
View all Genre's  

(00S), Heist
(80S), Us(90S), Trace(90S), Voyager
(Danish), Dune(Electronic), Rico(French), Quartz
(Indie), Barb(Techno), Lucy(V.E.G.A.)
//ZOO[Dance], Ibex[DnB], Paradox
[Dubstep], Clouds[Electro], Chaos[Taiwan], PAN
1, Mach1, Primary100 Gecs
1000 Homo Djs15 Dead Minutes, The187 Lockdown
1990, L-Vis2 Bears, The2 Belgen
2 Dam Dread2 Deep2 Heads
2 Puerto Ricans2+2=52814
3 O Matic30H!33D
4 Strings4-Mega4.A.D.
5 Red Caps, The6667th District Inc.
95 NorthA Flock Of SeagullsA Guy Called Gerald
A New Line (Related)A Split - SecondA Winged Victory For The Sulle
AAAKAardvarckAbove & Beyond
Abrahams, JoshAcab, BalamAcademia, Eleanor
Acid Boyz, TheAct (Propaganda)Aczess
Adam ForknerAdams & FleisnerAde
AdielAdjágasAdriani, Alessandro
Advent, TheAero FlynnAffect, Shiva
Against All LogicAgee, TawathaAgent Provocateur (90s)
AgoAguilar, IldefonsoAhvenlahti, Olli
Album Leaf, TheAlcan Warriors, TheAlda
AldeoniAlex.DoAlexander, Olly
Alexanders Dark BandAlexis P. SuterAlgorithm, The
Alias (Hip-Hop)Aliens, The (Soul)All Hands_Make Light
All Seeing IAllen, HarleyAllen, Marcus
Allen, TonyAlmighty BangAloha Hawaii
AlphaAlphavilleAlt Blk Era
AlternationsAlternative Radio Alumbrados
Aluminum Group, TheAlvarado, DavidAmalgamation Of Soundz, The
Amazon IIAmbarchi, OrenAmbrose
AmmonContactAmorphous Androgynous, TheAnamanaguchi
Andersson, TomasAndriessen, JurriaanAndy C
Andy Summers & Robert FrippAndy TAnohni
Ant, SnapAntixAnton, Susan
AnushkaApartments, LuxuryAphrodite
Apoptygma BerzerkApparatApple Creation, The
AquanautsArchitechsArchitects Of Time, The
ArielArkarnaArmin Van Buuren
Arnalds, OlafurArrowsmith, EugénieArt Of Beat
Arthur 2 Stroke & Chart Com.Arthur HArthur, Neil
Arthurs, AndyArto/NetoAscension
Ashbrooke AllstarsAsher D & Daddy FreddyAsking Alexandria
AssemblyAstaireAsteroids, The
Astley, VirginiaAstro Trax Team, TheAstrobotnia
Audiard, ReneAuroraAustra
AutomaticAvery, DanielAvril
Awesome FoursomeAwexAxis, Blood
AymanAzalea, IggyAzar Swan
AzureB, CompanyB, John
Baba StiltzBaba, SheyBabakoto
Baby BuddhaBabyfatherBabyman
Bachmeier, StefanBad Company (Drum N Bass)Bad Tracking
Bager, KennethBah SambaBaikonour
Bailiff, JessicaBaker, ArthurBallistic Brothers
Baltic FleetBambino, KapBanfi, Baffo
Bang GangBARBarbieri, Richard
BarcodeBarefoot Man, TheBarn Owl
BaronBaron, LisaBaronet, The
Barrow, GeoffBarry De VorzonBartos, Karl
Basement 5Basic ChannelBass Communion
BasscutBastow, TrevorBattiato, Franco
BayonneBazooka Joe BBC Radiophonic Workshop, The
BEBe BigBeachcomas
Beams, TeenBeanfieldBeat Street (movie)
Beat SystemBeatconductorBeBe & CeCe Winans
Bebey, FrancisBecker, RashadBecoming Real
Bedlam Ago GoBeer, MarkBellamy, Matt
Beltran, JohnBen GrimBenni
Bentley, EarleneBenzBest, Adam
Bhangra KnightsBiancaBibio
Bic, TheBicepBig A
Big Amongst SheepBIG BANGBig Boss Man
Big BudBig Hard Excellent FishBig Supreme, The
Big WildBigwave, MikazukiBilly MacKenzie
Bip, BoomBipoBirdy Nam Nam
BirthBiscuit, KarlBisengalieva, Gayla
BishiBitstreamBizarre Unit
BjarkiBlack AMBlack Bizarre
Black Buddha Band, TheBlack DanielBlack Ghosts, The
Black Hearted BrotherBlack Jazz ChroniclesBlack Lodge
Black RiotBlack Seeds, TheBlack Sun Empire
Black WingBlack, PeterBlackwell, Chris
BladeeBlake, JamesBlanck Mass
BlancmangeBlank, BorisBlaze, The
Bleeding Heart PigeonsBleep & BoosterBlitzoids, The
BlondesBlood On The Dance FloorBlood Orange
BloomypetalBlue AdonisBlue Bommer
Blue Boy, TheBlue NatureBlue Six
Blue, MidnightBlumm, F.S.Blunt, Dean
Bob VylanBocquet, DidierBodhi
Body Base 2BodybagBodzin, Stephan
Bogart Co.Boiling, OilingBola
Boldt, NinaBolland & BollandBoman, Axel
Bomfunk MC'sBon GarçonBonaventura
Bone, RichardBonzo Goes To WashingtonBooji Boy High
Books, TheBoonsquawkBorg, The
BorghesiaBouthier, JerryBoxed In
BoxsagaBoy HarsherBoys In Darkness
Bozzio, DaleBrackenBrandao, Rodrigo
Brannten SchnureBrat Pack, TheBrause, Fritz
Braxe, AlanBreakdance (movie)Breakfast Club
Breathe ElectricBreekout Krew, TheBrenda And The Beach Balls
Bridge, TheBrion, JonBroder, Andrew
Broderick, PeterBrodyr-Y-FfinBrolin
Bronx DogsBrooks, JonBrother Brother
Brothers Grimm, TheBrothers In RhythmBrown & Sharpe
Brown, BrotherBrown, KathyBrowning, The
Bryars,GavinBryce, CocoBuchanan, Margaux
Buchanan, PaulBuddha, JungleBullion
Buraka Som SistemaBureauBurgalat, Bertrand
Business, AfricanButcher, JohnC Of E
