soul and r&b

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(00'S), Lola
(70S), Creation(70S), Hug(Funk), Trust
(Soul), Celeste[Funk], Halo100 Proof Aged In Soul
100% Pure Poison 11213Th Amendment, The
20th Century Steel Band21st Creation4.A.D.
45 Aka SWING-O4HERO5 Royales, The
52nd Precinct5th Dimension, The7 Days Of Funk
8, ChapterA.A.B.B.Aalegra, Snoh
AaliyahAbbott, GregoryAbu Hafla Orchestra
Acklin, BarbaraAct 1Ad Libs, The
Adam's ApplesAdams, JerriAdams, Johnny
Adams, JoniAdams, OletaAdams, Yolanda
Addrisi BrothersAdeney, Richard & Brown, IanAf-Tab's
Affair (Disco), TheAffair (Soul), TheAffinity
African Music MachineAfrika BambaataaAfrique
Afro AkinoAfter 7After, Morning
Agee, TawathaAggregationAgo
Ak'SentAkens, JewelAlaimo, Steve
Albright, GeraldAlbright, LolaAlexander, Arthur
Alexandra, SandraAlexandria, LorezAlfie Khan Sound Orchestra
AlgiersAli, AbrahamAli, Tatyana
AlibiAlicia KeysAll-4-One
Allen, Donna Allen, VeeAllens, The
Allison Gary And The BurnersAllman Brothers BandAllman, Gregg
Allstars, BrooklynAllureAlston, Shirley
Alta ModaAlvarado, NatalieAM
Ama, SholaAmbrose, AmandaAmerican Gypsy
Amoo, ChrisAmp FiddlerAnderson, Carl
Anderson, CarleenAnderson, ErnestineAnderson, Roshell
Anderson, SunshineAnderson, UdellAnderson.Paak
Andraé Crouch & The DisciplesAndre Gibson's Universal Togetherness BandAndrews, Inez
AngelinaAnn, LittleAnother Bad Creation
AnriAnswering ServiceAntonio Carlos E Jocafi
AnushkaApolloApollo, Omar
Aquarian DreamAquatones, TheAquavitae
Arbors, TheArc Gospel Choir, TheArchie Bell & The Drells
Archie, LittleArchives, SudanArizona
Armada Orchestra, TheArmentaArnie's Love
Arnold, JoeArnold, P.P.Arpeggio
Arrington, SteveArrowArt School & Mighty Motor Gang
Artie 'Blues Boy' WhiteArtistics, TheAshanti
AshayeAshe, ClarenceAshford & Simpson
Astor & The PotentialsAstors, TheAtari, Gali
Atlantic RecordsAtlantic StarrAtlantics (Soul), The
Atlantics, TheAtmosfearAurra
Austin, JohntaAvantAverage White Band
Awakening, TheAyers, RoyAz Yet
AzanyahB, CompanyB, Katy
B, StevieB.o.B.B2K
BabakotoBabiiBaby Huey
Badu, ErykahBahamas Soul ClubBailey, Burr
Bailey, PhilipBailey, RazzyBaker, Anita
Baker, BettyBaker, MichaelBalance (Funk)
Ballantyne, DavidBaltineers, TheBand A.K.A., The
Band Of GoldBandits, The (60s)Banks & Hampton
Banks, BessieBanks, DarrellBanks, Homer
Banks, RoseBano, Al & Power, RominaBar-Kays
Barbara & The BrownsBarber, SandyBarker, Emily
Barnes, CherylBarnes, SidneyBarnum, H.B.
Barrett, RichieBarron, RonnieBarry Waite & Ltd.
Bartholomew, DaveBartley, ChrisBasic Black
Basin Street Boys, TheBasscutBatiste, Jon
Battle, HintonBaxter, JoanBaxter, Tony
BeachcomberBeauty Room, TheBeavers, Jackey
Beck, Elder CharlesBedford, ChuckBee, Jimmy
Beginning Of The End, TheBelinda And TonyBell & James
Bell Biv DevoeBell Brothers, TheBell, Reuben
Bell, WilliamBell, William & Clay, JudyBelle, Regina
Belmonts, TheBelvin, JesseBen, Jorge
Benét, EricBennett, BobbyBennett, Cliff & Rebel Rousers
Bennett, LouBennett, ParisBenny & Tina
Benny The ButcherBenson, GeorgeBenson, Hoagy
Benson, RhianBenton, BrookBerg, Bob
Bern, ToniaBernard 'Pretty' PurdieBertucci, Anne
BerwynBey, AndyBey, Yaya
BibioBieber, JustinBig A
Big BoiBig Boss ManBig Daddy Moochin
Big Johns Rock 'n' Roll CircusBig MaybelleBig Sean
Big Trouble (70s)Big Twist & The Mellow FellowsBig Wheel & The Motor Mixers
BilalBill Harris (Soul)Billy Crawford
BinziBionic BoogieBirch, Diane
Bird, WallisBishop Jr., WalterBishop, Eddie
Bixiga 70Blacc, AloeBlack Blood
Black Flames, TheBlack IceBlack Ivory
Black PearlBlack PumasBlack Russian
Black Science FictionBlack Soul ExpressBlack, Flip
BlackberriesBlackbird, LadyBlackburn, Tony
Blackbyrds, TheBlackfoot, J.Blackgirl
Blackman, DonBlacknell, EugeneBlackstreet
Blackwood Brothers, TheBlair, SallieBlair, Sandra
Bland, BillyBland, BobbyBlaque
Blast (80s)Blendells, TheBlige, Mary J
BlondBlood OrangeBloodstone
Bloom, BobbyBlossoms, TheBlow, Kurtis
Blue Aces, TheBlue Belles, TheBlue Magic
Blue Rondo A La TurkBlues Band, TheBlues Busters, The
Bo Donaldson And The HeywoodsBo, EddieBob & Gene
Bob Brady & The Con ChordsBobbettes, TheBobby Byrd
Bobby Moore's Rhythm AcesBocky And The VisionsBody (Soul)
Body, Soul & SpiritBofill, AngelaBohannon, Hamilton
BombersBonaventuraBond, Jaki
Bonds, Gary U.S.Boobie Knight & The Universal Boogaloos, The
Boogie Kings, TheBoogie Man Orchestra, TheBooker T. & The M.G.'s
Booker, ChuckiiBookham And RiskettBoone, Lelly
Boones, TheBootsBoots, The
Bootsy's Rubber BandBop-Chords, TheBoppers, The
Born CrainBoss EffectBoston & The Soulites
Boswell, ConnieBoucher, JudyBourne, Joe
Boy, SouljaBoys, The (Motown)Boyz II Men
Bradford, AlexBradley, CharlesBradley, Jan
Brand New Heavies, TheBrandyBrave Combo
Braxton, ToniBreakaways, TheBreakdance (movie)
BreakestraBreakwaterBrenda & The Tabulations
BrickBrides Of Funkenstein, TheBridge
Bridges, LeonBrigetteBrighter Side Of Darkness
Brimmer, CharlesBristol, JohnnyBritt, May
BrockhamptonBroken Keys, TheBromfield, Dionne
