rock and roll

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"G" Notes, The$lim $lip & The $liders(Rockabilly), Cadillac
19614 O'Briens, The4.A.D.
5th Ball Gang77Adams, Danny
Addicts, TheAlaimo, SteveAlamo, Frank
Allen, BobbyAllen, Dave (Blues)Allen, Jake
Allman Brothers BandAllman, GreggAllsup, Tommy
Altar Boys, TheAmbulators, TheAmerican Blues
Amont, MarcelAngel, JohnnyAnn, Ruby
Ashton, BudAxe (70s)B And The Bops
B-52's TheB. Bumble & The StingersBackus, Gus
Bad Boys, TheBaker, MickeyBananamen
Bandits, The (60s)Barrett, RichieBarry, Joe
Baseballs, TheBatman and RobinBats
Bats, The (60s SA)Beach Boys, TheBeatniks, The
Béchiran, RogerBeggars & ThievesBell, Freddie
Bellus, TonyBennett, Cliff & Rebel RousersBennett, Teddy
Best, PeteBev, JohnnyBig Bopper
Big DaddyBig Ed And His Rockin' RattlesBig Twist & The Mellow Fellows
Bill Black's ComboBlackjacks, TheBlackwater Conspiracy
Blendells, TheBloomfield, SteveBlue Caps, The
Blue Cats, TheBlue Diamonds, TheBluesshakers
Bo Street Runners, TheBoatman, TooterBobby Angelo And The Tuxedos
Bocky And The VisionsBoogie Kings, TheBoogie, Endless
Boots Brown And His BlockbusteBop-Chords, TheBoppers, The
Bowen, JimmyBrain Twisters, TheBrandon, Vern
Breathless (R&R)Bremner, BillyBrincos, Los
Brom, MartiBrood, HermanBrook Brothers, The
Brook, TonyBros, MaddoxBros., Sirocco
Bruce, EdBruce, TommyBuchanan, Roy
Buddy Odor Stop, TheBuick 55'S, TheBurgess, Sonny
Burland, SaschaBurnett, T-BoneBurnette, Billy
Burnette, JohnnyBurnette, Johnny And DorseyBurnette, Rocky
Burns, EddyBurt Bales & Paul LingleBusters, The
Buzz And The FlyersByrne, JerryByrnes, Edd
C.S.A.Caezars, TheCannon, Ace
Capitol RecordsCapocci, PatCaptains Of Industry
Carlisle, JimCarlisles, TheCarnations
Carroll, JohnnyCartooneCaruso, Dick
CelebrationChamfort, AlainChamps, The
Channels, TheChantilly LaceChaparrals, The
Chaussettes Noires, LesCheetahs, TheCherokees, The
Chesterfield Kings, TheChickenfootChimes (50S), The
Chris And The StudentsChris Ravel And The RaversChristian, Neil
Clayton, SteveClement, JackCliff Jackson & The Naturals
Coast To CoastCoffee Bar Skifflers, TheCoffin Nails, The
Cohen, David BennettCold Cuts, TheCole, Jerry
Columbia BrothersComstock, BobbyCook, Little Joe
Cookie And Cupcakes, TheCool BananasCorals, The
Cordell, RitchieCosmo, TonyCount Bishops, The
Count VictorsCountrymen, TheCourtney, Bill
Courvale, KeithCrawdaddys, TheCrawford, Jimmy
Crawford, JohnnyCrazy Cavan & Rhythm RockersCrewsy Fixers, The
Crickets, TheCrows, The (50s)Cruisers, The (90s)
Crystal & Runnin' WildCuby + BlizzardsCupp, Pat
Curly, AlexanderCurtess, BuddyCurtis, Mac
Curtola, BobbyCymbal, JohnnyDale & Grace
Dale, SydDalys, TheDanger, Donna
Danny "O" & The AstrotonesDanny & The JuniorsDante, Troy
Dastardly, DickDave Phillips And The Hot Rod David, Alan
Davis, LinkDawson, RonnieDay, Bobby
De Groot, KeithDeacon, BobbyDead Bone Ramblers
Dead FeathersDeadheadsDee, Bailey
Dee, TommyDel Vikings, TheDelicates, The
Dennis, JackieDennisons, TheDestry, Johnny
Dickie Rock & Miami ShowbandDigger Revell's Denver MenDion
Dirty Stop OutDixon, HughDobro, Jimmy
Doel Brothers, TheDominoes, TheDon And Dewey
Donn, LarryDonner, RalDoucette
Drops, ScarletDuals, TheDuane Ripley And His Go-Go Set
Ducks, TheDuff McKagan's LoadedDuffy's Nucleus
Duke, Denver & Null, JefferyDuke, DianaDumper, Johnny