C'mon TigreC, DannyC, DEEP
Cacciapaglia, RobertoCactus RainCagedbaby
Calderone, VictorCall SuperCallinan, Kirin J
CalyxCamCamberwell Butterflies
Camera 3Camera Obscura (GER)Campbell, Dallas
Candy, GlassCanning, MichaelCannon, Pete
CantomaCantu-Ledesma, JefreCapital J
Capitol RecordsCaponeCaptain Zorro
Car, LeCarbon Based LifeformsCaretaker, The
Carlos, WendyCarltonCarnival
CarolCaroline MunroCarpenter Brut
Carr, KateCars & TrainsCarter, Chris
Carter, DerrickCasablanca, ParisCash And Carry
CashmereCasiotone For The Painfully AlCasper, Nova
CatacombCatani, PatricCatto, Malcom
Cause4concernCaVa CaVaCavern Of Anti-Matter
CCPCelebrate The NunCelldweller
Center, CityCentoryCentral Europe Performance
CH415Cha Cha CohenChainsmokers, The
ChairliftChalkitis, HarrisChaloner, Sue
Chambers, NeonChameleonChampaign
Changing ShapeChannels, BlackChantilly
Chaps, TheChapter House, TheCharlatan
Charles, ElaineCharlotte Adigéry & Bolis PupulCharlotte De Witte
Chatham, RhysChatton, BrianChe
Chemical CrewChemiseChessie
Chet FakerChiddy BangChild Of Lov, The
Chingas, JohnnyChloeChocolate Elephants
Choir (80S), TheChrist.Christie, David
Christoph De BabalonChromaticsChvrches
Ciani, SuzanneCignolCindytalk
CinemaCinema, ParadiseCircuit
Cirez DCirKus [Neneh Cherry]City, Owl
CkidClaire, ValerieClarity, Clarence
Clark, ChrisClark, MikeClarke & Ware Experiment, The
Clarke, VinceClick ClickClipz
Club, ScreamCocknBullKidCoco, Chris
Codina, CaspaCohen, KeithCold Hand Band
ColdWorldCole, LouisColeman, Durell
Collective, NextColleenCollier, Jacob
Colombier, MichelColour Of Love, TheColours [90S]
ComaComet Is Coming, TheComing Back To You
Comma, MeemoCommon, JonnieConfetti's
Connor, SarahConrad, TonyConsumer Electronics
Contact-UContinuum (Ambient)Conway Brothers, The
Cook, YanCooltempoCooltempo Unlimited Orchestra
Corea HancockCornish, DaleCorpo-Mente
Corporation Of OneCortex, AlexCortini, Alessandro
Cosey Fanni TuttiCosmetiqueCosmic Gal
Cosmic GateCountach, TheCousins, Tina
CrackpotCraig, CarlCraig, Ryan
Craze, HarryCrazy HouseCreatures, Beautiful
CreepCritic, LipCrowder*Band, David
Crown Of Thorns (Electro)Cruz, TaioCryogenic
Crystal FightersCube (80S)Cubicolor
Cult 48Cult ClubCulture Shock (Dance)
Culture, GhostCunico, GinoCurrent Affairs
Curtin, DanCut Iowa NetworkCut La Roc
Cutting EdgeCyberaktifCybin
D, LiaisonsD, LongsyD-Type
D.D DumboD.E.P.D.J. Trotter
D.O.T., TheD.T.B.Daddy's Favourite
Dakota OakDance TranceDancing HQ
Daou, TheDark AgesDas Modul
Das PopDataDatarock
DaturaDavachi, SarahDave McCabe & The Ramification
David GahanDavid Van TieghemDavid's Daughters
Davis, DarleneDays, DorisDB+
DbCliffordDC GoreDe Film
De PhazzDeacon, DanDead Fader
Dead MachinesDead PrezDead Sea Apes
DeadmanDeadstock 33'S, TheDeath Comet Crew
Death GripsDeckwreckaDeclining Winter, The
DecoDee Danie DeeDee, Lenny
Deecey And The Family PactDeep BlueDeep In Rhythm
DeepsideDeepswingDefinition Of Sound
Deighton, MattDelay, VladislavDelilah
Delong, RobertDeluxe ADemons
DenizDenjean, ClaudeDepeche Mode
DePlume, AlabasterDepth ChargeDerbyshire, Delia
Descloux, Lizzy MercierDesert Eagle DiscsDestroyer
Detroit Experiment, TheDevice (Electronic)Devil, Black
Devil, TheDevine, RichardDevlin
Di Franco, LindaDial, Tony & Silouette TheatreDiamond, Benjamin
DibidimDie VerbotenDiesel Christ
DieselboyDifferent GearDige, Sally
DigitalDingerDinosaur L
Dirty BeatniksDirty Stop OutDisco Dream And The Androids
Disposable Heroes Of HiphoprisDistorted MindsDivine Works
DJ BrockieDJ CamDJ Davy T
DJ DieDJ FoodDJ Fresh
DJ FrictionDJ FudgeDJ Ink
DJ IonicDJ KrustDJ Probe
DJ Rap & AstonDJ Scotch EggDJ Sneak
DJ VadimDJ ZincDjaimin
DJSSDkayDlugosch, Boris
DntelDoc ScottDOL
Dolat-Shahi, DariushDolby, ThomasDolphin Brothers, The
DomeDominatrixDon Pablo's Animals
DonaDongDonna Regina
DonnatellaDonor, BloodDoof
DoopDope SkillzDorian Concept
Doris D And The PinsDorper, RalphDouble Dee
Douglas, ShanaDouglas, TeddyDouris, Francois
DownloadDr MeakerDr Rubberfunk
Dr. BoneDr. Teleny's Incredible P.I.O.Drab City
DragonbassDragons, LuckyDralms
Drama, KidDreamgrinderDreamhouse
Dreams (80s)Dreams, WildestDred, Dead
Drew HillDrexciyaDrift, Tribal
Drift.DriftmachineDrive, Direct
Drop, LoveDrops, ScarletDrowse
Drum TheatreDrumheadDSM
Duane And Co.DuboniksDunk, Bert
Dunkley, MattDynamite MCDynamix II
E-MotionE-Z RollersE.S.G.
