nme indie/alternative artists

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!!! [chk chk chk]#1 Defender(00S), LoOm
(80S), Bodycount(Hypothetical) Prophets, The+44
[ME]1, Primary10,000 Things
12 Rounds15 Minutes1919
2 By Bukowski2222-20s
3 Colours Red3 Inches of Blood3hird light
4.A.D.45s45s (00s), The
52nd Street60Ft Dolls65Daysofstatic
7 Worlds Collide747s77:78
80s Matchbox B-Line DisasterA CampA Certain Ratio
A Fine FrenzyA Giant DogA Hawk And A Hacksaw
A HouseA Loose Confederation Of...A Perfect Circle
A Primary IndustryA R Kane A Riot Of Colour
A Special PillowA-Lines, TheA.C. Marias
A.D., CatherineA.P.B.A.R.E. Weapons
Aaron West And The Roaring TwentiesAbandoned PoolsABBC
Abe VigodaAbecedariansAberdeen
AberfeldyAbraham, BenAbrahams, Leo
Abs, TheAbsent KidAbsentee
AC AcousticsAccidental, TheAce [Skunk Anansie]
Acid Baby JesusAcid CasualsAcid, The
Acorn, TheAcrobatAction Action
Action Painting!Action PlanActive Child
Adams, RyanAdamson, BarryAdd N To (X)
AdeleAdelitas WayAdem
Ads, TheAdventure BabiesAdventures In Stereo
AerogrammeAfghan WhigsAFI
Afro, JackAfter HoursAfterglow
Age Of ChanceAgent BlueAgust, Daniel
Air (French)Air CavAir Traffic
Airborne Toxic Event, TheAirwavesAkela And The Cubs
Alabama 3Albarn, DamonAlbum Leaf, The
Alela DianeAlessi's ArkAlexander
Alexander 23AlexisonfireAli Love
Alice DonutAlien StadiumAliens, The (Soul)
Alive, HalfAll About EveAll American Rejects, The
All New Adventures Of Us, TheAll SmilesAll Traps Set
All TvvinsAll We AreAll-American Rejects, The
Allah-LasAllez AllezAllo Darlin'
Aloha HawaiiAlphaAlpha Machine, The
AlpinestarsAlps, TheAlt-J
AltastateAltered Hours, TheAlterkicks
AlunaGeorgeAlvin, PhilAlvvays
Amazing Snakeheads, TheAmazons, TheAmber Run
AmbershadesAmerican Analog Set, TheAmerican Hi-Fi
American Music ClubAmiinaAmp
Ampetameanies, TheAmplifierAmpop
AmsterdamAmusement Parks On FireAnastasia Screamed
AnberlinAnchoress, TheAncient Cities
Anderson, BrettAnderson, StewartAndrew W.K.
Angel Corpus ChristiAngelfishAngelica
Angels & AirwavesAnimal KingdomAnimals That Swim
AnnualsAnohniAnohni & The Johnsons
AnomoanonAnorak GirlAnother Sky
Another Sunny DayAnt (00s)Apartment
Apartment 26Apple BoutiqueApples In Stereo, The
ApplianceApplicators, TheAqualung
Arab StrapArbouretumArcade Fire
Arcana, OrchestraArcher, IainArchers Of Loaf
Archie Bronson OutfitArchitecture In HelsinkiArctic Monkeys
Ariel (90s)Ariel Pink's Haunted GraffitiArm, The
Armstrong, NicArmy Of MeArmy Of Summer, The
Arnalds, OlafurArnaulds, OlofArnold
Arrows (80S), TheArsenalArt Brut
Arthur BeatriceArticle 58As I Lay Dying
AsgeirAshAsh, Daniel
AshokAsobi SeksuAsphalt Ribbons
Assembly Line People ProgramAstbury, IanAstrid
AstronautAsylumsAt The Drive-In
Atlantic DashAtlantic ThrillsAtlas
Atlas SoundATOMAttack In Black
Attic LightsAttica RiotsAu Revoir Simone
Audience [US Indie], TheAudio BullysAudioslave
AudiowebAuerbach, DanAugustines
AustraAutamataAuteurs, The
AutokatAutomatic DlaminiAutomatics (Spanish)
Autumns, TheAvenged SevenfoldAvett Brothers, The
Aztec CameraB BoysB, Katy
BabeheavenBabes In ToylandBaby Animals
Baby BirkinBaby StrangeBabybird
BabyshamblesBachman, TalBack Street Crawler
Back to The PlanetBackseat Lovers, TheBad Brains
Bad CaesarBad CompanyBad Cop/Bad Cop
Bad LieutenantBad ReligionBad Sounds
Bad ThingsBadger, MikeBadly Drawn Boy
Badmarsh & ShriBag O ShellsBagpipe Operation
Bailey, ChrisBaker, JulienBalcony Stars, The
Ball, EdwardBallboyBallroom
Baltic FleetBand Of HorsesBand Of Pain
Bang Bang MachineBanksyBarat, The
BARCELONABark PsychosisBarker, Sophie
Barker, TravisBarlow, LouBarnett, Courtney
Basement, TheBastilleBastro
Bat For LashesBattleBattles
Baxter DuryBaxter, TomBay, James
Bazan, DavidBe Bop DeluxeBe Your Own Pet
Beach BabyBeach FossilsBeach House
Beach SkullsBeachbuggyBeachwood Sparks
Beady EyeBear HandsBear Quartet, The
Bear's DenBeat Hotel, TheBeatings
Beatnigs, TheBeatnik BeatchBeats For Beginners
Beautiful New Born ChildrenBeautiful PeopleBeauty Shop, The
BeckBedtime For ToysBee, Maple
BeefBeep BeepBeep Seals, The
Bees, The (00s)Beginner's Mynd, TheBeirut
Bell Book & CandleBell OrchestreBellamy, Matt
BellatrixBelle & SebastianBelles, The
Bellrays, TheBellringersBeme Seed
Ben & JasonBen FoldsBen Folds Five
Ben's BrotherBenediktsson, Einar OrnBenjamin Francis Leftwich
BennetBerkeleyBerlin, Jeff
BernthølerBerry, LouisBest Coast
Best FriendsBeta Band, TheBetchadupa
Beth Jeans HoughtonBetter Oblivion Community CenterBetter Than Ezra
BeulahBevis Frond, TheBeyond The Wizards Sleeve
BezBible ~TheBiffers
Biffy ClyroBig BlackBig City Rock
Big Damn CrazyweightBig DogBig Eyes
BIG HeatBig LeavesBig Linda
Big Moon, TheBig Paintings, TheBig Pink, The
Big Red MachineBig SurBig Talk
Big Zap!Bikini AtollBilge Pump
Billie The Vision & The DancerBilly MahonieBim
Bird And The Bee, TheBird AndrewBirdie
BishiBishops, The (00s)Bitch Magnet
Biting TonguesBitter RuinBitter Springs, The
Black AffairBlack Angels, TheBlack Arts, The
Black BananasBlack Box RecorderBlack Car
Black Country, New RoadBlack DanielBlack Dice
Black FrancisBlack Ghosts, TheBlack Grape
Black GrassBlack Heart ProcessionBlack Honey
Black KidsBlack Light BurnsBlack Lips
Black LungsBlack MountainBlack Nielson
Black PrairieBlack Rebel Motorcycle ClubBlack Velvets, The
Black WireBlack, DanBlackbud
BlackfieldBlaenavonBlah Blah Blah
Blake, JamesBlakes, TheBlameless
BlancheBlasko, SarahBlast Furnace & The Heatwaves
Blasters, TheBlaue BlumeBleachers
Bleeding Heart PigeonsBlessablessthefall
Blinders, TheBlindsideBlink 182
BlitzBlitz KidsBlitzkrieg Bop
BLOC PARTYBlockheads, TheBlonde Redhead
BlondesBlondshellBlood Arm, The
Blood On The WallBloody KneesBlossoms, Icky
BlubberBlue In HeavenBlue Orchids
Blue RosesBluebird Blueboy
Blues LawyerBlueskins, TheBluetones
Blunt, DeanBlunt, JamesBlur
BlurtBlusherBMX Bandits
Bobby Gillespie & Jehnny BethBobby Lees, TheBodeans
BodegaBodies, TheBodines
Body/HeadBOG-SHEDBohicas, The
Bombay Bicycle ClubBon MarcheBonaparte's
Bonde Do RoleBongos, TheBonnie Prince Billy
Boo Radleys, TheBooji Boy HighBook Of Lists, The
Bookhouse Boys, TheBoom Boom SatellitesBoorer, Boz
Boot CampBooth And The Bad AngelBooth, Tim
Border CrossingBored!Boredoms
Boss HogBoss, TheBouquet
Box Car RacerBoxed InBoxer Rebellion, The
BoyBoy CrisisBoy Kill Boy
Boyd Rice & Frank ToveyBoyfriends (00S), TheBoyfriends (70s), The
BoyracerBoysBPA The
BrackenBrad MehldauBradfield, James Dean
Bragg, BillyBraidsBrain Donor
Brakes (00s)Bran Van 3000Brand New
Brand, RussellBrandon SteepBrandtson
Bravery, TheBrawlersBraxton, Tyondai
