
View all Genre's  

'81, Show-Stoppers(70S), Hug(French), Quartz
(Funk), Trust(Jazz), Placebo(US), Warlock
[Funk], Halo100 Proof Aged In Soul13Th Amendment, The
15-60-75 (The Numbers Band)35, Calibro4.A.D.
4HERO4Mandu52nd Precinct
5th Dimension, The9Th Creation, TheA.A.B.B.
AbraAbraham And MosesAbu Hafla Orchestra
Act 1Ad Libs, TheAdam's Apples
Adeney, Richard & Brown, IanAdvent, TheAf-Tab's
Affair (Disco), TheAffair (Soul), TheAfrican Music Machine
AfriqueAfro AkinoAfter, Morning
Agee, TawathaAggregationAgo
AimAldeoniAlessandroni, Alessandro
Alfie Khan Sound OrchestraAlgiersAli, Abraham
Aliens, The (Pop)Allan, LauraAllstars, Brooklyn
AMAmbassadors Of FunkAmerican Gypsy
Amina Claudine MyersAmp FiddlerAnd Why Not?
Anderson, RoshellAnderson, UdellAnderson.Paak
Andraé Crouch & The DisciplesAngelo & EighteenAngry Mexican DJ's
Ann, LittleAnriAnswering Service
Anthony, GeorgeAntonio Carlos E JocafiApollo
Apollo, OmarApostles, TheArc Gospel Choir, The
Archie Bell & The DrellsArchives, SudanArizona
ArmentaArnie's LoveArnold, Joe
ArpeggioArrington, SteveArt School & Mighty Motor Gang
Asakura, MikiAshbrooke AllstarsAshe, Clarence
Asia BlueAstor & The PotentialsAtlanta Disco Band, The
Atlantic RecordsAtlantics (Soul), TheAtmosfear
AurraAustin, JohntaAxiom Funk
Ayers, RoyAztecaB. Baker Chocolate Co.
Baby HueyBaby'OBabyman
Baker, MichaelBalance (Funk)Band A.K.A., The
Band Of GoldBand, ApatchiBang Gang
Bang Girl Group Revue, TheBanks & HamptonBar-Kays
Barber, SandyBarretto, RayBarry Waite & Ltd.
Bartz, GaryBascomb, WilburBataan Joe
Batiste, JonBaxter, TonyBbx
BeanfieldBeasley, WalterBeavers, Jackey
Beggar & CoBeginning Of The End, TheBell Brothers, The
BenjaminBerné, JacquiBerté, Loredana
Bertucci, AnneBest, AdamBey, Yaya
Big ABig Boss ManBig Cheese All Stars, The
Big Daddy MoochinBig TonyBig Trouble (70s)
BilalBionic, DoctorBits & Pieces
Blacc, AloeBlack And WhiteBlack Gorilla
Black IceBlack IvoryBlack Joe Lewis
Black PearlBlack PumasBlack Science Fiction
Black Soul ExpressBlackbyrds, TheBlacknell, Eugene
BlackstreetBlast (80s)Bloodstone
Blow FlyBlow, KurtisBlythe, Arthur
Bo, EddieBob Brady & The Con ChordsBob Rowe's O.M.O.
Bobby ByrdBobby Moore's Rhythm AcesBody (Soul)
Body, Soul & SpiritBomb, MindBombers
BonaventuraBongolian, TheBonzo Goes To Washington
Boobie Knight & The Universal Boogaloos, TheBoogie Man Orchestra, The
Bookham And RiskettBoots, TheBootsy's Rubber Band
Boppers, TheBoss EffectBourne, Joe
Bovver Boys, TheBozzio, DaleBrainbox (Focus)
BrainstormBrandao, RodrigoBrave Combo
BreakestraBreakoutBrecker Brothers, The
BrickBrides Of Funkenstein, TheBridge
Brighter Side Of DarknessBrimmer, CharlesBroadway Project
Broken Keys, TheBrom, GustavBrookins, Robert
Brooklyn Funk EssentialsBrooks And JerryBrooks, Chuck
Broom, BobbyBroomfieldBrother Strut
Brothers (Soul/Funk), TheBrothers Johnson, TheBrothers Of Soul
Brothers, EbonyBrown, CharlieBrown, George
Brown, JamesBrown, LeroyBrown, Mel
Brown, PeterBrown, SharonBrowne, Mack & Brothers, The
Bryant, LeonBuariBuchanan, Catharine
Buenen, DréBuford, RonBullock, Janice
Bulluck, JaniceBurgess LeroyBurke, Aloha
Burke, KeniBurrage, HaroldBurundi Black
BusfaceBush, ErnieButler, Billy
Büyükburç, ErolByrd, DanByrd, Donald
Byrne & BarnesC.J. & Co.Cacique
Cado BelleCaesars (Soul), TheCagedbaby
Cain, HenryCaine, GeneralCaldera (70s)
CalenderCalhoonCalifornian Raisins, The
Callier, TerryCalloway, RickeyCameron, Rafael
Campbell, Michael EdwardCandidoCapitol Records
Cappel, LarryCargoCarl Davis & The Chi-Sound Orc
Carmen, PhilCarn, DougCarnival, L.A.
