| | |
| | (70S), Espiritu |
(70S), Sebastian | [Taiwan], PAN | 1812 |
2.19 Skiffle Group, The | 20th Century Steel Band | 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment, The |
4.A.D. | A.S. Kang | Abernathy, Mack |
Abertillery Orpheus Male Choir | Abhram Bhagat & Party | Abiodun, Dele |
Abou-Khalil, Rabih | Abrams, Miss | Abu Hafla Orchestra |
Abunai! | Acoustic Guitars | Adams, Paul And Linda |
Adangbe's Rhythm Band | Adjágas | Adler Trio, The |
Africa Express | African Dawn, The | African Melodica Dub |
Aftab, Arooj | Agincourt | Aguilera, Paco |
Ahmed, Mahmoud | Aigrot, Jil | Ailana |
Aires De Montanya, De Selva | Akhtar, Najma | Akrabolts, The |
Alabama State Troupers | Albéniz, Isaac | Alexander Brothers, The |
Alexander, Eric | Alfonso Labrador Y Su Conjunto | Ali Akbar Khan |
Ali Khan, Nusrat Fateh | Ali Ryerson Jazz Flute Big Ban | Ali, Sadiq |
Allen, Rex | Allen, Tony | Allison De Groot |
Alma Y Trio Segura | Almadén, Jacinto | Altenberg, Steve |
AM | Amadou & Mariam | Amampondo |
Amandla | Amar Singh Chamkila & Amarjyot | Amaro, Nilo |
Amazing Catsfield Steamers | Amazing Mr Smith, The | Ambrosian Singers, The |
Amidon, Samuel | Amigo The Devil | Amin, Arun |
An Teallach Ceilidh Band | Anand Band | Anantani, Chetana |
Andersen, Steindor | Anderson, Al | Anderson, Gurney |
Anderson, Ian A. | Andrews, William | Angelo Francesco Lavagnino |
Animashaun, Akanni | Anivolla, Alhousseini | Ansambl Dalmacija |
Antill, John | Antonio Diaz Mena | Ar Leitheidi |
Ar Log | Araba, Julius | Araújo, Severino |
Arbeau, Thoinot | Archer, Robert | Ardoin, Amédé |
Argov, Sasha | Ariel, Meir | Aritomo |
Arjun, C. | Ark Of The Covenant, The | Armaillis De Conche, Les |
Armstrong, Jack | Arnez, Chico | Arnold, Bob |
Arrow | Arthur, Dave & Toni | Arto/Neto |
Artzi, Shlomo | Ashcroft, Johnny | Askenazy, David |
Asquith, Mary | Astor Piazzolla Y Su Quinteto Tango Nuevo | Astronautalis |
Atilla Engin Group | Atterberg, Kurt | Aufray, Hughes |
Auldridge, Mike | Austin & Woodlieff | Avsenik, Slavko |
Aweke, Aster | B.M.C. Concert Band | B2ST |
Babla | Babu, Chitti | Babuji, K. |
Baby Consuelo | Bachchan, Amitabh | BADEN, POWELL |
Badía & De Larrocha | Baez, Joan | Bahamas Soul Club |
Baï | Balafon Marimba Ensemble | Baliardo, Tonino |
Ball, Sterling | Ballet Grancolombiano | Bamboche, La |
Band Of Metropolitan Police | Band Of The Duke Of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment | Band Of The Irish Guards |
Band Of The Life Guards, The | Band Of The R.A.F. Regiment | Band Of The RAF |
Band Of The Royal Horse Guards | Band Of The Welsh Guards | Banda De La Plaza De Toros |
Banda De Música Auxilar Milita | Banda Los Hijos De La Niña Luz | Banda Taurina |
Banerjee, Nikhil | Banfi, Baffo | Bapu, Sant |
Bara Menyn | Barbados Exotic Steel Orchesta | Barbatuques |
Barbecue Bob | Barde | Bare Necessities |
Barker, Les | Barone, Mike | Barot, Ranjit |
Barun Kumar Pal | Barzaz | Basile, Jo |
Bastow, Trevor | Bayete And Jabu Khanyile | Baysal, Salih |
Beausoleil | Bedouine | Begley, Philomena |
Begum, Firoza | Begum, Shamshad | Bell, Alan |
Belmonde, Pierre | Benedict, Jeff | Benítez & Valencia |
Bennet, Benny | Bennington, Billy | Benzeen |
Berganza Tereza & Yepes Narcis | Berganza, Teresa | Bergkapelle Der Gewerkschaft Sophia Jacoba |
Bernstein, Leonard | Betmead, Jon | Between |
Bhattacharya, Deben | Bhosle, Asha | Bhosle, Hemant |
Bhundu Boys, The | Bias, Joe | Biba, Narinder |
Bibs & Vanya | Big Brass Band, The | Bikel, Theodore |
Bilston, Don | Bisserov Sisters, The | Biswas, Anil |
Bjerg, Svend | Black Belt Eagle Scout | Black Dyke Mills Band, The |
Black Star Music Club | Black Watch Of Canada, The | Blackburn, Lou |
Blackwell, Chris | Blazing Redheads | Bleizi Ruz |
Blondy, Alpha | Bloom, Ken | Bloomypetal |
Blowzabella | Blue Coat School Chapel Choir | Blue Rose |
Boatmen, The | Bob Summers (Jazz) | Bobby G Rice |
Bobo, Willie | Bocoum, Afel | Bolshoi Ballet, The |
Bolton, Polly | Bombino | Bond, Eddie |
Bonfa, Luiz | Books, The | Boones Farm |
Bordón, Luis | Borg, Kim | Bosco, João |
Bowe, John | Boyoyo Boys, The | Boys Choir Of Durlston Court |
Bradfield Choral Society | Brahem, Anouar | Brand, Dollar |
Brannten Schnure | Brave Combo | Bream, Julian & Williams, John |
Breeze & Wilson | Bretecher, Gene | Brian Boru Ceili Band, The |
Brian, Bill | Bribiesca, Antonio | Briggs, Hattie |
Broadside Band, The | Brodka | Bromley Parish Church Choir |
Brothers | Brown (Country) Les | Brown Bomber Steel Band, The |
Brown, Carlinhos | Broza, David | BTS |
Bucht, Gunnar | Budapest Dance Ensemble | Bully Wee |
