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52nd PrecinctA Tribe Of ToffsAdeney, Richard & Brown, Ian
Ainsworth, AlynAlberts, TheAliens, The (Pop)
Ancona, RonniAndipa, MariaArch, David
Arnau, BrendaAsh, LeslieBaker, Hylda & Mullard, Arthur
Baker, KennyBaker, TomBarker, Ronnie
BBC Concert Orchestra, TheBellamy, DavidBennett, Alan
Benson, RhianBiggins, ChristopherBlake, Peter (Pop)
Boosey & HawkesBowen, JimBraden, Bernard
Brand, JoBrand, RussellBron, Eleanor
Brown SauceBrown, JuneBrowne, Duncan
Brush, BasilBryan, DoraBurrows, Malandra
Cahill, PatriciaCallow, SimonCameron, Andy
Captain BeakyCarle, LesCarman, Paul
Carr, Pearl & Johnson, TeddyCarter, DianeCattouse, Nadia
Chalker, BryanCharlesworth, DickChris Ravel And The Ravers
Clarke, JamesComic Strip, TheCoogan, Steve
Cooper, TommyCorbett, RonnieCoronation Street
Cowell, SimonCraig, WendyCraven, Gemma
CrispCroft, PennyCurtis, Debbie
Dainty, BillyDale, SydDamon, Stuart
David, AlanDavies, WindsorDazzle
De Paul, Lynsey & Moran, MikeDe-Sykes, StephanieDee, Simon
Dennis, JackieDenton, Richard & Cook, MartinDerbyshire, Delia
Desmond, LorraeDimbleby, RichardDundas, David
Eager, VinceEdd The DuckEden, Toni
Edwards, RoyElementfourEstelle, Don
Fantoni, BarryFaris, AlexanderFelix, Mike
Fenton Stevens, MichaelFenton, GeorgeFielding, Fenella
Fielding, NoelFlanagan, BudFord, Rosemarie
Fowler, EileenFox, EmiliaFred Talbot Experience, The
Frinton, FreddieFumbleGervais, Ricky
Girls AloudGladiatorsGladiators, The (Wrestling)
Goody, KimGraveson, JanGray, Barry
Gray, JohnnieGreene, SarahGregory, Iain
Grieg, TamsinHammer HorrorHammer, Jan
Hancock, SheilaHandl Irene & Pickles WilfredHarle, John
Harper, DonHarris, Wee WillieHarrison, Kathleen
Harvey, RichardHendra, Tony & Ullett, NickHenry, Paul
Holloway, LaurieHopkins, AntonyHopwood, Keith
Horne, KennethHudd, RoyHumperdinck, Engelbert (Sing)
Jackson, GordonJames, CliveJames, Sidney
JarJoe Gordon Folk FourJones Boys, The
Jones, AledJupp, EricKarimu
Kaye, DavyKendal, FelicityKennedy, Grace
King, DaveKingsland, PaddyKrankies, The
Lamarr, MarkLana Sisters, TheLarry The Lamb
Laurie, HughLawrence, SophieLe Mesurier, John
League Of Gentlemen (Comedy), TheLeaper, BobLee, Jackie
Lewis, C.S.Lipman, MaureenLittle, Syd & Large, Eddie
London Waits, TheLowe, ArthurLune, Ted
Manning, BernardMansell Chorale, TheMantle, Doreen
Marshall, JimmyMay, SimonMcFall, Leah
McGanns, TheMeal TicketMercer, Tony
Merton, PaulMichell, KeithMiller, Bob & The Millermen
Miller, GaryMonteith, KellyMorris, Johnny
Move, TheMudlarks, TheMuffin
Mullard, ArthurMurs, OllyNews, The (60s)
Nicholls, JaniceNicholls, SueNiemen
Nightingale, AnneO'Connor, TomOram, Daphne
Patrick Halling Chamber Ens.Pearson, JohnnyPercival, Lance
Pertwee, JonPhoenix, PatPhoenix, Paul
Pilditch, ColinPilgrim, RayPorter, Dave
Posta, AdriennePotts, PaulPurefoy, James
Quentin & AshQuentin, CarolineRaye, Sol
Red Car, The And Blue Car, TheRedington, AmandaReid, Mike
Richardson, NeilRigg, DianaRippon, Angela
Robbins, KateRobertson, MickRobinson Crew, The
Robinson, TonyRockman, WaltRoger, Roger
Rose, Monica & Green, HughieRoss, LeeRoutledge, Patricia
Runswick, DarylRushton, WilliamSantos
Secret Policeman's Ball, TheShakespeare, JohnShane, Paul & Yellowcoats, The
Simpson, BillSimpson, DudleySlaney, Ivor
Slavin, MartinSmith And JonesSmith, Whistling Jack
SootySouthern, SheilaSovereign Collection
Sovereign Singers, TheSpain, NancySpinners, The
Springfield, DustySpringfields, The (Folk)Square Pegs, The
Squires, TheStaffell, TimStandard Music Library
Stephenson, PamelaStewart, J.J.Supercar
Sweeney, ClaireTitchmarsh, AlanTony Isaac Band, The
Topping, FrankUK Symphony Orchestra, TheUsher, Claire
Valentino, BobbyVarious - Flm, Rdo, Thea, TVVideo Symphonic
Wadsworth, DerekWayne, CarlWebb, Janet
Welch, EdWhite, TamWhyton, Wally
Williams, CharlieWilliams, MargaretWilliams, Maynard
Williamson, ShaunWinkleman, ClaudiaWinslow, Pete
Winters, Mike & BernieWoodhouse, BarbaraWright, Tommy
Wyatt, JoannaX Factor Finalists, TheYoung Generation, The
Young, Jimmy (DJ)Zavaroni, Lena

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