Breaks Co-OpBreathe ElectricBreathless (Indie)
BreedBreed 77Brian Jonestown Massacre, The
BricolageBrides Of Destruction Bridewell Taxis, The
Bridge Gang, TheBriggs, BrianBright Eyes
Bright Light Social Hour, TheBright Like IceBrighter
Brincando De DeusBrinkmanBritish Whale
BroadcastBroadway ProjectBroderick, Peter
Broken BellsBroken Family Band, TheBroken Records
Broken Social SceneBroken TwinBrolin
Bromheads JacketBronco BullfrogBronx
Bronze Age FoxBrothers In SoundBrothers With Different Mothers, The
Broughton, David ThomasBrown V.V.Brown, Findlay
Brown, IanBruce, GabrielBruise
Brunettes, TheBubblemenBuck 65
Bucky JonsonBudapestBudd, Jersey
Budgie JacketBudos Band, TheBuff Medways, The
Buffalo TomBuffseedsBugg, Jake
BullBullBullet For My Valentine
Bumble & The BeezBumblebeezBureau
Burgess, TimBurnBurningpilot
Burrows, AndyBusch, TaraBush
Butler, BernardButler, RichardButler, Will
Butthole SurfersBy Coastal CafeBy The Sea
Byrds Of ParadiseC Cat TranceC Duncan
CableCadbury Sisters, TheCaesar
CaesarsCage The ElephantCagney And Lacee
Cajun Dance PartyCakeCalexico
Callahan, BillCallinan, Kirin JCalling, The
Calvi, AnnaCamera ObscuraCamp, Summer
Campbell, IsobelCampbell, WilliamCamper Van Beethoven
CanadiansCandle Thieves, TheCandles, The
Candlestick ParkCandylandCapdown
Capitol RecordsCaptail SoulCaptain
CaramelCarbon / SiliconCardigans, The
CareCaribouCarner, Loyle
CarolCarolina LiarCarrie
Carroll, CathCarroll, MarcCasablancas, Julian
Casanovas, TheCasino [00s]Cassels
CastCasual SexCat Power
Cat's MiaowCataldi, ClaudioCatatonia
CatchersCateran, TheCatfish And The Bottlemen
CatherineCatherine WheelCaves, The
CayCecilCee Lo Green
Celibate Rifles, TheCentro-MaticChad Smiths Bombastic Meatbats
Chadwick, GuyChain Of FlowersChalets, The
ChameleonsChampsChanges, The
ChantillyChapel ClubChapman Family, The
Chapman, KingsleyChapterhouseCharlatans, The
Charlie Boyer And The VoyeursCharlottes, TheChase & Status
ChavezCheap RedChecks, The
Cheek, TheCheetah ChromeChefs, The
Chemical Brothers, TheChemical PeopleCherry Ghost
ChestChet FakerChicks On Speed
Children Of 7, TheChilds, EurosChills, The
ChimpChina DrumChippington, Ted
Chocolate LayersChoir VandalsChomp
Choo Choo TrainChow ChowChris Shiflett & The Dead Peas
Chris SpeddingChristine And The QueensChristine's Cat
Christophers, BenChromaticsChrystal Belle Scrodd
ChumbawambaChungkingChupa Cabra
Churcher, JChuzzlewitCicada
Ciggie WitchCindytalkCinematic Orchestra, The
Cinematics, TheCineramaCinnamon
Cinnamon SmithCirca WavesCircuit Des Yeux
CirculusCirKus [Neneh Cherry]Clairo
ClamsClap Your Hands Say YeahClare, Alex
Clark, GavinClark, Hannah LouClark, Nigel
Clarke, DaveClarkesville Clayhill
Clean Cut KidClear SpotClient
ClienteleCLIENTELE, THEClimbers, The
ClinicClintonClive Langer And The Boxes
Clock OperaClocksClockwork Radio
ClogsClose LobsterscLOUDDEAD
Club 8Club, SlowCoast
CoastsCoathangers, TheCobra Starship
Codeine Velvet ClubCody ChesnuttCogasm (feat Robert Smith)
Cohen, JohnnyCola Boy (Sarah Cracknell)Cold War Kids
Collapsed LungCollett, JasonCollins, Edwyn
Color Fred, TheColour Of FireColour, The
ColourboxColours (Indie)Comanechi
ComateensCome Ons, TheComet Gain
Comet Is Coming, TheComfortCompulsive Gamblers
ComputerclubConcrete BlondeConcretes, The
Condo FucksConn BobbyConner, Will
Cook, BobbyCook, Will JosephCooltempo
Coombes, GazCooper Temple Clause, TheCop Shoot Cop
Cope, JulianCoping SawCopperpot Journals, The
Copy HahoCoral, TheCord
Corgan, BillyCornelius (Jap)Cornell, Chris
CornershopCornerstones, TheCorrecto
Cosmic Rough RidersCosmos, FrankieCosta, Matt
Costello, ElvisCott, GerryCotton Jones
CougarCoughlan, CathalCount & Sinden, The
Counterfeit Counting CrowsCours Lapin
Courteeners, TheCourtney, MartinCousteau
CovesCowboy JunkiesCowtown
Coxon, GrahamCoydogs, TheCracker
Cracknell, Sarah (St Etienne)CrackoutCraddock, Steve
Craft SpellsCranberries, TheCranebuilders
CrashlandsCrawlersCrawling Chaos
CrazyheadCreation RecordsCreatures, The
Creepy MoronsCribs, TheCrime & The City Solution
Crimea, TheCrispy AmbulanceCriteria
Cronin, MikalCrozier, JohnCrucifucks, The
Crystal CastlesCrystal FightersCrystal Method The
Cult, TheCumgirl8Cunniff, Jill
Cuomo, RiversCupid Mount EtnaCupp, Pat
CureCurrent 93Curve
Cut ChemistCut CopyCut Cut Emma
Cut WormsCygnet Ring, TheD Generation
D.D DumboD.N.A. DollD.O.T., The
D4, TheDacus, LucyDaft Punk
Daisy ChainsawDakota Oak TrioDali's Car
DamnarmsDamon & NaomiDan Baird & The Homemade Sin
Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius PipDananananaykroydDance, The
Dandelion FireDando, EvanDandy Warhols, The
Dandys, TheDangerdoomDangerfield, Fyfe
Danny & The Champions Of The WDanny George WilsonDanse Macabre (UK)
Dante ElephanteDappled CitiesDare, Douglas
Dark BlueDark Dark DarkDark Horses
Dark StarDarker My LoveDarkness
DarkstarDarling Buds, TheDartz
Dartz!Dashboard Saviors, TheDaughter
Dave GrohlDave KusworthDave McCabe & The Ramification
Davenport, BartDavid JDawn Of The Replicants
Dawson Kelly, NicDazzling Killmenddd
Deacon, DanDead 60's, TheDead Air
Dead By SunriseDead ComboDead Disco
Dead KidsDead Leaf EchoDead Man's Bones
Dead Poet SocietyDead RabbitsDead Rider
Dead!Deadly AvengerDeal, Big
Deap VallyDear EskiimoDears, The
Death And VanillaDeath Cab For CutieDeath Cult
Death Disco LtdDeath From Above 1979Death Of The Neighbourhood
Death RampsDeath Set, TheDeceivers, The
Decemberists, TheDeckardDeconstruction
Deep ElemDeeperDeerhunter
Deez, DarwinDeftonesDekka Danse
Del The Funky HomosapienDel-BloodsDelays
DelgadosDelicate VomitDelirious?
Delmonas, TheDelphicDelta
Delta SpiritDeltron 3030DeMarchi, Suze
DeMarco, MacDempseyDempsey, Damien
DenimDepartment Of EaglesDeparture, The
DeradoorianDerelicts, TheDesaparecidos
Desert Mountain TribeDesert SessionsDesperate Journalist
DestroyerDetroit Cobras, TheDetroit Social Club
DeusDevant, David & Spirit WifeDevendra Banhart
Devil's Jukebox, TheDevine & StattonDeVotchKa
DextersDiamanda GalasDiamond Watch Wrists
Dick DiverDickinson, RobDie So Fluid
Die! Die! Die!Diego RootsDiff'rent Darkness
Diff'rent StripesDifferent StrokesDiggle, Steve`
DiivDingus KhanDinosaur Jr
Dinosaur Pile-UpDiosDipsomaniacs
DirectorsoundDirt DevilsDirtbombs, The
Dirty HandsDirty Little FacesDirty Little Rabbits
Dirty PerfectDirty Pretty ThingsDirty Projectors
Dirty Rivers, TheDirty Stop OutDirty Three
Disco 2000Disco InfernoDisco Volante
Distillers, TheDistractions, TheDistrict, Kerrier
Ditch WitchDive DiveDivine Comedy, The
Dizzy Q ViperDJ SpinbadDK7
DMA'sDMXDo Me Bad Things
Dodgems, TheDodgyDoes It Offend You, Yeah?
