rhythm & blues

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(Rockabilly), Cadillac19614.A.D.
45s (00s), The5 Royales, TheAdams, Danny
Addicts, TheAllen, AnnisteenAllen, Bobby
Allen, Dave (Blues)Allsup, TommyAmbulators, The
American BluesArtie 'Blues Boy' WhiteArtwoods, The
AshantiB. Bumble & The StingersBaby Boy Warren
Bad Boys, TheBailey, BurrBaker, Mickey
Bandits, The (60s)Banks, BessieBanks, Darrell
Barrett, RichieBarry, JoeBascomb, Paul
Batman and RobinBats, The (60s SA)Bean, George
Beatniks, TheBeckford, TheoBell, Freddie
Belmonts, TheBennett, BobbyBennett, Cliff & Rebel Rousers
Bennett, LouBerry, RichardBest, Pete
Big Three Trio, TheBig Town PlayboysBig Twist & The Mellow Fellows
Billy Ward & The DominoesBlacc, AloeBlackberries
Blackbyrds, TheBlackjacks, TheBlue Bishops, The
Blue Caps, TheBlue Cats, TheBlue Diamonds, The
Blue HorizonBlues Busters, TheBlues Man Willie
Bo Street Runners, TheBob Brady & The Con ChordsBobettes, The
Bocky And The VisionsBond, GrahamBoogie Kings, The
Boots Brown And His BlockbusteBoppers, TheBoys Blue, The
Bradford, AlexBreeze & WilsonBrenda & The Tabulations
Brook, TonyBrooks, BernieBrown, Buster
Brown, CharlesBrown, Charles & Milburn, AmosBrown, Friday
Buddy Odor Stop, TheBurke, Alexandra BurkeBurnett, T-Bone
Burnette, BillyBurrage, HaroldButler, Jerry & Everett, Betty
Byrd, RussellByrne, JerryCannon, Gus
Capitol RecordsCapitols, TheCarr, Leroy
Carr, RomeyCarr, WynonaCastor, Jimmy
Chambers, JimmyChatmon, SamChaussettes Noires, Les
Cheetahs, TheChenier, CliftonCherish
Cherokees, TheChickChordettes, The
Chris Ravel And The RaversChristian, NeilChuck Higgins & His Mellotones
Clarence 'Guitar' SimsClarke, LloydClarke, Tony
Class Of '64, TheClement, JackCliff Jackson & The Naturals
Cohen, David BennettCold Cuts, TheCole, Ann
Colton, TonyCommander CodyComstock, Bobby
Cook, Little JoeCookie And Cupcakes, TheCops 'N Robbers
Cotton, RogerCount Sidney And His DukesCount Victors
Crawdaddys, TheCrawford, JimmyCrazy Cavan & Rhythm Rockers
Creative SourceCrickets, TheCrombie, Tony
Crows, The (50s)Crutcher, BettyeCuby + Blizzards
Culley, FrankCurry, CliffordCurtis, Mac
Cymbeline, TheDarrell, GuyDave Anthony's Moods
Dave Davani Four, TheDavis, LinkDawson, Julian
Day, BobbyDe Groot, KeithDibango, Manu
Dick Lovejoy's Southside UniteDickie, NevilleDiddy - Dirty Money
Dillard, VarettaDionDobro, Jimmy
Donahue, JerryDosik, JoeyDoucet, Michael
Drops, ScarletDuffy's NucleusDuke, Doris
Dupree, CornellDynamics, TheDynatones, The
East, ChrisEdsels, TheEdward 'Great Gates' White
Eel Pie All StarsEl Dorados, TheElbow Bones And The Racketeers
Electric BluebirdsEllison, LorraineEmbers, The
Emerson Billy 'The Kid'Escorts, TheEsquerita
Esquires, TheEtheopians, TheFabulous Poodles, The
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheFantastic Johnny C, TheFascinations, The
Feathers, CharlieFerrer, NinoFi-Dels, The
Fields, ErnieFiestas, TheFinlayson, Willy
Five Jets, TheFive Keys, TheFlash (80s)