Dúo DinámicoEager, VinceEarls, The
Edwards, NokieEdwards, TibbyEel Pie All Stars
Eggs Over EasyEmbers, TheEmerson Billy 'The Kid'
Epstein, BrianEscorts, TheEsquerita
EvEns, StephenFabianFabulous Poodles, The
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheFairburn, WerlyFalco, Tav
Falcons, TheFanny (70s)Fanny (90s)
Fats And The ChessmenFeathers, CharlieFergus & Geronimo
Fi-Tones, TheFields, ErnieFifth Order, The
Fireballs, TheFish, SamanthaFisher, Sonny
Five Crowns, TheFive Jets, TheFlash (80s)
Flash CadillacFlying SaucersFoley, Red
Fontaine, EddieForbes, BillFord, Frankie
Ford, Rocky BillFortune, LanceFour Fellows, The
Four IveysFour Jets, TheFowler, Pete
Framus Five, TheFrançois, ClaudFrank, Harmonica
Frantix, TheFrederick, DottyFreeman, Bobby
Freres Farago, LesFrisco, JackieFruit Tones
Fuller, JerryGamblers, TheGarnett, Ray
Germani, RemoGibbons, Billy F.Gibson Bros
Goddard, GeoffGood Old Boys, TheGood Rats
Goodbye JuneGordon, RobertGordon, Rosco
Gracie, CharlieGranahan, GerryGray, Mal
Green, Lee & Leake, LafayetteGreen, MickGrieves, Grant
Grips, TheGuana Batz, TheGuitar Johnny & The Rhythm Roc
Guitar SlimGuitares Du Diable, LesGunner, Jim
Gunter, HardrockGuv'ners, TheHalford
Hall, BobHamilton, ColbertHank The Knife & The Jets
Harper, JoeHarptones, TheHarris, Wee Willie
Harry Toledo And The RocketsHawkins, DaleHawkins, Ronnie
Hawkmen, TheHazzard, TonyHeartbeats (50S), The
Hegarty, DenHendricks, BobbyHerold, Ted
Herrold, DennisHess, BennieHewitt, Ben
Hi Voltage [Rockabilly]Hi-Fi's, TheHi-Liters, The
Higham, DarrelHighliners, TheHightower, Dean
Hill, DavidHillbilly Moon Explosion, TheHiss Golden Messenger
Hofmann, PeterHogan's HeroesHogan, Silas
Holly, BuddyHollywood ArgylesHollywood Flames, The
Hopkins, NickyHouseshakers, TheHoward, Brian
Ife, KrisIguanas, TheIngmann, Jorgen
J.D. ShortJackals, TheJacks (50S), The
Jackson, JimmyJaguar & The SavanasJames, Nick
Jan And ArnieJasmin-TJavalins, The
Javaloyas, LosJay DeeJaybirds, The
Jayne, AliceJenkins, BoboJeremy & The Harlequins
Jewels, TheJimmie And The Night HoppersJimmy Daley & The Ding-A-Lings
Jimmy DeBerry & Walter HortonJive Five, TheJodimars
John Lewis [Rockabilly]John, Little WillieJohnny & The Jailbirds
Johnny And The StrollersJohnny, ElectricJon Spencer & The Hitmakers
Jones Boys, TheJones Gang, TheJones, B-Lou & His Jupiters
Jones, BeverleyJones, Jimmy (R&R)Jordanaires, The
Joy Of CookingJoy, BennyJumpin' Gene Simmons
Just Four MenJustis, BillKaye, Mary
Keil, HermaKelly, FrankKent, Morgan
Kick' Em JennyKim Larsen And JungledreamsKing Biscuit Boy
King Of HeartsKing Pleasure And The Biscuit King Size Taylor And The Domin
King, RickyKing, SolomonKinsmen, The
Klein, AlanKnight, PeteKnight, Peter
Knockouts, TheKnox, BuddyKoffin Kats
Kravin' A's, TheKrew Kats, TheKursaal Flyers, The
Laddins, TheLamplighters, TheLana Sisters, The
Landers, BobLaura Lee PerkinsLeander, Mike
Lee, Freddie 'Fingers'Lee, Jackie (US M)Legend, Johnny
Leiber & StollerLeroi BrothersLes Chats Sauvages
Les ZazousLewis, Bobby (R&R)Lewis, Lew
Liberty RecordsLittle Charlie & The NightcatsLittle Ike
Lloyd, JimmyLondon & The BridgesLonesome Drifter, The
Long And The Short, TheLong Tall Ernie And The ShakerLong Tall Texans, The
Lords Of The New Church, TheLos 5 Del EsteLoudermilk, John D.