EarthstarEast CoastEast India Youth
Eat Lights Become LightsEbergEboman
Ebony DubstersEccentronic Research Council, Echo Beatty
EchobassECO, SPCEconomique, Ensemble
Ecstacy Of Saint Theresa, TheEctomorphEd Rush & Optical
Eddy Meets YannahEden (Dance)Edward The Second
Edwards, SandraEdwards, ToddEdwin, Colin
EfdeminEffect, TriggerEffective Force
EggEgyptologyEilish, Billie
Eine Kleine Nacht MusikEl SevenElate
Elder Island Electra (Dance)Electroliners
ElectronicElectronic Chambre EnsembleElectronic Eye
Elektric Music/KraftwerkElektrik CokernutElli & Jacno
Elliott SharpEmancipatorEmeralds
EmotionEmpirionEmpress Of
Eno, Brian & Byrne, DavidEnsembleEphemeral
EPSEpworth, PaulEquip
ErotEruption (German)Eva
Evans, TommyEve & NightEverything Is Recorded
EvidentExitExorcist, Sweet
ExpandisExpo '70Extrawelt
F.A.BFabulous, TerrorFace To Face (80s Pop)
Fachin, EriaFacs & VcaFairley, Andy
FairmontFajerman, JoëlFake, Nathan
Falcon, DJFallacy And FusionFaltermeyer, Harold
Family Fodder, TheFantastic Mr FoxFarbfelde
Farewell PoetryFarina, MarkFat
Fat DogFat White FamilyFaults, Craven
Faze ActionFazer, SpoonFedersen
Fehlmann, ThomasFenneszFenton, Ade
Ferrari, LucFeu ThereseFever The Ghost
Fialka, KarelFiat LuxFiction, Eddie
Field, TheFieldheadFields, Solar
Fierce (Drum N Bass)Fila BrazilliaFilter Science
Filthy 3, TheFilthy DukesFine Young Things
FirefoxFirst LightFischer, Marcus
Fisk Industries Fits Of GloomFitzGerald, George
FizzarumFlamingodsFlatback 4
FleeingnewyorkFlicks, SlasherFloating Opera
Floating PointsFloorplanFlowering Inferno
FlumeFlür, WolfgangFly Pan Am
Focus Group, TheFoggyFood Pyramid
ForrestsFortran 5Foster, Royden
FoundationFoxx, JohnFrahm, Nils
Frank OceanFrazier, BerniceFreaks Of Desire
Fred AgainFreddy & HermanFrederic D. Oberland
Free (Dance)Free Association, TheFree School
FreeformFreestylesFrench Windows
Freshmess On WaxFreund Der FamilieFripp, Robert & Eno, Brian
Frisina, GerardoFroese, JeromeFront 242
Frontline Orchestra, TheFrost (Prog)Frost, Ben
FrugivoresFuck ButtonsFudge Tunnel
FuktronicFull CycleFull Force
Full Metal JacketFull Moon ScientistFunction
Funk D VoidFunkmeisterFunky Space Nation, The
Future CutFuture CycleFuture Museums
Future Sound Of LondonFuture, VintageFuzz Against Junk
FXG, AnnaG, Oscar
GaikaGammer And His FamiliarsGang Related
Gangsters Of HouseGanja KruGarbarek, Anja
Garden EdenGardlandGardner, Joanna
Garratt, JackGarrett David [DJ]Garson, Mort
Gaslamp Killer, TheGatecrashers, TheGately, Katie
GaudiGee Mr TracyGems
Gene And JimGene And Jim Are Into ShakesGeneral Base
General SaintGenerator, Low-fiGenesis, Lee
Gentle People, TheGeorgiaGeotic
GesaffelsteinGet What I WantGhost Beach
Ghost HarmonicGhostigitalGhostpoet
GiattinoGideon GayeGift (Portuguese), The
Gina X PerformanceGirl, ThatGirlsonDrugs
GitanicaGlassGlass Animals
Glass, SamanthaGlass, SeaGlasser
Glitch Mob, TheGlobal Infantilists, TheGLOK
GloryboxGnodGoblin, New
God (Kevin Martin)Godin, NicolasGods Planet, The
Golczewski, WojciechGold PandaGold, Marian
Golden Filter, TheGolden SilversGoldfrapp, Alison
Goldstone, AdamGong SavanaGonzales
Gonzales, ChillyGoochifrita, JuanitaGoodfellas, The
Goon, GlobalGordon, RobertGore, Martin L
Gou, PeggyGoula, RogerGoulet, Michelle
GouryellaGrabb, LauraGrand Popo Football Club
GrandbrothersGrandmaster FlashGrauzone
GravenhurstGray, OliviaGreater Than One
Green, MartinGreen, Thom SonnyGregory, Glenn
Grid / Fripp, TheGrimesGroop
Groove Robbers, TheGrooves, ScottGrooves, Techno
Grosskopf, HaraldGround, CommonGrowing
Grupo FantasmaGryffinGTO
GumGunshipGuru, Amon
GwennoGypsy QueensHacienda Club, The
Haight Ashbury Acid TestHairy HandsHallucinogen
