
View all Genre's  

(60S), Leviathan(70S), Factory
(70S), Fluff(70S), Octopus(80'S), Treatment
(AUS), POND(Australian), Cybotron(French), Stella
(Japan), Mono(US), Warlock[60S], Chimera
[WITCH], Weintendtocausehavoc13, Dimentia13th Floor Elevators
3Speed Automatic4 Instants, The4.A.D.
49th Parallel777A.B.Skhy
Abrams, MissAbsolute ElsewhereAbunai!
Academy, TheAccent, TheAcid Baby Jesus
Acid Casualties, TheAcid GalleryAcid Mothers Temple
Across The WaterAdamAdelbert Von Deyen
Admiral Sir Cloudesley ShovellAfterglow (psych)Aguaturbia
Aguilar, IldefonsoAhmed, IlyasAiriel
Al Et AlAlan Franklin Explosion, TheAlgy Lord Gray
All Them WitchesAllan, DavieAllen, Daevid
Allen, DaveAllison, ClayAlmendra
Altered Hours, TheAlumbradosAlways August
Amazing Friendly AppleAmber, ForeverAMERICAN GYPSY (PROG)
Amin, ArunAmon DüülAnan
Ancient CitiesAncient SkyAnderson, Miller
AndromedaAndromeda, FeliusAnimated Egg, The
Annexus QuamAnno DominiAnt Trip Ceremony
AntorchasAnvil Flutes & Capricorn VoiceAnywhere
Apostolic Intervention, TheAppaloosaApple
Appletree Theatre, TheApryl FoolAquarian Age, The
Ariel Pink's Haunted GraffitiArkansaw, JolliverArrows, The
ArtArt Of Lovin', TheArthur, Syd
AshburyAshes, TheAslan (Folk)
AssagaiAssemble Head In Sunburst SoundAsteroid #4, The
Astra [00s Rock]Astral NavigationsAtacama
Atlantic ThrillsAttack In BlackAttack, The
Au-Pair, TheAudsley, MickAugie March
AumAustralian Pink Floyd, TheAutosalvage
AvatariumAve RockAvi Buffalo
AxeAztecaAzusa Plane, The
Azzam, BobBaba, MeherBachs, The
BackwaterBadge & CompanyBags, Luxurious
Bailiff, JessicaBainbridge, HarveyBalduin
Balin, MartyBamboo (60s)Bang Girl Group Revue, The
Bangor Flying CircusBanquetBarbeau, Anton
Bardo PondBarracudas, TheBarrett, Syd
Barrier, TheBassana, SulaBatoh, Masaki
Beacon Street UnionBeatpack, TheBeau
BeauregardeBeautify JunkyardsBell, Belinda
Bellaïche, AlainBelltowers, TheBeneath Fire & Smoke
Bennett Wilson PooleBent ArcanaBent Wind
Bernie & JoeBevan, BevBevis And Twink
Bevis Frond, TheBig Boy PeteBig Brother & The Holding Co.
