garage rock

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[Proto-punk], Death[Punk], Zorro[WITCH], Weintendtocausehavoc
13, Dimentia13th Floor Elevators45s (00s), The
7 Year BitchA Passing FancyAcid Baby Jesus
Allah-LasAr-Kaics, TheArondies, The
Arrogants, TheAtlantic ThrillsAudacity
Aztecs, TheBad Habits, TheBantam Rooster
Baron Four, TheBeach SlangBeatpack, The
Bees (60s Garage), TheBeginner's Mynd, TheBelltowers, The
Big EyesBilly And The BoingersBilly And The Kids
BirdsBlack Angels, TheBlack Eyes
Black LipsBlacklaceBlacklight Chameleons
BlazersBlind Shake, TheBlinders, The
BloontzBlue Stars, TheBoeckner
Booker, BenjaminBoss TweadsBoys, Tall
Brother O'Brother Buccaneers, TheBuckwheat
Buffalo KillersBurnin Rain, TheByrds Of Paradise
Cannibals, TheCanyons, BlastedCapones, The
Cats PyjamasCelibate Rifles, TheChains, The
Chatham Forts, TheCheepskatesCheepskates, The
Chesterfield Kings, TheChieftones, TheCircus (Dutch)
Clay, DarcyClean LivingCoastwatchers, The
Coathangers, TheCombustibles, TheCompulsive Gamblers
Cords, TheCoronados, TheCrawdaddys, The
Creation Factory, TheCrewsy Fixers, TheCronin, Mikal
CrowsCult Of Dom Keller, TheCut Worms
D4, TheDahmers, TheDastardly, Dick
Dave Anthony's MoodsDave Bishop & The ApostlesDeath From Above 1979
Delta 72, TheDestroy BoysDick Watson Five
Dimensions (US), TheDirty Sweets, TheDon And The Goodtimes
DouglasDowling PooleDrawstring
Drones (00S Rock), TheDruids Of Stonehenge, TheDuane Ripley And His Go-Go Set
EagleEl Khatib, HanniElectric Mess, The
Ellis, NickEmbrooks, TheExploding Hearts, The
Explosives, TheFallen Leaves, TheFalse Advertising
Famous PlacesFantastic Dee-Jays, TheFear Itself
FieldsFifth Order, TheFirefriend
Fleshtones, TheFlowerz, TheFoggy Notions, The
Ford TheatreForest, AtomicForty Fives, The
Frankie And The Witch FingersFreaks, TheFred & Toody
Frijid PinkFront Line, TheFruit Tones
Frumpies, TheFuzzGaffa Tape Sandy
Galileo 7, TheGallo, RonGambler
Game, TheGang Bang Band, TheGhost Wolves
Ghosts, HolidayGirl And GirlGlorious Sons, The
Go, TheGoa Express, TheGod Bullies
God DamnGothics, TheGraham Day And The Forefathers
Great CynicsGriffith Harter Union, TheGrimtale Records
Groovie GooliesGroovy UncleGroup B
Grown-Ups, TheHackamore BrickHag
Hands, StrangeHappy MagazineHardtimes, The
Head MachineHector (Glam)Helldorado
Herbal MixtureHibushibireHidden Charms (00S)
Higher State, TheHindsHipshakes, The
Hong Kong 99Hooded FangHoodoo Gurus
HorsesHumbugHunx And His Punx
HuskyHyenas, LaughingI Barbieri
Iguanas, TheILL Itches, TheIn-Sect, The
Intelligence, TheIpsissimusJack, Ballin'
Jackson AnalogueJaguar & The SavanasJapandroids
Jasmine Love BombJay ReatardJeffrey Lewis & The Junkyard
Jezebels, TheeJohnny And The Jumper CablesJohnny Ill Band
Johnny Thunders HeartbreakersKaufman, DeniseKhruangbin
King Clam & The Marine BandKing Gizzard And The Lizard WiKing Khan & BBQ Show, The
King, SpringKingsnakes, TheKnack, The (60s)
Ko Ko MoKumari, TheLast Drive, The