Carr, AndreCarroll, PorterCarte Blanche
Carter, RalphCasablanca, ParisCash, Sharon
Casper, NovaCastor, JimmyCatherine Philip
Catto, MalcomCavaliers Unlimited, TheCélia
Central LineCermakkChacon, Eddie
Chain ReactionChairmen Of The BoardChalard, Jacky
Chalkitis, HarryChambers Brothers, TheChamp's Boys Orchestra
ChampaignChaney, KenChapter Three
Charles, SweetCharmaines, TheChe
Cheeks, JudyChefs (Funk), TheChemise
Chequers, TheCherry Poppin' DaddiesCherry, Ava
Chet FakerChewChéyAnne
Chicago Gangsters, TheChild Of Lov, TheChildren Of Planet Earth
Children, Father'sChocolate MilkChoice Four, The
Choice, NewChopp Master FloppChristian, Garry
Christopher Morris BandChubukos, TheChuck Brown & Soul Searchers
CinemaCissel, ChuckClarity, Clarence
Clark, MikeClarke, Stanley & Duke, GeorgeClave, La
Clayton, WillieClifford, MatayaClifton White And His Royal Knights
Clinton, GeorgeCodina, CaspaCoffey, Dennis
Cole, BillyCole, LouisColeman, Durell
Collins, BootsyCollins, RodgerCollins, Willie
CollocutorColon, WillieColtrane, Chi
Command DecisionCommander CodyCommon, Jonnie
Con Funk ShunConnection, FamilyConnections, The
Constellation OrchestraContact-UControllers, The
ConvertionConway Brothers, TheConwell, Jimmy
Cooke, SamonaCookin' On 3 BurnersCopeland, Ruth
Corchado, MannyCorduroyCorea Hancock
Cornelius (US)Cornelius Brothers & Sister RoCounter Points
Country FunkCounts, The (70s)Courtney, Lou
Crack The SkyCrackin'Craig T. Cooper
Crawford, CarolineCrawford, HankCreation (Funk)
Creations, StoneCreative SourceCreep, The
Crime Sound Orchestra, TheCromagnon Band, TheCross, Nathaniel
Crouch, AndraéCrown Heights AffairCrown Heights Affair, The
Crowns, TheCrusaders, MinyoCrusaders, The
CrystalCult (Funk Soul), TheCultured Pearls
Curtis Knight ZeusCurtis Liggins Indications, TheD'Dancer
D'Eliso, GinoD.T.B.Daktaris, The
Dale, SydDam-FunkDance Like A Mother
DantaDarker Shades Ltd.Das Pop
David, DwightDavis, BettyDavis, Darlene
Davis, GeaterDavis, HelenDavis, Ronnie
Davis, SalDavis, TyroneDaybreak
DaytonDC FontanaDe Blanc
De PhazzDebonairs, TheDee, Graham
Dee, Richard HenryDeee-LiteDeele, The
Deeley, AnthonyDees, SamDefunkt
Deighton, MattDells, TheDelta Rhythm Section, The
Demon (Dance)Demon FuzzDennis, Cheri
Descloux, Lizzy MercierDestiny LoveDi Franco, Linda
Dibango, ManuDickerson, DezDinner Party
DionneDirect CurrentDirectory
Dirty LoopsDirty Stop OutDisco Dub Band
DisconnectionDiscothequeDistant Cousins
Dizzy HeightsDJ MuroDJ Premier
Domino Band, TheDormannuDoves [70S], The
Downing, DonDr. Bloodmoney Dr. Feelgood & The Interns
Dr. StrutDr. YorkDragonbass
Dramatics, TheDrive, DirectDrop, Love
Dualers, TheDub Narcotic Sound SystemDubois, Ja'net
DudeDuff, EarlDuke Bootee
Dum-DumDuralchaDurrant, Buggs
Dutertre, Jean-FrançoisDVSNDyke & The Blazers
Dynamic CorvettesDyrections, AllEarlington, Lyn
Earons, TheEarth & FireEarth Wind & Fire
EarthquireEast Of UndergroundEasterling, Skip
Eastside ConnectionEaton, ClevelandEbony Rhythm Funk Campaign
Ebonys, TheEdwards Generation, TheEffort, Joint