Big Paintings, TheBill And Ron MooreBill Plummer And The Cosmic Br
Billmus, TrevorBilly T.K.'s PowerhouseBirds
Birds, TheBitter Blood Street TheatreBlack Angels, The
Black LipsBlack Moth Super RainbowBlack Pearl
Black PumasBlack SpiritBlack Sun Ensemble
Blackbirds,TheBlacklight ChameleonsBlackthorn
Blackwood Apology, TheBland, ChristianBlanking Machine, The
Blind FaithBlondBlonde On Blonde (60s)
Blood, WeyesBlossom ToesBlown Out
Blue HorizonBlue Mountain EagleBlue Phantom
Blue PillsBlue Stones, TheBlues Magoos
Blues PillsBlues Project, TheBobak, Jons, Malone
Boduf SongsBodyBoetcher, Curt
Boettcher, CurtBohemian VendettaBombaim, Black
Bond, GrahamBonniwell Music MachineBoogie, Endless
BoomerangBorisBoston Tea Party, The
Boule, ChristianBow Street Runners (U.S.)Bown, Alan
Boy AzoogaBozzio Levin StevensBrain
BrainticketBreant, FrancoisBreretons, The
Bright Light Social Hour, TheBroadway ProjectBronco Bullfrog
Brooks, TerryBrown, ArthurBrown, Bob
Browne, DuncanBruce, JackBubble Puppy
Buccaneers, TheBuckwheatBuffalo Killers
Buffalo, KingBuggles, TheBull Breed, John
Bulldog BreedBundt, MichaelBunn, Roger
Burnett, AbnerBurnin Rain, TheBurnin Red Ivanhoe
Burrell, BozBushmen, TheButterfield Blues Band, The
Bygraves, AnthonyBygraves, MaxByrd, Joe & The Field Hippies
Bystanders, TheByzantiumC. A. Quintet, The
CA QuintetCake, TheCalifornians, The
Campbell-Lyons, PatrickCandymen, TheCanterbury Music Festival, The
Capitol RecordsCaptain Beefheart & Magic BandCaptain Sensible
Carlos, WalterCarol Of HarvestCarousels, The
Castro, Nick & The Young ElderCasuals, TheCataldi, Claudio
CatharsisCathode Ray EyesCathode, Ray
Cats EyesCats PyjamasCausa Sui
CAVECedars, TheCeremony, Blood
Ceyleib People, TheChalard, JackyChambers Brothers, The
Changin' Times, TheCharge (Blues)Charisma
Chasing The MonsoonChayfin, RayCherry Smash
Child, TheChildren, DoomsChildren, The
Chocolate Watch Band, TheChrysalisChurch Of The Cosmic Skull
Churchills, TheCipollina, JohnCirculus
Circus MaximusClaggersClarke, James
Clear LightClearlightClique
Clockwork Orange, TheCloudland CanyonClover, Timothy
CMUCoffey, DennisCollectors, The
Colorfull SeasonscoloursColton, Tony
Combustibles, TheComet Is Coming, TheComplex
CompostConqueroo, TheConsortium
Constant Sound, TheContinuumCool Ghouls
CopperfieldCopperhead (John Cipollina)Coral, The
Corbett, Harry H.Cords, TheCosmic Dead, The
Cosmic EyeCount FiveCountry Joe & The Fish
CovenCovesCranium Pie
Crayola SummerCrayon Fields, TheCream
Creation Factory, TheCreation, TheCrime Sound Orchestra, The
Critters, TheCromagnon Band, TheCrome Syrcus, The
Cross & RossCrowsCrystal Phoenix
Crystal Set, TheCulpeper's OrchardCult Of Dom Keller, The
Cunningham, RosalieCupid's InspirationCuppa T, The
Curved AirCymbaline, TheCymbeline, The
CyrkleDaemoniaDaily Flash, The
Damnation Of Adam BlessingDamo Suzuki's NetworkDandelion Fire
Dando ShaftDantalian's ChariotDark
Darrell, GuyDarryl Way's WolfDatura4
Daughters Of AlbionDavid, TheDavis, Steve
Davis, TimDawe, TimDawn Chorus