Burgess, John | Burke, Catherine | Burke, Joe |
Burundi Black | Buskers, The | Buster, Emily |
Butcher, Eddie | Büyükburç, Erol | Byrne, Conor |
Byrne, Packie | Byrnes, Martin | Cabrera, Jorge |
Cadena, Papo | Cair Paravel | Cajun, R. |
Calchakis, Los | California Guitar Trio, The | Calimbo Steel Band |
Cambridge Buskers, The | Cambridge Crofters, The | Camerata Of London, The |
Cameron Men, The | Cameron, Argo | Camp, Chuck |
Campbell, Alex | Campbell, Eamonn | Campbell, Ken |
Cann, Bob | Canny Fettle | Capitol Records |
Captain Beaky | Carbono, Abelardo | Carcasses, Bobby |
Cardinals (Folk), The | Carignan, Jean | Carl Davis & The Chi-Sound Orc |
Carlebach, Shlomo | Carlson, Shanna | Carmela |
Carol Of Harvest | Carolan, Mary Ann | Carolina Chocolate Drops |
Carpenter, Bob | Carrageen | Carrara, Émile |
Carroll, Liz | Cary, Tristram | Castellucci, Bruno |
Castle, Mike | Cat, Fantastic | Cataneo, Pancho |
Cates, The | Cathedral Brass | Cato, Connie |
Cats, Top | Celebrated Ratliffe Stout Band, The | Célia |
Chamberlain, Anne | Chan, Agnes | Chandru |
Charice | Charles, Pearl | Charpentier, Marc Antoine |
Chasing The Monsoon | Chatfield, John | Chatham County Line |
Chaudhuri, Debabrata | Chaudhuri, Debu | Chaurasia, Hariprasad |
Chavales De España, Los | Chaves, Juca | Chesapeake Minstrels, The |
Chesnut, Jim | Chestnutt, Vic | Cheviot Ranters, The |
Chicago, Roy | Chinaco, Capitan | Chinese National Song & Dance |
Chladil, Milan | Choc Stars | Chocolat's |
Choir Of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, The | Choir Of Magdalen College | Choir Of Seaford College |
Choro Club | Christenson, Terry | Christoff, Boris |
Chyna | Ciapa Rusa, La | Cigliano, Fausto |
Cinnamon, Gerry | Cinnamond, Robert | Circulus |
Circus In Reverse | City Waites, The | Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem |
Clancy, Willie | Claremont Country Dance Band, | Clayton, Vikki |
Clements, Vassar | Clerkes Of Oxenford, The | Clifford John And Julia |
Clifford, Billy | Clown | CMAT |
Cobbers | Cobblers Last | Cochran, Hank |
Cocky | CocoRosie | Codona |
Coedcae School Choir Llanelli | Coleman, Jim | Coleman, Michael |
Colin Reece & Friends | Colliery Band, The | Collins, Johnny |
Combe Raleigh Countryfolk | Common Round, The | Concentus Musicus Wien |
Concert Band Of The R.A.A.F. | Conjunto Pro Arte De Flautas Dulces | Connor, Edric |
Consett Citizen's Choir, The | Consort Of Musicke, The | Contact Field Orchestra |
Contemporary Music Ensemble Of | Conti, Mirian | Contraband (Folk) |
Cook, John & Margie | Cooney, Michael | Cooper, Don |
Cooper, Jimmy | Cooper, Lindsay | Copper, Bob |
Cordettes Steel Orchestra | Corliss | Cornshed Sisters, The |
Coro Della S.A.T. | Corps Of Royal Engineers | Corries, The |
Cortese, Dominic | Cortijo Vista Verde, El | Cory Band, The |
Cosmic Eye | Costa, Gal | Costello, Cecilia |
Count Ossie & The Mystic Revel | Courtney-King, Barbara | Coutarel, Jean |
Couza, Jim | Crannog | Crazy |
Creole Choir Of Cuba, The | Cristina Y Hugo | Cronshaw, Andrew |
Crooked Oak | Crowley, Jimmy | Crozier, Trevor |
Cruz, John | Cuadro Flamenco De Zambra, El | Cubedo Y De Malaga |
Cubedo, Manuel | Cumberland Clan, The | CUNHA |
Cupijó, Mestre | Curro Amaya Dancers, The | D' Kasermandln |
D'Rivera, Paquito | D'Silva, Amancio | D.C.S. |
Dadawah | Dairo, I.K. | Daly, Jackie |
Daniels, Enoch | Darling & Street | Darling, Erik |
Daughters Of The Kingdom | Davey, Shaun | David Alan (Folk Rock) |
David, Roach | Davis, Ellabelle | Davis, Jimmie |
Davis, Sal | Davrath, Netania | Dawson, Julian |
de Alicante, Niño | De Almeria, Pepe | De Jerez, Carbonerillo |
De Plata, Manitas | Deacon, George & Ross, Marion | Dead Famous People |
Dead Rat Orchestra | Dean, Eddie | Dearnley, Christopher |
Dease, Michael | Decameron, Emil | DeGrasse, Sylvia |
Deighton, Matt | Deller Consort | Deller, Alfred |
Deodato | DePlume, Alabaster | DeRose, Dena |
Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek | Desai, Vasant | Descloux, Lizzy Mercier |
Desford Colliery Band, The | Desprez, Josquin | Dessoff Choirs, The |
Desvarieux, Jacob | Devon And Cornwall Const. | Devonshire & Dorset Regiment |
Dey, Manna | Diabate, Toumani | Diabate, Zani |
Diaz, Joaquin | Dibala, Diblo | Dickie James F. |
Diga Rhythm Band | Dikshit, Pandurang | Dinning Sisters, The |
Dionysiou, Stratos | Diop, Wasis | Dirty Dozen Brass Band, The |
Dixon, Reginald | Dizrhythmia | Djavan |
Doherty, Johnny | Dollar, Johnny | Dolly Varden |
Don Cossacks | Dong-wan, Kim | Doran, Felix |
Doso, Watazumi | Doucet, Roger | Dow, Nick |