Halo, LaurelHammer, JanHanak, JB
Hancock, HerbieHandbaggers, TheHankinson, Mike
HannaHara, MasumiHardfloor
HardkissHarle, JohnHarmonium
Harmony, DJHarrison, DhaniHarvey, Richard
Hasegawa, HakushiHashishHaslinger, Paul
Haunt, LoopsHawksmoorHawtin, Richie
Hayward, CharlesHe SaidHeadcrash
HeadlandHEADRILLAZHealing Force Project
HealthHeaven 17Heaven West Eleven
Hecker, TimHedrock Valley BeatsHefner (Electronic)
Height, BulletHelicopterHelio Sequence, The
HeliosHeller & Farley ProjectHeller, Pete
HellveteHelmerson, AndersHelmholtz Resonators, The
Henry, PierreHerbertHerbert, Matthew
Herman's VisionsHermanos, LosHerndon, Holly
Heroin In TahitiHewson, PeterHidden Agenda
High CoinHine, EricHine, Rupert
HintermassHinze, ChrisHive
HobokenHoenig, MichaelHoffmaestro
HokusaiHoldenHologram Teen
Holy FuckHome VideoHomeshake
Hoodlum PriestHook, NickHopa & Bones
Hope, AlexanderHopkins, JonHospital Records
Hostages, TheHot ButterHot Streak
Hot SugarHoughten, RichardHouse 2 House
House EngineersHouse Master GeneralHouse Of Windsor
House, TribalHow To Dress WellHudson Giants
Hudson, AlHuff & HerbHugh Mane
Hughes, GarryHulaHulkkonen, Jori
Human FleshHuman LeagueHumanoid
HumateHuser, Jean-PierreHusky Rescue
Hval, JennyHybridHyde, Karl
Hyman, DickHype, DJHyper
Hyper Go GoHypoxiaI Break Horses
I Can CrawlI KamanchiI Start Counting
I-fI-LevelIam Siam
Icebreaker InternationalID, TheIglooghost
IgorrrII, PhineusII, Screen
Ike YardIkeda, RyojiIkonika
Ill, BennyImmersionImperio
Impossibles, TheIn MirrorsIn Strict Confidence
Inc. No WorldInce, JanIndian Jewelry
Indian RopemanInfantjoyInfinity
Infinity CrushInk, MikeInner Sleeve (Indie)
Innerzone OrchestraInsectoInstranormal
InteractiveIntergalactic Touring BandIntermix
International Foot LanguageIntimeInventions
Invisible MindsiOIrah
IriniISANIsis (Dance)
IsorinneIt, TheItch
Ito, MarielJ MajikJ'son
Jaar, NicolasJackie 60 Presents Jackie MC'sJackson, Giselle
JacnoJaConfettiJagged Edge (Dance)
Jaimes, JulietteJam On The MuthaJamaican Queens
James, LoraineJanet And Johns, TheJansen & Takahashi
Jansen-BarbieriJapanJapanese War Effort, The
JapeJassJay, Jay B.
Jazz Defektors, TheJazz PosseeJazzi P
JazztronikJazzyfatnasteesJB Aka Dred Bass
Jean, CarlosJeep GrrlzJeff Jarratt And Don Reedman
Jefferson, AlanJewel, JohnnyJezabels, The
JhanaJiveJJ Brothers
JMOJNXJoe 90 (Electronic)
Johanson, Jay-JayJohnson Engineering Co., TheJohnson, Frankie
JohnwaynesJoJo And The Real PeopleJoker (Dance)
JomboJonahJones, Hannah
Jones, J. J.Jones, MalcolmJonny L
JourneymanJoy DivisionJPEGMAFIA
JT CompanyJuan Maclean, TheJulien-K
Jungle HighJupiter 8Jupiter Ace
K, AgrimensorK-X-PK-Y-Ze
K.L.F.Kaae & BatzKabine, Rockford
KaleefKamon, KarenKanaan, Faten
Karen Novotny XKarimuKarma
Karma To BurnKarsh, LouKasbo
KavinskyKay CeeKaytranada
KeenKeiichi, SuzukiKelly Lee Owens
Kelly, HermanKennaway, JaneKennedy Soundtrack, The
Kevorkian, FrançoisKeywestKiasmos
Kicking BackKid AdriftKids In The Kitchen
Kilimanjaro Darkjazz EnsembleKill, SoftKiller Motive
Killers, The (70s)Kim Ki OKindness
KinesthesiaKing BrittKing Krule
King Midas SoundKing Of WoolworthsKing Roc
Kingsland, PaddyKinkyKinky People
Kirk, AnworthKiss The SkyKissy Sell Out
Kitajima, OsamuKitaroKlaus Johann Grobe
Klaus, KrügerKlaxon 5Klea
KleeerKleinenberg, SanderKlima
KluteKnights, JediKoan Sound
KobaiKode IVKoglin, Mike
KöhnKokoko!Kolektif, Komodo
KomunistiKondo, ToshinoriKoné, Rokia
KosmosKraak & SmaakKraftwerk
KrakenKranz, GeorgeKreidler
Kuniyoshi, SugawaraKupka, CraigKurihara, Teruyuki
Kwam, BigKwes.Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
KyteL'Orchestre ElectroniqueL., Dinosaur
L.A. MoodL.A. SplashL.A.N.D.R.O. & Co.