Brood, HermanBrookins, RobertBrooklyn Bronx And Queens Band
Brooks And JerryBrooks, ChuckBrooks, Dianne
Brooks, LonnieBrooks, SmokeyBroomfield
Brother StrutBrother To BrotherBrothers (Soul/Funk), The
Brothers Of SoulBrothers Two, TheBrothers, Ebony
Brown, CharlesBrown, Charles & Milburn, AmosBrown, Charlie
Brown, ChrisBrown, ErrolBrown, Friday
Brown, Gloria D.Brown, JamesBrown, Leroy
Brown, MaxineBrown, MelBrown, Patrick Sleepy
Brown, RandyBrown, RuthBrown, Sheree
Brown, ShirleyBrown, VedaBrowne, Mack & Brothers, The
BrownstoneBryant, DonBryant, Jay Dee
Bryant, MarieBryant, RayBryant, Sharon
Buchanan, CatharineBuckwheat ZydecoBucky Jonson
BuddahBuddy AceBudos Band, The
Buena, MutyaBuenen, DréBuford, Ron
Bugz In The AtticBullock, JaniceBulluck, Janice
BunnDebrettQuintetBurch, VernonBurgess Leroy
Burke, Alexandra BurkeBurke, AlohaBurke, Keni
Burke, SolomanBurrage, HaroldBurrough, Roslyn
Burundi BlackBush, ErnieBushmen, The
Butler, BillyButler, FreddyButler, Henry
Butler, JerryButler, Jerry & Everett, BettyButterfield Blues Band, The
Butterfield, PaulBüyükburç, ErolBuzon, Pierre
By All MeansByrd, BonnieByrne & Barnes
Byrne, MaryByron Lee And The DragonairesC&C Music Factory
C.J. & Co.Ca$hflowCabello, Camila
CaciqueCado BelleCaesars (Soul), The
Caillat, ColbieCain, HenryCake, The
Caldera (70s)Caldwell, BobbyCaldwell, Charles
CalenderCalifornian Raisins, TheCallier, Terry
Cam'RonCampbell, EthnaCampbell, Jo Ann
Campbell, Michael EdwardCandidoCandymen, The
Cannibal & The HeadhuntersCantrell, BluCapitol Records
Capitols, TheCappel, LarryCapris, The
Captain Zap And The Motortown Caram, AnaCardinals, The
Carl And CarlaCarless, RayCarlton
Carlton, CarlCarltons, TheCarmen, Phil
Carmen, TraceyCarn, DougCarn, Jean
Carnival, L.A.Carnival, The (Latin)Carr, Andre
Carr, JamesCarr, LeroyCarr, Linda
Carr, RomeyCarr, ValerieCarroll, Dina
Carroll, PorterCarte BlancheCarter, Clarence
Carter, MelCarter, NellCarter, Ralph
CasablancaCasablanca (1970s)Casablanca, Paris
CaseCash, AlvinCash, Sharon
Casino Royales, TheCasper, NovaCassie
Caston & MajorsCastor, JimmyCatto, Malcom
Cavaliers Unlimited, TheCDBCentral Line
Chacon, EddieChai-AmChain Reaction
Chairmen Of The BoardChaloner, SueChambers Brothers, The
Chambers, JimmyChamfort, AlainChamp's Boys Orchestra
ChampaignChampion, JasonChandler Gene & Acklin Barbara
Chandler, GaryChandler, GeneChandler, Gene & Butler, Gerry
Chandler, GeorgeChandler, OmarChaney, Ken
Channel, BruceChannels, TheChante, Keshia
Chantels, TheChapman, TracyChappelle, Helen
Chapter ThreeCharles & EddieCharles, Bobby
Charles, RayCharles, SonnyCharles, Sweet
Charmaines, TheCharms, TheChe
Cheatham, OliverCheckmates, Ltd. TheCheeks, Judy
CheloChemiseChenier, Clifton
Cherry, AvaCherry, JimmyChew
ChéyAnneChi-Lites, TheChic
Chicago Gangsters, TheChicago Loop, TheChild Of Lov, The
Childish GambinoChimes (50S), TheChris, Peter
Christian, GarryChristie, LouChristmas, Keith
Christopher Morris BandChristopher, BrynChristopher, Gavin
Chubukos, TheChuck Brown & Soul SearchersChula Vista
Chynn, TamiCiaraCilmi, Gabriella
CinemaCissel, ChuckCity High
Clark Sisters, TheClark, AliceClark, Dee
Clarke, LloydClarke, TonyClay, Cassius
Clay, JudyClementine, BenjaminClifton White And His Royal Knights
Clinton, Larry [R&B]Clovers, TheCoast (Soul)
Coasters, TheCoates, OdiaCobb, Willie
Coco (Dance)Codina, CaspaCoffey, Dennis
Coko (ex SWV vocalist)Colaiuta, VinnieCold Blood
Cole, AnnCole, BillyCole, Bobby
Cole, KeyshiaCole, M JCole, Natalie
Cole, RichieColeman, DurellColeman, Gary B.B.
Coleman, KingCollier, MittyCollins, Glenda
Collins, LaShawnCollins, LulaCollins, Lyn
Collins, RodgerCollins, TylerCollins, Willie
Color Me BaddColorsColours [90S]
Colton, TonyColtrane, ChiComa
Commander CodyCommodoresCommon, Jonnie
Con Funk ShunConcept, TheConley, Arthur
Connection, FamilyConnections, TheConnick, Harry
Connor, SarahConnors, NormanConstantine, Eddie
Contact-UContours, TheControllers, The
ConvertionConway Brothers, TheConwell, Jimmy
Cooke, SamCooke, SamonaCookie And Cupcakes, The
Cookies, TheCookin' On 3 BurnersCool Down Zone
Coolidge, PriscillaCooltempoCooper, Bo
Copeland, RuthCorchado, MannyCordell, Phil
Corneille (Soul Artist)Cornelius (US)Cornelius Brothers & Sister Ro
Cortez, Dave 'Baby'Cortez, JohnCoulter, Clifford
Counterfeit Stones, TheCounts, The (70s)Courtney, Bill
Coussins, RayCovay, DonCovey, Julien
Craig T. CooperCrawford, CarolineCrawford, Carolyn
Crawford, JimmyCrawford, RandyCrazy P
CREACreation (Funk)Creations, Stone
Creative SourceCreep, TheCrests, The
Crispy & CoCrockett, AlisonCrombie, Tony
Cropper, SteveCross CountryCrown Heights Affair
Crowns, TheCrows, The (50s)Cruger, Freddie
Crusaders, TheCrutcher, BettyeCruz, Taio
CrystalCrystal GrassCultured Pearls
Cupijó, MestreCurrant KrazeCurry, Clifford
Curtis Liggins Indications, TheCurtis, ClemCurtis, Winston
D'ANGELOD'DancerD., Flora
D.O.T., TheD.T.'s, TheD.T.B.
Dale, SydDamageDamita Jo
Dance Like A MotherDandy & AudreyDaniel, Erroll
Daniel, LouellaDanity KaneDanleers, The
DantaDante, StevenDarker Shades Ltd.
