyes Of OthersFairley, AndyFallout
Family Fodder, TheFantasia (80s)Fatal Gift
Favourites, TheFawcett, DaveFehlfarben
Fender BendersFidelity JonesFK9
Flowers, PersianFlowers, TheFlux Of Pink Indians
Fly On The WallFlying Lizards, TheFödd Död
Fools, TheFor AgainstForm, The
Fox In SocksFragile FriendsFragments
FramedFrames (Punk), TheFrightwig
Fun 4Future PunxG.I. Orange
Gabor, ZorGardening By MoonlightGarner, Gigi
GaspGetting The FearGiantkiller
Glass TorpedoesGlobal Infantilists, TheGoing Red
GrimesGroup, TheGroup, The (New Wave)
Gymslips, TheHaig, PaulHambi & The Dance
HardwareHeaven SeventeenHMLTD
Hobbs, TheHorn, TrevorHostages, The
Hot WaterHTRKHuman Hands
HumansHurley, BillHusky
Hybrid KidsI Jog & The TracksuitsIdea, No
Idols, The (Jerry Nolan)Ignerents, TheImpulse
In VitroIndividuals, TheInsect Surfers
IntroIvers, PeterJack Off Jill
JacnoJakuziJanette And The Planets
Jayni & The LimitJellies, TheJesus Couldn't Drum
Joe King Carrasco & The CrownsJohn Spencer's LoutsJohnny Thunders Heartbreakers
Jook, TheJosef KJoy Of Life
Juan Track & The MindsJump, TheJust Water
Karen Novotny XKas ProductKids In The Kitchen
KillermetersKillermeters, TheKissed Air
Klaus Johann GrobeKnobz, TheKryptästhesie
Krypton TunesKrysmopompasLa Crème, Cathy
Lambrettas, TheLandingLanguage
Language From MemoryLarks, TheLast Gang, The
Laughing Dogs, TheLee, AdrianLegacy Of Lies
Les Enfants TerriblesLevi Dexter & The RipchordsLinda And The Dark
Little Red SchoolhouseLiving In TexasLol Tolhurst X Budgie X Jacknife Lee
Lone Groover, TheLouis And ClarkLovich, Lene
LulaboxLunaparkLurkers, The
MachinationsMagnetics, TheMale
Man KlanMANTON, BOBMarconi, Via
MarineMarsh, NickMartin, Patrick D.
Matheson, AndrewMazda, RichardMcCallum, Ian
McDonald, JockMcKenna, DebbieMegira, Charlie
MetrophaseMick Dorey And The SirensMightier Than Kong
Minnie And The MetrosMinutes After...Miracle (Electronic)
Miro, SteveMob (Punk), TheModernaires, The
Modest ProposalMoment, TheMoney (Indie)
Monroes, TheMoonlizardsMoral Lepers
Morris, JennyMoskowMove
Mystery DatesN.W.10Nasty Facts
Nervus RexNew CrossNew Math
Nightmare (UK)NightshiftNobodys, The
Nocturnal EmissionsNothing DefiniteNova, Nancy
Nova, PaulNurds, TheO Yuki Conjugate
O'Brien, MichaelO.ChildrenOingo Boingo
Oral Exciters, TheOrchids (Rock), TheOther Ones (80S), The
OutfieldOutskirts, TheOverload
Overlord (Punk)Pack, The (Punk)Pants, James
Paranoids, TheParty DayPassengers, The
Passionate FriendsPayola$Pete Stride & John Plain
Phantoms Of The SSPhones Sportsman Band, ThePhosphor
Pigs, ThePiranhas, ThePlanets, The
Plank, ConnyPlastic IdolsPoesie Noire
Poison GirlsPool, GracePortraits
Presser, GaborPressgangPreview, Sneak
PrixPumphouse GangPurple Hearts
QEDQuality DrivelRadio Active
Ragamuffins, TheRandom, EricRank And File
Rattling Throntons, TheReality SlamRebekka Frame, The
Recognitions, TheRecord Players, TheRecruits
RedRed Lorry Yellow LorryReds, The
ReducersRentals [70S], TheRepetition
Reps, TheResistanceReverse
Rex Barker And The RicochetsRheingoldRhythm!, Dangerous
RibsRich RagsRichman, Jonathan
Rikki And The Last Days Of EarRinse, RedRival Consoles
Robin Lane & The ChartbustersRoll-UpsRoom 101
Roses Are RedRotavatorsRousers, The
Ruin, BlueRussiaRussians, The
Ryder, KrisSad Among StrangersSaisse, Philippe
Salford JetsSallon, PhilipSatan's Rats
Savage RepublicSave UsScabs (70S), The
ScarlettSchaumburg, PalaisSchulz, Purple
ScissorgunScratch Band, TheScreen 3
SecessionSecond LayerSector 27
See You In VegasSeventh SeanceSex Beatles
SFTShake Appeal [New Wave]Shattered Dreams, The
SherbsShivvers, TheShoes, Tennis
ShooterShortwave Mystery, TheShout, The
Sickidz!Sievey, ChrisSiglo XX
Silent GuestsSimple CreaturesSinyx, The
Siouxsie SiouxSkafishSkodas, The
SkrewdriverSkunksSleep, Wayne
Sleeping LionsSlow FadeSmirks, The
Smith, Jay (Artist)SnakesSoft As Ghosts
Soft Dogs, TheSome Now AreSore Throat (Power Pop)
Sore Throat (Rock)South, AprilSpanks, The
Spectres (80'S), TheSpiders (80s)Spitballs
Spot The DogSpot, TheSquares, The
Steffen, ArnoStepasideStiff All-Stars, The
Stinky ToysStrands, TheStrange Days (New Wave)
Stranger ComfortsStroke, TheStyrenes, The
Subtitles, EnglishSudeten CrecheSuicide Commandos, The
Suicide, AlgebraSupertonicSuspicions, The
TagmemicsTalkies, TheTall Boys, The
Teacher's PetTeardrops, TheTechno Twins
Teddy And The Frat GirlsTeenbeatsTenants, The
The AccursedThe DugitesThe K9's
The Last ResortThe UnwantedThe War On Drugs
Theoretical GirlsThieves, ScaryThree Johns
Throat, RubyTin HueyTokyo Olympics
Total ControlTour De Force (80s)Trax
Treatment (Rock)Treatment, SteveTrek W/ Quintronic
Tropic Of CancerTRSTTrudy, The
TubesTubeway PatrolTudors, The
TwangTwin ShadowU Turn
UK, PoppiUntil DecemberUntouchables (UK), The
Urban VerbsUrge, TheUropa Lula
Velveteens, TheVendino PactView, Big
Violent BlueViolet EvesVoices, The
Von Trap Family, TheWagon, ChuckWalking Floors, The
Wall Of VoodooWanderers, TheWar Party, The
Wasps, TheWaybill, FeeWee Cherubs, The
Western HysteriaWhite ChinaWhite Heat (Mod)
White, JamesWilliamson, JamesWindows (DIY)
WipeoutWobblesoxWolf & Wolf
Working Men's ClubWritzYoung Ones, The
Zanti MisfitzZed, MarkZero Zero
Zeros (UK), TheZetraZoom Lens

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