Deacon, DanDead FeathersDead Meadow
Dead OtterDead RabbitsDean, Roger
Deardorff, DannyDeath, SuddenDecision, The
Decline Of The ReptilesDeepDeep Feeling
Deep Six, TheDeep, TheDefinition Of Sound
Deflez, GilbertDelicatessenDello, Pete
Delt, MorganDemianDerya Yildirim & Grup Simsek
Desert Mountain TribeDestruction UnitDeviants, The
DickensDifference, TheDillingham, Todd
Do.Ré.MiDobson, BonnieDoctor & The Medics
Doctor Feelgood (UK)DogfeetDoggerel Bank
Dolly Rocker MovementDonnie & Joe EmersonDOORS
DoorsDope LemonDouglas, Robb And Dean
Downes Braide AssociationDr BrownDr Strangely Strange
Dr. West's Medicine Show & JBDr. ZDream (70s)
Dream, TheDreams, WildestDreamtime [Psych Rock]
DressmakerDrinksDriscoll, Julie
Driscoll, Julie & Auger, BrianDrizzleDrop
DrowsyDruids Of Stonehenge, TheDrumbo
Du BlondeDudeDuke & The King, The
DunlavyDustDynamites (Japanese), The
DzyanEE, William
E-TypesEagleEarth And Fire
Earth IslandEarth OperaEarthless
EastwoodEasy ChairEclection
EcologyEctogramEctomorph, The
Edwards HandEire ApparentEkatarina Velika
Eksen Trick Brick BandEl GoodoEL MICHELS AFFAIR
Elastick Band, TheElectric Banana, TheElectric Boys
Electric Crayon Set, TheElectric Flag, TheElectric Mainline, The
Electric Mess, TheElectric Prunes, TheElectric Wurms
ElizabethEllie PopEllister, Jack
Embrooks, TheEmbryoEmpire Of The Sun
Empire, NeptunesEndle St. CloudEnraptured Records
Entheogens, TheEntourage Music & Theatre Ensemble, TheEpstein, Brian
Equinox, TheErickson, RokyEspers
Estes Brothers, TheEternity's ChildrenEthereal Counterbalance
Everyday People (70s)Evil BlizzardExpedition To Earth
ExperiênciaExplorers, GalacticEyes Of Blue
Eyes Of Mind, TheFabre, JacquesFactory, The
Faine JadeFairfield ParlourFairytale, The
Faith, GentleFalsini, FrancoFamily Of Apostolic, The
Family Tree, TheFamily, NgoziFantasyy Factoryy
FarquahrFay, BillFear Itself
FeelsFenwyckFever The Ghost
Fever TreeFickle PickleFields
Fields, MelodyFifth Order, TheFinch, Scott
Fink, SiegfriedFinn, SimonFinnigan And Wood
Fire (70s)Fire!Firefriend
Firesign Theatre, TheFirst Church Of Napoleon SoloFive By Five
Five Day Week Straw People, ThFive Man Electrical BandFlash & The Dynamics
Flat Earth SocietyFleshtones, TheFleur De Lys, Les
Flicks, SlasherFlies - 60s, TheFloating Bridge
Floh De CologneFlowers, DeadFlowerz, The
FluffFluff (Rock)Flying Eyes, The
Flyte Reaction, TheFocal PointFocus Three
FoodFoolFool, Righteous
FootFord TheatreForest
Forest, AtomicFormerly Fat HarryFort Mudge Memorial Dump
Fortunate SonsFoster, JosephineFoster, Rex
Fox, The (Prog)Fox, The (Psyche)Fraction
Frampton, PeterFranc, PeterFrank Fish And The Fins
Frankie And The Witch FingersFraternity Of ManFreak Scene, The
FredFred Bison Five, TheFree Pop Electronic Concept, T
FreedomFreedom, TheFreiberg, David
Friar TuckFrijid PinkFringe, The
FrogFruit Machine, TheFruits De Mer
Frumious BandersnatchFuchsiaFugs
Full MoonGaladrielGalahad
Galileo 7, TheGalwad Y MynyddGame
Game, TheGandalfGandalf (US)
Gants, TheGarcia, JerryGarden Odyssy Enterprise