DogDog Is DeadDogbones, The
DogsDogs Die In Hot CarsDoherty, Pete
Dolomite MinorDomino, AnnaDon Broco
Don MandarinDonderevoDone Lying Down
Donnelly, StellaDonuts, TheDonwood, Stanley
Doolittle, ElizaDopapodDosen, Stephanie
Double DaggerDouble, TheDougall, Rose Elinor
Douglas, CharlesDowie, JohnDr Dog
Dr Phibes & The House Of WaxDrab CityDragonette
Dragons (Indie)Drakkar SaunaDralms
DramaramaDraytones, TheDream City Film Club
Dream WifeDreamgrinderDrenge
DressmakerDressy BessyDrever, Kris
Drift (90s), TheDrifter (feat Shaun Ryder)Drinking Electricity
DrinksDrips, TheDrive Thru
Drive-By ArgumentDroneDrones (00S Rock), The
DropDrowning PoolDrug Free America
DrugstoreDrum, TheDrummond, Bill
Drums, TheDry CleaningDub Pistols
DuBarrys, TheDubstarDucktails
Duckworth Lewis Method, TheDuelsDuet Emmo
Duff, PatrickDuffy (Pop)Duke & The King, The
Duke SpecialDuke Spirit, TheDukes Of Hang-Gliding, The
Dum.DumsDumb NumbersDump
DumptruckDungenDust Bros. (pre-Chemicals)
Dust GalaxyDustballDweeb
Dykeenies, TheDylansDZ Deathrays
E (pre Eels)EagleowlEagulls
Earl BrutusEarlies, TheEarls Of Suave
Early YearEarth The Californian Love Earth, The
EarthboundEast River PipeEastern Dark, The
Eastern HollowsEastern LaneEasyworld
EatEat Lights Become LightsEavis, Michael
EchelonEcho & The BunnymenEchobelly
EchoboyEclipseEcstasy Of Saint Theresa, The
Eden (Oz)Eden House, TheEditors
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic ZEelsEerie Wanda
EfterklangEggsEgyptian Hip Hop
EiafuawnEight Rounds RapidEighteen Visions
Eilish, BillieEitzel, MarkEitzel, Mark & Buck, Peter
El GuinchoEl HulaEl Presidente
ElasticaElavator SuiteElbow
ElckaElected, TheElectrafixion
ElectrelaneElectric CrayonsElectric Eel Shock
Electric Mainline, TheElectric Music AKAElectric Six
Electric Soft Parade, TheElectric WurmsElectric Youth
ElektraElephantElephant (90s)
ElikaElla GuruElle Milano
Elle S'appelleEllery BopElliot Minor
Elliott, MattEllister, JackElvis Hitler
EmbraceEmerEmerson, Darren
EmilyEmmy The GreatEmotionals, The
Empire Of The SunEmpressEnd Of Fashion
Enemy, TheEngericaEngine Room, The
EngineersEnglish TeacherEnigk, Jeremy
Enter ShikariEnter The HaggisEnvelopes
Envy & other SinsEnvy Of The StateEpworth, Mary
Eric's TripErrorErrors
Esben And The WitchEscape The FateEsmerelda's Kite
ESP SummerEssence, TheEsser
EtherEthereal And The Queer ShowEugene + The Lizards
EulaEvans The DeathEven As We Speak
Every Move A PictureEverything EverythingEverything Is Made In China
Evil CowardsEvil SuperstarsEx-Action Figures
Exclamation PonyExileInsideExist
Exit CalmExLoversExperimental Audio Research
Explorers Club, TheExplosion, TheExplosions In The Sky
Extra Glenns, TheEyes AdriftFabulous
Face To Face (80s Pop)FactoryFad Gadget
Faith, PalomaFake IdealFake Problems
Falconer, AndyFalkner, JasonFall Out Boy
Fallon, BrianFallout TrustFalls
False AdvertisingFamily Fodder, TheFamily Rain, The
Family Silver, TheFan DeathFangclub
FannypackFans Of KateFarm, The
FastbacksFastballFat Dog
Fat LesFather John MistyFaux Hoax
Fear Of MusicFeatures, TheFeeder
Feeling, TheFeistFeline
Feline JiveFeltFelt Pilotes
Fenech-SolerFever RayFever, The
Ffa Coffi PawbFFSFicek, Adam
Fiction [Indie]Fiction FamilyFiction Plane
Field MiceField MusicFields Of The Nephilim
Fierce PandaFiery Furnaces, TheFight! (Various Artists)
Film SchoolFilm, TheFilms, The
FilterFinFinch (US)
Finer, JemFinitribeFionn Regan
FIRFire Theft, TheFire, The
Firm, The (Rock)First Aid KitFirst Church Of Napoleon Solo
Fist CityFive For FightingFive O'clock Heroes
Five ThirtyFlaming Stars, TheFlamingods
Flat WormsFlatpackFleet Foxes
Flesh For LuluFlies, TheFlightcrank
Flights Of The ConchordsFlinchFlint
FlipperFlorence + The MachineFlowered Up
Flowers In The DustbinFlowers, BrandonFluffy
Fluid OuncesFlumeFlux Of Pink Indians
Flying ColorFlying LotusFlying Saucer Attack
Flying Vinyl [Label]FlyleafFlynn, Johnny
Foetus (+incarnations of)Foo FightersFools Dance
For AgainstFor My PainFord, David
Foreign BornForeign PressForster Robert
Fort LauderdaleFortuneForward Russia
Fountains Of WayneFour Day HombreFourteen Iced Bears
Fox CubsFoxboro Hot TubsFoxes
FoxingFrame, RoddyFrames
Francis, SageFrancois & The Atlas MountainsFrank And Walters, The
FRANK BLAKEFrank Popp Orchestra, TheFranke
Frankie & The HeartstringsFranklin, AdamFrankmusik
Franz FerdinandFratellis, TheFrausdots
Fray, TheFree French, TheFreelance Whales
Freeland, AdamFreewheelin' Mark ArmFrench Kicks
FreschardFretwell, StephenFreya Aswynn
Friday, GavinFridgeFriedberger, Matthew
Friendly FiresFriends Of The FamilyFrightened Rabbit
From Autumn To AshesFronteersFrost, Liam
Fruit BatsFruit BombFryars
Fucked UpFucking AM, TheFugazi
FuguFujiya & MiyagiFuneral For A Friend
Funeral PartyFur BibleFurse, Tom
Future IslandsFuture Kings Of SpainFuture Museums
Future Of The LeftFuture Pilot AKAFuture Punx
Futureheads, TheFutureshockFuxa
FuzzyGa Ga's, TheGAK
Galaxie 500Gallagher, LiamGallagher, Noel
GallowsGamma Rays, TheGang Of Youths
Gano, GordonGarbageGardener, Mark
Garratt, JackGarside, KatiejaneGary Go
Gaslight Anthem, TheGately, KatieGavin Rossdale
Gay DadGaye Bykers On AcidGayngs
GeeseGeezers Of NazarethGel
GeneGene Loves JezebelGeneva
GengahrGentle Despite Gentle Electric
Gentle Good, TheGentle Waves, TheGeorgia's Horse
Get Cape. Wear Cape. FlyGet Up Kids, TheGet Well Soon
Ghost (00S), TheGhost DanceGhost Frequency, The
Ghostface KillahGhostsGiant Drag
Giant SandGiants (Rock)Gibbard, Benjamin
Gigolo AuntsGilbert & LewisGilbert, Bruce
Gilded LilGillbanksGimpo
Gin BlossomsGinn, GregGioco
Girl With Blue GuitarGirlpoolGirls
Girls Against BoysGirls At Dawn, TheGirls, The
GirlsonDrugsGisliGlass Animals
GlideGlide & SwerveGliss
Gnarls BarkleyGo Hole, TheGo Kart Mozart
Go! Team, TheGo, TheGo-Betweens
Go-Team, TheGo: AudioGoa Express, The
God Help The GirlGod MachineGodard Vic
Goddard, JoeGods Ultimate NoiseGODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR
Goffey, DannyGogol BordelloGold Blade
Gold, GwilymGoldenGolden Dawn, The (UK)
Golden GhostGolden GrrrlsGolden Smog
Golden Virgins, TheGoldfingerGoldfrapp
Goldheart AssemblyGoldie Lookin' ChainGoldrush
Golightly, HollyGomezGonjasufi
González, JoséGoo Goo DollsGoober & The Peas
Good CharlotteGood ShoesGood, Matthew
GoodBooksGoodbye Mr. MackenzieGoodwin, Jimi
Gordon, KimGordon, NinaGorillaz
Gorky's Zygotic MynciGossip, TheGoswell, Rachel
GotyeGraceGrace Potter & The Nocturnals
Gracie, IsaacGraffin, GregGrainger, Sebastien
Gramercy ArmsGrammaticsGranby Row
Grand DriveGrand DuchyGrand National
Grand OralGrand Theft AudioGrand Western
GranddaddyGrandpaboyGrant Lee Buffalo
Grant, JohnGrass-ShowGrates, The
GraysGreat Depression, TheGreat Outdoors, The
Grech, MartinGreenGreen Day
Green SeagullGreen, Adam Green, Anthony
Greep, GeordieGretschen HofnerGrey, Rudolph
Grim BridesGrim Northern Social, TheGrimes
Grizzly BearGroovy Little Numbers, TheGrouplove
Grove, EdithGrovesGrovesnor
Grown UpsGuardsGuillemots
Gutter Twins, TheGwennoGym Class Heroes
Gyres, TheH. HawklineH.P. Zinker
Hacienda Club, TheHackman, MarikaHadouken!