Darnell, LarryDarondoDarrell, Guy
Daughters Of The KingdomDavenport, Cow CowDavid Craig
David T. WalkerDavid, AlanDavid, Anthony
David, DwightDavid, MaxwellDavidson, Paul
Davis, BettyDavis, BillieDavis, Billy
Davis, Blind JohnDavis, DarleneDavis, Ellabelle
Davis, GeaterDavis, HelenDavis, Jackie
Davis, MacDavis, MaryDavis, Sal
Davis, TyroneDawkins, JimmyDawson Kelly, Nic
Dawson, LesleyDay, AndraDaybreak
DaydéDaytonDazz Band
DC FontanaDe BlancDe Marco, Julie
De Palma, JulaDean, OliviaDearie, Blossom
Death RowDebargeDeBarge, Chico
Debonairs, TheDebs, TheDee, Graham
Dee, Richard HenryDeecey And The Family PactDeeley, Anthony
Deep River Boys, TheDees, SamDelfonics, The
Delicato, PaulDells, TheDelta Rhythm Boys, The
Delta Rhythm Section, TheDelta SpiritDeluxe
Denalane, JoyDennis, CheriDerek & Cyndi
Derulo, JasonDescloux, Lizzy MercierDestiny's Child
Detroit Spinners,TheDeVaughn, WilliamDevito, Karla
Dezro Orchestra, TheDi Franco, LindaDiamond, Gregg
Diamonds, TheDiana Ross & The SupremesDibango, Manu
Dillard, MosesDillon, SandyDimitri From Paris
Dinner PartyDionDionne
Diop, WasisDirect CurrentDirections In Groove
DirectoryDisco Dub BandDisconnection
Distant CousinsDixon, ErrolDixon, James
Dizzy HeightsDJ MuroDJ Premier
DJ VadimDJM RecordsDockett, Jimmy
Dogg, SwampDomino Band, TheDominoes, The
Dorsey, LeeDorsey, MarcDosik, Joey
Douglas, CarlDouglas, CarolDowlen, Janice
Downbeats, TheDowning, AlDozier, Lamont
Dr Martin Luther King JrDr RubberfunkDr. Buzzard's Savannah Band
Dr. Feelgood & The InternsDr. StrutDrain, Charles
DrakeDrake, JoeDramatics, The
Dreamlovers, TheDreams (70s)Drifters, The
Drive, DirectDrizaDrop, Love
Du Droppers, TheDu-Ettes, TheDubois, Ja'net
DudeDuff, EarlDuke & The King, The
Duke BooteeDuke, DorisDuke, George
Dum-DumDuncans, TheDunlap, Gene
Dupree, CornellDupree, RobbieDuprees, The
Dupri, JermaineDuralchaDurand Jones & The Indications
Durrant, BuggsDuskDVSN
DweleDyke & The BlazersDynamic Corvettes
Dynamic SuperiorsDynamics, TheDyrections, All
Dyson, RonnieEarl-JeanEarlington, Lyn
Earth, TheEarthquireEasterling, Skip
Eaton, ClevelandEbony Rhythm Funk CampaignEbony Vibe Everlasting
Ebonys, TheEddie 'Ski' WhiteEddie And Ernie
Eddy Meets YannahEdsels, TheEdwards Generation, The
Edwards, AltonEdwards, DennisEdwards, Jackie
Edwards, JohnEdwards, SandraEdwards, Tommy
Effort, JointEfuaEighth Day
Eighties LadiesEkambi BrillantEl Chicano
EL MICHELS AFFAIRElbert, DonnieElbert, Donny
Elbow Bones And The RacketeersElectric Banana BandElectric Indian, The
Elegants, TheElgins, TheElliott, Lu
Ellison, LorraineElvin, CarolEmbers, Flaming
EmmaEmotions, The (Doo Wop)En Vogue
Enchanted Forest, TheEnchantmentEncounter, Brief
Energettics, TheEngland, ColinEnglish, Barbara Jean
English, ScottEnnis, EthelEric & The Serenaders
Eruption (German)Ervin, WilbertEsperanto
Esquires, TheEssenceEssential Bop
Esso Trinidad Steel Band, TheEternalEvans, Adriana
Evans, FaithEvans, RichardEvans, Terry
Everett, BettyEveryday People, TheEverything Is Recorded
Ex-GirlfriendExpectations, GreatExperience Unlimited
Explosions, TheEyes, TheFabulous Thunderbirds, The
Fac-Torr, ChillFair, YvonneFaith, Gene
Faith, Percy (Soul)Faiyaz, BrentFalcons The
Fania All StarsFantastic FourFantastic Puzzles, The
Fantastics, TheFarley, ChuckFaron's Flamingos
Fascinations, TheFat Freddy's DropFat Joe
Fat Larry's BandFather MCFatima
Fauna FlashFawn, CharlieFaye, Alma
Faze-OFBIFearns Brass Foundry
FeelFelder, WiltonFergie
Ferguson, HelenaFerguson, RebeccaFernandez, Vanessa
Ferrell, RachelleFerrer, NinoFerrier, Robert
Fessor FunkFestivalFi-Dels, The
Fi-Tones, TheFidler, DaveField, Claudia
Fields, ErnieFields, LeeFierce (R'N'B)
Fifth HarmonyFinch, BarnabyFinesse
FingertipsFinlayson, WillyFinley, Robert
Finnigan, KellyFireflies, TheFirefly
First Family, TheFischer, LisaFishbelly Black
Fisher, MarkFitch, John & AssociatesFite, Time
Fitzgerald, EllaFitzgibbon, MaggieFive Blind Boys
Five Crowns, TheFive Emprees, TheFive Jets, The
Five Stairsteps, TheFlack And CompanyFlack, Roberta
Flack, Roberta & Bryson, PeaboFlakesFlaming Ember, The
Flash & The Board Of DirectorsFlavorFletcher, Darrow
Flirtations, TheFloetryFlorence Ballard
Floy JoyFloyd, EddieFloyd, King
Flying LotusFontaine, NolaFood Pyramid
For RealFor Your AttentionForce One Network
Ford, MaryFord, TedForeign Intrigue
Forget Me NotsFormations, TheForrest
Fossati, IvanoFoster, MillieFoster, Mo
Foster, RonnieFoundations, TheFountain, James
Four Brothers, TheFour Freshmen, TheFour King Cousins, The
Four Lads, TheFour Of A KindFour Scores
Four Seasons, TheFour Sounds, TheFour Tops, The
FoxFox, GemmaFox, Noosha
Foxx, Inez & CharlieFoxx, JamieFramus Five, The
Francis, PanamaFrancis, SageFrank Ocean
FrankieFranklin, ArethaFranklin, Carolyn
Franklin, ErmaFranklyn, FionaFranks, Michael
Frazer, AaronFrazier, BerniceFrazier, Caesar
FreakstreetFred Parris & The SatinsFree For All Inspirational Ch.
Free Mind, TheFree SpiritFreeman, Bobby
Freeman, ChicoFreeman, ErnieFresh (Funk/Soul)
Fresh FlavorFriday Club, TheFriendly Persuasion
Friends Of Distinction, TheFrisaura, LorraineFrisco, Jackie
Frontline Orchestra, TheFrost, FrankFugees
FugiFulsom, LowellFunky Green Dogs
Funky PeopleFur, BlackFurys, The
Fuzz [Disco], TheG. C. CameronG. Love & Special Sauce
Gabbard Brothers, TheGabriel, DubGabrielle
GabrielsGadd, SteveGadson, Mel
Gage, YvonneGaines, RosieGallant
GallianoGalloway, LeataGame, The
Gammon, PatrickGap Band, TheGarcia's Super Funk
Gardot, MelodyGarner, BillyGarrett, Amos
Garrett, LeeGarrett, SeanGarson, Mike
Gartrell, DeliaGary Clark Jr.Gaston
Gatemen, TheGaye, MarvinGaye, Marvin & Terrell, Tammi
Gayle, MichelleGeis, RustyGeneral Johnson
Generation Gap, TheGeneration, ThirdGentle People, The
Gentleman June GardnerGentlemen & Their LadiesGentlemen And Their Lady
George, BarbaraGeorgia Anne MuldrowGerry & Paul And The Soul Emis
Geyer, ReneeGi-GiGiattino
Gibbs, GeorgiaGibson, WayneGidian
Giles, AngieGilley, MickeyGilmore, Joey
Gilstrap, JimGinuwineGirlfriends, The
Giscombe, JuniorGivens Family, TheGizmodrome
Glass House, TheGleeGlenda Leigh Lewis
Glenn, LloydGlinn, LillianGlories, The
Glover, BobbyGnarls BarkleyGodfrey, Ray
Gold, MichelleGolden GunnGolden, Lotti
Goldsboro, BobbyGoldsmith, GlenGong Savana
GonzalezGood Samaritans, TheGoodie
Gooding, CubaGoodwin, OtisGoody Goody
Goransson, LudwigGordon, RonnieGormé, Eydie
Gorrie, AlanGospel Ayres, TheGospel Harmonettes, The
Gospel Twilights, TheGothamGraham, Larry
Graham, RalphGraham, RitaGrandmothers, The
Grant, DavidGrant, EarlGrant, Josie
Grant, JulieGraves, CarlGray, Dobie
Gray, DorianGray, OwenGray, Tamyra
Greatest Little Soul BandGreen, AlGreen, Byrdie
Green, GrantGreen, Lee & Leake, LafayetteGreene, Claude 'Fats'
Greene, JeanieGreene, SusayeGrennan, Tom
Grey, TonyGrier, SonjaGriffin, Billy
Groove TheoryGroove, HifidelicsGrose, Tom & The Varsity
Grusin, DaveGuinnGuy
Guy, BuddyGyedu Blay Ambolley & ZantodaGypsy Love
Gyrlz, TheH. Andrews CongregationHairston, Curtis
Hall, BobHall, DeloresHall, Juanita
Hall, Lynden DavidHall, PamHall, Randy
Hallelujah Chicken Run BandHalos, TheHambric, Billy
Hamilton Movement, TheHamilton, AnthonyHamilton, Roy
Hammer, JackHammond, ClayHammond, Johnny
Hampshire, KeithHands, GoldenHaness, Gayle
Hanna, BobbyHappy MagazineHarding, Curtis
Harewood, DorianHaris, NikiHarle, John
Harold Melvin & The Blue NotesHarper, BudHarper, Grenique
Harper, JaniceHarper, ToniHarptones, The
Harris, Brenda JoHarris, DamonHarris, Oscar
Harris, QuentinHarris, ThurstonHarris, Tina
Harris, WynonieHarrison, WilbertHarry J. All Stars
Hart, Beth & Bonamassa, JoeHart, CajunHarvey Averne Dozen, The
Harvey, SteveHassles, TheHathaway, Donny
Hathaway, LalahHawkins, Screamin' JayHawkins, Ted
Hawkins, TramaineHawkmen, TheHawks, The
Hawthorne, MayerHayes, IsaacHayes, Linda
Haynes, VictorHayward, LanceHaywood, Kitty
Haywood, LeonHaywoode, EmmaHaze (Funk/Soul)
Hazzard, TonyHeadley, HeatherHeads Together
Heart And SoulHeartbeatsHeat, Deep
Hebb, BobbyHeffernan, HonorHeights, Dizzi
HejiraHelms, JimmyHenderson, Finis
Henderson, Joe 'Mr Piano'Henderson, MichaelHenderson, Willie
Hendricks, BobbyHenry, BobHenry, Freddy
HensonHerbie Goins & The Night-TimerHerbs
Hernandez, MarcosHerte, KimHesitations, The
Hewett, HowardHi RecordsHi Rhythm
Hi-FiveHi-Liters, TheHiatus Kaiyote
Hicks, D'AtraHicks, JimmyHicks, Marva
Hidden StrengthHigginsHigh Cotton
High InergyHigh Keys, TheHighland Place Mobsters
Hightower, DonnaHightower, R.J.Hightower, Rosetta
Hill, JessieHill, LaurynHill, Lonnie
Hill, RoniHill, TamiaHill, Z.Z.