Ekambi BrillantEL MICHELS AFFAIRElbert, Donny
Elbow Bones And The RacketeersElectric Banana BandEleven
Eleventh House, TheEllison, WillieEmbers, Flaming
EmmaEnchanted Forest, TheEnchantment
Energettics, TheEramus HallEruption (Funk)
EsperantoEssential BopEsso Trinidad Steel Band, The
Everyday People, TheEverything Is RecordedEx-Girlfriend
Experience UnlimitedExperiênciaExuma
F.M. FunkFA-5Fabulous Echoes, The
Faith, GeneFaiyaz, BrentFantastic Puzzles, The
Farley, ChuckFat Freddy's DropFatima
Fauna FlashFaye, AlmaFaze-O
FBIFearless Flyers, TheFeel
Felder, WiltonFergieFerguson, Rebecca
Fessor FunkFestivalFidler, Dave
Fika & BambieFila BrazilliaFilterfunk
FinesseFinley, RobertFirefly
First Family, TheFishbelly BlackFisher, Mark
Fitch, John & AssociatesFive SpecialFive Stairsteps, The
Flack And CompanyFlakesFlash & The Dynamics
FleaFloyd, KingFood Pyramid
Force M.D.'sForce One NetworkForce, Active
Force, PigFord, TedFossati, Ivano
Foster, RonnieFour Brothers, TheFoxx, Inez & Charlie
FoxyFrancesco De MasiFranklin, Rodney
FrantiqueFrazer, AaronFrazier, Bernice
Frazier, CaesarFreak PartyFreaky Fukin Weirdoz
Free Mind, TheFree SpiritFreedom Or Not
Freeez, SouthernFrench Funk SpecialistFresh (Funk/Soul)
Fresh FlavorFriendly PersuasionFriends (Jazz)
Frontline Orchestra, TheFugiFunk, Inc.
FunkadelicFunkapolitanFunkees, The
FunkrewFunky 4 + 1Funky Music Machine
Funky PeopleFur, BlackFurys, The
Fuzz [Disco], TheG. Love & Special SauceGabriel, Dub
Gadd, SteveGadson, MelGal, Ricki
GalacticGale Gaymon, J.Galliano
Gammon, PatrickGarcia's Super FunkGardenia
Gardner, TaanaGarner, BillyGarrett, Lee
GastonGeneral JohnsonGeneration Gap, The
Generation, ThirdGentlemen & Their LadiesGentlemen And Their Lady
Gi-GiGiles, AngieGivens Family, The
GizmodromeGlenn, BobbyGodfrey, Ray
Gold, MichelleGolden GunnGolden, Lotti
Gong SavanaGonzales, ChillyGonzalez
Goochifrita, JuanitaGood Samaritans, TheGoodwin, Otis
Goody GoodyGorrie, AlanGotham
Graham Central StationGraham, LarryGraham, Ralph
Grand Popo Football ClubGrand TheftGraves, Carl
Gray, MarkGreatest Little Soul BandGreen, Al
Green, GrantGreene, JeanieGrey, Tony
Griffith Park Collection, TheGroove, HifidelicsGroove, Various-Japanese
Group (Funk), TheGrupo FantasmaGuillotine
Guitar TechniquesGun, AltinGun, Mamas
Gusano, ElGypsy LoveGyrlz, The
H. Andrews CongregationHaines, PerryHairston, Curtis
Hall, RandyHambric, BillyHambrick, John
Hammond, JohnnyHancock, HerbieHancock, Larry
Hard MoveHarding, CurtisHarford, Chris
Harold Y Su BandaHarper, GreniqueHarris, Brenda Jo
Harris, OscarHarvey & The PhenomenalsHaskins, Fuzzy
Hathaway, DonnyHaywood, KittyHaywood, Leon
Haywoode, EmmaHaze (Funk/Soul)Headhunters, The
Heads TogetherHeart And SoulHeat, Deep
Heavyweights, TheHebb, BobbyHeem The Music Monsters
Heffernan, HonorHejiraHenderson, Greg
Henderson, ScottHenderson, WillieHenry, Freddy
Herbert, MatthewHerbsHerte, Kim
Hi RecordsHi RhythmHicks, D'Atra
Hicks, JimmyHidden Cost, TheHidden Strength
Highlighters Band, TheHill, RoniHill, Z.Z.