Hadoukin!Hagerty, NeilHaggard Cat
Hair & Skin Trading CompanyHair, TheHairy Hands
HalHalda, YndiHalf Cousin
Halliday, ToniHaloHammond Jr. Albert
Handsome Boy Modeling SchoolHannon, NeilHansen, Mary
HAPHappy FamiliesHappy Hate Me Nots
Happy MondaysHappy MondaysHappydeadmen
HappylifeHar Mar SuperstarHarcourt, Ed
Hard Quartet, TheHard-FiHarris, Calvin
Harrison, DhaniHarrisonsHart, Grant
Hartnoll, PaulHarvey DangerHarvey Williams
Harvey, P.J.Hatcham SocialHater (Swedish)
Hatherley, CharlotteHavana GunsHaven
Hawkins, TaylorHawthorne HeightsHayes, Gemma
Hayman, DarrenHaynes, GibbyHazel (Indie)
Head And The Heart, TheHead, MichaelHeadless
Headless HeroesHeadswimHealy, Fran
Heartbreaks, TheHeartwormsHeatmiser
HeavenlyHeavensHeavy Circles, The
Heavy Heavy, TheHeavy StereoHeavy, The
Heb-HexHecker, MaximilianHeebie Jeebies, The
HefnerHeights, TheHelen Love
HeleneHelio Sequence, TheHell Is For Heroes
Hellacopters, TheHellfire SermonsHello Saferide
HellogoodbyeHelmetHelp She Can't Swim
HelvetiaHer Space HolidayHer Tears
Herbert, MatthewHercules And Love AffairHere We Go Magic
Herpburns, theHerzfieldHest, Ari
Hewerdine, Boo Hewick, KevinHey Gravity!
Hey MondayHeys, TheHidden Cameras, The
Hidden Charms (00S)Hiding PlaceHigh And Lonesome, The
High Fidelity, TheHigh HazelsHigh Llamas, The
Higher, TheHiller, HolgerHillside
Hindu Love GodsHinnies, TheHitchcock, Robyn
Holloways, TheHollywood, Mon AmourHolmes, David
Hologram TeenHolter, JuliaHoly Barbarians
Holy FuckHoly Ghost RevivalHoly Motors, The
Holy MountainHoly WaveHoney Pot, The
HoneybloodHoneymoon, TheHoobostank
Hoosiers, TheHooverphonicHope Of The States
Hope SandovalHopkins, JonHopper, Kev
Horizontalist, TheHormones, TheHorns Of Happiness, The
Horntveth, LarsHorrors, TheHorse Thief
Horse, StalkingHostages, TheHot Chip
Hot Club De ParisHot Hot HeatHot Leg
Hot SnakesHotrats, TheHour, Woman's
Hours, TheHouse Of FreaksHouse Of Love, The
House Of MexicoHow I Became The BombHow To Dress Well
Howard, BenHoward, BrittanyHowler
Howlett, LiamHowling BellsHTRK
Hubbards, TheHug, SusieHuggy Bear
Hugo LargoHuld, HafdisHuman Hearts, The
HumanziHummingbirds, TheHundred Reasons
Hunna, TheHunt, MilesHunx And His Punx
Hurricane #1HurtHurts
Hush Sound, TheHusker DuHuskies
Hussey, WayneHyacinth Girls, TheHybirds, The
HydroplaneHypnotoneI Am Arrows
I Blame CocoI Can CrawlI Dont Know How But They Found Me
I Like TrainsI MonsterI'm From Barcelona
I'm So HollowIces, LiaIcicle Works, The
IdentityIdiot PilotIdle Hands, The
Iglu & HartlyIha, JamesIkara Colt
IliketrainsIll EaseIllion
Illuminati HottiesIMA RobotImmediate, The
ImmenseImperial DragIn Aura
In The NurseryIncredible Force Of JuniorIncubus
Inner Sleeve (Indie)InoukInrain
Inspiral CarpetsInstituteIntastella (feat Shaun Ryder)
Intentions Of An AsteroidInternational AirportInternational Noise Conspiracy
InterpolInto ParadiseInvasion
InventionsInvisible, TheIrah
Irrepressibles, TheIs BlissIslands
Isles, TheIsletIsotope Soap
It Hugs BackIvories, TheIvy
Izumi/KazJ MascisJ Xaverre
Jack And The BeanstalkJack Of GeeksJackdaw With Crowbar
Jacknife LeeJackson UnitedJacques Caramac
Jagwar MaJah DivisionJahcoozie
Jai-Alai Savant, TheJaillJain
JakobinarinaJamaican QueensJames
James Taylor's 4th DimensionJames, JimJames, Matt
James, RichardJamie xxJane Pow
Janes AddictionJansen, LauraJanuary
Japanese House, TheJapanese Popstars, TheJarv Is
Jason DownsJawsJay Reatard
Jay, MatthewJazawakiJazzateers
Jeanette (80s)Jeff KleinJeff The Brotherhood
JegaJellyfishJellys The
JenifereverJennifersJenny And Johnny
Jeremiah, JonathanJerkcurbJerusalem And The Starbaskets
Jessie JJesus & Mary Chain, TheJesus Jones
Jesus Lizard, TheJetJet Johnson
Jetplane LandingJib KidderJim Bob
Jim Jones Revue, TheJim's Super StereoworldJimmy Chamberlin Complex
Jimmy Eat WorldJive TurkeyJJ (Swedish)
JJ72Joan As Police WomanJoanna Gruesome
JocastaJoe Lean & The Jing Jang JongJoeyfat
John And MaryJohn Austin RutledgeJohn McCullagh And The Escorts
John PowerJohn Steel Singers, TheJohn Vincent III
Johnny BoyJohnny ForeignerJohnny Panic
Johnson, JackJohnson, MattJohnston, Daniel
Johnston, ZoeJon Spencer Blues ExplosionJonathan Fire Eater
Jones KellyJones, PatrickJones, Phil
Jones, RodJonnyJonny Greenwood
Joseph, MarkJoseph, RuarriJosephine
JouisJoy DivisionJoy Zipper
JoylandJoyRiderJuan McLean, The
Jubilee AllstarsJukesJules Gary
Juliette And The LicksJune [US Indie]June [US Punk]
Junior SeniorJuniper LeafJuniper Moon
JunketJupiter OneJurado, Damien
Jury, MaxJust JackJust Measurers, The
Just MustardJustified Ancients Of Mu MuJustin Sullivan
K FoundationK.L.F.K.U.K.L.