Flirtations, TheFlying SaucersForbes, Bill
Ford, FrankieForriest, SonnyFour Brothers, The
Four IveysFour Jets, TheFour Scores
Framus Five, TheFrost, FrankGene And Eunice
George, BarbaraGibbons, Billy F.Giovanca
Glenn, BobbyGlenn, LloydGood Old Boys, The
Gordon, RobertGordon, RoscoGreen, Lee & Leake, Lafayette
Gronenthal, MaxGuitar RedGuv'ners, The
Guy, BuddyHanshaw, AnnetteHarriott, Derrick
Harris, BettyHarris, Wee WillieHarris, Wynonie
Harvey, DonHawkins, DaleHeads Hands & Feet
Heartbeats (50S), TheHendricks, BobbyHerbie Goins & The Night-Timer
High FashionHill Louis, JoeHill, Jessie
Hodge, CatfishHodges, James & SmithHogan's Heroes
Holly, BuddyHoward, BrianHyman, Phyllis
J.J. JACKSONJack Mack And The Heart AttackJames Hunter Six, The
Jasmin-TJavaloyas, LosJay Dee
Jaybirds, TheJaynetts, TheJenkins, Bobo
Jeremy & The HarlequinsJess & JamesJimmy DeBerry & Walter Horton
Jo Jo WilliamsJodimarsJohn & Ernest
John, Little WillieJohnny, ElectricJones Gang, The
Jones, CurtisJones, Louis (Blues Boy)Jordan, Steve
Jupp, MickeyK-Doe, ErnieKelala
Kelly, FrankKelly, PaulKenner, Chris
Kerruish, JohnKicking MuleKing Biscuit Boy
King Pleasure And The Biscuit King, SaundersKing, Solomon
Kirkland, EddieKlein, AlanKnack, The (60s)
Knight, BrianKnight, CurtisKnockouts, The
Kravin' A's, TheLe RueLee, Freddie 'Fingers'
Legend, JohnnyLeiber & StollerLending, Kenn
Lewis, Bobby (R&R)Liggins, JoeLiquid Monk
Little Charlie & The NightcatsLITTLE MACK SIMMONSLittle Sonny Jones
Little, SonLittlefield, Little WillieLiving Souls, The
London & The BridgesLos 5 Del EsteLucas, Matt
Luke, RobinLutcher, JoeLuther Kent & Trick Bag
Luv MachineLynn, BarbaraMack, Lonnie
Mackay, RabbitMaddox Brothers, TheMainsqueeze
Marauders, TheMaresca, ErnieMarvin & Johnny
Mason, BarbaraMatadors, The (R&R)Matthews, David
May, ImeldaMcGhee, StickMcIvor, David
McKay, DelseyMcKenzie, AliMcLaurin, Bette
McMurtry, JamesMcNeely, Big JayMcPhatter, Clyde
McPhee, DigitsMcPherson, JDMeek, Joe
Menehan Street Band, TheMerced Blue NotesMickey And Sylvia
Miliyah, KatoMills, GarryMisner & Smith
Mitchell, EddyMitchell, FreddieMojo Pep
Montanas, TheMoon, TululahMoonlighters, The
Morganfield, Big BillMoses, JamieMoss, Bill
Most, MickieMoving SidewalksMuleskinners, The
Mullican, MoonMurphy, RoseMynah Birds, The
NanetteNerve, TheNorman Johnson & The Showmen
Nu-Notes, TheNutmegs, TheOdyssey, The
Oldham, Andrew LoogOra, RitaOrioles, Felders
Other Half, ThePaige, JoeyParker, Junior
Patterson, BobbyPedicin, MikePersuasions, The
Peter's FacesPiano RedPieces, Easy
Plant, Robert & Krauss, AlisonPoets, The (US)Poor-Mouth, The
Popular Pants PeoplePorter, NolanPositiva
Power, DuffyPowerhouse, ThePreston, Don (Guitar)
Price, JessePrice, KellyPrice, Melvyn
Pride, DickieProfessor LonghairProfits, The
Pussycat Dolls, TheQueen IdaQuiet Five, The
Rance Allen GroupRandazzo, TeddyRaney, Wayne
Rats, The (60s)Ravens, TheReading Festival, The
RealisticsRedcaps, TheReed, A.C.