Love, PrestonLow Point DrainsLowe, Jim
Lucas, MattLuke, RobinLynton, Jackie
Maddox Brothers, TheMaddox, Rose & Glenn, GlenMann, Barry
Mann, CarlMaresca, ErnieMarlon 'Madman' Mitchell And T
Martino, MirandaMasters, SammyMatadors, The (R&R)
Matys Bros., TheMay, ImeldaMcPhatter, Clyde
McPherson, JDMelson, JoeMemphis Bend
Memphis, ChuckMerced Blue NotesMerrill, Buddy
Merritt, MaxMeteors, The (60s)Meteors, The (80s)
Mickey And SylviaMiller, Bob & The MillermenMillion Dollar Quartet
Milwaukee Coasters, TheMitchell, EddyMitchell, Freddie
Mizell, HankMonahan, StephenMonarchs, The
Montanas, TheMontecristos, TheMoon, Larry
Moonriders, TheMoontrekkers, TheMoore, Bob
Morgan Twins, TheMorgan, ScottMost, Mickie
Move, TheMoving SidewalksMullican, Moon
Mure, BillyMurray The KMus-Twangs, The
Mustang, LosNaylor, JerryNew Barbarians
NicklebagNicol, JimmyNigel Dixon & The Whirlwinds
Nilsmen, TheNitros, TheNits, The
Nobelmen, TheNu-Notes, TheNurse, Night
Nutmegs, TheO'Gwynn, JamesO'Keefe, Johnny
Olenn, JohnnyOlney, DaveOnly, Jerry
Orioles, FeldersOrion (Elvis)Other Half, The
Ozzie Warlock And The WizardsPackabeats, ThePaige, Joey
Paladins, ThePanic Brothers, TheParker, Junior
Pastels [1950S], ThePatton, JimmyPaul, Les
Paul, Les & Ford, MaryPeek, PaulPendarvis, Tracy
Peppermint, DannyPeppiPerkins, Carl (R&R)
Persuasions, ThePeter's FacesPeters, Johnny
Pharaohs, ThePhil Phillips & The TwilightsPlanet Rockers, The
Planets [Rock N Roll], ThePlayboys, ThePolo Hofer & Die Schmetterband
Popular Pants PeoplePositivaPower, Duffy
Powerhouse, ThePowers, JohnnyPratt & McClain
Pratt, AndyPride, DickiePullens, Vern
Quantrell, JohnnyQuinn, BrendanQuinn, Carole
Quotations, TheRain, SweetRainbows, The
Ralph Nielsen & The ChancellorRambeau, EddieRamblers, The (60s)
Randazzo, TeddyRaney, WayneRapiers, The
Rats, The (60s)Rats, The (US)Raven, Paul
Real Gone Tones, TheReataz, TheRed Beans And Rice
Red West ComboRedcaps, TheReed, Dean
Regan, TommyRené And His AlligatorsRestivo, Johnny
RestlessRhoades, DarrylRhythm Jesters, The
Rich, PaulRichards, DigbyRichards, Earl
Ricky Livid And The Tone DeafsRiddlers, TheRiff, Eddie
Riley, BillyRiley, Billy LeeRinky-Dinks, The
Rios, MiguelRiot Rockers, TheRipoffs, The
Rivers, DickRivers, JohnnyRivers, Tony & Castaways, The
Rivieras, TheRobbins, MelRoberts Jr., Al
Robillard, DukeRocco, TonyRock 'N' Roll Allstars
Rock 'N' Roll Revival ShowRock-Olas, TheRockabilly Rebs
Rockets, The (Crazy Horse)Rockets, The (Rock)Rockfield Chorale
Rockin' Bonnie Western Bound ComboRockin' Jimmy And The BrothersRockin' Louie & The Mamma Jamm
Rockin' R's, TheRockin' Rebels, TheRockin' Saints
Rockin' Shades, TheRockitRocky Sharpe & The Replays
Rodgers, Jimmie (Rock & Roll)Rolling Stones, TheRôme