Hiller & KayeHiller, MitchHills, Chris
Hilson, KeriHinds, CamelleHines, Deni
Hines, GregoryHino, TerumasaHinton, Eddie
Hinton, JoeHog, GroundHogan, Brooke
Holland, AmyHolland, EddieHolland-Dozier
Holliday, MichaelHolliday, SusanHolloway, Brenda
Hollywood ArgylesHollywood CrestasHollywood Flames, The
Hollywood, Mon AmourHolmes, CecilHolmes, Christine
Honey Cone, TheHoneychildHoneyz
Hoodoo Rhythm DevilsHope, EllieHopkins, Linda
Horan, EddieHorne Section, TheHorne, Lena
Hot BloodHot ChocolateHot Chocolate (Funk/Soul)
Hot IceHot LineHot Rocks
HousebandHouston, CissyHouston, Thelma
How To Dress WellHoward, AdinaHoward, Camille
Howard, RosettaHoyle, LindaHozier
Hucknall, MickHudson, AlHudson, Jennifer
Hues Corporation, TheHughes, FreddieHughes, Jimmy
Hughes, RhettaHulah Gene Dunklin HurleyHumbug
Humes, HelenHummingbirdHumphrey, Bobbi
Humphrey, PaulHunnigale, PeterHunt, Geraldine
Hunt, TommyHunt, VanHunter, Ivory Joe
Hurtt, PhilHutch, WillieHutchins, Sammie
Hutson, LeroyHyman, PhyllisI.C.Q.
I.G.'s, TheIan Green RevelationIfe, Kris
Ikettes, TheImage, Crystal'sImaginations, The
Impalas, TheImperials, The (Gospel)Impressions, The
InbassadorInc. No WorldIncognito
Incredible E.G. O'Reilly, TheIndependent Movement, TheIndependents, The
India.ArieInfinite Spirit MusicIngram
Ingram, ElliIngram, LutherInk Spots, The
Innersection, TheInnervisionInspector Cluzo, The
Instant FunkIntelligents, TheIntimate Strangers (Soul)
IntrigueIntrigues, TheIntruders, The
InvasionInvisible Man's Band, TheIpa-Boogie
IriniIrokoIrwin, Big Dee
Isley Brothers, TheIsley Jasper IsleyIsley, Ronald
Izibor, LauraJ'sonJ.B's, The
J.B.'s, TheJ.J. JACKSONJ.T. Taylor
Jacas, JakeJacinth, JoyJacintha
Jack Sass Band, TheJackie And MillieJacks (50S), The
Jackson, ChuckJackson, Chuck & Brown, MaxineJackson, Freddie
Jackson, J. J.Jackson, JerryJackson, Mahalia
Jackson, MarkeJackson, MarlonJackson, Millie
Jackson, SimoneJackson, TonyJackson, Walter
Jacobs, HankJadeJaggerz, The
Jah WaggieJaheimJai
JaimesonJamaica Boys, TheJamelia
James Hunter Six, TheJames Taylor's 4th DimensionJames Walsh Gypsy Band
James, BryonyJames, EttaJames, Etta & Vinson, Eddie
James, JoseJames, LeelaJames, Mason
James, NateJames, RickJamiroquai
JamisonJanitaJarmels, The
Jarreau, AlJarvis BrothersJasmin-T
Jasper, ChrisJavells, TheJavine
Jay & The TechniquesJay Dee (Soul/Disco)Jay Mondi & The Livin' Bass
Jaye, MilesJaynetts, TheJazz Devils, The
Jazz Warriors, TheJean Claude VannierJefferson, George Paul
JeffreeJeffreys, GarlandJelly Beans, The
Jenkins, KechiaJennings, LyfeJerome, Oscar
Jerry OJess & JamesJesse Davis (Soul)
Jesse James (Soul)Jessie JJesters, The (70s)
JettaJewellJewels, The
JhelisaJimmy & David RuffinJimmy 'Bo' Horne
JivaJiveJJ Doom
JKS, BLKJo'burg HawkJobim, Antonio Carlos
JocelynJodeciJoe Budden
Johansen, GlenJohn & ErnestJohn Gibbs And The U.S Steel O
John Heartsman And CirclesJohn Paul BarrettJohn Wagner Coalition, The
John, MavisJohnny Howard (Soul)Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon
Johnny KJohns, BibiJohnson (Funk), Howard
Johnson, AlJohnson, AngelaJohnson, Bubber
Johnson, ChicoJohnson, LonnieJohnson, Lou
Johnson, LouisJohnson, MarvJohnson, Puff
Johnson, Roy LeeJohnson, RubyJohnson, Samuel Jonathan
Johnson, SyleenaJomandaJones
Jones Girls, TheJones, BeverleyJones, Billy
Jones, CaseyJones, D.Jones, Durand
Jones, EttaJones, GlennJones, Gloria
Jones, JanJones, JerryJones, Justin
Jones, LindaJones, Louis (Blues Boy)Jones, Oran' Juice
Jones, QuincyJones, SamanthaJones, Shirley (80s)
Jones, TamikoJones, ThelmaJones, Willie
Jordan, DickJordan, LonnieJordan, Louis
Jordan, MontellJordan, NormaJoseph, David
Joseph, MargieJoubert Singers, TheJoy Crookes
Joyce, RosalineJPEGMAFIAJudy Gee & The Classmates
JuicyJuke And The All-Drunk OrchestJulian Preister Pepo Mtoto
JulianneJulius, OrlandoJungle Rock
Just BrothersJust LoudJustin
Justin & WyldeK-Ci & JojoK-Doe, Ernie
K-Nine, JamesKabaka, RemiKahn, Tyger
KandiKandidateKansas Smitty's House Band, The
Katch 22Kay-GeesKaye, Mary
KaytranadaKehlaniKeith & Darrell
Keith Le BlancKeli, TynishaKelis
Kelly RowlandKelly, EdKelly, Junior
Kelly, PaulKelly, R.Keltner, Jim
Kemp, JohnnyKendra, KarimeKendrick, Willie
Kendricks, EddieKennaKennedy, Grace
Kennedy, JoyceKenner, ChrisKenney, Howard
Kent, AlKenyon, CarolKerr, George
Kerruish, JohnKestrels, TheKeyes, Karol
KhalidKhan, SteveKhia
Kid CudiKilima Hawaiians, DeKim & Dave
Kinetics, TheKing CurtisKing Sporty
King, AnnaKing, Ben E.King, Bobby
King, ClydieKing, MarvaKing, R.J.