Reed, WaymonRené And His AlligatorsRestless
Richards, DigbyRiddlers, TheRiff, Eddie
Riley, Billy LeeRivers, DickRivers, Johnny
Rivers, Tony & Castaways, TheRivieras, TheRoberts, Ashley
Robillard, DukeRobins, TheRobinson, Alvin
Robinson, FentonRobinson, SylviaRock 'N' Roll Revival Show
Rockabilly RebsRockfield ChoraleRockin' Shades, The
Rockin' Sydney And His DukesRomero, ChanRoss, Jamie
Ross, JonnyRoulettes, TheRoy 'C'
Roy, LeeRoyal Flairs, TheRoyaltones, The
Ruff, Ray & Checkmates, TheRyder, FreddieSammy King And The Voltairs
Samson & DelilahSands, EvieSayer, Cynthia
Scarbrough, GeneSchofield, MattScott, Hazel
Scott, SimonScott, TommySecond Opinion
Shadow mannShadow, Johnny & Gavan, DannyShakin' Pyramids, The
Shane And The Shane GangSheard, KierraShelton, Gary
Shepherds Bush Comets, TheShowtimers, TheShy Ones, The
Simmons, MackSimon, TonySinners, The
Sinx MitchellSkitzoSlack Alice
Smith, Huey 'Piano'Smith, MikeSmith, Warren
Smith, WillowSolitaires, TheSonny Til And The Orioles
Sons & LoversSpeckled RedSpellman, Benny
Spider Murphy GangSquare Set, TheStation Skiffle Group, The
Staymer, HansStewart, BillyStirling, Peter Lee
Strong, BarrettSue RecordsSugar Chile Robinson
Sullivan, JoeSummers, GeneSun Records
Sunny & The SunglowsTa Mara And The SeenTaylor, Dick
Temple, RichardTermites, The (60s)Terry & Jerry
The Mickey FinnTheeTHEESatisfaction
Thicke, RobinThompson, HaydenThompson, Sonny
Thunderbeats, TheTiger John Blues BandTimes (60s), The
Tinderholt, JoakimToggery Five, TheTokyo Sex Destruction
ToloTownsel SistersTrack Records
Transatlantics, TheTrends, TheTriathalon
Tridents, TheTrio ValoreTro, Marcus
Truth (60s), TheTucker, CyTucker, Tommy
Turbans, TheTurner, Big JoeTurner, Jesse Lee
Turtle, HenryTwo KingsTyphoons, The
Underdogs, TheUnited States Double QuartetValkering, André
Vartan, SylvieVersatones, TheVilla, Pancho
VirginViscounts, TheWailers, The
Waller, FatsWashington, DinahWatkins, Geraint
Watts, ErnieWatts, NobleWayne, Pat
Wayne, TerryWayne, ThomasWee Willie Wayne
Weeks, WillieWells, JuniorWheels, The
White, DannyWhite, TamWhitney, Marva
Wild WallyWild, DannyWilder, Webb
William Loveday Intention, TheWilliams, DickyWilliams, Larry
Williams, Lee 'Shot'Willingham, DorisWillis, Chuck
Willy And His GiantsWilson, JoeWilson, U.P.
Winters, RonWipe OutWood, Chuck
Wrens, The (R&B)Wyatt, JohnnyYamashita, Tatsuro
Yellow Payges, TheYoung, RoyZior
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