Dr. Ragtime | Draghici, Damian | Drakensberg Boys Choir |
Driver, Nicholas | Droney, Chris | Drummond, Don |
Dubé Y Su Conjunto | Duckworth, Sam | Dumont, Charles |
Dunkley, Matt | Dunn, George | Dunn, Holly |
Dur Dur Of Somalia | Durand, Paul | Durham, Bobby |
Dutch Rhythm Steel & Showband | Dutertre, Jean-François | Dutt, Geeta |
Dutta, N. | Dwyer, Finbarr | Dynamics, Soulful |
Earl Soham Slog, The | Earwood, Mundo | East Penge Taphouse Quintet, The |
Eaves | Ebony Steel Band, The | Eckman, Chris |
Eckstein, Gary & Beger, Meny | Edelman, Gilad | Edikanfo |
Eduardo Niebla & Antonio Forci | Edwards, Stoney | Egg Plant |
Einstein Arik & Hanoch Shalom | Einstein Arik & Levy Shem-Tov | Ekambi Brillant |
El Din, Hamza | El Parado De Valldemosa | El'Zabar, Kahil |
Elias, Jonathan | Elim United Youth Choirs, The | Elizabethan Singers, The |
Elliott (Folk) Mike | Ellis, Nick | Elrick, George |
Emmanuel Tetteh Mensah | English Chamber Orchestra | Enrique El Culata & Nino Ricar |
Ensemble Instrumental | Ensemble, Jánosi | Escolania De Montserrat |
Escudero, Mario | Escudero, Vicente | Escudos, Los |
Espers | Etoile De Dakar | Europe (AOR) |
Evans, Dave (Folk) | Evans, Orrin | Everette, Leon |
Excelsior Ropes Works Band | Exeter Cathedral Choir | Exeter Diocesan Choral Assoc. |
Exon Singers, The | Exotic Guitars, The | Expensive Olubi And His Golden Star Band |
Explainer | Exultate Singers, The | Exuma |
Eynon, Howard | F. L. Chinese Orchestra | F.A. Jimmy West & His Rosy Mor |
F.T. Island | Fadela, Chaba | Fahnbulleh, Miatta |
Fairey Engineering Works Band | Fairuz | Falay, Maffy |
Falla Guitar Trio, The | Family Of Love | Fanshawe, David |
Farmstead | Fergie Macdonald And His Scott | Fife Yokels, The |
Filarfolket | Filles de Illighadad, Les | Finger, Peter |
Finn MacCuill | Firewoodisland | Fischer Choir, The |
Fisher, Ray | Five-O, Hackney | Flanagan Brothers, The |
Flatischler, Reinhard | Flibbertigibbet | Florilegium De Paris |
Flowers & Frolics | FLYNT, HENRY | Fodens Motorworks Band, The |
Folk, Faraway | Folklore Di Romagna | Folklore Tapes |
Folkloristas, Los | Fontana, Jimmy | Fontenot, Allen |
Fools Crow | Force, Pig | Ford, Ted |
Fosforito | Foster, Josephine | Foster, Rex |
Four Brothers, The | Four Sounds, The | Francois, Jaqueline |
Fratello, Rosanna | Frazier, Dallas | Fred Hanna And The Laganmen |
Free Fall Band, The | Free For All Inspirational Ch. | Freiburger Vokalensemble |
Frickie, Janie | Frieß, Major Hans | Frisina, Gerardo |
Fry, Mark | Fugain Et Le Big Bazar | Furey, Finbar |
Furey, Ted | Fureys, The & Arthur, Davey | G-Dragon |
G.U.S. (Footwear) Band Quartet | Gabriel, Dub | Gadhvi, Hemu |
Gamble, Paddy | Gamboa, Jorge | Gamil, Soliman |
Ganavya | Gaon, Yehoram | García, Digno Y Sus Carios |
Gardner, Kay (US) | Garside, Robin | Gartside, Green |
Gary Gordon Quartet, The | Gasparyan, Djivan | Gavin, Frankie |
Gaye Su Akyol | Geinoh Yamashirogumi | General Humbert |
Genesis Gospel Singers | Gentlemen Without Weapons | George Hanna & Sarah Anne O'Ne |
George, Franklin | Gerwig, Walter | Getz / Gilberto |
Ghanshamji, Shamji | Ghosh, J.P. | Giddens, Rhiannon |
Giggetty | Gil, Gilberto | Gilbert & Sullivan |
Gillespie, Hugh | Ginastera, Alberto | Ginette |
Gino Marinello Orchestra, The | Gipsy Kings | Gismonti, Egberto |
Glasgow Caledonian Strathspey | Glasgow Orpheus Choir, The | Glasgow Phoenix Choir |
Glass, Sea | Glenn, Bobby | Glennie, Evelyn |
Glenside Ceili Band, The | Gloth, Michael H | Gnesta-Kalles Kapell |
Goat (Swedish) | Gold, Jared | Golden Bough |
Goldings, Larry | Goldman Band, The | Gonnella, Ronald |
Gonzalez, José Luis | Goodshaw Band | Gopalnath, Kadri |
Gotham | Grabham, Mick | Graham, Len |
Grand Julot, Le | Grand Standard Orchestra | Grant, Angus |
Grant, Darrell | Graveyard Tapes | Gray, Claude |
Greco, José | Green Willow Band, The | Greene, Jeanie |
Greenhill, Mitch | Greensleeves Country Dance Ban | Gregory Alan Isakov |
Grey, Tony | Griffin, Vincent | Grimethorpe Colliery Band |
Groenewoud, Raymond Van Het | Groove, Mango | Grossman & Van Bergeyk |
Grossman, Stefan | Groves, Sir Charles | Grupo Changüí De Guantánamo |
Grupo Santa Cecilia | Gryphon | Guayaki, Los |
Gubara, Mohamed | Guccini, Francesco | Guilbeau, Gib |
Guildford Cathedral Choir, The | Gunn Family, The | Guo Brothers, The |
Gurruchaga, Javier | Guthrie, Arlo | Gwendal |
Gwigwi's Band | Gyasi, K | Haazen, Jo |
Hadley, Bob | Hall Robin & MacGregor, Jimmie | Hall, Hillman |
Hall, Kenny | Hall, Tony | Hallelujah Chicken Run Band |
Hambrick, John | Hamburg Student Choir, The | Hamdi, Baligh & Khan, Magid |