L.H.A.S. Inc.L.S.G.L.W.S.
La DusseldorfLA PriestLa Variete
Labes, JefLabrinth Sia DiploLadyhawke
LaidbackLali PunaLand Of Fun
Land, DaRandLand, OhLangford, Gordon
Language From MemoryLaniakeaLanterns On The Lake
LanyLapaluxLasry, Teddy
Last Few DaysLate Cord, TheLatitude [80S]
Lauten, ElodieLauvLaze, The
Lazer, MajorLCMDFLe Peuple De L'Herbe
Lean, YungLectroluxLee Curtis Connection, The
Lee, TimLeer, ThomasLegend B
LemnaLennon, GailLeonard, Adam
Leone, OsoLes Disques Du CrépusculeLes Rythmes Digitales
Les SinsLes Yper SoundLesbians On Ecstasy
Leslie, DesmondLeuter, CecilLevine, Christine
Lewis, JayceLewis, SGLianne La Havas
Lib, KidLidell, JamieLiebrand, Ben
Life By NightLifesighsLiggett, Otis
Light, EnochLights, PeakingLil Bub
LilienthalLimit, TheLindsay, Steven
LindstromLinen, MaxLink & E621
Link, CosmicLion Of JudahLipa, Dua
Lippok, RobertLiquid MonkLittle Caesar (Dance)
Little Miss TrinitronLive ElementLo-Fang
LochiLogic SystemLoko
London ElektricityLondons Most WantedLook, The
Loop JunktionLoopzillaLoose Joints
Lopez, AdrianaLori And The ChameleonsLos Del Mar
Lost It.ComLost Roberts, TheLost Souls Of Saturn
Louchie Lou & Michie OneLove DecadeLove Decade, The
Love Machine (80s), TheLove StreetLove T.K.O.
Love TribeLove, TandyLovedeejay Akemi
Loveglow, CarolineLovelandLover, Al
Lovers, TheLowtideLSD [Luke, Steve, David]
LSKLucci, AmandaLuciana
Luis, RobertLukas, KimLunatic Soul
Lundsten, RalphLundvall, TorLung, Black
Lust For YouthLustwerk, GalcherLuxor
LuzonLynn, IanM
M. FrogM.B.M.N.O.
Madame XMadeonMadore, Michel
Mafia, TheMagnetic ManMagnetize
MagnetophoneMagnum ForceMahogany
Maidza, TkayMains IgnitionMajeure
Major TMalaMammal (Electro)
Mampi SwiftMan ParrishMan With No Name
Man, RadioactiveMan-TeckaMankind
Mannheim SteamrollerMantronixManyika, Zeke
Manzanera MackayMarcia Blaine School For Girls, TheMarconi, Via
MarconicMareekoMargherita, Master
MarmionMarouani, DidierMars F. Wellink
Mars, VicMarshall, JohnMarshall, Melanie
Martay 'N' DBMMartay, MCMartin, Patrick D.
Martinez, NancyMary MaryMask
Massien, HugoMaster Musicians Of BukkakeMaterial
MatrixMatthews, CarlMaurizio
MaxMax TundraMax, Ava
May, DerrickMazarinMaze, Kuna
McCloud, Nicole JMcCombs, DouglasMcGanns, The
McGee, Jay W.Measures, AccentedMechanic, Celestial
MecoMegalomaniaMegamen Sounds
Meï Teï ShoMello CoreMelnyk
MelodienMelt Yourself DownMemory Tapes
MenMenMen, Insecure
MenageMendes, IveMenta
Merchant Of Menace, TheMercy MeMeredith, Anna
Mergener, PeterMerranMescalito
MetamaticsMetric, AlexMetrik
MetropolisMexican Institute Of SoundMezcla
MICE, THEMichael William GilbertMickey Finn & Aphrodite
Midi RainMidnight Funk AssociationMidnight Shift
MiduMijk's Magic Marble BoxMike & Charlie
Mike, GeorgeMikiMilan W.
Mindless Self IndulgenceMindscapeMinekawa, Takako
Minister Of NoiseMinor ImageMint Royale
Minus 8Minus, ElaMiracle (2000'S)
Miracle (Electronic)MirrorsMisen
MissionsMISTICALMitchell, Des
Mixte, DoubleMOMo Wax
Mo-DoMobile HomesMode, Slam
ModeratModern ManModern Rocketry
ModeselektorMoebius & PlankMoebius + Roedelius
Mogard, AbulMoireMollison, Sam
Mondshine, ClaraMoney-Penny Project, TheMonier, Christophe
Monkey MafiaMonolakeMonoton
Monroes, TheMontana SextetMontana, June
Montana, LorenzoMoodymannMoog, Michael
Moog, RobertMoon Wiring ClubMoondogg
Moonflowers, TheMoonlandingz, TheMoonstone
Moore, AnthonyMoran, KellyMorimoto, Sen
Moritz Von OswaldMorph, DarkMorris, Jenny
Moss, ElliotMotherMotion Pictures (80s)
Motiv8MotorMount Fuji Doomjazz Corporatio
Mount KimbieMouse, FieldMoving Fusion
MOYMRMr Hopkinson's Computer
Mr QuarkMr. X & Mr. YMssingNo
MtsMugisonMukaiya, Minoru
Müller, JürgenMumdanceMummy Calls
MunchieMungo's Hi-FiMunro, Lee
Munro, LoraMura MasaMurcof
MurderationMuscle MaryMusica Elettronica Viva
Mussolini, AlessandraMute LabelMy Toys Like Me
Myhill, RichardMykkiMystic Moods, The
N (2) N.A.S.A.N.T. Gang
Naked VoiceNalin & KaneName Of The Rose
Narcotic ThrustNasaNash
Nation 12Natural Born GroovesNaughtiest Girl Was A Monitor, The