Garden Of Eden (60s)Gardner, JaccoGarrick, David
Garrie, NickGarybaldiGasparyan, Djivan
Gass, TheGenesis (Columbia)Genesis (USA)
Gentle InfluenceGerman OakGhost
Ghost, The (70s)Giant SunflowerGiants, Naked
Gibsons, TheGiffin, ColinGiles, Giles & Fripp
Gilmour, DavidGinger AleGingerbread
Ginn, GregGipsy LoveGlass, Samantha
GlastonburyGlitterhouse, TheGloria
Gluck, JeremyGoa Express, TheGoat (Swedish)
GoblinGoblin, NewGods, The
Godz, TheGold, OrchestraGolden Cups, The
Golden Dawn, The (US)GomorrhaGong
GonjasufiGoodhand-Tait, PhillipGopal, Sam
Gothic HorizonGottsching ManuelGrandmothers, Baby
GrannieGrapefruitGrateful Dead
GraveyardGreat SocietyGreen Hornets, The
Green Ray, TheGreen SeagullGreen, Ian
Green, KatheGreenWood, NicholasGriffin, The
Grimble GrumbleGroovy UncleGroup 1850
Group Image, TheGroup TherapyGrowing Concern, The
Grumpus, BoGryphon (Psych)Gum
Gun, AltinGuru GuruGuru, Amon
Guryan, MargoGusano, ElGypsy Love
H.P. LovecraftHaack, BruceHaeffner, Nick
Hail Spirit NoirHair & Skin Trading CompanyHairband
Hamilton StreetcarHammerheadHampton Grease Band
Hangman's Beautiful DaughtersHappy FamiliesHapshash & The Coloured Coat
Harding, CurtisHare, ColinHarless, Sandy
Harsh RealityHart, MickeyHarvey Matusow's Jews Harp Ban
HashishHassles, TheHatoba, Omoide
HavenstreetHawkmen, TheHawkwind
Haymarket SquareHaystacks BalboaHaze
He 6Head MachineHead Of Wantastiquet
Hearts And FlowersHeavy JellyHedayat, Dashiell
Helio Sequence, TheHelium, BlackHellhound
HelpHelp YourselfHenderson, Scott (60s)
Hendrix, JimiHengeHenske, Judy
Henske, Judy & Yester, JerryHerbal MixtureHerbcraft
Herd, TheHere And NowHere Lies Man
Hester, CarolynHexvesselHi-Fi
HibushibireHigh NumbersHigher State, The
HillsHills, ChrisHitchcock, Robyn
Hobbits, TheHolden, RandyHolien, Danny
Hollins And StarrHologram People, TheHoly Modal Rounders
Holy Spirit Of Nothing, TheHoly WaveHombré
Honey Ltd.Honey Pot, TheHonolulu Mountain Daffodils
Hook, TheHooker, D.R.Hooveriii
HorsebackHot Dog Stand, TheHot Thumbs O'Riley
House, SimonHowl The GoodHuman Beinz, The
Human EyeHumusHunger
HydravionI DriveI Marc 4
I PoohI.E.M.Ides Of March, The
Idle RaceIgra Staklenih PerliIll Wind
Illinois Speed PressIllusion, TheImmediate Label
Impala SyndromeImperial Pompadours, TheIn Crowd, The
Indelible MurtcepsIndian JewelryIndian Summer
Inner Space, TheInnocence, TheInsect Trust, The
InshallahInsomnia, PregnantInvasion
Invisible Hands, TheIotaIpa-Boogie
IpsissimusIron ButterflyIs Bliss
Isle Of WightIt's A Beautiful DayIthaca
J. D. BlackfootJ. K. & Co.J.C.
Jacks, TheJacqueline, CrystalJade (70s)
Jade Stone & LuvJadisJanus
Jasmine Love BombJason's GenerationJasper Wrath
JawboneJeff Britton & The SpitfiresJefferson Airplane
Jefferson, George PaulJelly Bean Bandits, TheJeremiah
Jeremy & The SatyrsJericho JonesJess And The Ancient Ones
Jim & JeanJody GrindJoe Soap
John Williams (Folk)John's ChildrenJon & Jodi
JonesyJoplin, JanisJosefus
Joy UnlimitedJr. And His SoulettesJSD Band
Juicy GrooveJulyJumble Lane
Junior's EyesJuniper LeafJustice & Sheridan