Hamefarers | Hamilton, Bobby | Hampshire Concert Brass |
Hancock, Keith | Hanging Stars, The | Hanterhir |
Hanwell Band, The | Hardie, Bill | Harding, Aldous |
Hari Om Sharan | Harle, John | Harms, Dallas |
Harris, Chiz | Harris, Oscar | Harris, Sue |
Harte, Frank | Harvesters, The | Hawkins, Hawkshaw |
Hawthorn Scottish Dance Band | Hazes, André | Heads Held High |
Heaney, Joe | Heeresmusikkorps 5 | Heeresmusikkorps Der 1. |
Hegarty, Dermot | Heilung | Hennessy, Christie |
Hermanos Reyes Los | Hermanos Rigual, Los | Het Brabants Volksorkest |
Hey | Hi-Life International | Higgins, Gary |
Higgins, Lizzie | High Level Ranters, The | Highfill, George |
Highlanders Military Band, The | Hill, Eric | Hill, Noel |
Hinnen, Peter | Hinze, Chris | Hirsch, Lonnie |
Ho Hwo Sju Lakota Singers | Hofmann, Holly | Holland, Maggie |
Hollow Rock String Band | Holly, Doyle | Holme Valley Tradition, The |
Horn, Paul | Hornets | Horta, Toninho |
Hot Dogs | Hot Vultures | HOT.R.S. |
Houghten, Richard | Houl Yer Whisht Folk Group | Household Division, The |
Hristov, Dimiter | Hu, The | Hui, Sam |
Hummingbird, Lord | Hunt & Turner | Hunt, Michael |
Husain, Nasir | Husky | I.K. Dairo & His Blue Spots |
Ibañez, Paco | Iijima, Chris | Imagined Village, The |
Imperial Guards, The | Incantation | Incas, Los |
Indo Jazzmen, The | Indo-British Ensemble, The | Inerane, Group |
Inia Te Wiata | Inoran | International Hits Orchestra, |
Inti Illimani | Invisible Hands, The | Ionata, Max |
Irakere | Irish Express, The | Irish National Orchestra & Cho |
Irish Rovers, The | Iron, Cat | Ishola, Haruna |
Israel Army Band, The | Ives, Charles | Ivory Coasters |
Iwegbue, Charles | Izumi-Kai | Izumiya, Shigeru |
J.B's, The | J.C. | Jabula |
Jack And Charlie Coen | Jack Sinclair Showband, The | Jackson, Billy |
Jacqui And Bridie | Jade (Folk) | Jagjit & Chitra Singh |
Jagmohan, Sapan | Jain, Ravindra | Jali Musa Bolu Koi |
Jali Nyama Suso | Jalota, Anup | Janequin, Clément |
Jansch, Bert & Renbourn, John | Jara, Victor | Járóka Sándor And His Gipsy Ba |
Jawara, Jali Musa | Jazz Warriors, The | Jazztronik |
Jean Claude Vannier | Jeffreys, George | Jenkins, Jean |
Jenzen, Ralf | Jessica Lea Mayfield | Jim Johnstone And His Band |
Jimenez, Flaco | Jiminez, Flaco | Jin, Jun |
JKS, BLK | Jo'burg Hawk | Jobim, Antonio Carlos |
Joe Arroyo Y La Verdad | Johannsson, Johann | John & Phil Cunningham |
John Timpany And Audrey Smith | Johnnie & Jack | Jolly Boys, The |
Jones, Nigel Mazlyn | Jordanaires, The | Jorge Ben Jor |
Jorginho Do Império | José Carlos Schwarz | Josienne Clarke And Ben Walker |
Juca Mestre And His Brasileiro | Jularbo, Carl | Julia & Billy Clifford |
Julian Bahula's Jazz Afrika | Junior Band, The | Junjo |
K. Deep & Jagmohan Kaur | K. L. Saigal | Kabbala |
Kahan, Noah | Kalma, Ariel | Kalthoum, Oum |
Kalyanji-Anandji | Kanhaiyalal | Kansas Smitty's House Band, The |
Kapoor, Mahendra | Karazov, Alexandrov | Karl Ehrlich Band, Die |
Kàrolyi Szénássi | Katon, Michael | Kavana, Ron |
Kaveret | Keegan, Josephine | Keiichi, Suzuki |
Kekana, Steve | Kelly, Ed | Kelly, James |
Kelly, John | Kelly, Stan | Kelsey, Dave |
Kemp, Wayne | Ken Ufton & Harmony Hawaiians | Kenmotsu, Bob |
Kennedy, Malcolm | Kenny Serratt & The Messengers | Kenya, Wganda |
Ketama | Khaled, Cheb | Khaled, Cheb & Boutella, Safy |
Khan, Aashish | Khan, Vilayat | Khanna, Usha |
Kicking Mule | Kid, Little | Kilgore, Merle |
Kilima Hawaiians, De | Kimmel John J. | Kimura, Audy |
Kina, Shoukichi | King Scratch & The Bay Street | King's Own Royal Border Rgmt. |
King's Troop Royal Horse Art. | King, Claude | King, Elle |
Kingstonians, The | Kishi, Yoko | Klapa Sibenik |
Klapa Srdela | Knabl, Rudi | Knudson, Thurston |
Kodila, Diana | Kodo | Kohli, Surinder |
Kokoko! | Komunisti | Koné, Rokia |
Konte Family | Kontikis, The | Kothari, Chim |
Kraus, Sharron | Krishan, Rajinder | Kryl, Karel |
Kulka, Gaba | Kumar, Hemant | Kumar, Mahesh |
Kumar, Pramod | Kumar, Suresh | Kunda, Touré |
Kuti, Fela | Kuti, Femi | La Cali Charanga |
La Motta, Bill | La Sonora De Baru | Lahiri, Bappi |
Laine & Alan | Lalgudi G. Jayaraman | Lamberth, Arne |
Lanchester, Elsa | Landini Consort | Landreth, Sonny |
Larcange, Maurice | Larner, Sam | Last Exit |
Last Poets, The | Latin Brothers, The | Laucan |
Lauri Say And The Island Folk | Laviscount Brass | Lawal, Gasper |
Laxman, Raam | Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares | Leach, Curtis |
Leão, Nara | Leaveners, The | Lecuyer, Jean-Pierre |
Lee, Okkyung | Lee, Su-a | LeGarde Twins, The |
Lema, Ray | Lenine | Leoni, Paul |