King, SolomonKing, TraceyKing, Will
Kingdom Come (70s)Kings Of Hearts, TheKingston, Sean
Kinney, FernKirby Stone Four, TheKirk, Roland
Kirton, LewKitajima, OsamuKitty And The Haywoods
Kiwanuka, MichaelKleeerKlymaxx
Knight, BeverleyKnight, CurtisKnight, Frederick
Knight, Gladys & The PipsKnight, JeanKnight, Jerry
Knight, MarieKnight, SonnyKoffie And James
KongasKool & The GangKotzen, Richie
Kral, IreneKubbKugel, Shimon
Kursaal Flyers, TheKyoto Jazz MassiveL. A. Boppers
L. J. JohnsonL., DinosaurL.A. Splash
L.T.D.La LaLA Priest
La'Verne, ElishaLacey, YazminLaddins, The
Laine, LindaLake Street DiveLakeside
Lamplighters, TheLamyaLancaster, Diane
Lance, MajorLands, ElizabethLands, Hoagy
Lands, WendyLane, Jimmy D.Laquan
Larrieux, AmelLarsen, NeilLarsson, Zara
LaSalle, DeniseLast Poets, TheLate Show, The
LatimoreLatter, GeneLattimore, Charles
LatulLatyrxLaurence, Paul
Lavender Hill MobLaVette, BettyeLaVice & Company
Laws, RonnieLawton, LuciusLeavill, Otis
LedisiLee Andrews And The HeartsLee, Curtis
Lee, JackieLee, LadyLee, Laura
Lee, NormaLee, RobertLee, Toney
Legend, JohnLegrand, MichelLeiber & Stoller
LemarLena FiagbeLennear, Claudia
Lenoir, J BLeo's SunshippLeprechaun
Levy, O'DonelLewis SistersLewis, Barbara
Lewis, CJLewis, DavidLewis, Dee
Lewis, DonnaLewis, EphraimLewis, Lew
Lewis, LindaLewis, Linda GailLewis, Russ
Lianne La HavasLidell, JamieLifesighs
LifestyleLight Of The WorldLIghtman, Toby
Lightnin' RodLil WayneLimmie And Family Cookin'
Linda & The Funky BoysLindsay, JimmyLins, Ivan
Linton, JoeLipstiqueLiquid Monk
Lisa MaffiaLites, ShirleyLittle Anthony & The Imperials
Little BeaverLittle Bob StoryLittle Gary Ferguson
Little HankLittle JackieLittle Janice
Little Johnnie JonesLittle Mac & The Boss SoundsLittle Richie
Little, HoraceLittlefield, Little WillieLiving Souls, The
LizzoLLoyd, FredLMFAO
Lockets, TheLockran, GerryLogan, Buddy
Long, DannyLong, ShortyLoose Ends (60s)
Loose JointsLopes, Lisa 'Left Eye'Lopez, Jennifer
Lord NelsonLord, TonyLoren, Bryan
Lorenz, TreyLos Angeles Gospel Choir, TheLost Generation, The
Love BiteLove ClubLove International
Love JonesLove Machine (70S), TheLove On Love
Love SoundsLove Unlimited OrchestraLove, Darlene
Love, JimmyLove, MonieLovehorn
Lovemakers, TheLovesmith, MichaelLowe, Rosie
LTG ExchangeLucas, CherylLucas, Matt
Lucien, JonLucy PearlLumidee
LumumbaLutherLyle, Bobby
Lyman Woodard Organization, TheLynchLyndal Barry & The Apollos
Lynn, BarbaraLynn, BobbiLynn, Cheryl
Lynn, TamiLytle, JohnnyM'Boup, Abdou
M, BobbyMabern, HaroldMabley, Moms
Mabuse, SiphoMac AttackMacari, Glo
MacArthur, JamesMacDonald, RalphMaceo & The Macks
Mackey FearyMad Lads, The (60s)Madame X
MadelaineMadhouse (1970s)Maegan
Magic LadyMagic SamMagnum Force
Mahoaney, SkipMai, EllaMaia, Tim
Main Ingredient, TheMain T. Possee, TheMajestic Singers, The
Majjestee'sMajors, TheMakeba, Miriam
Malik, ZaynMancha, SteveManchild
Mane, GucciManfila, KanteManhattan Transfer, The
Manhattans, TheMann, Charles (Soul)Mann, Herbie
MantusMar-Keys, TheMarcels, The
Marcy Jo And Rambeau, EddieMardi GrasMardis, Bobby
Margo And The MarvettesMarianne And MikeMarina Del Rey
MarioMarr, HankMarrakesh
Mars, BrunoMarshall, AlMarshall, Joy
Marshall, WayneMartha Davis (Jazz)Martin, Bobbi
Martin, DerekMartin, MillicentMarvelettes, The
Masaru Imada Trio +2MashondaMason, Barbara
Mason, BillMASON, GILLYMasqueraders, The
Mass ExtensionMass ProductionMastermind
Masters At WorkMatataMatthews, David
Matthews, JeanMatthews, JoeMatthews, Milt
Maurice & MacMaxaynMaxwell
May, BrendaMay, ImeldaMaye, Lee
Mayfield, CurtisMbulu, LettaMC Cashback
McBride, GeoffMcCann, LesMcClain, Janice
McClain, Mighty SamMcCloud, Nicole JMcClure, Bobby
McCollum, DonaldMcCorkle, SusannahMcCormick, Gayle
McCoy, VanMcCrae, GeorgeMcCrae, George & Gwen
McCrae, GwenMcCrarys, TheMcCreary, Mary
McCurn, GeorgeMcDaniels, GeneMcDonald, Lee
McFadden & WhiteheadMcFerrin, TaylorMcGee, Jay W.
McGhee, DonnaMcGriff, EdnaMcKay
McKay, DelseyMcKay, FreddieMckee, Lonette
McKenna, ValMcKinneys Cotton PickersMcKirdy, Hazel
McKnight, BrianMcKnight, JulieMcLaurin, Bette
Mclean, AJMcLennon, LarisMcMillen, Margaret
McNair, BarbaraMcNeal, LutriciaMcNeely, Big Jay
McNeill, LloydMcNeill, SylviaMcNeir, Ronnie
McPhatter, ClydeMcQuade, JimmyMcQuay, Herb
McWilliams, PauletteMEDIMedium Wave Band, The
Meek, JoeMegan Thee StallionMeï Teï Sho
Mel And TimMelting PotMemphis Horns
Men Of North CountryMenehan Street Band, TheMerc And Monk
Merced Blue NotesMercury, EricMercy Me
Merritt, MaxMessiah (70s)Meters
Metheny, PatMetropoleMeynell, Anthony
MFSBMIAMichaels, Lazet
Michele, ChrisetteMichele, YvetteMichelle Williams
Mickey And SylviaMickey Lee LaneMidnight Movers, The
Midnight StarMidniteMighty Clouds Of Joy, The
Mighty FireMiguelMike Theodore Orchestra, The
Milburn, AmosMilem, PercyMiles, Arthur
Milian, ChristinaMiliraMiller, Bobbie
Mills Brothers, TheMills, BarbaraMills, Betty Lou
Mimms, GarnetMini CurryMirettes, The
Mississippi Moons, TheMitchell, BarbaraMitchell, Eddy
Mitchell, FreddieMitchell, RubinMitchell, Stanley
Mitchell, WillieMizzel Brothers, TheMo Solid Gold
Mob (Funk), TheMohawks, TheMoKenStef
Moments And WhatnautsMoments, TheMoments, The (70s)
Monae, JanelleMoney, ZootMonica
MonifahMonitors, TheMonophonics
Montclairs, TheMontgomery, BobbyMoon
MoonchildMoonlighters, TheMoore, Bobby
Moore, ChantéMoore, CurleyMoore, Denai
Moore, DorothyMoore, IanMoore, Johnny
Moore, MelbaMoore, SamMorgan, Maria
Morganfield, WillieMorris, KendraMorrison, Junie
Morrison, MarkMorse, Ella MaeMorson Jr., Bossie
Moses TeedraMoss, BillMoss, Rita
Mother Earth (60S)Mother Earth (90s)Mother's Finest
MotionMotta, EdMovies, The
MSD's, TheMSGMtume
Muhammad, IdrisMuller, MaeMundi, Purple
Munnings, RayMurdock, LydiaMurdock, Shirley
Music Explosion, TheMvula, LauraMychals, Robbie
Myers, AliciaMynah Birds, TheMyrth
Mystic MerlinN.A.S.A.N.W.A.