JustineKa, AndreasKahvas Jute
KakKaleidoscope (UK)Kaleidoscope, The (US)
Kantner, PaulKasenetz-KatzKatch 22
Kaufman, DeniseKeith, BarbaraKennelmus
KensoKern, RenateKhalsa String Band, The
KhruangbinKikagaku MoyoKilligrew
Kilroy, PatKinetic, TheKing Clam & The Marine Band
King Gizzard And The Lizard WiKings Of Oblivion, TheKippington Lodge
Kistenmacher, BerndKlubs, TheKluster
KnifeworldKnight, CurtisKnowbody Else, The
KryptästhesieKubota, MakotoKumari, The
Laflamme, DavidLandingLapis Lazuli
Lard FreeLast, TheLatin Playboys
Laughing Windows, TheLaurel Collective, TheLava
LazarusLea Shores, TheLeaf Hound
League Of Gentlemen, TheLears, TheLeary, Timothy
Leathercoated Minds, TheLeavesLee, Arthur
Lee, FingersLeigh, AndrewLeigh, Heather
Leisure BirdsLemon Twigs, TheLeo
Leonard, AdamLes Big ByrdLes Irrésistibles
Les Rallizes DenudesLet's Eat GrandmaLeviathan
Lewis, PeterLiars (Psych)Liberty Bell, The
LifeLift To ExperienceLincoln St. Exit
Lincoln, PhilamoreLindley, DavidLinhart, Buzz
Linus Pauling Quartet, TheLiquid Sound CompanyListening
Lite, TheLittle FeatLittle Free Rock
Little Phil & The NightshadowsLiving ChildrenLiving Guitars
LoadstoneLocomotiveLollipop Shoppe, The
Loons, TheLoose Ends (60s)Loot, The
Lorelle Meets The ObsoleteLos Gatos NegrosLos Mac's
Los York'sLost & FoundLothar And The Hand People
LoveLove ChildrenLove Exchange
Love SculptureLove, SimonLove, Tandy
Loved Ones, TheLover, AlLovers, Coco
LR RocketsLucas, SteveLucas, Ted
Lucid Dream, TheLuck Of Eden Hall, TheLumerians
Lundsten, RalphLuthaLuv Machine
Luz, LaLynch, DavidLyons & Malone
MaajunMackay, RabbitMackenzie, Judy
Maclean, BryanMacleod, RobertMad River
Madder LakeMaerz, MarionMagic Band
Magic CarpetMagic CastlesMagic Lanterns, The
Magic MixtureMagic MuscleMagic Mushroom Band, The
Magic RoundaboutMagic Roundabout, TheMagnog
MagusMahogany (Rock)MaidaVale
Majority, TheMalone, WilMammut (70's)
MamuthonesMandrake Memorial, TheMansions, Mini
Manson, CharlesMansunMarcos Resende & Index
Markusfeld, AlainMarriage, Left-HandedMartin's Magic Sounds
Mascots, TheMaseratiMashmakhan
Mason, NickMassiera, Jean-PierraMaster Musicians Of Bukkake
MastonMatadors, The (R&R)Material
Matfield And The PondMay, PhilMaze (US)
Mazzy StarMCCOOL, FYNNMcCulloch, Danny
McDonald, Country JoeMcDonald, ShelaghMcGough & McGear
Mcilwaine, EllenMcLagan, IanMDB
Meehan, KeithMellow CandleMelodien
Melton, BarryMerlin QMerrell And The Exiles
Merrylees, TheMerryweather, NeilMetabolist
MethuselahMichajlov, AngeloMichele - US
Mickey & The HeartbeatsMicky & TommyMIEN
Mighty BabyMikael, St.Mike Gunn, The
Mike Stuart SpanMilan (60s)Miles, Buddy
Millenium, TheMills, CrispianMint Tattoo
Miracle Glass CompanyMirror, TheMisunderstood
Moby GrapeModern ArtMojo Men
Moles (Simon Dupree), TheMontageMontgomery, Roy
MonumentMood SixMoon Duo
MoondogMoonflowers, TheMoonkyte
Moonlandingz, TheMoonriderMoons, Reefus
MoonstoneMoore, JeffMooseheart Faith S G Band
Mops, TheMore, MandyMorgan Music
MorgenMorning DewMorning Glory (US)