Les Disques Du Crépuscule | Les Djinns Singers | Les Frères Erköse |
Les Sans Nom | Leslie, Desmond | Leslie, John |
Levi, Shem-Tov | Lewis, Lou | LEWIS, MOLLY |
Lewis, Muintir | Lewiston, David | Leyland Vehicles Band |
Liam Ivory's Ceili Band | Libaek, Sven | Limehouse Pink |
Lindsay, Steven | Ling Family, The | Ling, Kong |
Lipscomb, Mance | Lister, Hovie | LITTLE MACK SIMMONS |
Little, Marie | Living Guitars | Lloyd, A.L. And MacColl, Ewan |
Lloyd, Bert | Lloyds Bank Choral Society | Lô, Cheikh |
Lolita | Lomond Cornkisters, The | Lomond Folk |
London Balalaika Ensemble, The | London Emmanuel Choir, The | London Welsh Male Voice Choir |
Long Lost, The | Long, Lionel | Longlands Primary School Music |
Loose Caboose, The | Lord Funny | Los Mac's |
Los Norte Americanos | Los Paraguayos | Los Reyes |
Los Zafiros | Louise, Sarah | Love, Tandy |
Lover, Al | Loyal Orangemen, The | Lucas, Austin |
Lucas, Ted | Luis Diaz & La Combinacion Lat | Luna, Roberto |
Lundell, Ulf | Lute Group, The | Lyle McGuinness Band |
Lyndal Barry & The Apollos | Lynne, Ian | Lyonesse |
Lyons, John | M'Boup, Abdou | M. Nageswara Rao |
M. Taos Amrouche | Maan, Gurdas | Maanam |
Mabel Joy | Mabuse, Sipho | Machucambos, Los |
MacKay, Bruce | Maclean, Dougie | MacNeil, Flora |
MacNeill, Finlay | MacPherson, Donald | Maddox, Rose |
Madredeus | Madrigal (Folk) | Maestro's All Steel Band, The |
Magenta (Folk) | Maggie & Terry Roche | Magic Accordions Of Adriano, T |
Magus | Mahlathini | Maia, Tim |
Maid, Delta | Mairena, Antonio | Mairena, Manuel |
Makem, Sarah | Makem, Tommy | Makin, John |
Makitsis, Andy | Malachy Doris Ceili Band | Malamini Jobarteh & Dembo Kont |
Maleras, Emma | Malév | Malicorne |
Malik, Anu | Malopoets | Maltese, Matt |
Mamou Cajun Band, The | Man, Mountain | Manak, Kuldip |
Manchester CWS Band, The | Mandingo Griot Society | Manfila, Kante |
Mangan, Dan | Mangesh, Nitin | Mangeshkar, Hridaynath |
Mangeshkar, Lata | Manix (Fr) | Manjrekar, Dilip |
Manning, John | Manricks, Jacam | Mansell, Frank |
Manyeruke, Machanic | Manyika, Zeke | Mapangala, Samba |
Marcians, The | Marea, Desire | Mari Boine Persen |
Maria And Margo Hellwig | Mariachi Miguel Dias | Marienthal, Eric |
Marijata | Marimba Chiapas | Marimba Hermanos Paniagua |
Marimba Orquesta | Marimberos, Los | Marismeños, Los |
Mariza | Mark, Jon | Mars, Vic |
Marten, Billie | Martin, Nicholas | Martinez, Pepe |
Martinez, Sabu | Martinho Da Vila | Marton, Sandy |
Mary Datchelor Girls' School | Mary Lee Kortes | Massada |
Master Musicians Of Jajouka | Mastreechter Staar, De | Mataja, Branko |
Matthew & Peter | Matthew & The Mandarins | Matuška, Waldemar |
Mauro, Efumu | Max D Barnes | Mayas, Los |
Mayhan, Judy | Mayi, Wuta | Mbongwana Star |
Mbulu, Letta | McAlpine, William | McBain's Scottish Country Danc |
McClellan, Mike | McConnell & Morton | McCue, Anne |
McDermott, Josie | McEvoy, Johnny | McGlinchey, Brendan |
McGuire, Sean | McIntire, Lani | McNeil, Roddy |
McNulty, Pat | Mdlalose, Thoko | Mead, Chuck |
Medieval Players, The | Meï Teï Sho | Meirelles E Sua Orquestra |
Meirelles, Helena | Mekuria, Getatchew | Melt Yourself Down |
Men O' Brass | Mendes, Hélio | Mergia, Hailu |
Merriboys, The | Merriman, Annette Wyn | Merrymen, The |
Messaoud, Bellemou | Metzger, Jon | Mevagissey Male Choir |
Mey, Frederik | Mezcla | Mickey Lee Lane |
Micus, Stephan | Midland | Mighty Absalom |
Mighty Dougla | Mighty Sparrow, The | MIGRANT, THE |
Miles, Dick | Miller's Thumb | Miller, Bill |
Miller, Dale | Miller, Rodney | Miller, Roger (80s) |
Milton Banana Trio | Milton Brown & His Musical Brownies | Min-woo, Lee |
Minami, Yoshitaka | Miquela E Lei Chapacans | Miranda, Carmen |
Mirk | Mirza Men, The | Misen |
Misner & Smith | Mistry, Nanjibhai | Mitchell, Graeme |
Mitchell, Kevin | Mocedades | Mohammed Malcolm Ben |
Mohammed, Ghulam | Mohan, Madan | Molineux, John |
Molsky, Bruce | Mombasa | Monger, Eileen |
Montgomery, Erick | Montoya, Carlos | Montreux |
Mooney, Gordon | Moore, Barry | Moore, Michael |
Morales, Jose A. | Moreira, Moraes | Morgan, Andrew |
Morgan, Derrick | Morgan, Neal | Mormon Tabernacle Choir, The |
Morrigan, The | Morris Motors Concert Band | Morrisey, Dick |
Morrison, Bob | Morriston Orpheus Choir, The | Mosalini, Juan José |
Moses Taiwa Molelekwa | Moths | Moulton Morris Men, The |
Mousehole Male Voice Choir, Th | Moyo, Jonah | Mraz, George |
Mseleku, Bheki | Muckram Wakes | Mukabi, George |
Mukesh | Mukherjee, Manas | Mulgrew, John |
Münchner Hofbräuhaus Blasmusik | Munrow, David | Munting, Simon |
Muraoka, Minoru | Music Asylum, The | Musica Reservata |