KadKaiser ChiefsKaito
KalevKalimaKane, Miles
KapowskiKaptain BlackKaputt
Karelia, TheKaren MeatKasabian
Kayo DotKCRWKealer
Keane (00s)Kelly, EugeneKenickie
KennaKennedy, JonKerbdog
KeuningKevin ShieldsKid British
Kid CarpetKid ChampionKid Galahad
Kid HarpoonKid KoalaKid Symphony
Kids In Glass HousesKilgour, DavidKill City
Kill It KidKill JKill The Arcade
Killdeer, PhoebeKillers, TheKilling Heidi
Kills, TheKindnessKinesis
King AdoraKing Biscuit TimeKing Blues, The
King CreosoteKing KruleKing Midas
King Of The SlumsKingdomsKingmaker
Kings Of ConvenienceKings Of Infinite Space, TheKings Of Leon
KingsizeKinky MachineKiosk
Kissaway Trail, TheKitchens Of DistinctionKitt David
Kittens Got ClawsKitty, Daisy & LewisKlangstof
Klaus Johann GrobeKlaxonsKMFDM
Knife, TheKo Ko MoKobai
KontakteKooks, TheKoopa
Koreans, TheKornKorova Milk Bar
Kowalczyk, EdKray, BobbyKubb
KubichekKula ShakerKYO
KyteL'imperatriceL'Orange Mechanik
L7LA PriestLa Roux
La'sLady & BirdLadyfuzz
LadyhawkeLaika DogLalleshwari
LaMontagne, RayLand Of TalkLandshapes
Lanegan, MarkLanterns On The LakeLaptop
Larkin, SkyLarrikin LoveLas Kellies
Last Shadow Puppets, TheLast Town ChorusLast Year's Diary
Late Cord, TheLate Greats, TheLate Of The Pier
Lathums, TheLatimer HouseLaugh
Laurel Collective, TheLavelle, JamesLavender Diamond
Lavolta LakotaLaw, TheLawrie, Pete
LazyLazycameLCD Soundsystem
Le Bon, CateLe NeonLe Tigre
Leaf Library, TheLeary, PaulLeaves
LeBlanc, DylanLee, BenLee, Shawn
Lee, ShirleyLegendary Jim Ruiz Group, TheLeila
Leisure BirdsLeisure Society, TheLeithauser, Hamilton
Lekman, JensLemon Twigs, TheLemonheads, The
Lennon, SeanLerche, SondreLes Big Byrd
Les Disques Du CrépusculeLes Enfants TerriblesLes Grys-Grys
Les Rythmes DigitalesLet's Go To WarLevellers, The
Levi, PopLevinhurstLevitation
LevyLewis, AndyLewis, Jenny
Li, LykkeLiaisons DangereusesLiam Gallagher & John Squire
Liam LynchLianne La HavasLiars
Libertines, TheLifeLifehouse
Lightning DustLightning Seeds, TheLights
LightsLightspeed ChampionLike, The
Lilac TimeLily LiverLily, A
LindenLinear (Indie)Linkin Park
LinoleumLinus LovesLiquid Liquid
Lisa BrownLissieLit
LithopsLittle AxeLittle Big Band
Little BootsLittle CometsLittle Dragon
Little FlamesLittle Flames, TheLittle Girls
Little Green CarsLittle HellLittle Jackie
Little JoyLittle Man TateLittle Matador
Little Million, TheLittle RedLiu Bei
LiveLlama FarmersLloyd, Alex
Lloyd, DuncanLloyd, JohnnyLNZNDRF
Lo-FangLocksleyLodger, The
loftLoftLoft, The
LokomotivLol Tolhurst X Budgie X Jacknife LeeLola Colt
LomaxLondon GrammarLone Official
Lonely Island, TheLonesome Organist, TheLoney, Dear
Long Blondes, TheLong RangeLong Weekend, The
Look, TheLooperLoose Fur
Loose Salute, TheLord Cut-GlassLord Newborn & Magic Skulls
Lori & The ChameleonsLorraineLos Campesinos
Los GusanosLost Boys, TheLost Horizons
Lost Loved OnesLostprophetsLott, Pixie
LouieLouis XIVLoungs, The
Louris, GaryLove & Rocketslove corporation
Love CupLove Family, TheLove Is All
LovemeknotsLovers, CocoLovers, The
LowLow Flying OwlsLow Miffs, The
LowcraftLowe, AlexLower Than Atlantis
LR RocketsLucid Dream, TheLucius
Luck Of Eden Hall, TheLucky JimLucky Pierre
Lucky SoulLudesLuke Haines
LulaboxLunaLuna Twist
Lung LegLung, FrancisLupen Crook
Luscious JacksonLushLustmord
LustsLuyas, TheLyca Sleep
Lynch, DavidLytle, JasonM.A.S.S.
M83Ma Cherie For PaintingMaccabees, The
MacDonald, AmyMad Capsule Markets, TheMad Scene, The
MadactionMadder RoseMadrugada
MaeMagic CastlesMagic Hour
Magic KidsMagic Numbers, TheMagik Markers, The
MagnapopMagnetMagnetic North Pole
MagnetophoneMagnificents, TheMagnolia Electric Co.
MagnusMagooMains Ignition
MainstreamMajor AccidentMake Good Your Escape
Male BondingMale Nurse, TheMalin, Jesse
Malkmus, StephenMallinder, StephenMalluka
MammutMan & The EchoMan Like Me
Man ManMan Or AstromanManhattan Love Suicides, The
Manic St PreachersManicured NoiseMankato
Manning. Jr, Roger JosephMansionsManson, Shirley
MansunMantarayMap Room, The
MapsMaps & AtlasesMarah
March Violets, TheMarcy PlaygroundMardie, Montt
Mardous, TheMaria, IdaMarine
Marine LifeMariner's Children, TheMarion
Marjorie FairMark Burgess & The Sons Of GodMark Burgess & Yves Altana
Marling, LauraMarmaduke DukeMarnie
Marnie, HelenMaroon 5MarthaGunn
Martinis, TheMartland, SteveMasai
MascottMass GothicMasterson, Adam
Matchbook RomanceMates Of StateMath And Physics Club
Matmos MattafixMatthew Sawyer And The Ghosts
Matthews, CerysMatthews, EricMatthews, Scott
MaximMaximo ParkMaximum Balloon
Maybes? TheMazzy StarMcAlmont & Butler
McAlmont, DavidMcCarthyMcCombs, Cass
McCoy, TravieMcCulloch, IanMcGowan, Sean
McIntosh RossMcLennan, GrantMcLusky
McManus, JackMcMorrow, James VincentMD7
Me First & The Gimme Gimme'sMeasures, TheMeat Puppets
Meat WhiplashMechanical BrideMedal
Medalark ElevenMedicineMedium 21
Meets GuitarMeighan, TomMeister
Meloy, ColinMelting HopefulsMembers, The
Memory TapesMenMen (US), The
Men Without PantsMen Women & ChildrenMenace Beach
MenomenaMenswearMercenary Skank
MerchandiseMercury RevMercy Arms
Merrick, TonyMerriweather, DanielMerrylees, The
MerrymouthMerzMescalitas, The
Metal GurusMethod Actors, TheMetric
Metric, AlexMetro RiotsMetronomy
Metros, TheMewMGMT
MiceMice ParadeMichelle
MicrodisneyMiddle Class RutMiddle Kids
Middleton, MalcolmMiddleton, TomMidget
MidlakeMidnight JuggernautsMidnight, The
MIENMighty Fall, TheMighty Mighty
Mighty Mighty Bosstones, TheMighty Roars, TheMiike Snow
MikaMilburnMilk, The
MillencolinMiller, MistyMillion Dead
MillionaireMills, CrispianMilltown Brothers
Minders, TheMinistryMink Lungs
Minny PopsMinor VictoriesMinotaur Shock
Minotour ShockMint ChicksMinus Five, The
MinutemanMiracle FortressMiracle Glass Company
Miracle LegionMiranda, HollyMirrorkicks
Miserable Rich, TheMispers, TheMiss Black America
Misty DixonMisty's Big AdventureMitski
MOMo Ho Bish O PiMock Turtles, The
Mockasin, ConnanMOCOModern Art
Modern ManModern StudiesModern, The
Modest MouseModey LemonMoffat, Aidan John
MoistMojave 3Moldy Peaches, The
Molina, JasonMolokoMona
MonacoMondo GeneratorMoney (Indie)
Money MarkMongrelMonkey [Gorillaz]
Monnone AloneMono EffectoMono Men, The
MonorailMonster BobbyMonsters Of Folk
Montrose Avenue, TheMoog Cook BookMoon Seven Times, The
Moon, WillyMoondog Jr.Moondoggies, The
Moonlandingz, TheMoons, TheMoonshake
MOORE, JOHNMoore, ThurstonMoose
Moreau's IslandMoren, PeterMorgans
Morning After Girls, TheMorning Benders, TheMorning Dew, The (Folk)
Morning Paper, TheMorning RunnerMorriss, Mark
Moss Poles, TheMother MotherMother Superior
Moths, TheMotion City SoundtrackMotion Pictures (00s)
Motorettes, TheMould, BobMoulettes
Mount Vernon Arts LabMountain TamerMountaineers, The
Mouse On MarsMouth [Punk]Movietone
Moving Jelly Brothers, TheMoving UnitsMr David Viner
Mr FoggMr HudsonMr Quark
Mucho MachoMuchuuMulcahy, Mark
Mull Historical SocietyMultivizionMulvey, Nick
MumMum & DadMumford & Sons
Mumm-RaMundyMurder By Death
Murder Capital, TheMurder City Devils, TheMurder Inc
Murphy, PeterMurry The HumpMuse
MushroomheadMusicMusic For Aborigines