Nash, JohnnyNashville Soul Orchestra, TheNationals, Free
Natural FourNatural Four, TheNatural Gas [Canada]
Natural HighNatural SelectionNaturally 7
Naturals, The (US 70s)Nature ZoneNazia
Ndugu And The Chocolate Jam CoNe-YoNeal, Tommy
Neat Change, TheNeighbourhood, TheNelson, Tracy
Nero, PaulNerve, TheNesbit, Sam
NetwerkNeville Brothers, TheNeville, Aaron
Neville, ArtNeville, IvanNew Jump Band, The
New York CityNew York Port AuthorityNew York Skyy
Newbeats, TheNewberry III, BookerNewcomers, The
Newman, BradNewman, David 'Fathead'Newman, Denny
Newman, JohnNewmark, AndyNewton, James
NewtoneNextNext Movement, The
Nice, RichNichols, PennyNicole (UK)
Nicole ReneeNicoletteNiemen, Czeslaw
Night, CrystalNightingale, MaxineNinapinta
Nite-Liters, TheNiveaNkabinde, Plunky
NnekaNo RomeNo Way Jose
Nobles, CliffNocentelli, LeoNocturnes, The
NodeshaNolen & CrossleyNona Hendryx
Norman Johnson & The ShowmenNorth, FreddieNostalgia 77
Notations, TheNozuka, JustinNT
Nutmegs, TheNuttin' But StringzNuyorican Soul
NytroO'BryanO'Day, Anita
O'Jays, TheO'Kaysions, TheO'Neal, Alexander
O'Neal, JohnnyOaktown's 3-5-7Occasional Five, The
Ocean (Modern Soul)Ocean, BillyOctave One
OctaviaOdds & EndsOdyssey
Ogerman, ClausOhio PlayersOkino, Shuya
Okino, YoshihiroOldland MontanoOliver, David
Olsher, LesleyOlympic RunnersOlympics, The
OneRepublicOnwenu, OnyekaOriginals, The
Orioles, TheOrlando (60s)Orlons, The
Orr, MichaelOrtega, JeannieOsborne & Giles
Osborne, JeffreyOsibisaOsiris (Funk)
Oskar, LeeOssie Layne Show, TheOtis & The King Pins
Oui 3Outlaws, The (UK)Overall, Kassa
Owens, TonyOxford Nights, TheOxley, Louie
OzoOzoneP. M. Dawn
Packers ThePadgett, BettyPagan, Ralfi
Page, BillyPage, GenePages [Northern Soul]
Paige, SharonPalmieri, CharliePalmieri, Eddie
ParadiseParisParis, Bobby
Paris, FreddieParker, AkayziaParker, Alan
Parker, BobbyParker, CecilParker, Eddie
Parker, RobertParker, WinfieldParliament
Parrish, TheoParsons, BillPascal, Francoise
PassagePastichePastor T. L. Barrett
Patrick, KeithPatterns In PeruPatterson Singers, The
Patterson, BobbyPatterson, DonPatterson, Kellee
Patterson, RahsaanPatti And The PatettesPatti Austin
Paul Jackson Jr.Paul, BillyPaul, Chris
Paul, JaiPayne, CandiePayne, Freda
Payne, LiamPayne, ScherriePeaches & Herb
Peacock, TrevorPearls, ThePeaston, David
PebblesPedicin, MikePeebles, Ann
Peebles, IvyPendergrass, TeddyPennington, Barbara
Penny & The QuartersPense, LydiaPeople's Choice
Peppermint, DannyPercy And ThemPerkins, Polly
PerriPerry, BarbaraPerry, Greg
Perry, PhilPersuaders, ThePersuasions, The
Peters Sisters, ThePeters, BrockPeterson, Kris
Peterson, PaulPeterson, RickyPhantom Limb
Pharell WilliamsPhiladelphia FlyersPhiladelphia Woodwind Quintet
Phillips, EstherPhillips, SandraPhillips, Sonny
PianoheadzPickett, WilsonPickettywitch
Pieces Of PeacePierce, ChrisPing Pong
Pink Sweat$Pink, TickledPlant Life
Platinum HookPlayers Association, ThePlaythings, The
PleasurePleasures, ThePodewell, Polly
Poets Of Rhythm, ThePoets, The (US)Point 3 FM
Point Of ViewPointer Sisters, ThePointer, Bonnie
Pointer, JunePokis, HokisPokora, Matt
Pollard, RayPonderosa Twins + OnePoni-Tails, The
Porter, GeorgePorter, GregoryPorter, Nolan
Portland, GaryPortraitPositiva
Powell, BobbyPowell, SeldonPower Of Seven, The
Power PlayPregunta, LaPrentiss, Lee
Presidents, ThePressure PointPreston, Don (Guitar)
Preston, Don (Keyboards)Preston, JimmyPrice, Jesse
Price, KellyPrice, LloydPrice, Louis
Price, MelvynPrice, RuthPride
Prime Mates, ThePrince CharlesPrince Harold
Prince Phillip MitchellPrince, FionaPrisonaires, The
Prisoners, ThePrister, JeromeProcedures, The
Professor LonghairProfessor WouassaProjection
Prophets Of Peace, TheProudfootPrysock, Arthur
PsyConPucho & His Latin Soul BrothersPuddu, Alex
Puff Daddy/Diddy / P. DiddyPupils, ThePure Energy
Pure EssencePurify, James And BobbyPush (Funk)
Pussycat Dolls, ThePuth, CharliePuzzle
QQuansah, EddieQuarterman, Joe
Quavers Of St. LuciaQuazarQueen Ida
Queen, B. B.Quick, TheQuiet Storm
Radcliffe, JimmyRadiants, TheRae&Christian
Rae, FondaRag Dolls, TheRag N Bone Man
Ragamuffins, TheRagland, LouRainbows, The
Rainey, ChuckRaisins TheRaja-nee
Rakei, JordanRalph 'Soul' JacksonRan-Dells, The
Randall, FreddyRandazzo, TeddyRandolph, Barbara
Randolph, RobertRare EarthRare Gems Odyssey
Rattles, TheRavel, FreddieRaven, Paul
Raw To The CoreRawlings, FlorenceRawls, Lou
Ray Charles And Betty CarterRay, Goodman & BrownRay, Harry
Ray, JamesRaydioRCR
Reading, WilmaReal To ReelReality Band And Show, The
Reaves, PauletteRed Beans And RiceRed Dragon And Gold, Brian &
Redcaps, TheRedd, JeffRedd, Sharon
Redding, DexterRedding, OtisReddings, The
Rednow, EivetsReed, A.C.Reed, Herb
Reed, LulaReed, VivianReed, Waymon
Reese, DellaReeves, ConnerReeves, Connor
Reeves, Martha & The VandellasReid, ClarenceReid, Terry
Relf, BobRene & AngelaRenshaw, Fiona
ReparataReparata & The DelronsResonance
RevelationRex Orange CountyReynolds, L. J.