Morrigan, TheMorris, GerryMorris, Russell
Morrison, JimMother Earth (60S)Mother Gong
MotorpsychoMount McKinleys, TheMountain Tamer
MournbladeMourning ReignMouse
Mouse & The TrapsMouzakisMove, The
Movements, CrystalizedMoving SidewalksMRR-ADM
MuMurlocs, TheMurphey, Tim
Music Asylum, TheMusic EmporiumMusic Explosion, The
Music MachineMustafa ÖZkent Ve OrkestrasiMustangs, Alien
MutantesMycroft, TimMystic Braves
Mystic SivaMystreated, TheMzylkpop
Naked SunNatural Acoustic BandNazz
Neighb'rhood Childr'nNelson, TracyNerve (Psych), The
New Formula, TheNew Tweedy Brothers, TheNew York Rock Ensemble, The
Nicely, NickNicholls, BillyNiningashi
Nirvana (UK)Nishioka, HowardNoble Krell, The
Nodens IctusNorman Haines Band, TheNova Local, The
NovellsOasis (US)Occasion, The
Occasionally DavidOctober CountryOctopus Syng
OdinOdyssey, TheOggum
Okumoto, RyoOld GoldOn The Seventh Day
On TrialOne In A MillionOne Way Ticket
OneidaOnyx, TheOpal Butterfly
Open Mind, TheOpen RoadOpus [Rock]
OraOrange Alabaster Mushroom, TheOrange Bicycle, The
Oranssi PazuzuORBOrb, Alice's
Orchard, MarbleOroonies, TheOrphan Egg
OrpheusOrwell, PaulOS Mutantes
Oscillation, TheOseOther Half, The
Out HudOut Of DarknessOwls, Fewer
OZ MagazineOzoOzzie
Pacific EardrumPaisleys, ThePalace Of Light, The
Palace Of The KingPanPan (Danish)
Panama Limited Jug BandPapa Bear's Medicine ShowPaper Bubble
Paper Garden, ThePaperhousePAPIR
Par Lindh ProjectParameterParks, Tess
Parlour Band, TheParrett, MichaelParson Red Heads, The
PaxPeacepipePeanut Butter Conspiracy, The
Pearls Before SwinePebbles, ThePeel, David & Lower East Side
Peep Show, ThePeople (Japan)People (US)
Peppermint Trolley, ThePerfect ChildrenPerkins, Polly
Permanent Clear LightPerrey, Jean-JacquesPetals (90S), The
Pete Dello And Friends PfarmersPhase Five
PicaPicadilly LinePiccadilly Circus
Pie, RandyPiel De PuebloPierre Moerlen's Gong
Pinhas, RichardPink Fairies, ThePink Floyd
Plastic CloudPlastic PennyPlastic Penny, The
PlasticlandPlayn Jayn, ThePlease (Psych)
Pošta, FrantišekPoets, The (Irish 60s)Poets, The (UK 60s)
Poisoned Electrick HeadPôlePolice, Brain
Pond (00s)Ponder, SanfordPopera Cosmic
Popol VuhPopol Vuh (Norwegian)Popular Pants People
Portebello ExplosionPositivaPowder [US]
Power Of Beckett, ThePower Of ZeusPower, Serpent
Praise Space ElectricPretty Things, ThePrime Movers, The (UK)
ProcessionPsychedelic Schafferson Jetplane, ThePsychedelic Warriors
Psychic Ills Psychotic YouthPulse, The
PursonPussyPussyfoot, The
Puzzle (1960S)Pyramid, TheQuadrant, Third
QuatrainQuicksilver Messenger ServiceQuiet Jungle, The
Quiet WorldQuiltQuintessence
Quintet TheRadio LuxembourgRadio Moscow (US)
Rain (Psych)Rain ParadeRainbow Ffolly
Rainy DayRakeRamases
Ramblin Johnny Stomach PumpRamsden, NicoRandom Hold
Rapp, TomRare AmberRaven
RayitoRazmatazRebecca And The Sunnybrook Far
Red Chair FadeawayRed Crayola, TheRed Dirt
Red Sox, TheRed Temple SpiritsRedding, Noel
ReflectorRejoiceRelf, Keith
Remos Third EarRetsiem, BokajRhyton
Rice, Larry 'Sunshine'Rice-Milton, TerryRider, Circuit
