People 'Round Here Don't Like To Talk About It: The Complete EMI Recordings - Sealed

THE AUTEURS People 'Round Here Don't Like To Talk About It: The Complete EMI Recordings (2023 UK SIX CD album set which brings together the complete EMI Recordings of The Auteurs; including their four studio albums: New Wave, Now I’M A Cowboy,After Murder Park and How I Learned To Love The Bootboys along with Luke Haines' side project [the self-titled] Baader Meinhof album, 'Das Capital' and a stack of fantastic B-Sides, bonus tracks, demos and other delights. The clamshell picture box remains factory sealed)

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Price Info
Product Availability Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
Release Year 2023 - 2 years ago
Condition Unless stated otherwise in the description above, all items are in at least excellent condition - so please read our descriptions carefully. We try to sell items as close to Mint condition as possible, and many will indeed be close to brand new and/or unplayed. Others may be 'used' - and all will meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed.
Shipping Cost Add item to your basket to see shipping quote
Format CD Album Box Set
Record Label Cherry Red
Complete Stock List Go to The Auteurs
Product Catalogue No CRCDBOX141
Music Genre NME Indie/Alternative Artists, Britpop
Country Comes from UK Comes from 'UK'
Tracklisting & More Information

CD One - New Wave:
1. Showgirl
2. Bailed Out
3. American Guitars
4. Junk Shop Clothes
5. Don’t Trust The Stars
6. Starstruck
7. How Could I Be Wrong
8. Housebreaker
9. Valet Parking
10. Idiot Brother
11. Early Years
12. Home Again

13. Subculture (They Can’t Find Him)
14. She Might Take A Train
15. Glad To Be Gobe
16. Staying Power
17. Wedding Day
18. High Diving Horses

Bonus Recordings:
19. Housebeaker (Rough Trade Singles Club)
20. Valet Parking (Rough Trade Singles Club)
21. Starstruck (Acoustic)
22. Junk Shop Clothes (Acoustic)
23. Housebreaker (Acoustic)
24. Home Again (Acoustic)

CD Two - Now I’M A Cowboy:
1. Lenny Valentino
2. Brainchild
3. I´m A Rich Man´s Toy
4. New French Girlfriend
5. The Upper Classes
6. Chinese Bakery
7. A Sister Like You
8. Underground Movies
9. Life Classes / Life Model
10. Modern History
11. Daughter Of A Child

12. Lenny Valentino (Single Version)
13. Vacant Lot
14. Car Crazy
15. Disney World
16. Lenny Valentino (Original Mix)
17. Underground Movies (Alternative Mix)
18. Brainchild (Original Version)

Bonus Recordings:
19. Government Bookstore
20. Everything You Say Will Destroy You
21. Chinese Bakery (Acoustic)
22. Modern History (Acoustic)

CD Three - After Murder Park
1. Light Aircraft On Fire
2. Child Brides
3. Land Lovers
4. New Brat In Town
5. Everything You Say Will Destroy You
6. Unsolved Child Murder
7. Married To A Lazy Lover
8. Buddha
9. Tombstone
10. Fear Of Flying
11. Dead Sea Navigators
12. After Murder Park

Bonus Material B-sides And Rarities:
13. Back With The Killer Again (A Side)
14. Kenneth Anger´s Bad Dream
15. Former Fan
16. Light Aircraft On Fire (Single Version)
17. Car Crash
18. Buddha (4 Track Band Demo)
19. X-Boogie Man
20. Everything You Say (Early Steve Albini Recording)
21. Tombstone (Alternate Recording)
22. Unsolved Child Murder (Early Version)

CD Four - Baader Meinhof:
1. Baader Meinhof
2. Meet Me At The Airport
3. There’s Gonna Be An Accident
4. Mogadishu
5. Theme From “Burn Warehouse Burn”
6. GSG – 29
7. …It’s A Moral Issue
8. Back On The Farm
9. Kill Ramirez

Bonus Recordings:
10. Baader Meinhof (Alternative Version)
11. I’ve Been A Fool For You
12. Baader Meinhof (Confrontation Remix)
13. There’s Gonna Be An Accident (Fuse Remix)
14. There’s Gonna Be An Accident (Muziq Remix)
15. Mogadishu (Dalai Lama Remix)

CD Five – How I Learned To Love The Bootboys:
1. The Rubettes
2. 1967
3. How I Learned To Love The Bootboys
4. Your Gang, Our Gang
5. Some Changes
6. School
7. Johnny And The Hurricanes
8. The South Will Rise Again
9. Asti Spumante
10. Sick Of Hari Krisna
11. Lights Out
12. Future Generation

Bonus Material B-sides And Rarities:
13. Get Wrecked At Home
14. Breaking Up
15. Politic
16. ESP Kids
17. Johnny And The Hurricanes (Alternate Recording)
18. Future Generation (Alternate Recording)
19. School (Alternate Recording)
20. Essex Bootboys
21. The Rubettes (Acoustic Version)
22. 1967 (Acoustic Version)
23. Some Changes (Acoustic Version)
24. Lights Out (Acoustic Version)

CD Six - Das Capital:
1. Das Capital Overture
2. How Could I Be Wrong
3. Showgirl
4. Baader Meinhof
5. Lenny Valentino
6. Starstruck
7. Satan Wants Me
8. Unsolved Child Murder
9. Junk Shop Clothes
10. The Mitford Sisters
11. Bugger Bognor
12. Future Generation

Bonus Recordings:
13. Bailed Out (4 Track Demo)
14. American Guitars (4 Track Demo)
15. Showgirl (4 Track Demo)
16. Glad To Be Gone (4 Track Demo)
17. Starstruck (4 Track Demo)
18. Early Years (4 Track Demo)

Recording Artist The Auteurs
Product Title People 'Round Here Don't Like To Talk About It: The Complete EMI Recordings - Sealed
Product Information The Auteurs People 'Round Here Don't Like To Talk About It: The Complete EMI Recordings - Sealed UK CD Album Box Set.
Language All tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info Deleted - A deleted or out-of-print item is one that is no longer manufactured. However, we stock thousands of out-of-print formats and we specialise in tracking down out-of-print, deleted and hard-to-find releases.
Artists Related To Baader Meinhof, Black Box Recorder, Luke Haines, Sarah Nixey, Servants, The Black Arts
Product Barcode 5013929114197
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Alternatively Known As Auteurs
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