Last PartyLears, TheLegendary Golden Vampires, The
Legends, The (US)Les Grys-GrysLiars (Psych)
Limiñanas, TheLittle Boy BluesLiving Children
LolitasLonely Hearts, TheLoons, The
Lords Of Altamont, TheLorelle Meets The ObsoleteLove Messengers
Love, SimonLow Cut ConnieLow Numbers, The
Low Point DrainsLow RocksLucas, Steve
Luz, LaLynch, MichaelLyres
Magic RoundaboutMajor Setback Band, TheMake War
Make-Up, TheMasterminds, TheMatadors, The (R&R)
Meat WaveMelted Americans, TheMen (Punk)
Merrell And The ExilesMessis, PaulMilan (60s)
Miracle WorkersMissing Souls, TheMonkeys, Sea
Mono-MenMouzakisMovements, Crystalized
Muldoons, TheMummies, TheMurder City Devils, The
Murlocs, TheMVPs, TheeMynah Birds, The
Mystic BravesMystreated, TheNai Harvest
Night SunNo-Talents, TheNobelmen, The
Noble Krell, TheNonesNorthwest Company
Nova Local, TheNovak, JeffreyNuthins, The
OfegeOLO WormsOn And Ons, The
On ParoleOnly RealOptic Nerve, The
Orwells, TheOthers [1960S], TheOutnumbered, The
ParameterParquet CourtsParrett, Michael
Parrots (Spanish), ThePeach Kelli PopPenetrators (Garage Rock), The
Periferia Del MondoPetals (90S), ThePeter Parker's Rock 'N' Roll
Phrogs, ThePiccadilly CircusPierced Arrows
Pike, TravisPimblicoPleasure Fuckers, The
Police, BrainPolice, FunkPop Rivets, The
Priscillas, ThePupQuadrajets, The
Queen B's, TheQuintronRadar Eyes
Rain (Psych)Rationals, TheRattlers N.Y.C., The
Record Players, TheRichard, OliverRising Storm, The
Rocket From The TombsRussal, ThaneSaffron Sect, The
Sandoz LimeSankofaSavoy Motel
Seclusions, TheSeeds, TheSegall, Ty
September GirlsSewer RatsShake Appeal
Shreds, TheSidekicks, TheSilver Metre
Sixpentz, TheSlapshotSlaughter Beach, Dog
Slaves, TheSomeonesSonata, Ghost
Sons Of Bido Lito, TheSons Of Champlin, TheSoul Benders, The
Sound Asleep, TheSpades, TheSpanks, The
Spike, TheSpook School, TheSpoon [Garage Rock]
Sports, RememberStained GlassStarcrawler
Step-PantherStewedStone Pillow
Stooges, TheStraight ArrowsStyle, Doggy
Suicide Commandos, TheSundownersSunset Strip, The
Sunsets, TheSupergeniusSurfrajettes, The
Swingin' Utters, TheSwingin' Yo Yo's, TheSza'vee, Cidney
Tall Boys, TheTell-Tale Hearts, TheTelstars, The
Temple SongsThe Mourning AfterThe People's Temple
Theatre, ShriekThee Oh SeesThings To Come
Third Bardo, TheThunderbitchThus
Time WastersTime, AnnihilationTimes New Viking
TiñaTokyo Sex DestructionTomb Weavers, The
Tono-BungayTrash County DominatorsTravel Agency
TravellerTrianaTricia Yates Fanclub
Tropics, TheTwangTwister
Underdogs, TheUnited States Of ExistenceUnknown Artist (Tuba Records)
Unknown Mortal OrchestraUP, TheVarious-Garage Psych
Venom P. StingerVermin Poets, TheVile, Kurt
Viva L'American Death Ray MusiVoodoo Dolls, TheWahinis, The
Wailers, TheWarmduscherWater World
Waxwings, TheWhite Buffalo WomanWilliam Loveday Intention, The
WucanX-Rays, TheYawpers, The
Youth, TheZakary ThaksZebra Hunt
Zig Zags

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