Music Go MusicMuslimgauzeMute Drivers
Mute MathMutha's Day OutMutton Birds, The
Mutts, TheMy ArchitectsMy Awesome Compilation
My Bloody ValentineMy Chemical RomanceMy Computer
My Drug HellMy JerusalemMy Latest Novel
My Life StoryMy Morning Jacket My Pretty Finger
My Red CellMy Sad CaptainsMy Vitriol
MyloMysterines, TheMystery Jets
N-DubzN.A.S.A.Nada Surf
Naked And Famous, TheNaked Apes TheNaked I
Naked LunchNaked See, TheNames
Nancy BoyNapoleon IIIrdNash, Kate
NataliaNathan HainesNational, The
NattyNearly Featuring Jerome DillonNed's Atomic Dustbin
NefilimnEGAPADRES.3.3.Neighbourhood (Rock), The
Neil HalsteadNeils ChildrenNeko Case
Nelson, BillNeon NeonNeon Trees
Nes, SiljeNetwork, TheNeutral Milk Hotel
NeutralsNeverthemoreNew Cassettes
New Fast Automatic DaffodilsNew Model ArmyNew Moscow
New OrderNew RhodesNew Young Pony Club
Newman, ColinNewman, JohnNewpolitans, The
NFDNicholas, GrantNickel Eye
Nicole, RemiNid Madagascar Nieves
Nigel Of BermondseyNight Marchers, TheNight Sun
Nightblooms, TheNightboxNightmare Of You
NightnurseNilon BombersNine Black Alps
Nine Inch NailsNirvana (US)Nivens (1990S), The
Nixey, SarahNizlopiNo Age
No LocalNo RomeNo Way Sis
No1 SonNoah And The WhaleNoble Krell, The
Noir, JimNoize, BoysNon
Nord ExpressNorthern Picture LibraryNorthern Uproar
NorthsideNothing But ThievesNotwist, The
Nova MobNovakNovember Group
Now It's OverheadNuNumber 4 Joystreet
Number One CupNurse With WoundNut
Nuthins, TheNutini, PaoloNyam Nyam
Nylon PylonO FracasO'Hagan, Sean
O'Rourke, JimO, KarenOasis (UK)
ObiOccasion, TheOcean Colour Scene
Ocean Party, TheOctopusOdell, Tom
OdeszaOf Arrowe HillOf Montreal
Official Secrets, TheOh OkOh Wonder
OHMOkkervil RiverOldham, Will
OlivelawnOlivia Tremor Control, TheOlympic Lifts
OmertaOn Offs, TheOne Day As A Lion
One Lady OwnerOne Minute SilenceOne Night Only
Onward InternationalOobermanOpal
Open HandOpen In ObscurityOpen, The
OperahouseOperation IvyOperator Please
Operators, TheOPMOpossom
OrabgeOrange Lights, TheOrbital
Orbo Equitum SolisOrchids, TheOrdinary Boys, The
Organ, TheOriginal Bedroom RockersOriginal Mirrors
Orlando (90s)OrnamentOrson
Orton, BethOscillation, TheOther Two, The
Ottewell, BenOTTOOu Est Le Swimming Pool
Ounsworth, AlecOur Broken GardenOur Favourite Band
Our GirlOur Lady PeaceOur Lunar Activities
Out With MummyOutsiders, TheOwen
Owl & MouseOwlsOxfam Glamour Models
Pains Of Being Pure At HeartPajoPalace
Palace (Alt Rock)PALACE BROTHERSPalace Fires
Palace SongsPale Fountains, ThePale Waves
PalehoundPallett, OwenPalmer, Amanda
PaloaltoPalookas, ThePanama Wedding
Panic At The DiscoPanic Channel, ThePanics, The
Papa MPapas FritasPaper Cuts
Paper Kites, TheParade, MorningParadise Motel
Paramount StylesPark, PatrickParlotones, The
Parquet CourtsParsley SoundParty Of One
ParvaPassengerPassengers, The
Passion OrangePassion PitPast Life
PastelsPatch WilliamPatrick & Eugene
Pattern Forms, ThePattern, ThePatterson, Esme
PeachesPearl (Ex Powder)Pearly Gate Music
Pearson, Josh T.PecadiloesPeck Of Snide
Peculiar, VinnyPedroPeggy Sue
PellumairPen NamePendulum
Penelope's WebPeptalkPerfect Son
PerformancePerfumePerfume Genius
Perishers, ThePerkins, ElvisPermanent Clear Light
Persson, NinaPet LambPete And The Pirates
Peter & The Test Tube BabiesPeter Bjorn And JohnPeter Nooten and Michael Brook
Peter Wolf-CrierPeters, MarkPeth, The
Petite NoirPhair, LizPhantom Band, The
Phantom LimbPhantom Planet Pheromoans, The
Philadelphia Grand JuryPhillips, Britta & Wareham, DPhillips, Grant-Lee
Phillipson, Petra JeanPhonesPhonotype
Piano MagicPickeral, MarkPictish Trail, The
Pictures, SymphonicPiePig
PigbrosPigeon Detectives, ThePigeonhead
Pin Me DownPinesPines, The
PinheadPink GreasePink Kross
Pink TeensPINSPioneer Corps
PioneersPipettes, ThePippa
Pizzy YelliotPlaceboPlague Of Fools
PlaidPlan BPlan, The
Planes Mistaken For StarsPlastic ToysPlay Dead
Players (Jam)PlaymatesPleasure
Pleasure Heads, ThePlutoPošta, František
Poem RocketPolachek, CarolinePolak
Pollock, EmmaPolonsky, JonnyPolyphonic Spree, The
PolysicsPondPond (00s)
Pony ClubPonys, ThePooka
Pop UnknownPop Will Eat ItselfPop Will Eat Itself
Pope, TimPopgunsPoppy & The Jezebels
Poppy ControlPoppy FieldsPopular Workshop
PorchesPorcupinePorridge Radio
Port O'BrienPortion ControlPortishead
Portugal. The ManPosiesPositiva
Positive BoredomPossum MoodsPost War Glamour Girls
Postal Service, ThePoster ChildrenPowder
Power, ElfPowerspacePownall, Alan
PrawnPre New, ThePregnancy
PresencePresidents Of The USAPreston School Of Industry
Pretty & TwistedPretty Girls Make GravesPride And Glory
Primal ScreamPrimitive PartsPrimus
Prinzhorn Dance SchoolPritchard, LaurenPROBOT
ProdigyProfessor GreenProhibition
Project KateProjects, TheProper Ornaments, The
ProtocolProud MaryPrudes, The
PsappPsyched Up JanisPsychedelic Furs, The
Psychedelic Porn CrumpetsPsychedelic Schafferson Jetplane, ThePsychonauts
Psychotic YouthPublic Access T.V.Public Service Broadcasting
PugwashPukes, ThePull Tiger Tail
Pulled Apart By HorsesPulpPulsallama
PumarosaPure MorningPure Rubbish
PuressencePurple, AlvinPuscifer
PusherPushermanPushkins, The
Pussy GalorePWRFL PowerPyke, Josh
Pyramids, The [Indie]PyyramidsQuails, The
QuakersQuando QuangoQuasi
Quaye, FinleyQueen AdreenaQueen, Baby
Queens Of The Stone AgeQuicksandQuilt
Quin, RichardQuinlan, FrancesR.E.M.
Rabbi Joseph GordanRACRaconteurs, The
Radar Bros.Radial SpangleRadiator
Radiator HospitalRadical DanceRadio 4
Radio Dept, TheRadishRage Against The Machine
Railway Children, TheRain ParadeRainbow Family, The
Rakes, The (Indie)Ramainz TheRammstein
Randolph's LeapRank And FileRapeman
RareRascals, The [2000s]Rat Boy
RatatatRattleRaveonettes The
Raw-TRawlings, FlorenceRay
RaymondeRaymonde, SimonRays, James
Razor 18RazorcutsRazorlight
RazzRead YellowReal Estate
Real People, TheReal Tuesday Weld, TheReal TV
Red AlertRed BeatRed Bee Society
Red GuitarsRed Lorry Yellow LorryRed Organ Serpent Sound
Red Red MeatRed Turns To...Redd Kross
RedefineReds, Pinks And Purples, TheReed, Eli Paperboy
ReefReeve OliverReflections (Rock), The
Reggie And The Full EffectRegular FriesReid, Jim
Relatives TheRelaxed MuscleReminders
RemmaRendall, TallulahRenegade Soundwave
Renney, LucasRenoRentals, The
RepairmanRepeater, AirbombReplacements
ReplicasRepublic Of LooseResearch, The
Rest, TheRetro StefsonReuben
Reuben And The DarkRev, MartinRevelations, The
RevengeReverend And The MakersRevl9n
Rex Orange CountyReynolds, AnthonyReznor, Trent
RhodesRhodes, LouRhys, Gruff
RialtoRice, DamienRiceboy Sleeps
Richard HawleyRichard Reed ParryRick Witter And The Dukes
RideRifles, TheRiis, Bjorn
Rilo KileyRing, PurityRingenberg, Jason
RipchordRipps, TheRises
Rival SchoolsRiverRizzle Kicks
RoamRobert HaighRobocop Kraus, The
Rock Of Travolta, TheRocket From The CryptRocket Science
Rodrguez-Lopez, OmarRodrigo Y GabrielaRoe, Pete
Rogue WaveRoland ShanksRolo Tomassi
Romance, TheRon SexsmithRooney
Rooney, PaulRoosterRory Commadore
Rose, JackRose, LucyRosita
Rossi, AnniRossiter, MartinRoswell, Sterling
Rote KapelleRothkoRotters, The