Romero, ChanRonettes, TheRoss, Jonny
Rossi, WalterRoulettes, TheRoy Head & The Traits
Royal Flairs, TheRoyaltones, TheRuff, Ray & Checkmates, The
Ryder, FreddieSainty, RussSame Old Shoes, The
Sands, EvieSandy And The Wild WombatsSanguisto, Ennio
Scarbrough, GeneSchoepp, TrapperScott, Simon
Scott, TommySecond OpinionSecrets, The
Seeger, MikeSelf, RonnieShadow, Johnny & Gavan, Danny
Shakin' Pyramids, TheShane And The Shane GangShane, Paul & Yellowcoats, The
Shanghai (Mickey Green)Sharp, RandySharpe, Ray
ShelbyShelton, GaryShepherds Bush Comets, The
Sheridan, TonyShields, TheShooting Stars, The
Shy Ones, TheSilver Tones, TheSimpson, Steve
Sinners, TheSinx MitchellSisamouth, Sinn
Skiles, JohnnySkitzoSlasher
Slavin, MartinSmith, Mack AllenSmith, Mike
Smith, WarrenSmokestack Lightnin'Snax
SomeonesSons Of HeroesSounds Incorporated
Sounds, BellSouthlanders, TheSouthwind
Space Cadets, TheSpacemen, TheSparkletones, The
Spencer, DonSpencer, JonSpencer, Sonny
Spider Murphy GangSpiders (50S), TheSpinning Wheel
Spirals, TheSports, TheSpringfield, Dusty
Springfields, The (Folk)Squires, TheStacy, Clyde
Stargazers, The (50s)Starliters, TheStarr, Jack (R&R)
Station Skiffle Group, TheStations, PanicStewart, Billy
Stillman, ArtSting-Rays, TheStoller, Rhet
StrangerStrazzeri, FrankStreamliners, The
StreetboyStrypes, TheSultans
Summers, GeneSun RecordsSunny & The Sunglows
Surf Raiders, TheSurfrajettes, TheSVT
Sylvester, TerryTall Boys, TheTammy's, The
Taple, MacTaylor, DaveTaylor, Vernon
Teddy And The TigersTedesco, TommyTeen Beats, The
Teen Kings, TheTeens, RoyalTennessee Hotshots, The
Them Crooked VulturesThompson, HaydenTielman Brothers, The
Tiger John Blues BandTimes (60s), TheTimmy And The Tulips
Tofani, PaoloTownsel SistersTrack Records
Transatlantics, TheTreasureTrends, The
Tridents, TheTrucks, DerekTruth (60s), The
Tucker, CyTucker, TommyTurbans, The
Turner, Big JoeTurner, Jesse LeeTurner, Jim
Turner, KeithTwangs, LosTwo Smith Brothers, The
Typhoons, TheUnited States Double QuartetV, Formula
Valens, RitchieVarious-Surf & InstrumentalVartan, Sylvie
Velvet Angels, TheVengeanceVentures, The
Vikings Gitarband, TheVincent, GeneVinton, Bobby
VirginViscounts, TheWackers, The
Wailers, TheWalker, TroyWallace, Jerry
Wammack, TravisWatkins, GeraintWayne, Bobby
Wayne, PatWayne, TerryWayne, Thomas
Webster, ChaseWhirlwindWhite, Tam
Whyton, WallyWild Goners, TheWild Wally
Wild, DannyWilder, WebbWiley, T.C.
Williams, JerryWilliams, LarryWilliams, Lew
Willy And His GiantsWilson, PeanutsWilson, Ronnie
Wipe OutWise Guyz, TheWood, Anita
Wrens, The (R&B)X-Men, TheYakety Yak
Yellow Payges, TheYelvington, MalcolmYork, Rusty
Young GunsYoung, GarthYoung, Roy
Young, ShaunZZ Top

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