Rhythm HeritageRhythm MakersRhythm Reign
RhyzeRibeiro, ThomasRicardo Marrero & The Group
Riccs, GlenRice, GeneRichard 'Dimples' Fields
Richard Ho LungRichards, TrudyRichardson, Del
Richie, LionelRidgley, TommyRight Kind, The
RihannaRIIZERiley, Cheryl Pepsii
Riley, TeddyRimshotsRiperton, Minnie
RippleRita Jean BodineRitz
Rivera, HectorRivers, MavisRivingtons, The
Robbins, RockieRobert Bradley's Blackwater SuRoberts, Joe
Roberts, JudyRoberts, JulieRobertson, Lester
Robillard, DukeRobinson, AlvinRobinson, Dawn
Robinson, FentonRobinson, JamesRobinson, Janice
Robinson, OrphyRobinson, RoscoeRobinson, Smokey
Robinson, Smokey & MiraclesRobinson, SylviaRobinson, Vicki Sue
RochelleRock Candy Funk PartyRock Workshop
RocketRockin' Dopsie & The TwistersRockits, The
RockwellRodney, EarlRoe, Tommy
Rogers, JimmyRogers, RonRogue
RokkRollins, BirdRoman, Lyn
RomeroRonettes, TheRonnie And The Hi-Lites
Root & Jenny JacksonRope StoreRosé
Rose Brothers, TheRose, DoreenRose, Mary
RosieRosie & The OriginalsRoss, Diana
Ross, DwightRoss, JackieRoss, Jamie
Ross, JonnyRoundtreeRoundtree, Richard
Rowe, KeithRowley, BethRoxx, Divinity
Royal, Billy JoeRoyalettes, TheRoyce Wood Junior
Rubettes, TheRuby And The Party GangRude Boys
Ruff, MichaelRufus & Chaka KhanRunners, Soul
RupaRupeeRush, Bobby
Rush, DonellRussell, AliceRussell, Brenda
Russell, GeneRusso, CharlieRyan, Roz
S.O.S. BandS.O.U.L.Sabelle
Sag War FareSain, OliverSaint Prix, Dédé
Sakamoto, KyuSakhileSalsoul Orchestra, The
Sam & DaveSam And BillSam, Mighty
SamiaSammy King And The VoltairsSampha
Sample, JoeSamuelleSan Remo Strings, The
Sande, EmeliSandpebbles, TheSands, Evie
Santamaria, MongoSanting, MathildeSantos, Larry
Santos, PedroSao BenitezSapphires (US), The
Sapphires, TheSapphires, TheSaracho
Sarr BandSasssSato, Hiroshi
SatomiSaultSaunders, Larry
Savage, ClaytonSaxone, LindaSay She She
Sayles, JohnnyScarlets, TheScheer, Scott
Scherrie & SusayeScherzinger, NicoleScofield, Tom
Scott, CalvinScott, EarlScott, Freddie
Scott, GlenScott, HazelScott, Jill
Scott, JimmyScott, LornaScott, Millie
Scott, MoodyScott, PeggyScott, Peggy & Benson, Jo Jo
Scott, RobbScott-Heron & JacksonScott-Heron, Gil
Screaming Headless TorsosSea, DavidSean Paul
Sease, MarvinSecond City Sound, TheSecond Coming, The (60s)
Senate The (60s)Senay, EddySensational Guitars Of Dan & Dale, The
SeptemberSerpentwithfeetSexton, Ann
Seymour, PattiSGHSha Na Na
Sha-Rae, BillyShadowShake!, The
ShamirShane, JackieShango
ShaniceShannon (Funk)Sharissa
SharleneSharon Jones & The Dap-KingsSharon Tandy
Sharonettes, TheSharp (Dance)Sharpe, Sunday
Sharpees, TheShaun EscofferyShaw, Marlena
Shaw, SandieSheen, BobbySheila And Clyde
Shells, TheShelton, NaomiShelton, Roscoe
Shep And The LimelitesShepp, ArchieSheppards, The
SherbsSherman, FlammaSherman, Kenneth
SherrickSherwood, RobertaShields, The
Shifman, YehudaShire TShirelles, The
ShokkShore, DinahShow Stoppers, The
Showmen, TheShrunken HeadsShunters, The
Shy ChildShy, JeanSiffre, Labi
Sigler, BunnySilent MajoritySilhouette Brown
Silk (90s)Silk (Soul/Funk)Silk Sonic
Silk, J.M.Silver, Platinum & GoldSilverspoon, Dooley
Simmons, BeverleySimmons, DavidSimon, Joe
Simon, LowrellSimon, TonySimon, Vannessa
Simone, NinaSimonsound, TheSimpkins, Darnell
Simpson, JeanetteSimpson, PaulSimpson, Valerie
Sims, CarlSinger, SusanSingleton, Charlie
Singleton, MaxineSinnermen & SaraSins Of Satan
Sir Joe Quarterman & Free SoulSir Mack RiceSisqo
Sister Pat HallSisters LoveSisters, Jackson
Skeete, BeverleySkipworth & TurnerSkool Boyz
Skull SnapsSky Nations, TheSky's The Limit
Sky, CaptainSkyySlave
Sledge, PercySlickSlim, Sunnyland
Sly & The Family StoneSly5thAveSmall Arms Fiya
Smallwood, GeorgeSmith, DickSmith, Gizelle
Smith, HeleneSmith, Huey 'Piano'Smith, Jimmy (Jazz Organ)
Smith, LeslieSmith, NickSmith, O.C.
Smith, OtelloSmith, Richard JonSmith, William D.
SmokeSmokey 007Smooth & Company
SmujjiSnap!Snow, Hot
Soccio, GinoSociety Of SevenSociety Of Soul
Softboiled Eggies Softones, TheSofTouch
Solange KnowlesSolera, DinoSolo U.S.
SomaSomething RealSommers, Joanie
Son HouseSon Of BazerkSons & Lovers
Sons Of Robin StoneSoul Brothers [SA]Soul Children, The
Soul Club, TheSoul Destroyers, TheSoul Fox Orchestra, The
Soul II SoulSoul Investigators, TheSoul Makers, The
Soul Messengers, TheSoul ResponseSoul Sisters, The
Soul Stirrers theSoul SurvivorsSoul Survivors, The
Soul Train Gang, TheSoul Twins, TheSoul, Jimmy
Soul, RootSoule, GeorgeSoulé, George
Soulful Strings, TheSouljazz OrchestraSoulmates, The
SoulsaversSoultrySound Experience
Sounds IncorporatedSounds Of BlacknessSouth, Joe
Southlanders, TheSouthroad ConnectionSouthside Johnny & The Jukes
Southside MovementSpacekid, BMBSpaces
Spaghetti Head (70s)Spalding, EsperanzaSpaniels, The
SpankSparro, SamSpartacus R
SpearheadSpearman, SilkySpector, Phil
SpeedometerSpellbinders, TheSpence, Joseph
Spiders (50S), TheSpiral StarecaseSpivey, Victoria
SPK (Dance)SpookeySprings, Helena
Spunky Onion, TheSquireSt James, Michael
St. John, BarrySt. Paul & The Broken BonesStallworth, Pat
Stanback, JeanStanley, ChuckStaple Singers, The
Staples, PopsStarpointStarr, Edwin
StatchilState Of Grace (UK)Staton, Candi
Staton, DakotaStaxStaymer, Hans
Steelers, TheStephens, TenisonStepney, Charles
SterlingSteve Colt ParadoxSteven A. Clark
Stevens, JimmyStevens, KeniStevens, Terri
Stewart, BillyStewart, TommyStingily, Byron
Stirling, Peter LeeStone FreeStone, Allen
Stone, AngieStone, CissyStone, George
Stone, JossStone, R & JStone, Sly
Street AngelsStreet PeopleStreet, Judy
Stromme, CarolStrong, BarrettStroziers, The
Struck, NolanStruttStryder, Tinchy
Strypes, TheStuffStyle X
Stylistics, TheSuburban SoulSue & Sunny
Sue RecordsSugar (70s)Sugar Blues Band
SugardaddySugarhill GangSugaRush Beat Company
Sullivan, MichaelSumney, MosesSun
SunnySunny & The SunlinersSunshine (PTH)
Super Hi-FiSuper Soul Movement, TheSupercharge
Supremes, TheSure!, Al B.Surface
Surfers, TheSurfshirt, WinstonSurvival Kit
SusieSuspicious Can OpenersSuzie & Irwin, Big Dee
Swann, BettyeSwanson, BeniceSweat, Keith
Sweepers, TheSweet Dreams (70s)Sweet Honey In The Rock
Sweet Inspirations, TheSweet SensationSweet Soul Orchestra, The
Sweet ThunderSweetbackSwims, Teddy
Swing ThingSwingin' Yo Yo's, TheSwinging Soul Machine