Rough TradeRound, CarinaRowland S. Howard
Royal TruxRoyal We, TheRoyworld
RPA & The United Nations Of SoRub UltraRubber Rodeo
RubicksRudimentalRuling Class, The
Rumble Strips, TheRushes, TheRustic Overtones
Ruth Ellis Swing Band, TheRVSRyder Shaun
Ryder-Jones, BillRzeznik, JohnS-M-A-S-H
S.L.P., TheSaboteurs, TheSabre, Maverick
Sad Lovers & GiantsSad PennySadier, Laetitia
Safe Distance, TheSahara NightsSailor & I
Saint Leonard's HorsesSaint LowSaint Pepsi
Saint RaymondSaint RoseSaint Sister
Sally SkullSam MortonSamurai Seven The
San CiscoSantigoldSarah Records
Sartain, DanSatin Peaches, TheSaturday Morning Pictures
Savage RepublicSavage, A.Saves The Day
Savoir AdoreSay AnythingSay Hi
Say Lou LouSay Sue MeSBTRKT
Scala & Kolacny BrothersScannersScarfo
Scarlet DivisionScarlet RebelsScars On Broadway
Scattergood, PollyScentsScheller, Oscar
School Of LanguageSchool Of Seven BellsSchool, The
Scissor SistersScott 4Scouting For Girls
ScratchScream & DanceScreaming Lights
Screaming Tea PartyScreaming TreesScreen 3
SCREEN PRINTSScript, TheSea And Cake, The
Sea FruitSea Of BeesSea Power
Sea WolfSeabliteSeachange
Seahorses, TheSeal Cub Clubbing Club, The Seasfire
Seasick SteveSeawaySeaweed
SeazooSecret MachinesSecret Shine
Secret Show, TheSecret Sisters, TheSecret Stuff
Section 25See SawSee You In Vegas
SELFISH C#@TSemi Precious WeaponsSemisonic
SendelicaSenseSenseless Prayer
Senseless ThingsSenserSeppy, Sol
Sequins, TheSerafinSerafina
Serena-ManeeshSergeantSergeant, Will
Servant, TheServantsSeven Storey Mountain
Seventh SeanceSFTShack
Shades Of Al DavisShake AppealShake Appeal [New Wave]
Shaker Heights, TheShakes, AlabamaShame
Shark VegasSharkboySharko
Sharon Van EttenSharp, MattShattered Dreams, The
She & HimShe (UK)She Keeps Bees
She Said!She Wants RevengeSheafs
ShearwaterShed SevenSheep On Drugs
Sheets, TheShelleyShellyan Orphan
Sherlocks, TheSherwoodShifty Disco
Shine!Shinkansen RecordsShins, The
Shiny Toy GunsShirts, TheShitdisco
Shiva SpeedwayShivareeShonen Knife
Short Break OperatorShortwave Set, TheShout Out Louds
Shout Out Out Out OutShout, TheShrubs, The
Shudder To ThinkShut Your Eyes And You'll BursShuttleworth, John
Shy CampShy ChildSick Anchors, The
Side, SoulSiglo XXSigrid
Sigur RósSilent League, TheSilentype, The
SiliconSilver ColumnsSilver Jews
Silver SunSilverchairSilverpram
Silversun PickupsSimianSimon, Harper
Simple CreaturesSimple KidSingle Lash
Singles, TheSingleskinSinister Ducks
SinkaneSinking Citizenship, TheSinoia Caves
Siouxsie & The BansheesSiouxsie SiouxSir Sly
SirconicalSirens, TheSister Ruby Band, The
Sister VanillaSister, TwinSisterhood
SisterlandSix By SevenSix Organs Of Admittance
Sixteen HorsepowerSixth CommSki Patrol
SkindredSkinnySkinny Puppy
Skunk AnansieSlam CartelSlaughter Joe
Slaughterhouse 5Sleater-KinneySleep Party People
SleeperSleeper AgentSleeping States
SlowblowSlowdiveSludge Nation
SludgefeastSmall 23Small Arms Fiya
Small VictoriesSmallerSmash Mouth
Smashing PumpkinsSmith WesternsSmith, Elliott
Smith, Jay (Artist)Smith, Paul (Maximo Park)Smith, TV
SmogSmoke FairiesSmokers Die Younger
Smokin' Mojo FiltersSmooshSmother
SmudgeSmyth, MordecaiSnapdragons, The
SnapperSneaky Sound SystemSniper
Snow PatrolSnow WhiteSnowblind
Snuts, TheSnyder, Adam Sob Stories
Soccer MommySoft Dogs, TheSoft Parade, The
SoftlightesSohodollsSol Invictus
SolanoidSoledad BrothersSolex
Somerville Players, TheSomething CorporateSomething Pretty Beautiful
Son Of DaveSon VoltSongdog
Sonic BoomSonic Hearts, TheSonic Jesus
Sonny & The SunsetsSonny And The SunsetsSonny J
Sons And DaughtersSons Of Bido Lito, TheSophia
Sophie Ellis BextorSophie's PigeonsSorority Noise
SorrySoul AsylumSoul Coughing
Soul CoughingSoulwaxSound
Sound Of GunsSound TeamSoundcarriers, The
SoundgardenSoundtrack Of Our Lives, TheSoup Dragons, The
SouthSouth, AprilSoutherly
SouthernSouthern FlySpace (90s)
Space Agency, TheSpacehogSpacemen 3
Spacey JaneSpanSpare Snare
SparkadiaSparklehorseSparks, Tommy
Sparro, SamSparrow And The WorkshopSparta
SpearheadSpearmintSpecial Goodness
Special NeedsSpectorSpectrasonic
Spectres (UK)SpectrumSpeedball Baby
Speedway [1990s]Speedway [2000s]Speedy Ortiz
SpekSpider And The FliesSpiderbait
Spinning CoinSpinto Band, TheSpiny Anteaters, The
Spiral JettySpiral StairsSpiritualized
Spiteri, SharleenSplashhSplitting The Atom
SpongeSpoonerSpotlight Kid
Spring OffensiveSpringfields, The (Indie)Sprout Head Uprising
Squibs, TheSquire Of Somerton, TheSquire, John
SST RecordsSt ChristopherSt Etienne
St ThomasSt. James InfirmaryStaples, Stuart A
Star HustlerStarchildrenStarcrawler
Starless & Bible BlackStarlingsStars
StarsailorStashState Of Play
Stayrcase, TheSteamkings, TheSteel Pole Bath Tub
Steel TrainSteers, TheStefy
SteintryggurStellastarrStelmanis, Katie
Stephen JonesStereolabStereophonics
SteriogramStern, MarnieSteve Walsh (New Wave)
Steven SeverinStevens, SufjanStewboss
Stockholm MonstersStone Gods, TheStone Gossard
Stone Roses, TheStone, Angus & JuliaStone, Julia
StonysleepStories From The MoonStornoway
Story Of The YearStory OneStorys, The
StoryvilleStrafe Fur RebellionStrange Death Liberal England
Strange IdolsStrangeloveStranger Cat
StrawStraw, SydStreetlife
StretchheadsStricken CityStringerBessant
Strip MusicStrokes, TheStroppies, The
Stuart MoxhamStupids, TheSublime
Suburban Kids With Biblical...SuckleSudden Sway
SuedeSuffrajetsSugar (90s)
Sugar SugarSugarComaSugarcubes, The
SugarcultSugardaddySugargliders, The
Sugars, TheSugaRush Beat CompanySukpatch
SulkSulpherSultana, Tash
Summer Hits, TheSummer MoonSummer Obsession, The
Summer Suns, TheSumner, BernardSun And The Moon
Sun DialSunburned Hand Of The ManSundara Karmara
Sunday (1994)Sunday InternationalSundays, The
SundialSunflower BeanSunhead
Sunny Day Real EstateSunny Day Sets FireSunset
Sunset SonsSunset Strip, TheSunshine Underground, The
SunshotSunstack JonesSunturns
Super DeluxeSuper Furry AnimalsSuper J Lounge
SupergrassSuperimposers, TheSuperorganism
SuperstarSuperstar Disco ClubSuperthriller
Surfer BloodSurferosaSurprize
SurroundedSwamp ChildrenSWAPS
Swedish Death CandySweeney, TheSweet 75
Sweet BabooSweet Billy PilgrimSweet, Matthew
Sweetest Ache, TheSwell Season, TheSwervedriver
Swift, RichardSwim DeepSwiss Family Orbison, The
SymposiumSyndicateSzmierek, Antony
T-T, ChrisT.RaumschmiereTab The Band
Table ScrapsTackheadTaffy (Japanese)
TailgunnerTaken By TreesTalk Taxis
Talkies, TheTall ShipsTallest Man On Earth, The
TambalaneTangible ExcitementTangled Hair
TanzplagenTape The RadioTapes 'N' Tapes
Tarantula ADTartufiTattersall, David
Team SleepTeardrop Explodes, TheTears, The
TeddyTeenage FanclubTeenage Film Stars
Teenagers, TheTegan & SaraTeitur
Tellier, SebastienTellisonTelstar Ponies
Tempah, TinieTemper Trap, TheTemple Songs
Ten FeTen Speed RacerTender Engines
Tenderfoot, TheTenderfoot, TheTenebrous Liar
TennisTenor, JimiTerminal Gods
Terminals, TheTermites (Indie)Terra Diablo
Terra, NaomiTerry EdwardsTerry Malts
Test IciclesTetra SplendourThat Dog
That Petrol EmotionThe'sTHE 5678's
The A.M.The Agenda!The Amazing Pilots