Hills, ChrisHinds, CamelleHoffmaestro
Hog, GroundHolland, AmyHombre
Honey ConeHoneychildHoodoo Rhythm Devils
Horne Section, TheHornheadsHot Blood
Hot Chocolate (Funk/Soul)Hot IceHot Line
Hot RocksHot StreakHouseband
How To Dress WellHudson, AlHues Corporation, The
Hughes, FreddieHunnigale, PeterHunt, Geraldine
Hutch, WillieHutchins, SammieHyman, Phyllis
I.C.Q.I.G.'s, TheIan Green Revelation
Ides Of March, TheIgnoranceIijima, Chris
Ikafa, LeiahImage, Crystal'sImpact Of Brass, The
Independent Movement, TheIngram, LutherInner City Express
Innersection, TheInshallahInstant Funk
Institute, WatsonianIntrigueInvisible Man's Band
Invisible Man's Band, TheIpa-BoogieIrvine, Weldon
Ishikawa, AkiraIsley Brothers, TheIsley Jasper Isley
IvyJ.B's, TheJ.B.'s, The
J.T. TaylorJaan Kuman Instrumental EnsembleJacinth, Joy
Jack Sass Band, TheJack, Ballin'Jackie
Jackson, J. J.Jackson, MarkeJaheim
Jamaica Boys, TheJames Walsh Gypsy BandJames, Rick
JamiroquaiJamisonJammers, The
Jarvis BrothersJarvis, ArnoldJasper, Chris
Javells, TheJay Dee (Soul/Disco)Jazz Steppers, The
JazzyfatnasteesJeff Britton & The SpitfiresJeffree
Jenkins, JohnnyJenkins, KechiaJeremy & The Satyrs
Jerome, OscarJerry OJess & James
JhelisaJimmy 'Bo' HorneJimmy Briscoe And The Beavers
Jimmy G & The TackheadsJiveJKS, BLK
Johansen, GlenJohn & ErnestJohn Gibbs And The U.S Steel O
John Heartsman And CirclesJohn Paul BarrettJohn Wagner Coalition, The
John, MavisJohnny Howard (Soul)Johnny K
Johnson (Funk), HowardJohnson ProductsJohnson, Alphonso
Johnson, ChicoJohnson, CurtJohnson, Louis
Johnson, Roy LeeJohnson, Samuel JonathanJohnwaynes
JomandaJones, D.Jones, Durand
Jones, JanJones, JustinJones, Keziah
Jordan, LonnieJordan, NormaJorge López Ruiz 5
Joseph, DavidJoubert Singers, TheJoy Crookes
Joyce Fenderella IrbyJPEGMAFIAJuice
JuiceJuke And The All-Drunk OrchestJulian Preister Pepo Mtoto
Julius, OrlandoJungle RockJust Brothers
Just LoudK-Nine, JamesKabaka, Remi
KaderKanyonKaren Meat
KashifKat ManduKaterine, Philippe
Kawasaki, RyoKay-GeesKeith & Darrell
Kendrick, WillieKennedy, JoyceKenney, Howard
Kent, AlKenya, WgandaKenyon, Carol
KeywestKhruangbinKid Cudi
Kids In The KitchenKillers, HolyKim & Dave
King, AnnaKing, R.J.King, Tracey
Kingdom Come (70s)Kings Go ForthKings Of Hearts, The
Kinky FoxxKinsey Report, TheKirby, John Carroll
Kissoon, MacKleeerKlymaxx
Knight, FrederickKnight, JeanKongas
Kool & The GangKoskinen, MikeKraak & Smaak
KwickL. A. BoppersL., Dinosaur
L.A. SplashL.T.D.La Chaux, Meechelle
LA PriestLacey, YazminLack Of Afro
Lady JaneLafayette Afro-Rock BandLamour, Gina
Lane, StacyLaquanLast Poets, The
LatimoreLattimore, CharlesLatul
LatyrxLaurel Collective, TheLaurence, Paul
Lavender Hill MobLaVette, BettyeLaVice & Company
Laws, HubertLaws, RonnieLeacock, Pat
Lee, JohnLee, OtisLee, Robert