Musicians Of The Nile, The | Musikkorps 6 | Mutual Benefit |
Muungano National Choir Kenya | Muzsikás | Myrdhin |
Myrth | Mystery Maker | Mzylkpop |
N'Dour, Youssou | N.Y. Hardbop Quintet, The | Na Filí |
Nakshab, J. | Nancy Elizabeth Cunliffe | Napper, Tom |
Naresh, Mahesh | Nash, Israel | Nashville Cats, The |
National Dance Company Of Camb | Naushad | Nazia |
Ndegeocello, Meshell | Neck | Nelsinho E Sua Orquestra |
Nelson Arion, The | Nelson, Anders | Neophonic String Band, The |
Netteswell Youth Band | Neumann / Zapf | New Christy Minstrels, The |
New Hawaiians, The | New Koto Ensemble Of Tokyo, The | New Mexborough English Concert |
New York Art Quartet | Newquay Wesley Methodist Choir | Nicholson, Roger |
Nicol, Simon | Nieuwe Snaar, De | Nigel Brooks Singers, The |
Night Ark | Nightingale, King | Nightnoise |
Nightwatch | Nina De Los Peines | Niña De Los Peines |
Nina, Rita & Ruby | Ninapinta | Niningashi |
Noack, Eddie | Norman T Washington | Norrlåtar |
North, Nigel | Not Drowning, Waving | Nothing By Chance |
NTP | Nubiyan Twist | Nylons, The |
O'Connor, Kathie | O'Donnell, Eugene | O'Dowda, Brendan |
O'Halloran Brothers, The | O'Hara, Mary Margaret | O'Leary, Johnny |
O'Neil, Sandy | O'Sullivan, Bernard | Oak |
Oates, Jackie | Oats, Wild | Obassey, Patty |
Obel, Agnes | Obelisk | Oberon |
Obey, Ebenezer | Ocean | Odyssey |
Ogunde, Hubert | Ojo, Dele | Okay Temiz |
Okosun, Sonny | Oladimeji & His Talking Drum | Olatunji, Babatunde |
Old Mole Band, The | Oldfield, Terry | Olney, David |
Olympic Bouzouki Group, The | Omi, Sonik | Omowura, Ayinla |
Omsk Russian Ensemble, The | Ondatrópica | Ondolo, John |
Onwenu, Onyeka | Onyeka The Torch | Opa |
Oraisòn, Jorge | Orange And Blue | Orange, Mandolin |
Orchestra Baobab | Orchestra Makassy | Orchestre Eddie Roger |
Orchestre T.P.O.K. Jazz | Oriental Wind | Original Brasso Band, The |
Original Trinidad Steel Band | Orquesta De Antonio Bustamante | Orquesta Española De Baile |
Orquestra Casino De Sevilla | Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira | Os Caretas |
Os Diagonais | Os Originais Do Samba | Osa, Sigbjørn Bernhoft |
Oscar & Eugene Wright | Oskar, Lee | Ossian |
Otis Williams And The Midnight Cowboys | Outlaw, Sam | Owen, Nelson |
Ozan, Mehmet | Ozomatli | Pachacamac |
Pahinui, Gabby | Paisley, Doug | Pam's Country People |
Pammi, Parmjit | Pan Am Steel Band, The | Pan, Rebecca |
Pandit Manohar Chimote | Pandit Ram Narayan | Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma |
Par Lindh Project | Parchment | Parrish, Theo |
Partridge, Ian | Pasqualino Garzia & Carlo Carf | Pata Negra |
Pattullo, Gordon | Paul & Glen | Payos, Los |
Paz | Peacock, Alice | Pecker |
Pedron, Pierrick | Peel, Hannah | Peerce, Jan |
Pegg, Bob & Strutt, Nick | Peggy Sue (60S) | Peña, Paco |
Penfield, Paul | Peret Y Sus Gitanos | Perez, Roni |
Pericoli, Emilio | Pernice Brothers | Perrier, Catherine |
Perrin, Nigel & Parsons, David | Perrone, Luciano | Perth County Conspiracy |
Peterborough Cathedral Choir | Phantogram | Philip Jones Brass Ensemble |
Phillips, Utah | Phoebe, Anna | Pickles, Nigel |
Pigsty Hill Light Orchestra | Pioneers, The (Country) | Plane, Dave |
Plant, Robert & Krauss, Alison | Platzek, Guenter | Players, The |
Plexus | Plow, Mr | Poacher |
Poindexter, Pony | Poliker, Yehuda | Polwart, Karine |
Ponce, Daniel | Pontarddulais Male Choir | Pontes, Dulce |
Popovic, Ana | Porridge, Mum's | Portabales, Guillermo |
Portchalice | Positiva | Powell, Andrew |
Power, Jimmy | Power, Lord | Powrie, Ian |
Prabha Devi Prasad | Prakash Wadhera & Anand Kumar | Pramod, Vinay & Rajendra Kumar |
Pratt, Jessica | Preisner, Zbigniew | Previn, André |
Price Ringers, The | Pride Of Erin Ceili Band | Privateer |
Pro Cantione Antiqua, London | Professor Wouassa | Proffitt, Frank |
Project D | Project, Balimaya | Prud'Homme, Émile |
Puddu, Alex | Puerto Rican Power | Pullins, Leroy |
Purcell Consort Of Voices, The | Purshottam, Minoo | Pyramids [Afro-jazz], The |
Quattlebaum, Doug | Quavers Of St. Lucia | Queen's Own Highlanders, The |
Quesada, Cristina | Quilapayún | Quinaimes Band, The |
Quinn (Celtic) John | Quintet The | Rabinovitz & Nitzan |
Rafael Gutierrez, Pedro | Rafi, Mohammed | Ragab, Salah |
Ragnarök | Rahming, Patrick | Raices Incas |
Rajkamal | Rakes, The (Folk) | Rakha, Alla |
Ralke, Don | Ramblers Dance Band | Ramchandra, C. |
Ramirez, Ariel | Ramlal | Ramos, Uña |
Ranchers, The | Random, Eric | Rangell, Nelson |
Rasa | Rata Blanca | Ratchell |
Rational Anthem | Raven, Eddy | Ravi |
Ray, Satyajit | Rayol, Agnaldo | Raz, Ruhama |