Riff, NickRitaRobert Lester Folsom
Roches, TheRockin FooRockin' Vickers, The
Rodriguez, SixtoRoger & WendyRogers, Wayne
Roland, PaulRoomRoot, Siena
Rose City BandRose Garden, TheRuben And The Jets
Rugbys, TheRupert's PeopleRussal, Thane
Rustin ManS.C.U.MSacred Mushroom, The
Saddar BazaarSaffron Sect, TheSaga
SagittariusSaint AgnesSaint Steven
Sakamoto, ShintaroSalvation (60s)Samuel Prody
SandalwoodSandoz LimeSands Of Time
Sandy CoastSankofaSapphire Thinkers
SarachoSarofeen And SmokeSaturnalia
Sauterelles, LesSBBSchadel
Schroder, RobertScreaming Tea PartySea Train
Sea-Ders, TheSeagullmenSearch Party, The
Sears, PeteSebastian, KitSeclusions, The
Second HandSecret SquareSeeds, The
Segall, TySeldaSendelica
SerendipitySerfs, TheSexwitch
SFFShadow mannShadows Of Knight, The
Shake AppealShake!, TheShango
Shankar, AnandaSharon WhitbreadSharp, Martin
SheephouseShepherd, AlfieSheshet
Ship Of FoolsShiva's HeadbandShoemaker Levy
Shoes (Dutch Band), TheShubertSilber, Ariel
Silence, TheSilver Apples, TheSimon
SimonesSir Ching ISir Henry (& His Butlers)
Sir Percy QuintetSitar, LordSitting Bull
Sjöblom, RikardSkeletons, DeadSkip Bifferty
Sky SaxonSkybirdSleepwalker
Sleepy SunSlick, GraceSluff
Small FacesSmall, ShiraSmell Of Incense
Smith, BobSmokeSmoke (70s)
Smoke (US), TheSmokehouse, IlmoSmyth, Gilli
Smyth, MordecaiSnakefingerSomeone's Band
Sonic JesusSons Of Champlin, TheSons Of Fred, The
Sopwith CamelSorgini, GiulianoSorrows, The
Soul Benders, TheSound Asleep, TheSound, Pärson
Soundcarriers, TheSounds Of ModificationSouthern Fly
Southwest F.O.B.Space Agency, TheSpace Ritual
Space Spectrum, TheSpaceheadSpacin'
Spades, TheSpectrum, TheSpell (60s)
Spence, SkipSpiderSpiny Anteaters, The
Spiral SkySpiritSpiteri
SpurSpurious TransientsSquare, Paradise
SRCSt. John GreenSt. Valentine's Day Massacre
Staccatos, TheStackStained Glass
Stalk-Forrest Group, TheStanley SteamerStardrive
StaySteam ShuttleStephen David Heitkotter
Steppes, TheStereoscope Jerk ExplosionSteve Colt Paradox
Steve Maxwell Von BraundSteve Took's ShagratStewed
StillrovenStirling, Peter LeeStokes, Simon
Stoltz, KelleyStone CircusStone Pillow
Stone, ElephantStoned CircusStonedelight
Stoney & The Jagged EdgeStorm CorrosionStrand Of Oaks
Strawberry Alarm ClockStrawberry JamStress
StrobeStrollers, TheStromme, Carol
Studio SixStyrenes, TheSubArachnoid Space
Sugar Shoppe, TheSulkSullivan, Jim
Sultana, TashSun ArawSun Dial
Sun, ColdSunday FunniesSundial
Sunset Strip, TheSunshine, J.P.Superfine Dandelion, The
SuperfjordSuperorganismSurfrajettes, The
Swedish Death CandySweet ToothSweetwater
Sylvester Anfang IISyn, TheSynanthesia
SyncrisisSza'vee, CidneyT-H-C Roller
T.P. Orchestre Poly-RythmoTagesTages, The
TakoTales Of JustineTamam Shud
Tame ImpalaTamouzTangerine Peel
Tangerine Zoo, TheTantalus (Folk)Taylor, Dick
Tea & SymphonyTea Company, TheTechnical Space Composers Crew
TelegramTemplesTen Foot Faces
TerenceTerminator XTerry & The Pirates
The Dragons (US)The Holy MackerelThe Infinity Project