NautycultureNeerman, MariskaNefilim, The
Negros, SpaceNELSON, PAULNeoTantrik
Neville, TomNew Blockaders, TheNew Order
New-AsiaNews, The (80s)NFL Jams
NFL3Nick O-DNiemen
Nightingale, PamelaNigoNitzer Ebb
No DakotaNo Way JoseNo-Man
No-Neck Blues Band, TheNoir, BasNoise Unit
NoisiaNoize, BoysNoizment
NomadiNomates, BillyNonhorse
NookieNorth Atlantic OscillationNorth, Ian
Northam, MichaelNorthern LiteNostalgia 77
NostrumNoto, AlvaNova, Paul
Nu-BirthNu-MaticNucleus & Paradox
Numan, GaryNumarxNunez, Jose
O'Brien-Docker, IanO.M.D.Oakey & Moroder
Octave OneOctaviaOdesza
Off-ShoreOfshoreOh! Polo
Ohi Ho Bang BangOld Skool OrchestraOmartian, Michael
Omartian, Michael And StormieOmega AmoebaOmni Trio
Omura, KenjiOn The OneOnda Del Futuro
OneOne AM Radio, TheOne, As
OneidaOneohtrix Point NeverOnes, The
Onono, BenOozayOppenheimer
OrcaOrchestra, DadavisticOrdeal, DJ
Organ, M.OrganisationOrigin Unknown
Orla WrenOscillation, TheOsiris (Funk)
Other Ones (80S), TheOTTOOur Daughters Wedding
Out ColdOutrageOutside
OvalOverlords, TheOvermono
Oxide NeutrinoP, PerceeP. M. Dawn
Packer, DavePadden, BernardPadilla, Jose
Padilla, MichaelPaige, RaianaPainted Word, The
Paintin' By NumbersPale SketcherPallas, Laura
Palm Skin ProductionsPalmistryPan Sonic
Panama WeddingPanda Gang, ThePandella
PanicPanjabi Hit SquadPants, James
PapertoysPapp, JuliusParish, John
ParismanPark, SimonParlour Trick, The
PascalPaspar 2Passage, The
Passions, ThePatitucci, JohnPatra
PattenPatterns In PeruPaul, Chris
Paul, JaiPAUSPay As U Go Cartel
Payne, TammyPBKPeaches, Black
Peacock, AnnettePearl River SoundPecker
Peel, HannahPeeping Tom (Rock)Pelgrim
People PeoplePeptalkPerfect Alibi
PerfectoPernice BrothersPerplexer
Perri, SandroPeshayPeter De Havilland
Peters, MarkPetrichorPeverelist
PFM (Progressive Future Music)PharmakonPharoah Chromium
PhewPhillips, TimPhillips, Tom
Picnic At The WhitehousePierre Henry & Spooky ToothPigbag
PigforcePill & DreadPink Lady
Pip WilliamsPlace, FinePlaitum
Planet PatrolPlanet, FantasticPlastic Fantastic
PlaygroupPleasure [90S]Plinth
Plus Tech Squeeze BoxPlutonicPoemss
Poesie NoirePoirierPoison, This
Pola & BrysonPolaroidPôle
PoliciaPollock, JoannePonder, Sanford
Ponty, Jean-LucPookah Makes 3Poppy, Andrew
PoptartzPorcelain RaftPorcini, Funki
Portion ControlPorto, FernandaPositiva
PostkontoretPotential Bad BoyPotter, Colin
PowellPower, KevinPre New, The
PregnancyPresagePresence (Dance)
Presets, ThePresident PresidentPressure Rise
PrestonPreston, Don (Keyboards)Prettyboycrossover
PrickPrince CharlesPrince Quick Mix
Prince, FionaPrismaPrisoners Of Technology
Pritchard, DavidPrivate DomainPro-Active
Productions, PalmskinProgram 2Project Club, The
Project DProjectionPronto!
PsychemagikPsychic WarriorsPsyclones
PTPPuente Jr., TitoPulsar
PunxPure Reason RevolutionPVRIS
Pye Corner AudioQ-BassQED
Qemists, TheQuadranQuaeschning, Thorsten
QuakersQuanticQuest, Solar
Quiet, ForceQuintronRabbit In The Moon
Rabe, DeniseRachel, CousinRaczynski, Bogdan
Radio HeartRadio Slave Rafter
Rage (Pop)Ragga And The Jack Magic OrcheRaiden
Rain Tree CrowRaine, LenaRaissa
Ram TrilogyRamlehRandy Pie & Family
Range, TheRani, HaniaRasmus
Rat BoyRatatatRavel, Freddie
Raven, MarshaRaviolette, NiniRawhill Cru
Ray KeithRay, JimmyRay, Kangding
ReactReactor, JunoReal DJ
RebornRec RangersRecruits
Red FlagRed OneRed Venom
Red, GeorgieReflectionReggie And The Full Effect
Remote Viewer, TheRepeatRephlex
ReR MegacorpResin DogsResonant Evil
Reto A IchiRetro StefsonRevolutionary Corps Of Teenage
Reznor, TrentRhiRhythim Is Rhythim
Richard, PeterRichenelRiechmann, Wolfgang
RikshawRiley, BillRing, Purity
RiseRising, ExpressRisse
RitonRitual AestheticRival Consoles
River OceanRivera, SandyRjd2
Roach, SteveRob Smith (British)Robert John Godfrey
Robert RentalRobert Rental & The NormalRobinson, Janice
Robinson, RogerRobots In DisguiseRoc
Rocco & HeistRochelleRock, Scenario
Rockman, WaltROCKY, A$APRococo
Roden, SteveRoedelius, Hans-JoachimRohne