Rea, John | Real Sounds, The | Rebroff, Ivan |
Red Shift | Redeemer Choir, The | Redpath, Jean |
Reece, Colin | Reflection (Folk) | Reflexu's |
Regina, Elis | Reilly, John | Reivers, The |
Renan, Jorge | Renanim Choir, The | ReR Megacorp |
Reuben, Sammy | Revelation Rockers | Rex, Offa |
Rhodes, Kimmie | Rida | Rio Carnival Orchestra, The |
Ripley Wayfarers, The | Rob Gordon And His Band | Roberto Roena Y Su Apollo Soun |
Roberts, Alan | Roberts, Alasdair | Robinson, Bert |
Robinson, Freddie | Rockin' Dopsie & The Twisters | Roddy Hart & The Lonesome Fire |
Rodgers, John | Rodney, Earl | Rodrigo, Joaquin |
Rodrigues, Amália | Rodrigues, Jair | Roger, Roger |
Rogie, S.E. | Rolf And Tino | Rooke, Fred |
Rooney, Paul | Rorem, Ned | Rose, Calypso |
Roshan | Roshan, Rajesh | Ross, Billy |
Rossell, Marina | Rouge | Rowe, Nick |
Rowsome, Leo | Roy, Kanu | Royal Army Ordnance Corps, The |
Royal Brothers Band | Royal Choral Society, The | Royal Military School Of Music |
Royal Regiment Of Artillery | Royal Regiment Of Wales, The | Royal Scots (The Royal Rgt.) |
Royal Tank Regiment, The | Royal Ulster Constabulary | Rucker, Darius |
Rudich, Arik | Rumillajta | Rupa |
Russell Family, The | Russell, Micho | Rustavi Choir |
Ruthin Castle Singers, The | Ryders, The | Sabah |
Sabicas | Sadista Sisters, The | Sædén, Erik |
Sagram | Saijo, Hideki | Saint Pierre De Solesmes |
Saint Prix, Dédé | Sakhile | Salami, Ademola |
Salim Abdel Gadir | Samandtheplants | Samba Livre |
Sanchez, Poncho | Sanderson, Danny | Sandor Deki Lakatos |
Sands Family, The | Sangare, Oumou | Sangeet, Apna |
Sanlúcar, Manolo | Santaolalla, Gustavo | Santiago Jimenez, Jr. |
Santillan, Facio | Santos, Pedro | Savona, Mista |
Sayani, Ameen | Sayer, Cynthia | Scaggiari, Stefan |
Schafer, Whitey | Schoener, Eberhard | Schola Hungarica |
Schroeder, Adam | Schubach, Gerio | Scott, Raymond |
Scott, Willie | Scottish C.W.S. Band, The | Scottish Fiddlers, The |
Scullion | Sea Nymphs, The | Sea, Luna |
Séamus & Manus McGuire | Sebastian, Adele | Sebestyén, Márta |
Seigén | Selda | Sen, Shambhu |
Sen, Subir | Seoul Folk Music Ensemble, The | Sera Una Noche |
Seratt, Kenny | Serban, Gregor | Seth, Ajit |
Seydi, Ousmane | Shadow | Shafer, Whitey |
Shaheen, Simon | Shamir, Ephraim & Astar | Shand Jnr., Jimmy |
Shand, Jimmy | Shankar, Anoushka | Shankar-Jaikishan |
Shaporin, Yuri | Sharon Whitbread | Shavit, Ami |
Shegui | Sheik's Men, The | Sheila And The Majeks |
Shemer, Naomi | Sherley, Glen | Sherriff, She |
Sheshet | Shifman, Yehuda | Shinda, Surinder |
Shindo, Tak | Shine, Brendan | Shinhwa |
Shiv Hari | Shleu-Shleu, Les | Shunters, The |
Shusha | Shyamsunder | Siffleur Montagne Chorale Of Dominica, The |
Silber, Ariel | Silly Wizard | Silver Bow, The |
Silver Ring Choir Of Bath, The | Silvertone Steel Orchestra, Th | Simmons, Mack |
Simon, Ibo | Simpkins, Andy | Simpson, Leo |
Simpson, Red | Sine Nomine Singers, The | Singh, Charanjit |
Singh, Daan | Singh, Jagjit | Singh, Kuldip |
Sital Singh Sital | Sivuca | Six, District |
Skepparn | Skillets, The | Skree Folk, The |
Skyboat | Skylark | Slave (Folk) |
Sledd, Patsy | Slobodskaya, Oda | Smeck, Roy |
Smith & Son | Smith (Organ), Harry | Smith, Bill (UK) |
Smith, Harry | Smith, Hobart | Smith, Michael |
Smoker, Joel | Snell, Adrian | Snowboy |
Societe Absolument Guinin | Sodsai, Sondi | Soler, Antonio |
Soloists & Choir Of Salisbury | Sølvguttene | Somo Somo |
Sonik-Omi | Sorcerers, The | Sosa, Mercedes |
Soul Brothers [SA] | Soul Messengers, The | Souleyman, Omar |
Sound, Sheba | Sousa, John Philip | Southern Tenant Folk Union |
Southerners (Folk), The | Souza, Raul De | Spælimenninir |
Spálený, Jan | Spandauer Kantorei | Spence, Joseph |
Spillett, Simon | Spiral Sky | Sprangeen |
Spud | Spurzz | Square, Paradise |
Squarecrows, The | SST Records | St. David's Cathedral Choir |
St. Joseph's Maori Girl's | St. Keverne | St. Paul's Cathedral Choir |
Stadlmayr-Greisser, Jodlerduo | Staffordshire Regiment, The | Stanley Buetens Lute Ensemble |
Stanley, Pete | Stanshawe Band, The | Star Of Munster Trio, The |
Starling, John | Starr, Will | Statlers, The |
Steagall, Red | Steam Shuttle | Stecher, Jody |
Steel An' Skin | Steel River | Stewart, Belle |
Stewart, Bob | Stewart, Davie | Stewart, Redd |
Stewart, Wynn | Stillman, Robert | Stimela |
Stranahan-Zaleski-Rosato | Strangers, Rank | Strathspey And Reel Society, T |
Strawhead | Stray Birds, The | Stringband |
Strunz & Farah | Sullivan, Michael | Sumac, Yma |
Sundowners | Super Biton Du Mali | Super Diamono De Dakar |
Super Eagles | Super Eccentric Theater | Suraiya |