The J. & B.The Mickey FinnThe People's Temple
The V.I.P.sThe ValentinesThee
Thee ImageThee Oh SeesThelightshines
Thief, Mid-AirThings To ComeThird Bardo, The
Third Ear BandThird Mind, TheThird Rail, The
Thomas, JeffThomopoulos, AndreasThorinshield
Three Dimensional TanxThree O'Clock, TheThree Souls In My Mind
Three To OneThunderbeats, TheThunderduk
ThusThyrds, TheTiffany Shade, The
Tiger B. SmithTime WastersTimebox
TiñaTintern AbbeyTiny Tim
TinyfishToadToad Hall
Toby TwirlTolman, RussTomorrow
Tomorrow Come SomedayTomorrow's PeopleTono-Bungay
Tonto's Expanding Head BandTopo D. BilTouch (60s)
TR-5Track RecordsTrade Winds, The
Tradewinds (Pop Psych), TheTrafficTragic Mulatto
Trashmen, TheTreatment (Rock)Trees
Tregger, YanTribe Of CroTrimble, Bobb
TripsichordTritonsTropical Fuck Storm
Tropics Of Cancer, TheTropics, TheTrout, The
Troy, DorisTrúbrotTucker, Terry
Tudor LodgeTumor, YvesTuneful Trolley, The
TurbowolfTurner, NikTurtle, Henry
Tuttle, DougTwinkUge
Ultimate SpinachUltra Mates, TheUnauthorised Version, The
Uncle Acid & The DeadbeatsUnderground All-StarsUnderground Set, The
Underground Zer0Undermind, PrimordialUnderneath, The
UnisexUnited States Of America, TheUnited States Of Existence
United States Of Existence TheUnited Travel ServiceUniversal Energy
Unknown Mortal OrchestraUnspoken Word, TheUs And Them
Utopia Strong, TheVacant Lots, TheValenti, Dino
ValhallaVampires Of Dartmoore, TheVarious - Prog & Psych
Various - Soul & FunkVarious-Garage PsychVasant Rai
Vaughan, DavidVeloso, CaetanoVelvet Underground
Velvett FoggVermaVermonster
VesperoVibracathedral OrchestraVibravoid
Vic Conrad And The First ThirdVictor Brox And Annette BroxVictoria
Vidéo-AventuresVillageViolet Woods
Virgin Sleep, TheVisitor 2035Voice Of The Seven Woods
Voomins, TheVoormann, KlausWagner, Adrian
Wakan, KanWalker, FenWall Of Sleep
Wall, WailingWanderers, TheWapassou
Warm DustWarm SoundsWaste Of Space Orchestra
WatchOut!Waterproof Candle, TheWaters, Roger
WavvesWe Fell To EarthWe The People
Weaver, JaneWebWebb, Cassell
WebcoreWegmüller, WalterWelles, Billy
Wendy & BonnieWerth, HowardWest Coast Pop Art Experimenta
West KeithWexler, MikeWheels Of Time
WhichwhatWhistler, Chaucer, Detroit & GWhite Fence
White HeavenWhite HillsWhite Magic
White Noise SoundWhite SailsWhite, Louisa Jane
White, PaulWhoWhyte Horses
Wicked Lady, TheWicked Whispers, TheWildbirds & Peacedrums
Wilde Flowers, TheWildfire (Psych)Wilkinson Tri-Cycle
Willie And The Red Rubber BandWills, MickWimple Winch
Wind In The Willows, TheWindhandWindy & Carl
Witch And The Robot, TheWizards From Kansas, TheWizards Of Twiddly
Wooden O, TheWooden ShjipsWorld Of Oz
WorthlessWovenhandWright, Rick
Writing On The WallWucanWyndrush
Xhol CaravanYaghmaei, KouroshYak
YardbirdsYellow DaysYellow Payges, The
Yester, JerryYo Ho Wah 13Young Sinclairs, The
Young Veins, TheYounghusbandZ.O.U.
ZacchaeusZager & EvansZalatnay, Sarolta
Zappa Plays ZappaZappa, FrankZiguri
Zipps, TheZodiac, TheZOFFF
Zone SixZygoat

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