Rooney, PaulRosachromRosalia
Ross From FriendsRoss, LianRotation
Rother, MichaelRotterdam Termination SourceRowe, Keith
Rowe, MariaRowe, NickRowland, Rob
Roy Davis Jr.Roy Of The RaversRoyce Wood Junior
RroseRRoxymoreRubber Johnny
Ruddock, AnnieRudich, ArikRudiman, Shawn
Ruff DriverzRundell, RafRuPaul
Rush, DJRuvolo, Joe & Labirt, MikeRX-101
Ryan, PattyRymetymeRythm Syndicate
S.O.A.P.SaaadSaadiq, Raphael
Sabbath, HackSadisticsSaint Laurent Ernest
Saint PepsiSakini, LailaSakuma, Masahide
Salami Rose Joe LouisSaluteSamandtheplants
Sanchez, JuniorSandalsSantos
Sasha (Asian Dance)SatellitesSatin Jackets
Sato, HiroshiSavageSavannah
SBTRKTSC-164Scala Timpani
ScantyScarlettScarlett And Black
Schafer, TroySchlammpeitzigerSchmidt, Peter
Schnauss, UlrichSchneider TMSchnitzler, Conrad
Schrock, JakeSchroeder, RobertSchultze, Kristian
Schulz, PurpleSchweinScience, Musical
Scienz Of LifeScissorgunScorpio
Scott, LornaScott, RaymondScott, Robin
Screaming Trees, The (UK)Secret KnowledgeSection, Rhythm
Seen Links - Schlösser RechtsSelectionSelf, Colin
SellingSemi RealSen, Lea
Sense, 6ThSensiSequential One
Seven Davis JrSever, SamSex Club
SexwitchSFXShadow Huntaz
Shadow TalkShadow, VaticanShadows And Mirrors
Shapplin, EmmaSharpe & NumanShavit, Ami
Shaw, JasShay, NatalieSheikettes, The
Sherman, KennethShiftShifted
ShigetoShine, TheShiraishi, Takayuki
Shire TShlohmoShock Headed Peters
Shogun (Drum N Bass)Shooting At Unarmed MenShortwave Mystery, The
Shreeve, MarkShuraSigala
Sightless PitSigmund Und Sein FreundSignify, DJ
Silent GuestsSiliconSilicon Dream
Silicon TeensSilver Apples, TheSimone
Simonetti, MikeSimonicsSinkane
Sivan, TroyeSivuSixtoo
Skee MaskSkepticSketches For Albinos
Slasher DaveSlasher Film Festival Strategy, TheSleep Chamber
Sleep, WayneSleeping Pills, TheSleepingdog
SlingbaumSlinkySlip & Shuffle
Slow Bongo FloydSlowthaiSlum
SmartSmith & MightySmith, Dick
Smith, Steve (Dirty Vegas)Smith, Trudie DawnSML
Smoke CitySmokey EmerySnakeman Show
Snapped AnklesSnappy SidSnow, Michael
Snow, ThrowingSoap&SkinSoft Cell
SoftwareSolar BearsSoldier, Dark
SoleSolomon GreySome Bizzare
Son Of Sam (80'S)Sonic AvengersSonic Experience
Sonic GenerationSonikkuSophie
Soul Club, TheSoul GrabberSoul Hooligan
Soul ProvidersSoulsearcherSound Of Bootsie
Sound Of OneSound Of Zapness, TheSound Source
Sound SynthesisSounds From The GroundSounds, Synthesonic
Souther, RichardSouthon, SonnySouvenir
Space (French)Space FrogSpace Lady, The
Space MonkeySpacedustSpacer
Spaghetti SurfersSpalding, OliverSpank 5.0
Spatula, KidSpecial RequestSpectral Display
SpellllingSpheresSpiegel, Laurie
Spies, HolegSpiny Anteaters, TheSpirit (Drum N Bass)
SPK (Dance)Splash (Drum N Bass)Spleen
Spoerri, BrunoSpook-eySpor
Sporto KantesSpyder-DSquarepusher
St. PaulSt. VincentStairways, Secret
Standard PlanetsStapleton, StevenStardrive
Starless & Bible BlackStarr CrewStars Of The Lid
Startled InsectsStarwalkerStarwash
StasisState Of Grace (UK)State Of House
State, EmpireState, TheStatic
StaveSteiner, RubinStep By Step
Stevens & MarcellusStevens, MikeStijn
Stirling, LindseyStoll, SteveStone Free
Stone, CarlStonebridgeStonefunkers
StrafeSTRANGE, RICHARDStranger Than Fiction
StrategyStray KidsStretch & Vern
Studio 1 Studio 45Stutz Bearcats
SubArachnoid SpaceSubjaggerSubmotion Orchestra
SubtropicSubwaveSudeten Creche
Sugar & CandySugarhill GangSuicide
Suite, VoodooSukiaSulta, Denis
Sumnall, HarrySumsSun's Signature
SunclubSundanceSundemo, Frida
Sung, QuintonSunkingsSunroof
SunshipSupafly Vs FishbowlSuper Eccentric Theater
Super-Phonics, TheSuper_ColliderSuperions, The
Sure!, Al B.Surfers, TheSurge
SurviveSusanSuspicions, The
Swayne, GilesSwayzakSweet Mercy
Sweet ThunderSwooshSwords, Orphan
Sync24Syndrome AudioSynergy
SystematicSzajner, BernardT La Rock
T-1000, DJT.H.KTab Okonkwo
Tabbal, FadiTackheadTaima
Takada, MidoriTakahashi, LoganTalabot, John
TaliTamul, JackTanh Chi
Tape, LowTapesTarik, Duron & Intense
TarwaterTaylor, LewisTaylor, Steve