Lefties Soul ConnectionLennear, ClaudiaLeo's Sunshipp
LevertLevi, Shem-TovLevy, O'Donel
Lewis And The LegendsLewis, DavidLewis, Dee
Lewis, RussLidell, JamieLife, Theodore
LifesighsLifestyleLight Of The World
Lightnin' RodLimit, TheLindsay, Steven
Link, CosmicLinton, JoeLipstique
Liquid MonkLites, ShirleyLittle Hank
Little Mac & The Boss SoundsLittle RichieLMFAO
LNRLocksmithLoose Joints
Lorber, JeffLord Newborn & Magic SkullsLords Of Percussion, The
Los JaivasLost Generation, TheLove Bite
Love ClubLove InternationalLove Machine (70S), The
Love On LoveLove SoundsLove Street
Love Unlimited OrchestraLove, JimmyLove, Tandy
LTG ExchangeLucas, CherylLucas, Ted
Lyle, BobbyLyman Woodard Organization, TheLynch
Lyndal Barry & The ApollosLynn, BobbiM, Bobby
M.C.BoobMabuse, SiphoMac Attack
Maceo & The MacksMack, FreddieMackey Feary
Mad Lads, The (60s)Madame XMadhouse (1970s)
Madison (UK)Mai, EllaMaia, Tim
MainstreetMajestics (Funk), TheMajjestee's
Majority, TheMaltaMamode IV, Reginald Omas
Mamzelle, BattiMandingoMandrill
Manfila, KanteMankindManteca, Larry
MantusManzelMarathon (70s)
Mardi GrasMardis, BobbyMarijata
Marina Del ReyMarr, HankMartin, Derek
Martinez, NigelMASON, GILLYMasqueraders, The
Mass ExtensionMassadaMassiera, Jean-Pierra
MastermindMatataMatsui, Keiko
Matthews, DavidMatthews, JeanMatthews, Milt
Max TundraMaxaynMayfield, Curtis
McCann, LesMcClain, JaniceMcClary, Thomas
McCrae, George & GwenMcCrae, GwenMcCuller, Arnold
McDonald, LeeMcGee, Jay W.McGilpin Bob
McKay, DelseyMckee, LonetteMcKenzie, Tony
McNeill, SylviaMcWilliams, PauletteMEDI
Medium Wave Band, TheMeï Teï ShoMelt Yourself Down
Men Of North CountryMenageMercury, Eric
Mercy MeMercy Seat, TheMessiah (70s)
MetropoleMichajlov, AngeloMickey Lee Lane
Midnight Movers, TheMidnight Movers, Unltd.Midnight Shift
Midnight StarMidniteMighty Clouds Of Joy, The
Mighty FireMiguelMike Theodore Orchestra, The
MikiMitchell, StanleyMizzel Brothers, The
Mob (Funk), TheModerniqueModulations, The
Mohawks, TheMoments, TheMonae, Janelle
Monk, T.S.MontanaMoon
Moon PeopleMoonchildMoore, Bobby
Moore, CurleyMorgan, MariaMoronic Surveyors, The
Morris, RamonMorrison, JunieMorrissey Mullen
Moses, TedMoss, BillMother Earth (90s)
Mother's FinestMotionMouzon, Alphonse
Mouzon, AlphonzeMovies, TheMr Jukes
MtumeMundi, PurpleMunnings, Ray
Muraoka, MinoruMurdock, LydiaMustafa ÖZkent Ve Orkestrasi
MutinyMychals, RobbieMyhill, Richard
Mynah Birds, TheMyrthMystic Merlin
Nashville Soul Orchestra, TheNathaniel Rateliff & The Night SweatsNatural Four
Natural Four, TheNatural HighNaturals, The (US 70s)
Nature ZoneNeighbourhood, TheNetwerk
NevergrandNeville, IvanNew Jersey Connection, The
New Jump Band, TheNew York Port AuthorityNew York Skyy
Newbeats, TheNewberry III, BookerNewcomers, The
Newman, David 'Fathead'Newmark, AndyNewton, James
NewtoneNiemen, CzeslawNilsmen, The