The AnimalhouseThe AnniversaryThe Bandits (00s)
The BealeTHE BEAT UPThe Bigger The God
The Black DogThe BoggsThe Bomb Party
The Bouncing SoulsThe Boy Who Trapped The SunThe Briefs
The Clint Boon ExperienceThe CrescentThe Crocketts
The Customers The DatsunsThe Dead 60's
The Donna'aThe DroydsThe Fades
The FaintThe FanaticsThe Fighting Cocks
The Folk ImplosionThe Forever People The Fuzztones
The GerbilsThe Good, The Bad & The QueenThe Harmony Amulance
The Harvest MinistersThe HissThe History Of Apple Pie
The Hit ParadeThe HivesTHE HOKUM CLONES
The HommosThe Icarus LineThe Jeevas
The KeysThe Lavender Faction The Licks
The Little OnesThe LongcutThe Mars Volta
The Monkey RunThe MooniesThe Motorhomes
The Mourning AfterThe Nectarine No. 9 The Needles
The NeutrinosThe New Pornographers The Others
The Rain BandThe ReegsThe Reindeer Section
The Revolving Paint DreamThe RevsThe RG Morrison
The RiversThe Rocking HorsesThe Rockingbirds
The RocksThe Secret Goldfish The Shining
The SightsThe Sleepy JacksonThe Soft Boys
The StandsThe Starting LineThe Stills
The SubwaysThe TheThe Twilight Singers
The VeilsThe VesselsThe White Sport
TheaudienceThecocknbullkidThee Exciters
Thee HeadcoateesThee StashThee Unstrung
ThelightshinesThem Crooked VulturesThem Is Me
Theme ParkTherapy?These Animal Men
These Are PowersThese Immortal SoulsThese Monsters
These New PuritansThey Must Be RussiansThievery Corporation
Thieves & VillainsThieves Like UsThings, The
Third Eye Foundation, TheThirst, TheThirteen Senses
Thirty Seconds To MarsThis Et AlThis Girl
This PictureThomas, EdThomas, Rosie
ThomsonThose Dancing DaysThousand Foot Whale Claw
Thousand Yard StareThree Blind MiceThree Days Grace
Three Walls DownThriceThrills, The
Throat, RubyThumpersThursday
Tiersen, YannTiger (Reggae)Tiger Army
Tiger ForceTigercubTigers, The
Tillman J.Tilly And The WallTiltawhirl
Timber TimbreTime & Space Machine, TheTimes New Viking
Times, TheTin StarTinariwen
TindersticksTing Tings, TheTinkerbell's Dope Ring
Tiny DancersTiny Masters Of TodayTippi
Tirez TirezTitus AndronicusTo My Boy
To Rococo RotTokyo Police ClubTolhurst, Lol
Tom McraeTompaulinToms, Luke
Tones On TailTools You Can TrustToothless
ToploaderToro y MoiTortoise
Total BabesTotal ControlTowers OF London
ToyToy Shop, TheTra-La-La
TrabantTracy & The PlasticsTragic Mulatto
Trains And Boats And PlanesTramp AttackTrampolines, The
TramwayTrans AmTransit
TransmissionTraptTrash Palace
Trashcan SinatrasTravis (90s)Trembling Blue Stars
TribesTricia Yates FanclubTrick Mammoth
Trip ShakespeareTripping DaisyTristeza
Trojan Horse (00s)Tropical Fish Invasion, TheTropical Fuck Storm
Trouble With Templeton, TheTrouble, MickTRST
TrucksTrumans WaterTrwbador
TsarTubelordTucker, Corin
Tuff LoveTullycraftTunic
Tunics, TheTunnel VisionTurbo Fruits
Turin BrakesTurner, AlexTV On The Radio
TV21Twang, TheTweedy
TwentysevenTwiggy (Indie)Twigs, FKA
Twilight Sad, TheTwin AtlanticTwin Peaks
Twin ShadowTwin, GazelleTwist
Twisted CharmTwisted Nerve LabelTwisted Wheel
Twisted XTwisterTwo
Two GallantsTwo HelensTwo Medicine
Two PeopleTwo Wounded BirdsTynal Tywyll
TyphoonU.S. GirlsU.V. Pop
UffieUgly DucklingUilab
Ulrika SpacekUltimate Painting Ultra Vivid Scene
UltrasoundUmlautUnbelievable Truth
Under Neath WhatUndercutUnderground Heroes
Underground RailroadUnisexUnkle Bob
UnsoundUpper Room, TheUrbnri
Urge OverkillUSA NailsUsed, The
V [90S]Vacation, TheVaccines, The
VagabondValentine, MattValerie And The Week Of Wonder
Vampire WeekendVan SheVance Joy
Vandals, TheVandaveerVanessa Amara
VanGaalen, ChadVanilla TrainwreckVant
Various VegetablesVaselinesVast
Vatican DCVaultsVaults, The
VCMGVealVega, Alan
Vega4Vegastones, TheVek, Tom
Velard, JulianVella, JamesVelocity Girl
Velvet CrushVelvet RevolverVelvet Teen, The
Vena CavaVendetta RedVenigmas
Vent 414Venus And The RazorbladesVera November
VerbowVermorelVertebrats, The
Veruca SaltVerve, TheVerve, The
VesselsVex RedVhs Or Beta (Band)
Victorian Englishmens Club,TheVictorian ParentsVictorian Picture Show
Victories At SeaVideo NastiesViet Cong
View, TheVile ImbecilesVillagers
Vincent Vincent And The VillaiVincent Vocoder VoiceVines, The
Vinyl DevotionViola BeachViolent Delight
Violent FemmesViolet WoodsVirgin
Virgin PassagesVirgin PrunesVirginmarys, The
Virgins, TheVisitorsVistas
VitoVitroViva Brother
Voidz, TheVolcano ChoirVolcano, I'm Still Excited!!
Voluntary Butler Scheme, TheVon BondiesVon Poehl, Peter
Von SudenfedVondelparkVoodoo Queens
Votel, AndyVoyeursVryll Society, The
W. H. LungWaeve, TheWah!
Wainwright III, LoudonWainwright, MarthaWake
Wake The PresidentWalk The MoonWalk, The
Walker, ButchWalker, TomWalkingseeds
Walkmen, TheWalla, ChrisWaltham
WannadiesWard, MWare, Jessie
Wareham, DeanWarm JetsWarmsley, Jeremy
WarpaintWashdown, TheWashed Out
Wasylyk, AndrewWatch You DrownWater World
Waterfront, TheWaterparksWatson, Patrick
Wave Pictures, TheWaving At TrainsWavves
Wax PoeticWaxahatcheeWaxwings, The
We Are ScientistsWe Are StandardWe Fell To Earth
We Have BandWe Shot The MoonWe Start Fires
We Were EvergreenWe Were Promised JetpacksWeaver, Jane
WeavesWebb Brothers, TheWedding Present, The
Wednesday, JamieWeeds, TheWeek That Was, The
WeekendersWeezerWeird's War
Wellwater ConspiracyWelsh, LauraWendys
Western MereWestlake, DavidWhale
WheatWheel, TheWhenYoung
Whigs, TheWhip, TheWhipped Cream
Whipping BoyWhirlpool Guest HouseWhirlwind Heat
WhirrWhiskeytownWhispertown 2000, The
WhistlerWhite Belt Yellow TagWhite Flight
White LiesWhite Light MotorcadeWhite Light Parade
White LungWhite Noise SoundWhite Rabbits
White Rose MovementWhite SailsWhite Stripes, The
White, JackWhite, Matthew E.Whiteout
Whitest Boy Alive, TheWho's GeorgeWho's The Daddy Now?
Why? (00s)Why? (90S)Whyte Horses
Whyte SeedsWide Open CageWIGWAM
WilcoWild And WanderingWild Combination
Wild CubWild FlagWild Palms
Wild SmilesWildbirds & PeacedrumsWildbunch
WillisWilly MasonWilt
Winnebago DealWinston, AlexWinterset
WintersleepWire DaisiesWire, Nicky
WirelessWisdom Of Harry, TheWishing Tree, The
WitchWitness (Indie)Wolf Gang
Wolf ParadeWolf, PatrickWolfhounds, The
Wonder MintsWood Children, TheWooden Wand
Woomble, RoddyWord, TheWorking Men's Club
World Domination EnterprisesWorld Of TwistWorricker, Joe
WorthlessWrens, TheWrens, The (Indie)
Wrights, TheWylie, DanielWylie, Pete
X Is Greater Than YX.O.DusXavier Floyd Firebird
Xiu XiuXX TeensXX, The
XylarooY CyrffY Niwl
Yards, TheYeah Yeah YeahsYeah You's, The
Yearning, TheYears & YearsYeh-Yeh
YelpsYes BossYeti
Yim YamesYo La TengoYou Me At Six
You Say Party! We Say Die!You Walk Through WallsYoung Heart Attack
Young Knives, TheYoung Republic, TheYoung Romance
Young Veins, TheYoung, KristeenYoung, Linus
Youngblood, ConnerYounger Younger 28'SYour Friend
Your VegasYourcodenameis:MiloYouth Group
Youth Of AmericaYouthmovie Soundtrack StrategiYow, David
YuckYummy Fur, TheZanti Misfitz
Zebra HuntZebraheadZeitgeist (New Wave)
Zephyr Bones, TheZephyrs, The (00s)Zero 7
Zero Le CrecheZig ZagsZoar
Zodiac Motel, TheZuZulu Winter
Zutons, The Zwan

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