Team, DreamTechno TwinsTechno-Animal
TeddyTeddy BearsTeebs
TeenagersintokyoTeeth Of The SeaTek, Ital
Tekton Motor CorporationTelekasterTelex
Ten TenTenaglia, DannyTenderlonious
Tenth ChapterTerje, ToddTerminal Outkasts
Terminal Power CompanyTerminalheadTerranova
TeuléThackray, Emma-JeanThe Adventures Of Stevie V
The Bloodied SwordThe DragonThe Infinity Project
ThecocknbullkidThelemaThemis, John
ThemselvesThief, Mid-AirThink Tank
Thinking PlagueThis Final FrameThis Heat
Thomas (60s), PatThomas, EdThool
Thornton, FonziThousand Foot Whale ClawThree Legged Race
Thumann, HarryThunderboysTia Monae
Tidwell, CortneyTiers OperaTiësto
Tiger LilyTiger MothTiger, Timid
TikimanTime BanditsTimecop1983
Timewriter, TheTipperTirzah
Tobin, AmonTone, DualTone, Le
ToneboxTonetraegerTongue 'n' Cheek
Tongue, HolyTonto's Expanding Head BandTony Toni Toné
ToothlessTorske, BjørnTortured Soul
ToscaTotal ScienceTotally Enormous Extinct Dinos
Touch Of SoulTournesolToy Shop, The
ToydrumTrace (Drum N Bass)Trailer Trash Tracys
Tramer, BenTranquility BassTrans X
TranseptTransvoltaTrash Fashion
Trek W/ QuintronicTrent, RonTreriksroset
Triana, AndreyaTribe Of IssacharTrina & Tamara
Trinity (Drum N Bass)Trio, TrübyTrip
Triple Fast ActionTristezaTropic Of Cancer
TroublemakersTRSTTruckers, Fat
TrudgeTrythall, GilTsiboe, Reggie
Tubeway ArmyTucker, TerryTuesday Blue
Tuff JamTurquoise MoonTurtle
Tusken RaidersTV ManiaTVAM
TVXQ & Super Junior 05Twigs, FKATwilight 22
Twin, GazelleTwisted IndividualTwo Minds Crack
Two TwoTyler, TomTyrrel Corporation, The
TzusingU-BahnXU.N.I.V.E.R.S.E., The
U.S. GirlsUf0Uh Huh Her
Ulrich, PeterUltimate ForceUltra Naté
Umberto (00S)UmbozaUmo Vogue
Uncle 22Underground Zer0Union, Marconi
UnisexUnit 43Unit Feat Red Bone
United Future OrganisationUnited NationsUnited Nations Of Dance
Units, TheUnklejamUnknown Cases, The
UnlovedUnunUp, Listen
Urban JungleUrban Myth ClubUre, Midge
Uropa LulaV, FredV.I.V.E.K
Vacant Lots, TheVaccineVagabon
Valese, SaeleValveVan Duyne, Toni
Van SheVance, FoyVandalism
VaneVannelli, GinoVår
Various-Ambient & ElectronicaVass, DinaVaults
VCMGVegas SoulVelvet Universe
Velvet, GreenVelveteens, TheVercetti Technicolor
Vernon, NanVersa, ViceVersion, Diamond
Verwijmeren, KevinVian, PatrickVibracathedral Orchestra
Vicious PinkVictims Of PleasureVidéo-Aventures
Vinci, FrankieViolent, JohnnyVirgo
Vive La Fête!Vogel, CristianVoices Of Life
Voigt, WolfgangVOLAVonStroke, Claude
Voom, Voom:Voorn, JorisVort
VOXVrilVynehall, Leon
W.A. DePHULWake, TheWalker, Fen
Walker, SamWansel, DexterWaqWaq Kingdom
WareikaWarrior (Dance)Watkins, Kit
WavesWaveshaperWayne, Bruce
Wayne, JeffWe Are HexWe Are Shining
We Fell To EarthWeapon Of PeaceWeekend Players
Wel, MasterWeldon, E'leesaWell Red
West Street MobWestbeech, BenWesterman
WheelUPWhirling Hall Of KnivesWhite Boy Worry
White BreaksWhite NoiseWhite Noise Sound
White, IrieWhite, PaulWhitehouse
Whitehouse ConnectionWhiteyWhitey On The Moon UK
WhoMadeWhoWhy?Wicky Wacky
Wikman, EricWild FrontiersWild Weekend
Wild, DamonWilfriedWilkes, Sam
Willesden Dodgers, TheWilliamson, AstridWilson
Wilson-James, VictoriaWipe The NeedleWitt/Heppner
WizzWolf, JaiWomack, Asaph
Wong, DustinWoodcraft FolkWoodhead Monroe
WookieWoolf, Jai DeanWooly Reasonable
Woon, JamieWorking Men's ClubWorld Class Wreckin' Cru, The
World, ComaWorlds, BlazingWorldwide Epidemic
WranglerWrenWright, Lorna
WritzWurman, HansX, Channel
X, MalcolmX-PerienceX-Press 2
X-Ray PopX-tremeXam
XelaXhol CaravanXon
xPropagandaYachtYamashta, Stomu
Yamashta, Winwood & ShrieveYasmin (Dance)Yazoo
Ye Ye Girls, TheYelleYellow Magic Orchestra
Yonkers, MichaelYoshimura, HiroshiYou, Thank
Young, NateYoungblood, ConnerYouth Lagoon
Youth Of BritainYuletide OutlawsZ'EV
Zaffarano, MarcoZaine GriffZarelli
Zazou, HectorZebra CrossingZed
Zephaniah, BenjaminZerfall, MariaZindani, Adam
Zinger Meats Spry 2000 HotZinger, EarlZombi
Zone, TimeZongaminZoo, Qkumba
ZoobombsZoviet FranceZygoat

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