Nite-Liters, TheNkabinde, PlunkyNkengas, The
No Way JoseNocentelli, LeoNoguchi, Goro
Nolen & CrossleyNostalgia 77Notations, The
NovaNovo BandNow
NTNunn, BobbyNYJO
NytroOccasional Five, TheOcean, Billy
Octave OneOctaviaOdds & Ends
OdysseyOfegeOgawa, Yusuke
Ohio PlayersOkino, ShuyaOlympics, The
Onom Agemo & The Disco JumpersOnwenu, OnyekaOnyeabor, William
OrganizationOs DiagonaisOsborne & Giles
Osborne, JeffreyOsibisaOsiris (Funk)
Oskar, LeeOssie Layne Show, TheOTHERLiiNE
Otis & The King PinsOtis, ShuggieOutloud
Oxley, LouieOysterheadOzan, Mehmet
OzoP-FunkPackers The
Padgett, BettyPages [Northern Soul]Palladino, Pino
PaoParisParker, Cecil
Parker, WinfieldParliamentParrish, Theo
Pascoal, HermetoPastichePatrick, Keith
Patterns In PeruPatterson, BobbyPatterson, Kellee
Paul, ChrisPaul, JaiPaz
Peaches, BlackPeckers, ThePennington, Barbara
Penny & The QuartersPeople's ChoicePeople, Everyday
Percy And ThemPerks, ThePerry, Barbara
Perry, GregPerry, PhilPeter Jacques Band
Peterson, RickyPhiladelphia Woodwind QuintetPhillips, Arlene
Pie, RandyPieces Of PeacePink Sweat$
Pink, TickledPiperPlant Life
Player [1]Players Association, ThePlaythings, The
PleasePoets Of Rhythm, ThePoint Of View
Pokis, HokisPolice, FunkPonderosa Twins + One
Pop's Cool LovePorter, GeorgePortland, Gary
PortraitPositivaPositive Choice
Positive ForcePoussezPowell, Roger
Power PlayPrates, JoséPraxis
Pregunta, LaPrentiss, LeePresidents, The
Preston, BillyPrettyboyPrime Mates, The
Prime TimePrince CharlesPrince Harold
Prince Phillip MitchellPrisonaires, ThePrister, Jerome
Procedures, TheProphets Of Peace, ThePucho & His Latin Soul Brothers
Puddu, AlexPure EnergyPure Essence
Push (Funk)PussyfootPuthli, Asha
PuzzlePyramids [Afro-jazz], TheQ
Quansah, EddieQuantic Soul Orchestra, TheQuarterman, Joe
Quatro, MichaelQuazarQuick, The
Quiet StormR.J.'s Latest ArrivalRag N Bone Man
Rag'n'Bone ManRagamuffins, TheRagland, Lou
Rakei, JordanRalph 'Soul' JacksonRandolph, Robert
Rare Gems OdysseyRasputin's StashRay, Harry
Rayde, AyreReading, WilmaReady For The World
Real To ReelReality Band And Show, TheRed Hot Chili Peppers
Redding, DexterRedding, OtisReddings, The
Redds And The BoysRednow, EivetsReed, Vivian
Reid, JuniorResonanceResonance Vox
Reynolds, BarryReynolds, L. J.Rhapsody
RhiRhythm HeritageRhythm Makers
Rhythm ReignRhyzeRicardo Marrero & The Group
Rice, GeneRichard Ho LungRichards, Ronnie
Richardson, DelRidaRight Kind, The
RIIZERiley, Cheryl PepsiiRio Grande Orchestra
Rivera, HectorRMSRobinson, Bert
Robinson, SylviaRock Candy Funk PartyRock Workshop
RocketRockey, PalmerRodney, Earl
Rogers, EvanRogers, RonRokk
RokottoRollins, BirdRomero
Ronettes, TheRonin Inc.Root & Jenny Jackson
RootjooseRoots, MattiRope Store
RoséRose, DoreenRose, Mary
Ross, DwightRoundtreeRoundtree, Richard
Rowe, KeithRoxx, DivinityRoy Davis Jr.