SwitchSwitch (Motown)Swordsmen, The
SWVSykes, RooseveltSylvers, The
Sympho-StateSymphonics, TheSza'vee, Cidney
Szabo, GaborSzucs, JudithT-Connection
T-LoveT.P. Orchestre Poly-RythmoT_Boz
Tabou ComboTagesTagg, Eric
Taka BoomTake 6Talk Of The Town
Tamla MotownTammy St JohnTammy St. John
Tams, TheTarheel Slim & Little AnnTashan
Taste (Electro)Tate, TerryTate, Tommy
TawathaTaylor, BobbyTaylor, Bobby & Vancouvers
Taylor, DennisTaylor, FeliceTaylor, James Quartet/JTQ
Taylor, JohnnieTaylor, JosephineTaylor, Lewis
Taylor, PaulineTaylor, TedTaylor, Teyana
TeaseTedeschi Trucks BandTee Mac
Tee, WillieTeen Queens, TheTempah, Tinie
Temple, RichardTempo, NinoTempo, Nino & Stevens, April
Tempos, TheTemprees, TheTemptations, The
Ten CityTen MillenniaTen Wheel Drive
Tequila, TilaTerrell, TammiTerri Walker
Terry, SonnyTeskey Brothers, TheTex, Joe
Thackray, Emma-JeanThe BraxtonsThe Essex
The Family StandThe Funk MasterThe Neptunes
The WeekndThee Sacred SoulsTheory, Darwin's
Thicke, RobinThird Degree, TheThomas St. John & Winston J
Thomas, BelenThomas, CarlThomas, Carla
Thomas, DonThomas, IrmaThomas, Jamo
Thomas, JimmyThomas, Joe (50s)Thomas, Judy
Thomas, MickeyThomas, PatThomas, Rufus
Thomas, SybilThomas, TrumanThompson, Cheryle
Thompson, ChesterThorn, PaulThornton, Fonzi
Three Days Ahead LPFThree Wize MenThunder, Johnny
TigaTight N UpTiller, Bryson
Tim Tam And The Turn-OnsTimepieceTimetones, The
TinkTiny TopsyTip Tops, The
TLCTodayToday's People
TolbertTolbert, IsraelTolliver, Kim
TomboyToney Jr. OscarTony & Tyrone
Tony Avalon & The BelairsTony Camillo's BazukaTony Toni Toné
Torr, MichèleTorrence, GeorgeTotal
Total ContrastTouch Of ClassTouch, Finished
Touch, MagneticTouchdownToups, Wayne
Toussaint, AllenTower Of PowerTowers, Jesse
ToyaToys, TheTrack Records
Train, KristinaTrammps, TheTransatlantics, The
TransitTravelers, SunsetTrends, The
Tresvant, RalphTriana, AndreyaTribe (70s)
Trina & TamaraTrinikas, TheTrio Valore
Troiano, DomenicTropics Of Cancer, TheTroutman, Roger
True Reflection, TheTucker, BarbaraTucker, Cy
Tundra (Soul)Turbans, TheTurner, Ike & Tina
Turner, SammyTurner, SpyderTurrentine, Stanley
Twin ImageTwins, SimsTwo Plus Two
Tymes, TheTyreseTyrone & Carr
Tyzik, JeffU.N.V.Uffie
UjimaUK PlayersUltra Mates, The
UltrafunkUmar Bin HassainUn-Cut
Underdogs, TheUndisputed Truth, TheUnion
United States Double QuartetUniversals, TheUnklejam
Up With PeopleUp, ListenUpchurch, Philip
Vacant Lot, TheVagrants, TheValadiers, The
Valentin, BobbyValentine Brothers, TheValentine, Joe
ValentinoValentinos, TheValerie June
Valkering, AndréValley Youth Chorale, TheValli, Frankie
Van Buren, GeneVan Dyke, ConnyVan Dyke, Earl
Vandross, LutherVangelder-Smith, CherrieVannelli, Gino
Vartan, SylvieVega, TátaVel-Vets, The
Velarde, Cool BennyVelez, MarthaVelours, The
Velvelettes, TheVelvet Angels, TheVelvet, Black
Velvets, TheVerityVerocai, Arthur
Vertical HoldVibrettes, TheView From A Hill
Villa, JoeVillage, SlumVincent, James
Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead'Vintage TroubleViola Wills
ViolatorVision (Boogie/ Soul)Visionary Underground
VisioneersVolumes, TheVon, Sonny
Vontastics, TheVoxpoppersVulfpeck
W.L.S. BandWainer, CherryWalker T-Bone
Walker, BobbiWalker, Johnny "Big Moose"Walker, Larrington
Walker, RonnieWallace Brothers, TheWalter & The Admeration's
Walter And The AdmirationsWalters, NickWalton, Dave
Wansel, DexterWarWard Brothers
Ward SingersWard, AnitaWard, Clara
Ward, RobinWare, JessieWarren G
Warwick, Dee DeeWashington & BentonWashington, Baby
Washington, DinahWashington, GenoWashington, Keith
Wasp (Funk)WatersWaters, Mira
Watford, MichaelWatkins, LovelaceWatkins, Tionne 'T-boz'
Watkiss, ClevelandWatson, AnthonyWatson, Frenesi
Watson, Johnny GuitarWatson, Wah WahWatts 103Rd Street Rhythm Band
Wayburn, NancyWaymon, SamWayne Wonder
Wayne, ThomasWe Are ShiningWeapon Of Peace
Weather ReportWeathers, BarbaraWeaver, Jason
Webb, EboneeWeldon, MaxineWeller, Leah
Welles, BillyWells, BobbyWells, Brandi
Wells, JamesWells, JuniorWells, Mary
Wells, TerriWertherWess & The Airedales
Whatnauts, TheWheeler, AudreyWhisnant, Marboo
White And TorchWhite HeatWhite, Barry
White, DannyWhite, Josh Jr.White, Karyn
White, KeishaWhite, Louisa JaneWhite, Maurice
White, TamWhitehead Bros.Whitehead, Charlie
Whitfield, BarrenceWhitfield, NormanWhitfield, Robert
WhitneyWhitney, MarvaWhodini
WhycliffeWigan's Chosen FewWigan's Ovation
Wiggins, SpencerWilcox, NancyWild Geese
Wild Tchoupitoulas, TheWilde, Dee DeeWilde, Eugene
WileyWiley, LeeWill.I.Am
William Goldstein & The Magic Williams Bros.Williams Brothers (Soul), The
Williams, AndreWilliams, BobbyWilliams, Dicky
Williams, EstherWilliams, IrisWilliams, Jeanette
Williams, JohnnyWilliams, KennyWilliams, Lee 'Shot'
Williams, LennyWilliams, MarionWilliams, Moon
Williams, NatalieWilliams, RayWilliams, Ricky
Williams, SaulWilliams, Tony (Singer)Williams, Vesta
Williamson, SteveWillie & AnthonyWillie Beaver Hale
Willingham, DorisWillis, ChuckWillis, Timmy
Wilson (70s), Tony Wilson, AlWilson, Bernie
Wilson, BobbyWilson, FrankWilson, Freddy
Wilson, JackieWilson, JimmyWilson, Joe
Wilson, JohnWilson, LesetteWilson, Mary
Wilson, PaulineWilson, PreciousWilson, Spanky
Wilson, TonyWinans, MarioWinans, The
Winbush, AngelaWindjammerWindy City Four
Winehouse, AmyWing And A Prayer Fife & DrumWinstons, The
Winters, RubyWithers, ElisabethWolf, Karl
Womack & WomackWomack, BobbyWonder Who, The
Wonder, StevieWood, BrentonWood, Chuck
Woods EmpireWoods, StevieWorking Week
World PremiereWray, LadyWrecks 'N' Effect
Wrens, The (R&B)Wright, BernardWright, Betty
Wright, JaguarWright, LizzWright, Milton
Wright, O.V.Wyatt, JohnnyWyclef, Jean
Wycoff, MichaelWylie, PopcornWynters, Gail
Y?N-VeeYamasuki's, TheYoko Kanno & Seatbelts
Young & CompanyYoung & SickYoung Black Teenagers
Young BloodYoung DisciplesYoung Folk, The
Young Holt UnlimitedYoung JessieYoung, Billy
Young, InellYoung, Joe E. & Toniks, TheYoung, Johnny (Soul)
Young, KathyYoung, KennyYoung, Lola
Young, RalphYoung, RoyYoung, Susannah
Young, TommieYoungblood, LonnieYounge, Adrian
Yours TrulyYum Yums, TheYuna
YunoZ.O.U.Zamot, Johnny
Zap MamaZap-PowZapp
Zebra CrossingZenaZephaniah, Benjamin

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