Sutherland, Gibby | Sutherland, Isabel | Svenska Dragspelskungar |
Swallowtail | Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement | Sweet People |
Sweethearts Of The Rodeo | Swift, Tufty | Syrinx |
Tábor, Laszlo | Tacticos, Manos | Taha, Rachid |
Taima | Takeuchi, Jimmy | Takht, Sevdah |
Talismen 3, The | Tall, Tom | Tallis Scholars, The |
Tam, Alan | Tanega, Norma | Tanger Trio |
Tannahill Weavers, The | Tanned Leather | Tanzania Yetu |
Tara Bir Singh | Tasjan Aaron Lee & Hiatt Lilly | Tateno, Izumi |
Tau Ea Lesotho | Taube, Evert | Taverner, John |
Tavori, Shimi | Taw Folk, The | Taylor, Jeremy |
Taylor, Rusty | Tchikaya, Tchico | Teepe, Joris |
Temple City Kazoo Orchestra | Tennent - Morrison | Terremoto De Jerez |
Terry Teahan And Gene Kelly | The Coldstream Guards | The Paper Chase |
The Poems | Themis, John | Therapy |
Thomas, Pat | Thomas, Sybil | Thoughts And Words |
Three Bums, The | Thunderbird American Indians | Thwaites, Roger |
Tiboldi, Maria | Tiger Moth | Tikkurilan Laulajat |
Tillison, Roger | Timber | Tinkers, The |
Tiselius, Lars | Tolo | Tom & Smiley |
Tomás, Pacita | Tommy Healy And Johnny Duffy | Tony Charles Steel Band, The |
Toquinho | Towner, Ralph | Tracy, Don |
Traum, Happy | Traum, Happy And Artie | Travellers, The |
Travelling Songster, The | Tree People, The | Treverva Male Voice Choir |
Tri Atma | Triana | Tribes, The |
Tricca, Emma | Trinidad Steel Orchestra | Trinity College Choir |
Trio Arava | Trio Bulgarka, The | Trio Los Panchos |
Trio, Keystone | Trotto | Tseva Tari Trio |
Tsomidis, Iordanis | Tucker, Richard | Tuna Universitaria De Barcelon |
Tundra (Folk) | Tunes, Crab | Tunney, Paddy |
Turetzky, Bertram | Turkbas, Özel | TVXQ & Super Junior 05 |
Twelve Buccaneers, The | Tymon Dogg & The Dacoits | Tyneham House |
Udhas, Manhar | Udhas, Nirmal | Udhas, Pankaj |
Uhuru Dance Band, The | Ukelele Orchestra Of G.B. | Ukrainians, The |
Ulloa, Francisco | Umps And Dumps | Ungar, Jay |
Upadhyay, Purushottam | Urubamba | Us And Them |
Usha | USSR Russian Chorus, The | Ustad Ahmed Jan Thirakwa |
Ustad Bismillah Khan | Ustad Vilayet Khan | Utpal, Amar |
Uwaifo, Victor | Uwandile | Vàli |
Van Bergeyk, Ton | Van Houtert, Gerry | Various - World Music |
Various-Afrobeat | Various-Bollywood | Various-Choral & Gregorian |
Varman, Ajit | Vasconcellos, José | Vasson, Henri |
Vauxhall Motors Choir | Vedpal | Vermeulen, Hans |
Verocai, Arthur | Very Best, The | Via Afrika |
Vian, Boris | Víctor Monge 'Serranito' | Vielleux Du Bourbonnais |
Vieux Farka Toure | Vilensky, Moshe | Vinci, Mark |
Virginia Macnaughton | Virtuoses Roumains Les | Vocal Ensemble Of Fernand Lamy |
Voces Universitarias De Hondur | Vogel, Tyson | Voices, Gothic |
Vulcan's Hammer | W. G. Whittaker | Wachs, Allan |
Wagner, David | Wahab, Mohamed Abdel | Waikiki Islanders, The |
Wait, Ashdon | Walker, Jerry Jeff | Wallace, Joe |
Wanderley, Walter | Wandsworth School Choir | Ward, Jean |
Wardruna | Warratahs, The | WatchOut! |
We Three Trio, The | Weather Station, The | Weatherley, Dennis |
Weazel, Sputnik | Webb Sisters, The | Weiss, Otto |
Weissberg & Mandell | Welch, Gillian | Wells Cathedral Choir |
Welsh Brass Consort | Werther | West Of England All Star Brass |
West Stars Steel Band, The | Westland Steel Band, The | Wheater, Tim |
Whitehead, Annie | Whole World, The | Whysp |
Wiffen, David | Wilbury Jam | Wild Thyme |
Wilkins, Robert | Willett Family, The | William Loveday Intention, The |
Williams, Norman | Williamson, John | Williamson, Steve |
Willis Brothers, The | Wills, Arthur | Wills, Charlie |
Wilson, Robert | Winslow-King, Luke | Winsor, Martin & Sullivan, Red |
Winter, Paul | Wolf, Kate | Wolfe, Ben |
Wolff, Henry | Women's Royal Army Corps, The | Wonderful Grand Band, The |
Woodhouse, John | Woods, Gay & Terry | Woodstock Mountains |
Woodward, Rickey | Worcestershire And Sherwood Foresters Regiment | Wright, Lizz |
Wurzels, The | Xarchakos, Stavros | Xit |
Y Diliau | Yaghmaei, Kourosh | Yamagata, Sumiko |
Yamamoto, Hozan | Yared, Gabriel | Yates, Bobby |
Yepes, Narciso | Yesudas | Yoder, Paul |
York Celebrations Choir | Yorkshire Imperial Band, The | Yoshino, Mickie |
Yovel, Hanan | Yr Hwntws | Yuba, Akin |
Yupanqui, Atahualpa | Zabaleta, Nicanor | Zac Brown Band |
Zacchaeus | Zacharias, Helmut | Zahouania, Chaba |
Zaïko Langa Langa | Zambetas And His Bouzoukia | Zambetas, George |
Zamfir & Cellier | Zamot, Johnny | Zazou, Hector |
Zazou/ Bikaye/ CY1 | Zemel Choir, The | Zephaniah, Benjamin |
Zequeira, Raoul | Zimriyah Choir, The | Zohra |
Zuhura & Party | Zûnants Plankèts Les | Zupay, Cuarteto |