Royal DeliteRoyalettes, TheRoyce Wood Junior
Rubicon (70s)Ruby And The Party GangRuff Ruff & Ready
Rufus & Chaka KhanRushton, RubyRussell, Alice
Saadiq, RaphaelSadista Sisters, TheSag War Fare
Sain, OliverSakhileSakuma, Masahide
Salas, StevieSamiaSample, Joe
Samson & DelilahSantos, PedroSapphires (US), The
Sapphires, TheSapphires, TheSaracho
Sarr BandSasssSato, Hiroshi
Satoh, MasahikoSaultSaunders, Larry
Savage, ClaytonSavannaSavoy (70s)
Say She SheSchifrin, LaloSchroeder, Robert
Scofield, TomScorched EarthScott, Billy
Scott, CalvinScott, JillScott, Lorna
Scott, Peggy & Benson, Jo JoScott, RobbScott-Heron & Jackson
Scott-Heron, GilSeawindSecond Image
SeldaSeptemberSeven Davis Jr
Sha-Rae, BillyShadowShadow mann
ShamirShane, JackieShannon (Funk)
Sharon Jones & The Dap-KingsSharon TandySharp, Al
Sharpees, TheShaw, CarlosShelton, Naomi
Sherman, KennethShider, GaryShimabukuro, Jake
Shire TShirelles, TheSho Nuff
ShokkShow Stoppers, TheShrunken Heads
Shunters, TheSidran, BenSilk (Soul/Funk)
Silk SonicSilver, Platinum & GoldSimmons, Beverley
Simmons, DavidSimms Brothers Band, TheSimon, Lowrell
Simonsound, TheSimpkins, DarnellSimpson, Paul
Singleton, CharlieSins Of SatanSir Joe Quarterman & Free Soul
Sister Pat HallSisters LoveSkeete, Beverley
SketchSkool BoyzSkull Snaps
Sky's The LimitSky, CaptainSkyy
SlaveSleep WalkerSlug-Go
Sly & The Family StoneSly5thAveSmallwood, George
Smith, DickSmith, LeslieSmith, Lonnie
Smith, NickSmith, William D.Smooth & Company
Snow, HotSociety Of SevenSoftboiled Eggies
SofTouchSolar FlareSolera, Dino
Sollo, JakeSomaSomething Real
Sona FariqSoul Club, TheSoul Destroyers, The
Soul Investigators, TheSoul Messengers, TheSoul Response
Soul Seven, TheSoul Train Gang, TheSoul-Walkers
Soule, GeorgeSoulful Strings, TheSoulsavers
Sound ExperienceSounds Of Lancashire, TheSouthern, Ronji
Southside MovementSpacekid, BMBSpaces
Spaghetti Head (70s)SpankSpartacus R
SpeedometerSpellbinders, TheSpin (Dutch)
SPK (Dance)SplendorSpookey
Springs, HelenaSpunky Onion, TheSt. Paul & The Broken Bones
Stallworth, PatStarpointStarr, Edwin
StatchilState Of Grace (UK)Staymer, Hans
Steam HeatStephens, TenisonSteven A. Clark
Stevens, KeniStewart, TommyStone
Stone City BandStone FreeStone, Allen
Stone, SlyStoned Soul PicnicStop
StrafeStreet AngelsStreet People
Street Sounds CompilationStringfield Family, TheStruck, Nolan
StruttStuffStyle X
Sugarhill GangSugaRush Beat CompanySumney, Moses
SunSunny & The SunlinersSunshine (PTH)
Super Soul Movement, TheSuperchargeSurface
Surface NoiseSurfers, TheSurfshirt, Winston
Survival KitSusieSuspicious Can Openers
Sweet CreamSweet ThunderSwing Thing
Swingin' Yo Yo's, TheSwinging Soul MachineSwitch
Switch (Motown)Sylvan, CaroleSympho-State
symphonic slamSyndicate (Latin Funk)Szucs, Judith
T-ConnectionTa Mara And The SeenTabou Combo
Takeuchi, MariyaTalk Of The TownTammy St John
Taste (Electro)Tate, TerryTate, Tommy
TawathaTaylor, DennisTaylor, Ebo
TC James & The Fist-O-Funk OrcTeaseTee Mac
Tempo, NinoTempo, Nino & Stevens, AprilTemprees, The
Ten MillenniaTen Wheel DriveTeskey Brothers, The
Thackray, Emma-JeanTheory, Darwin'sThird Degree, The
Thomas St. John & Winston JThomas, DonThomas, Lillo
Thomas, PatThomas, SybilThornton, Fonzi
Three Days Ahead LPFThunderballThundercat
Tia MonaeTiawaTierra
Tight N UpTiller, BrysonToday's People
TolbertTolliver, KimTony & Tyrone
Tony Avalon & The BelairsTony Camillo's BazukaTorrence, George
Touch, MagneticTouchdownTower Of Power
Towers, JesseTracy, DonTransit
Triana, AndreyaTribe (70s)Trinikas, The
Trio ValoreTriumphs, The (Soul)Troiano, Domenic
Tropea, JohnTropics Of Cancer, TheTroutman, Roger
TumblackTumor, YvesTundra (Soul)
Two Plus TwoTyrone & CarrU.S. Shock
UjimaUK PlayersUlmer, James 'Blood'
UltrafunkUnderdogs, TheUnion
Unkle Funk No.1UnklejamUnlimited, Young-Holt
Up, ListenUpchurch, PhilUpchurch, Philip
Valerie JuneVan Buren, GeneVan Otterloo, Rogier
Variations (Funk)Various-AfrobeatVel-Vets, The
Velvet, BlackVerbs, TheVerity
Vibrations, TheVibrettes, TheView From A Hill
Villa, JoeVision (Boogie/ Soul)Visioneers
VisionsVolumes, TheVoudouris, Roger
VulfpeckWalker, AshWalker, Bobbi
Walker, LarringtonWalker, RonnieWall, Alwyn
Wallace Brothers, TheWallpaper.Walter & The Admeration's
Wansel, DexterWarmduscherWarriors, The
Was (Not Was)Washington, KeithWashington, Willy
Wasp (Funk)Watson, AnthonyWatson, Wah Wah
Watts 103Rd Street Rhythm BandWax PoeticWe Are Shining
Weapon Of PeaceWeapons Of PeaceWeathers, Barbara
Webb, EboneeWeird WarWeldon, Maxine
Welles, BillyWells, BobbyWells, Brandi
Wells, JamesWells, JuniorWesley, Fred
Wess & The AiredalesWhatnauts, TheWhelan, Bill
Whisnant, MarbooWhite HeatWhite Lightnin'
White, BarryWhite, Josh Jr.White, Maurice
White, PaulWhitehead, AnnieWhitfield, Robert
WhitneyWhitney, MarvaWhole Darn Family, The
Wiggins, SpencerWilcox, NancyWild Cherry
Wild GeeseWild Tchoupitoulas, TheWilde, Eugene
Williams Bros.Williams Brothers (Soul), TheWilliams, Bobby
Williams, CharlesWilliams, DickyWilliams, Jeanette
Williams, JohnnyWilliams, LennyWilliams, Norman
Williams, RayWilliams, RickyWilliams, Ronnie
Williams, WillieWillie Beaver HaleWillis, Nicole
Willson, IanWilson (70s), Tony Wilson, Al
Wilson, FreddyWilson, LesetteWilson, Spanky
Wilson, TonyWinbush, AngelaWindjammer
Wing And A Prayer Fife & DrumWinstons, TheWood Brothers, The
Woods, StevieWookieWooly Reasonable
World PremiereWright, BernardWright, Milton
Wynd ChymesX, MalcolmXavier
XitYagami, JunkoYamada, Kuniko
Yamashita, TatsuroYellow DaysYoko Kanno & Seatbelts
Yoshino, MickieYoung & CompanyYoung & Sick
Young Holt UnlimitedYoung, RalphYoung, Retta
Young, RoyYoung, ValYum Yums, The
Zamot, JohnnyZappZebra Crossing
Zephaniah, BenjaminZero 7Zhané

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